Low Toxin Lifestyle Solar Flare Reports, Forecasts, Detox Events, Did You Feel it?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Perusing the Ray Peat groups this morning I noticed someone made a solar flare thread asking if anyone got sick in the last 3 or 4 days. And people were chiming in that they did get sick or people around them did. When someone asked if solar flares were bad, this was that persons response:
I read that Solar flares might upgrade your DNA and getting sick during that time could be one of the sign. So its good
Many of us in the low toxin groups are noticing these solar flares can kick off "detox events". It has happened to me so many times now, I am 100% convinced that the sun does indeed kick off these events from my personal observations and also observing those around me. Yesterday I had two family members report out of the blue getting headaches, both of them reporting they were very bad headaches. So I went and checked the data, and sure enough there were two M class flares yesterday. So, did these flares cause them the headaches? I think its good possibility.

I have started watching these events closer now and am using this site spaceweatherlive as it has historical data along with forecasts:

As you an see, starting around the 9th of this month some really big solar flares have been ejected from the sun. That is when the Chinese New Year started. I saw myself, and many others get hammered by those blasts around the 9th of February. There has been quite a few X flares during this last 2 to 3 week period, the first one effected me greatly, but the following ones had less and less effect.

Let's try and keep this thread updated when big flares hit so we can see how it effecting others around us. It would be interesting to get more data and to see how the sun is effecting us and those around us.

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Mar 26, 2014
Great thread, space weather can affect human health and psychology. The suspicious observers YouTube channel has some good videos on the subject.


Mar 26, 2014
Yesterday I had two family members report out of the blue getting headaches, both of them reporting they were very bad headaches.
Interesting. I had a minor headache yesterday night (say 10pm uk time) but not bad enough to make me look for any reason why. I very rarely get headaches was the only reason it was notable.


Feb 5, 2019
I'm trying to understand this...In my church/school community, there was so much sickness that our schools closed a few days (too many teachers and students absent) in January. I very rarely get sick, and if any of our children get sick it is very mild. It pretty much ran its course through everyone by the beginning of February and I thought I'd dodged the bugs as usual. Well, starting Feb 9/10, I finally began getting very sick (and my husband a little also). I am only just starting to get energy back and feel like I can resume daily walking and Mass. My quesion is, if solar weather is behind all this, why are we the only ones that didn't get sick until after this big event?


Sep 27, 2015
The solar flares really affect me strongly and I notice changes in the behavior and health of the people around me as well. It seems like when the solar flares cause a proton radiation storm it tends to have an even stronger effect on health, psyche, and weather as well. Some of the effects do seem like an elevated detox, so there may be some long term benefit but in the short term the space weather has really been messing with me.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I'm trying to understand this...In my church/school community, there was so much sickness that our schools closed a few days (too many teachers and students absent) in January. I very rarely get sick, and if any of our children get sick it is very mild. It pretty much ran its course through everyone by the beginning of February and I thought I'd dodged the bugs as usual. Well, starting Feb 9/10, I finally began getting very sick (and my husband a little also). I am only just starting to get energy back and feel like I can resume daily walking and Mass. My quesion is, if solar weather is behind all this, why are we the only ones that didn't get sick until after this big event?
There is still many questions....that is why I am hoping we can gather more data in this thread.

At our last new years eve, December 31st we had a massive X flare blast. If I remember correctly, it was the biggest one since 2016. Then the next day, January 1st, we had a big M class flare. Then a couple more decent M class flares on the 2nd and 4th. Those flares threw me into a huge "Detox event" that hit me pretty hard. From our observations in the low toxin groups is these flares cause massive bile dumps. And these bile dumps are what causes the symptoms we perceive.

The flare that hit on February 9th was a big X class flare. I think it was something like the 5th biggest in like 10 years or something like that. I do not remember exactly. But that one whacked me pretty good too, although this one seemed like a much deeper cleanse, I just felt like I was detoxing on a much deeper level. For the M class flares that happened on the 23rd and 24th those did not effect me at all that I can tell. Was my upgrade done already? Did those prior two rounds do all they needed to do? I don't know but it sure is interesting to watch all this.

When I go into the detox events the last thing I do is suppress it with pharmaceuticals, I want my body to be able to get rid of and deal with all the toxins that are being expelled by the liver. So I will deploy extra oxidizers like CDS and also ozone and CO2 sauna treatments along with rest and good nutrition. Also making sure I am repleting the Big 5 essential minerals so I can replete my body with good minerals after the toxins have been taken out.
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Sep 27, 2015
The flare that hit on February 9th was a big X class flare. I think it was something like the 5th biggest in like 10 years or something like that. I do not remember exactly. But that one whacked me pretty good too, although this one seemed like a much deeper cleanse, I just felt like I was detoxing on a much deeper level. For the M class flares that happened on the 23rd and 24th those did not effect me at all that I can tell. Was my upgrade done already? Did those prior two rounds do all they needed to do? I don't know but it sure is interesting to watch all this.
The X6.3 on Feb 22 was even bigger, but I did not feel it as much as the ones earlier this year, possibly because there was no proton storm.


Sep 8, 2017
Thanks for starting this thread.

There was an X6 solar flare on Feb 22nd which is extremely high, the highest in in a long time, this should have caused significant "detox" events in many people. However, this is a solar flare, and solar flares don't always indicate a coronal mass ejection (CME) has occurred (CME's are what are hypothesized to influence detox), they can happen independently of one another. Don't let that last sentence fool you into thinking I know anything about this, I just now read it and am learning. Does anyone know how to specifically identify when a coronal mass ejection has occurred?


