Too much thyroid too soon, but I feel great?


Aug 12, 2015
I got my Thiroyd shipment just over two weeks ago and started with 1/2 a tablet, after a few days and not feeling any different I up to 1/2 a tablet twice a day (morning and after lunch).

After a fortnight and not noticing a huge difference I upped to 1 tablet in the morning, 1/2 at lunch and 1/2 in the late afternoon. I feel really warm and energetic after taking a whole pill, my performance in the gym improved and my skin is looking great.

I've read a few of Charlie's posts about overdoing it too soon and I guess I'm worried I'm about to suddenly crash from taking too much. People are talking about taking 1/8 of a tablet for 2 weeks before upgrading to 1/2 whereas I jumped to 2 whole tablets after 2 weeks.

Has anyone else done something like this? Should I cut back and stay at a lower dose for a few months even though I feel good at 2 grains? thanks


Oct 5, 2014
Are you taking cynoplus or a different thyroid? If your supplement has t4, that will take 2 weeks to build up in your tissues before the effect of that dose is actually felt. From t3 you can notice a slight boost in the short term, but I think that thyroid benefits are mostly felt after eating compared with something like caffeine which you feel immediately.

What are your temps/pulse? These are very important to monitor to see how you are reacting to supplements that increase your metabolism. And, with more t4 in your system, eating more frequently, and potentially more calories should make a difference. With the high dosages that you are taking it can be very easy to overdo it and speed the metabolism up more than your body can handle which can require eating even 1/2 a days worth of extra food to stop the adrenaline. I think it is better to use more caffeine, aspirin, vitamin A, b vitamins and other supplements in combinations with multiple dosages throughout the day, with just a little bit of thyroid, instead of trying to fully boost the metabolism with only thyroid.


Jan 12, 2014
It may catch up to you. But remember ....perceive think act. To me, that means you need to ask yourself if you need it, rather than subscribe to a scheduled routine. I think you are safe at two grains, that's pretty standard for Where people end up.


Mar 29, 2014
Sea said:
post 105364 If your supplement has t4, that will take 2 weeks to build up in your tissues before the effect of that dose is actually felt. From t3 you can notice a slight boost in the short term, ...

What are your temps/pulse? These are very important to monitor to see how you are reacting to supplements that increase your metabolism.

I'm going more from reading than experience, but htis is how it seems to me.
If you take more than your body currently wants for some reason (eg there is short supply of some important nutrient), you run the risk that it will take action to reduce metabolism down to a level it considers safer. For instance, one mechanism is to increase reverse T3, which blocks T3. I think this or other defensive responses may be why some people feel great for a week or two when they start supplementing, and then back to where they were before. Once rT3 is high it's a bit trickier to get it down and get dosing right, than just taking it slowly to begin with. Increasing more gradually, supplying adequate nutrition to support increased demand (all the nutrients including calories), and monitoring your temperature, you can stop when you get to a normal body temp, and hopefully avoid reactive suppression.

If I were you now, I would drop back to 1/2 tablet split into 2-3 or more doses, and monitor temps for three weeks before considering whether another increase is needed. If it is, then just add another 1/4 tablet/day for another 3-4 weeks. If temps go above normal, I'd drop back to even less.
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Aug 12, 2015
I'm taking "thiroyd" the NDT not cynplus.

My temps are pretty inconsistent and I haven't seen much of a pattern which has made me lazy with taking them, when I first started peating I was around 36.0-36.5 degrees, after a year of peating I'm at ~37.0. I haven't taken my temp since starting NDT but I definitely feel warmer, my hands and feet especially. It could be cold outside but after a 1grain dosage I feel really warm and energetic.

Pulse is usually 60-70bpm give or take a few, after thyroid it can reach 80 quite easily, but it's not an uncomfortable feeling like the heart rate increase from adrenaline.

I think I'll start again at 1/2 a grain to be safe.


Mar 29, 2014
DankMemes said:
post 105487 when I first started peating I was around 36.0-36.5 degrees, after a year of peating I'm at ~37.0.
That looks like success to me. :) You may not need to supplement much. Probably worth recording pulse a long with temps while you are adjusting to supplement. Pulse increase can lag behind temp.
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Aug 5, 2015
For 1wk I jumped on glandular thyroid, aprox 2grains. WoW...really works!
Then.. i caught a Peat interview stating thyroid supplement is inappropriate for person with Low Cholesterol. I went straight to my lab results, showing exactly that!
107-133 total Cholest. over last 4yr labs. Gotta raise my cholest, Then will Start with 1/2grain dose thyroid glandular.
Just FYI thyroid uses cholesterol


Nov 29, 2022
I'm taking "thiroyd" the NDT not cynplus.

My temps are pretty inconsistent and I haven't seen much of a pattern which has made me lazy with taking them, when I first started peating I was around 36.0-36.5 degrees, after a year of peating I'm at ~37.0. I haven't taken my temp since starting NDT but I definitely feel warmer, my hands and feet especially. It could be cold outside but after a 1grain dosage I feel really warm and energetic.

Pulse is usually 60-70bpm give or take a few, after thyroid it can reach 80 quite easily, but it's not an uncomfortable feeling like the heart rate increase from adrenaline.

I think I'll start again at 1/2 a grain to be safe.
Did this ever catch up with you!
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