Trigeminal Neuralgia Help


Nov 29, 2017
hey everyone,

My father has been dealing with trigeminal neuralgia for a large portion of his life....He has been treated several times by freezing the nerve and it seems to last for a while until it wears off or stress triggers a flare up. He is also a celiac for some additional information....I’m pretty sure endotoxin/estrogen/cortisol and serotonin are largely involved in this and I’ve tried explaining it to but he’s old school and doesn’t listen much. Any suggestions to alleviate some of the pain? I feel for him.

I’m thinking about getting him on some glycine for starters as I have read an interesting study about its effectiveness...Was also thinking, l theanine, taurine and Pau d’arco/MB. Am I heading in the right direction?

In advance I sincerely thank y’all for your consideration and responses :)


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
hey everyone,

My father has been dealing with trigeminal neuralgia for a large portion of his life....He has been treated several times by freezing the nerve and it seems to last for a while until it wears off or stress triggers a flare up. He is also a celiac for some additional information....I’m pretty sure endotoxin/estrogen/cortisol and serotonin are largely involved in this and I’ve tried explaining it to but he’s old school and doesn’t listen much. Any suggestions to alleviate some of the pain? I feel for him.

I’m thinking about getting him on some glycine for starters as I have read an interesting study about its effectiveness...Was also thinking, l theanine, taurine and Pau d’arco/MB. Am I heading in the right direction?

In advance I sincerely thank y’all for your consideration and responses :)

At this point, I believe GABA drugs treat nerve pain. Lamictal, Lyrica, Nuerontin. So GABA friendly supplements make sense.


Nov 29, 2017
so just to bring this back up...i have my dad trying various supps in hopes that something works for the long term... He was using gabapentin which seemed to help at first but doesnt do a whole lot now other then help him sleep. any other suggestions? @haidut sorry to tag you specifically when there are many helpful suggestions from other users already so far...just wondering if you had any suggestions?


Nov 29, 2017
For those of you that are suffering from TN or know somebody who is... check out RP’s advice for dealing with it. I emailed him yesterday and got a response today :) He’s one of a kind

“Normalizing vitamin D and thyroid, and having a high ratio of calcium to phosphate in the diet are important for minimizing inflammation. I had something that was related to trigeminal neuralgia (intermittent intense pain in different areas of the face, but with arterial distension), that disappeared immediately with a pregnenolone supplement. The effect of 300 mg lasted for 10 days.
The antihistamines have been used, also local anesthetics, which tend to have overlapping antihistamine actions, and some antiviral effects. Cyproheptadine is very helpful for bowel sensitivity. A daily raw carrot (olive oil improves the effect) helps to suppress bacterial overgrowth. 10% to 20% solutions of lidocaine or benzocaine have been used topically for relieving the facial pain, but when enough skin is covered, the systemic effect can be curative instead of just palliative. The systemic effect on the intestine can break a cycle of inflammation.”


New Member
Dec 22, 2019
For those of you that are suffering from TN or know somebody who is... check out RP’s advice for dealing with it. I emailed him yesterday and got a response today :) He’s one of a kind

“Normalizing vitamin D and thyroid, and having a high ratio of calcium to phosphate in the diet are important for minimizing inflammation. I had something that was related to trigeminal neuralgia (intermittent intense pain in different areas of the face, but with arterial distension), that disappeared immediately with a pregnenolone supplement. The effect of 300 mg lasted for 10 days.
The antihistamines have been used, also local anesthetics, which tend to have overlapping antihistamine actions, and some antiviral effects. Cyproheptadine is very helpful for bowel sensitivity. A daily raw carrot (olive oil improves the effect) helps to suppress bacterial overgrowth. 10% to 20% solutions of lidocaine or benzocaine have been used topically for relieving the facial pain, but when enough skin is covered, the systemic effect can be curative instead of just palliative. The systemic effect on the intestine can break a cycle of inflammation.”

My sister's doctors are still trying to diagnose her but she may have TN. She's experiencing extreme pain frequently, and MRI turned up nothing - everyone is quite worried about her. Passing along this info to her either way. Has your dad implemented any changes and seen improvements?

thank you.