Sep 27, 2015
Thanks for starting this thread.

There was an X6 solar flare on Feb 22nd which is extremely high, the highest in in a long time, this should have caused significant "detox" events in many people. However, this is a solar flare, and solar flares don't always indicate a coronal mass ejection (CME) has occurred (CME's are what are hypothesized to influence detox), they can happen independently of one another. Don't let that last sentence fool you into thinking I know anything about this, I just now read it and am learning. Does anyone know how to specifically identify when a coronal mass ejection has occurred?
I think this is a bit of a misconception, the idea that CMEs and associated geomagnetic storms are the only thing that affects health.

Both research and many people's anecdotal experience shows that there are biological effects that begin instantaneously from a solar flare, regardless of whether there is a CME, as well as other types of direct magnetic coupling between the sun and earth such as an Earth facing coronal hole, which has effects that begin long before the energetic particle stream reaches the magnetosphere.


Forum Supporter
Jul 11, 2023
northern california
i am fine today and i slept well last night. i had so much energy this morning i was out before sunrise doing heavy duty gardening, moving stuff etc. but the two previous nights and days i must have detoxed SOMEthing. i did not sleep for even one minute either night. i felt like my body was plugged into an electrical outlet.
over- stimulation in every part of my body and my heart was racing. i thought i must have ingested some msg without knowing it. but not for two days/nights. i hoped that somehow it was a good thing - and today i feel totally re-born!
true story. i'm going to go with solar flares for $1000.


Sep 8, 2017
X class flare last night and proton storming rapidly rising.

Thanks for posting/alerting us to this, going to pay attention with an open mind and see if I feel anything, so far nothing out of the ordinary as far as detoxing/getting sick.


May 11, 2022
Thanks for posting/alerting us to this, going to pay attention with an open mind and see if I feel anything, so far nothing out of the ordinary as far as detoxing/getting sick.
My very limited understanding is the solar flares typically don't have an immediate effect on life here on earth. It can take days for the protons to create a geomagnetic storm on earth and begin to have negative impacts on biology.

Anyone who knows better, please feel free to correct me.


Sep 27, 2015
My very limited understanding is the solar flares typically don't have an immediate effect on life here on earth. It can take days for the protons to create a geomagnetic storm on earth and begin to have negative impacts on biology.

Anyone who knows better, please feel free to correct me.
The biological effects of solar flares can begin immediately and are not limited to the effects of geomagnetic storms. I started another thread with some of the research showing this: https://raypeatforum.com/community/threads/space-weather-health-interaction-research.52795/


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
This last round of solar flares has seemed to have put me into a detox event. It started around Tuesday as I was sitting at the park and noticed an almost immediate change of energy in the body from a huge bile dump. Then a bit later, my solar flare app starts going off. The symptoms gradually progressed as what many would think was the flu but I know without a doubt it was the typical bile dump.

The last round of solar flares before the most recent ones did nothing to me, if anything I felt better during them. It makes me wonder if solar flares from different sections of the sun cause different responses.


Mar 26, 2014
This last round of solar flares has seemed to have put me into a detox event. It started around Tuesday as I was sitting at the park and noticed an almost immediate change of energy in the body from a huge bile dump. Then a bit later, my solar flare app starts going off. The symptoms gradually progressed as what many would think was the flu but I know without a doubt it was the typical bile dump.

The last round of solar flares before the most recent ones did nothing to me, if anything I felt better during them. It makes me wonder if solar flares from different sections of the sun cause different responses.

Interesting, i thought i remembered you saying you noticed it before they hit earth. I think i am noticing the same. I've had an interest in space weather since way before starting low A and was familiar with the biological and health effects of solar flares, cosmic rays and CME already so I am comfortable with the idea - but we seem to feel it before they get here. Whether that means what we are feeling is the "pre impact" on (for example) the birkeland current I have no idea.


Sep 27, 2015
This last round of solar flares has seemed to have put me into a detox event. It started around Tuesday as I was sitting at the park and noticed an almost immediate change of energy in the body from a huge bile dump. Then a bit later, my solar flare app starts going off. The symptoms gradually progressed as what many would think was the flu but I know without a doubt it was the typical bile dump.

The last round of solar flares before the most recent ones did nothing to me, if anything I felt better during them. It makes me wonder if solar flares from different sections of the sun cause different responses.
At the spring and autumn equinoxes (the spring equinox is today) the earth passes through the solar equator and the closer we are to the equinox the stronger the electrical coupling between the sun and the earth, so the stronger the effect of even smaller solar events. Even so, the solar flares we have had this week are relatively minor. We did have geomagnetic storms on Tuesday from an earlier CME, which would also have been enhanced by the proximity to the equinox.
Interesting, i thought i remembered you saying you noticed it before they hit earth. I think i am noticing the same. I've had an interest in space weather since way before starting low A and was familiar with the biological and health effects of solar flares, cosmic rays and CME already so I am comfortable with the idea - but we seem to feel it before they get here. Whether that means what we are feeling is the "pre impact" on (for example) the birkeland current I have no idea.
I think the immediate effect of flares is a direct coupling effect with the earth or the effect of the radio emission that arrives immediately. I believe the flow along the Birkeland current takes minutes to arrive but perhaps I am wrong and there is instantaneous information transfer along the Birkeland current.
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