The barebones of COVID: do you agree with this?


Jan 16, 2021
Would i shut down the world because of it? Would i lock healthy people away, quaranteen, contact trace, force choke people with swabs? Have them wear health hazardoures face diapers all day long and shrub their hands with disinfectants till they bleed? Hell nooo. People are insane and goverments have gone mad. Not sure why we need to discuss the validity of corona anymore and instead use our energy and time to start stopping the madness that is our society and politics and change the world into something that is not akin to klaus schwabs retarded vision of "you'll own nothing and be happy"
If only more people who went through this thought like you.


May 27, 2017
United Kingdom
Both me and my brother agree that this was the worst kind of flu we've ever had and we realy felt like "dying". White blood cell count was insanely low and doctors had no idea "what that is" or was.
Both my sister's had this and said the same. Both are stoic but both said they thought they might die.


May 27, 2017
United Kingdom
Would i shut down the world because of it? Would i lock healthy people away, quaranteen, contact trace, force choke people with swabs? Have them wear health hazardoures face diapers all day long and shrub their hands with disinfectants till they bleed? Hell nooo. People are insane and goverments have gone mad. Not sure why we need to discuss the validity of corona anymore and instead use our energy and time to start stopping the madness that is our society and politics and change the world into something that is not akin to klaus schwabs retarded vision of "you'll own nothing and be happy"
Completely agree.


Sep 9, 2019
Look buddy, please just approach all of my posts as pure opinion pieces and act accordingly. I don't have to prove my opinions. So, stop wasting my time or you're going straight to my ignore list, which would be a shame as many of your other posts, those that aren't your specific brand of pure sophistry or pseudo-theory, can be interesting. The pure contrarian has the easiest job of them all, as he has to prove nothing, ever. Contrarian theories "explain everything, anything, and nothing - all at the same time." You owe yourself, or at least the readers of this forum, a bit more intellectual honesty. In my opinion.


Aug 10, 2018
After watching this I remain unconvinced by their arguments. Have you seen the following study, for example?

And then, there is this, which was referenced in the substack article I posted previously.

This study should cause everyone who believes in the precautionary principle to seriously reconsider vaccinating young children. In theory, coronavirus-naive children who are given the gene therapies would have their immune systems trained (potentially) for life (original antigenic sin) to respond with very narrow anti-spike antibodies (to the original Wuhan-strain spike) to all future contact with any coronavirus.


Apr 13, 2014
Disagreed. Been around hundreds of people closely that are vaccinated and didn’t have any issues
Are you sure? How would you know for certain if your body has suffered adverse reactions to being around the vaxxed if the symptoms are very subtle. You have and are surviving around the vaxxed but it is very possible your body has been impacted.

I have had some strange things happen after all of my co-workers became vaxxed. I am the only one not vaxxed. For a few months I had very dark black bruises on my lower legs. So black that there was no normal explanation of how I got them. I attribute them to being around the vaxxed. Did they affect my body in ways I don't understand? Possibly.


Sep 24, 2016
Are you sure? How would you know for certain if your body has suffered adverse reactions to being around the vaxxed if the symptoms are very subtle. You have and are surviving around the vaxxed but it is very possible your body has been impacted.

I have had some strange things happen after all of my co-workers became vaxxed. I am the only one not vaxxed. For a few months I had very dark black bruises on my lower legs. So black that there was no normal explanation of how I got them. I attribute them to being around the vaxxed. Did they affect my body in ways I don't understand? Possibly.

Obviously one can’t be 100% sure if you argue that there might be „subtle“ symptoms so subtle that I don’t notice anything.

But I have noticed no negative physiological occurrences or changes since the vaccination started.

I wouldn’t necessarily attribute small or strange physiological alterations happening in the meantime to the vax anyway. Our organism is subject to uncountable influences and is always in a homeostatic struggle


Sep 9, 2019
I wouldn’t necessarily attribute small or strange physiological alterations happening in the meantime to the vax anyway. Our organism is subject to uncountable influences and is always in a homeostatic struggle
Exactly this.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
I think the effects of shedding depend upon dose and host (shedee). The higher the dose and/or more sensitive the host, the greater the effect. That's the only conclusion that I can come to based on most people not experiencing symptoms, yet on the other hand the 2 military academy women cooped up together in the same room 24/7 with two other women, one of whom had just gotten the shot an hour or so earlier, who got sick, one with shingles (how many young people get shingles?) and the other was hospitalized with pericarditis and a blood clot in her leg.


Sep 9, 2019
I think the effects of shedding depend upon dose and host (shedee). The higher the dose and/or more sensitive the host, the greater the effect. That's the only conclusion that I can come to based on most people not experiencing symptoms, yet on the other hand the 2 military academy women cooped up together in the same room 24/7 with two other women, one of whom had just gotten the shot an hour or so earlier, who got sick, one with shingles (how many young people get shingles?) and the other was hospitalized with pericarditis and a blood clot in her leg.
I'm regularly sleeping with a double Pfizer recipient who had a noticeable but temporary flu like reaction to both doses. I'm also around friends, family and colleagues who are injection recipients only a few of whom had no reaction, not to mention the public at large. I gave the ones I care for deeply truth and advised them not to, they did it anyway.