Nov 29, 2017
Not yet. I’m waiting for the lidocaine powder and spray to start testing it out. He has some serious gut problems so I’m trying to help him resolve those and focus on pain management at the same time. I have hopes though


Feb 13, 2016
For those of you that are suffering from TN or know somebody who is... check out RP’s advice for dealing with it. I emailed him yesterday and got a response today :) He’s one of a kind

“Normalizing vitamin D and thyroid, and having a high ratio of calcium to phosphate in the diet are important for minimizing inflammation. I had something that was related to trigeminal neuralgia (intermittent intense pain in different areas of the face, but with arterial distension), that disappeared immediately with a pregnenolone supplement. The effect of 300 mg lasted for 10 days.
The antihistamines have been used, also local anesthetics, which tend to have overlapping antihistamine actions, and some antiviral effects. Cyproheptadine is very helpful for bowel sensitivity. A daily raw carrot (olive oil improves the effect) helps to suppress bacterial overgrowth. 10% to 20% solutions of lidocaine or benzocaine have been used topically for relieving the facial pain, but when enough skin is covered, the systemic effect can be curative instead of just palliative. The systemic effect on the intestine can break a cycle of inflammation.”

I don't have this same issue but in Peat's response the things he's recommending are the same things that he recommends for the issues that I have, so I'm guessing the root cause of both is similar (endotoxin leading to excess aromatization in turn leading to a shut down of steroidogenesis and systemic inflammation, poor repair of nerves/tissues).

He mentions that vitamin D/thyroid breaks the loop but I hadn't been able to make vit D work for months until now, when I tried cyproheptadine, donated blood and ate a bit of beef liver to increase my copper relative to iron. I think something clicked because I took 200,000 IU in the past 24 hours without hypercalcemic symptoms whereas in the past even 4000 IU would make me manic. I can literally feel my joints starting to heal and I'm guessing my other issues are starting to heal too.

I think 200,000 IU was overdoing it because I feel slightly high/intoxicated but it's a different kind of feeling than the hypercalcemic feeling I had before.

Just wanted to mention that in case you had already tried upping vit D for healing and weren't getting any results. I think Jeff Bowles has some interesting books on how vitamin D is the essential vitamin/hormone for all type of tissue regeneration. His writing style is a bit overenthusiastic lol but the overall message makes sense to me.


Nov 29, 2017
So my father’s trigeminal neuralgia has gotten better over the last couple of weeks. Thank God!!!

I’m sure it’s a combination of things (lowered stress, eating better etc) but I’ve given him agmatine sulfate and he has been consistently taking about a daily. Again, not sure if this is one of the main reasons for it getting better but for anyone suffering (or knows somebody who suffers from it), maybe worth it try...


Jun 20, 2015
I have once been told by two physicians that they suspected trigeminal neuralgia. In my case there was a vicious cycle involved: inflammation - pain - tension - more pain - more tension... I was given an antibiotic for the inflammation. I also got a strong muscle relaxant (a benzo) to be able to sleep. (I had the best sleep in my life with this stuff). It took almost a week to resolve, but it did eventually.

I hope that your relatives find something that helps them.


Jul 23, 2018
There is always the option of killing the nerve, with dehydrated alcohol, gamma knife etc...

I know its only symptomatic treatment, but TN pain is so bad that it has been dubbed “the suicide disease”.


Forum Supporter
Aug 4, 2017
I had what was probably trigeminal nerve pain when I had an abscesses tooth. Once the tooth was pulled and the infection gone I no longer had the pain. It was tooth number 15.


Oct 10, 2013
I had what was probably trigeminal nerve pain when I had an abscesses tooth. Once the tooth was pulled and the infection gone I no longer had the pain. It was tooth number 15.
I wonder if I have that problem 😭
I had a cracked tooth pulled on Thursday (today is Sunday) which had been causing me a lot of pain, but I am still having pain, specifically shooting pains on the surface area of my skull above my ear. I have a bridge in my upper jaw above where the tooth was pulled and I am worried there is an infection somewhere there. I hope not! With any luck, this pain is related to the extraction and will wear off eventually.

So annoying.
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