Why the plat-based push?


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Oct 28, 2020
I don’t know if it is just me but it seems like there is a major push for plant based diets. All the “impossible” burgers, fake meat products…all the work to bioengineer a product that will look like it is bleeding-ugh. The push for methane reduction under the guise of helping the climate. It just feels like something bigger is going on. Hoping the very smart people on this forum might have insight. In terms of global reset-how would this play into that?


Mar 2, 2021
Because the media, which has hundreds of outlets is really all coming from one source. There is no true diversity in media. The appearance of multiple voices is a trick.

Deleted member 5487

I don’t know if it is just me but it seems like there is a major push for plant based diets. All the “impossible” burgers, fake meat products…all the work to bioengineer a product that will look like it is bleeding-ugh. The push for methane reduction under the guise of helping the climate. It just feels like something bigger is going on. Hoping the very smart people on this forum might have insight. In terms of global reset-how would this play into that?
Cui Bono?

Who benefits.

BG(initials)s owns 250k acres of farmland
Bayer Monsanto-Synergic-Cargil-Agribusiness

Control the food, control the people



Forum Supporter
Oct 28, 2020
Cui Bono?

Who benefits.

BG(initials)s owns 250k acres of farmland
Bayer Monsanto-Synergic-Cargil-Agribusiness

Control the food, control the people

This is absolutely frightening information. Pair this with everything going on with the pandemic, the future is out of our control.

Deleted member 5487

This is absolutely frightening information. Pair this with everything going on with the pandemic, the future is out of our control.
That's not the spirit. It is in our control.
Purchase From farmers markets, not agrobusiness. Buy meat from local farmers. Own chickens in your back yard. Bank locally. Use cash.

Don't have to do this all at once, just over time.


That's not the spirit. It is in our control.
Purchase From farmers markets, not agrobusiness. Buy meat from local farmers. Own chickens in your back yard. Bank locally. Use cash.

Don't have to do this all at once, just over time.
This. How do you learn how to keep chickens though, lol. What do you do with them in the winter, keep them in your house?


Jan 26, 2020
This. How do you learn how to keep chickens though, lol. What do you do with them in the winter, keep them in your house?
There are breeds that are more suitable to colder climates. Of course they should have chicken coop.


Apr 24, 2019
I don’t know if it is just me but it seems like there is a major push for plant based diets. All the “impossible” burgers, fake meat products…all the work to bioengineer a product that will look like it is bleeding-ugh. The push for methane reduction under the guise of helping the climate. It just feels like something bigger is going on. Hoping the very smart people on this forum might have insight. In terms of global reset-how would this play into that?
i think about this all the time. and also how the packaging for these products also resembles the branding for dating/psychology/weight management/mental health apps and journalism about the importance of workplace diversity and inclusivity etc. I'm not going on a conservative rant here but just pointing out that these are visual cascades to attract people looking for an answer to a spiritual problem so they can market an entire lifestyle to them and hyper-categorise them while maintaining the illusion they are making informed, ethical, individual choices which are totally empowering and progressive and totally not just extremely well-performing surveillance and data collection. jaded?

It seems to me a massive shift in the dynamic away from the masculine/local/regional/outdoors/manual and physical labour-dominant system of survival towards a feminine/global/urban/indoors/abstract and verbal dominant system. Each of these clusters of things is consistent within itself, i.e. meat is a better source of energy for the first lifestyle's demands. And related to this, women now have far more purchasing power than yesteryear and influence in what is purchased to feed their family (in Western countries at least) so much of the marketing of these alternative products/lifestyles plays into a kind of established pattern of marketing towards women which preys on vulnerabilities around weight, age, temperament, femininity, cleanliness etc. Men make less executive choices for their families from what i can see.

but i suspect it has much to do with far lower input costs for producers and economies of scale in the places where meat alternatives are grown. subsidies for the farms, ease of transportation and storage, less ethical issues being exposed or coming to light for the companies to deal with. economically a no-brainer less effort involved in rearing plants vs. animals.

the touted health effects are almost always short-term and usually come from weight loss or fibre expelling toxic build up from the body. most vegetarians or vegans i know fairly rapidly degenerate into a state where they lose their libido, drive, ingenuity, excitement and tenacity and become docile, quiet, introverted, self-righteous and self-hating. not to mention the more obvious physical health problems. Most vegetarian men have a more feminine appearance and a weak, disinterested affect. Many are liable to drug addiction and i suspect much of the psychedelic usage is not an instigator of the lifestyle but a solution to it. And I also feel like it kind of relates to the whole free-love, hippy mentality and the pervasiveness of the friendly weakness archetype whose own depressiveness and inner indecisiveness/lack of connection to themselves and the environment is counteracted by excessive tolerance, escapism, vague psychedelic sentimentality and lack of serious intellectual thought masquerading as open-mindedness. I think the negative epigenetic effects of the first generation of hippies is becoming quite apparent now at least.