The state of the organism I'm occupying is as always a consequence of my environment and behaviour. I'm not seeing any consequence that could be attributed to this situation and have taken no additional prophylactic actions beyond my usual due care and attention in line with RP's ideas.

If we avoid each other they get one of the things they want. This whole thing is a multilevel deception. Be well.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
I'm regularly sleeping with a double Pfizer recipient who had a noticeable but temporary flu like reaction to both doses. I'm also around friends, family and colleagues who are injection recipients only a few of whom had no reaction, not to mention the public at large. I gave the ones I care for deeply truth and advised them not to, they did it anyway.

The state of the organism I'm occupying is as always a consequence of my environment and behaviour. I'm not seeing any consequence that could be attributed to this situation and have taken no additional prophylactic actions beyond my usual due care and attention in line with RP's ideas.

If we avoid each other they get one of the things they want. This whole thing is a multilevel deception. Be well.

Were you in the same room with any of those people within an hour of their injections 24/7 (literally) for a week, as the 2 military academy women who got seriously ill were? Even then two of the four did not get seriously ill (the injected and one non-injected). So like I said, it seems to be dependent upon dose and host.
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Sep 9, 2019
Were you in the same room with any of those people within an hour of their injections 24/7 (literally) for weeks, as the 2 military academy women who got seriously ill were? Even then two of the four did not get seriously ill (the injected and one non-injected). So like I said, it seems to be dependent upon dose and host.
Yes in the case of family, friends and colleagues. I also slept with my girl 48 hours after receipt of her second dose while she still had a "headache". No sex that night, I just held her while shooting the breeze.

I don't mean to discount yours or others experiences, only counterbalance them. This will be controversial around here but there is something to be said for strength of mind in my experience, particularly when you're around sick people (psychologically or physiologically). To have consented to receive one of these injections is in my view a kind of psychological sickness. What you fear is more likely to consume you.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Yes in the case of family, friends and colleagues. I also slept with my girl 48 hours after receipt of her second dose while she still had a "headache". No sex that night, I just held her while shooting the breeze.

So you were in the same room 24/7 for a week with family, friends and colleagues who had just received their injections less than one hour earlier? Color me skeptical.


Sep 9, 2019
So you were in the same room 24/7 for a week with family, friends and colleagues who had just received their injections less than one hour earlier? Color me skeptical.
By all means be sceptical sir. But if we're talking about a danger that acute and fleeting, we may as well not discuss it at all.

My housemate is one of these people.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
By all means be sceptical sir. But if we're talking about a danger that acute and fleeting, we may as well not discuss it at all.

My housemate is one of these people.

Housemate or not, you're not being forthcoming or honest IMO by not clarifying your situation vis-a-vis the scenario I described, i.e., 24/7 for one week, same room, 1 hour after vaccination. It's like you have an opinion that wants to ride roughshod over my points. This to me is very concerning:

Here is an example. I am currently investigating a group of 4 girls in a military academy that have been on strict lockdown since January 2020. They are only allowed to socialize in their tiny cohort and live in a 4-bed dormitory. None of the girls had COVID-19 in the past nor have tested positive for antibodies. One of the girls opted to get the Pfizer mRNA vaccine due to pressure from her parents. Within 45 minutes of receiving the injection, she returned to the dorm feeling unwell, and had to lay down. Within 24 hours, 2 of her roommates spiked fevers. One of them had additional respiratory symptoms consisting of shortness of breath and dry cough, and the other, headaches and extremity pain. These symptoms persisted for 5-6 days. On day 7 one of the non-vaccinated girls presented with a full-blown shingles outbreak, and the other with chest pains and acute leg pain, warranting a visit to the emergency department. She was later diagnosed with pericarditis and a blood clot in her leg.



Sep 9, 2019
Housemate or not, you're not being forthcoming or honest IMO by not clarifying your situation vis-a-vis the scenario I described, i.e., 24/7 for one week, same room, 1 hour after vaccination. It's like you have an opinion that wants to ride roughshod over my points. This to me is very concerning:

It's quite a ridiculous question to be honest sir. Even more so now, knowing it's not a personal to you.

I occupy the same dwelling as a recipient, sleep regularly with a recipient, work every weekday with recipients and apply no caution to regular contact with recipient family and friends. That's as specific as I can get in all honesty, my life is not clockwork.

If your point is to advise others to not be in the same room with a recipient 24/7 for one week beginning 1 hour after receipt and that all other scenarios are fine, I'm happy to agree to agree.

One more thing, this isn't a vaccine.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
It's quite a ridiculous question to be honest sir. Even more so now, knowing it's not a personal to you.

I occupy the same dwelling as a recipient, sleep regularly with a recipient, work every weekday with recipients and apply no caution to regular contact with recipient family and friends. That's as specific as I can get in all honesty, my life is not clockwork.

If your point is to advise others to not be in the same room with a recipient 24/7 for one week beginning 1 hour after receipt and that all other scenarios are fine, I'm happy to agree to agree.

One more thing, this isn't a vaccine.

So in other words, not 24/7 for one week, same room, 1 hour after vaccination. You could have said that from the beginning instead of obfuscating to try to bolster your point. My point is, based on that anecdote, that pathogenic shedding does appear to occur. How concerned we need to be about that is another matter, which seems to be your point.
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