not to mention, i think much of this is a major effect of urbanisation, in the way that people are more and more disconnected from the livestock or production processes that they are purportedly trying to outlaw or overhaul but also in that rapid or unlimited urbanisation creates unnatural 'solutions' around the issues of supply and demand it creates, and marketing does the necessary desensitisation of the audience required to sell them the solution. it's just true that the majority of people lack the faculty to a) connect the dots as to the psychological/social/spiritual problems they witness daily with the types of things they eat, drink, see and do or b) end up being part of a group in society that is left behind because of endless adaptation, technological development and obsolescence, moral ambivalence and 'progress' ideology. Many people just like the novelty of these products and don't want to feel out of date or simple, a kind of attitude which has been accelerated by stuff like vlogging and influencer culture.

i feel like a foot-soldier for the dairy industry by even continuing to consume dairy and talk about its benefits and how good it makes me feel. haha.

prescribing to a particular rigid ideal that you can or cannot eat or consume certain things at any times is so symbolic of how flagellating and self-hating people can be, and how consumption habits becomes a mask for not being able to make tough decisions or resolve complex ethical or spiritual decisions within yourself or make meaningful choices in your own life or relate to your ancestry. i grew up on a dairy farm in australia and know that the animals were healthy and placid and i think seeing in the flesh the relationship between the farmer and the animal respected and upheld makes me realise how little most people who live in cities really know about survival, or how abstract it has become to many in this era.

eventually the type of deluded self-righteousness that makes people think not eating meat makes them a better person is going to shift the parameters of health into a different direction namely sexual performance and mental health issues will become more medicalised than ever. already these like 'discreet' medical services for men which puts you on a subscription plan for erectile dysfunction and balding treatments indicates where things are headed. Sexual categories becoming more obsolete. Soylent Green but less overt.

That's just what i think. I'm not arguing for a full-scale return to pioneer days where women were baby-making machines who couldn't go to shops without a chaperone, and i don't think the solution is men becoming obsessed with body-building and their appearance, increasing manliness to the point it becomes a parody of masculinity which borders on grotesque, and also degrades the actual complexities of being a man, and eating ***t quality beef mince all the time. all of these extremities are manifestations of the same affliction: being spiritually and socially lost, morally at sea and either overly dogmatic or overly passive, and succumbing to the influences that be which categorise you into ever shrinking spaces with their own acceptable views, products, appearances, mannerisms, beliefs.

i'm not even going to mention climate change because on a political level that discussion is sadly already over with a decisive victory by the alarmists. So many missed opportunities and missed points.

Deleted member 5487

This. How do you learn how to keep chickens though, lol. What do you do with them in the winter, keep them in your house?
You could learn it in a afternoon on google/youtube. I am in the south. But my friends family does it and the yolks are almost dark dark orange and just nutrient bombs.


You could learn it in a afternoon on google/youtube. I am in the south. But my friends family does it and the yolks are almost dark dark orange and just nutrient bombs.
That sounds delicious. I've never eaten a yolk that dark.

My main concern would be ticks attaching to chickens since there are a lot in the grass here in the north. Do chickens get Lyme?


Forum Supporter
Oct 28, 2020
That's not the spirit. It is in our control.
Purchase From farmers markets, not agrobusiness. Buy meat from local farmers. Own chickens in your back yard. Bank locally. Use cash.

Don't have to do this all at once, just over time.
Good advice. Thanks! You are right-at least in our lifetime this should help. Long-term, It is going to be very hard to compete with the uber rich pushing for global reset. Keep the population over-medicated, eating crap food, that you can control. I do think the shift from manly men is real as well. Eat that soy and keep the estrogen flowing!
Dec 8, 2018
The Netherlands
I don’t know if it is just me but it seems like there is a major push for plant based diets. All the “impossible” burgers, fake meat products…all the work to bioengineer a product that will look like it is bleeding-ugh. The push for methane reduction under the guise of helping the climate. It just feels like something bigger is going on. Hoping the very smart people on this forum might have insight. In terms of global reset-how would this play into that?

A plant based diet is one of many tools which lower life expectancy. Restricting the burning of fossil fuels is another popular method for lowering life expectancy. Dependence on medication also lowers life expectancy.

You see, pensioners who don't hurry up and die after leaving the labour force can be very expensive for governments skilled at fiscal mismanagement.


Dec 8, 2020
Actual plant-based, as in "whole food plant-based" (WFPB) is a good thing. The processed meat replacements and PUFA oils are trash. With that being said, exclusively WFPB is only really doable long-term with our modern amenities. The ability to get certain nutrients as supplements makes WFPB feasible. I don't necessarily think that any particular diet is ideal just because you can get it from meat and dairy, etc. It's only ideal for those that don't have access to modern amenities. So, if you live in a jungle in South America, eating exclusively WFPB is not ideal because you will eventually end up with deficiencies in certain nutrients. It would be better if you ate 90% WFPB and 10% meats to ensure that you don't develop deficiencies in things like B12, K2, possibly choline, etc.


Oct 6, 2020
The ability to get certain nutrients as supplements makes WFPB feasible. I don't necessarily think that any particular diet is ideal just because you can get it from meat and dairy, etc. It's only ideal for those that don't have access to modern amenities.

Isnt that kinda contradictory?

I mean with supplements you can make any diet sorta kinda work ... If we completly disregard and leave out peoples individual microbiome, genes and food tolerances ofcourse ...


Jun 20, 2019
This is absolutely frightening information. Pair this with everything going on with the pandemic, the future is out of our control.
Go to the World Economic Forum, research UN Agenda 21 and 30. Rosa Koire interviews. This the diabolical take-over of the world via Globalist cabal. They've probably opened up the gates of hell at Cern.


Dec 8, 2020
Isnt that kinda contradictory?

I mean with supplements you can make any diet sorta kinda work ... If we completly disregard and leave out peoples individual microbiome, genes and food tolerances ofcourse ...
No, it's not. People tend to want to idealize what should or shouldn't be eaten based on the fact that certain nutrients are more prevalent in meat or dairy or plants than one or the other and say that, for example, since you can't get vitamin B12 from plants in any significant amount, this is proof that you should or are meant to eat meat. I don't see it this way. I have a very high maintenance diet. It takes a lot of effort and time to ensure that I get everything I need on a daily basis. However, in return, I have an extremely low inflammatory burden and a greater surplus of energy.

We now live in a world where we can pick and choose the most efficient ways to get all the nutrients we need, whether through food or supplements. Before the industrial era, we had no choice but to eat certain foods in order to survive and be as healthy as possible because we didn't have the advanced accumulated biochemical knowledge we collectively have now. Some of those food choices were only ideal because they were the only choice. Now, in our modern world, I can get an intravenous infusion of vitamin c. Is that bad because it isn't natural? Certainly not. The truth is that we don't live in an ideal world and you're going to make compromises in one way or another depending on what you eat. If you choose to eat a WFPB diet, you're going to spend more time eating to get the calories you need and you'll probably need to put in more effort and time into preparing foods and ensuring that you're getting everything you need, nutritionally. However, the benefit is that (assuming you're not consuming fried foods or PUFA oils) you'll have a much lower inflammatory burden on the body than if you were consuming meats and dairy.

It's all about your body's ability to produce cellular energy. The amount of energy your body has is a function of the amount of chemical energy you take in (food), minus the amount of energy required for that chemical energy to be converted into something useful to the body, minus your systemic load... the amount of energy generally required for you to exist. Everything I do and consume is based on how to maximize the net energy surplus of the body in this equation. I eat foods that are very easy to digest, low in calories, highly nutrient dense, and as low as possible in inflammatory load.

So, the metrics I use to choose what I eat are:

1. what is the net or overall energetic effect the food has on the body? This can be thought of as the amount of energy required to digest or turn the food into something useful to the body subtracted from the amount of energy it actually gets from that food. So...

(energetic value of the food) - (energetic "cost" of the food) = net energy gain/loss

This doesn't just apply to the digestion of food, but also downstream effects. If you consume something that contains things that are harmful and cause inflammation, this "costs" additional energy because your body has to dispatch resources to take care of that inflammation. This is also why when you are younger, you can abuse your body more and not see immediate negative consequences... because your body's biological machinery are in peak condition and the body's cells produce more than enough energy to handle whatever burden is thrown their way. However, continued abuse causes gradual cellular senescence and the cells "forget" how to properly function and don't produce energy as they once did.

2. what useful or essential biochemicals/minerals/nutrients do you get from the food?

I choose what I eat to maximize both of these elements, including supplements. So, as an example, if I had to choose between eating sunflower seeds or sprouted sunflower microgreens, I would choose the microgreens. The reasoning behind this is that: take for example, the fats in sunflower seeds... for them to be useful, my body will have to break down the fats into fatty acids that the body will be able to utilize. If I let the sunflower seeds sprout into microgreens, I allow that natural process to break down the fats for me so that I don't have to do it and it doesn't "cost" me energy. Likewise, if I have to choose between cooked lentils or sprouted lentil microgreens, I would pick the microgreens because the sprouting will break down the proteins in the lentils to amino acids and shorter peptides... less work for my body. In addition, also consider that you're not denaturing proteins or fats into something that might potentially be not very useful.


Dec 8, 2020
With all that being said, if I lived in the wilderness, I would certainly be eating meat. I'm not against it... I don't have some dogmatic reason like "save the animals" or anything ridiculous. I choose what I eat to maximize my quality of life and based on what's accessible to me, but not necessarily based on what's most convenient.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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