RP's Work Focuses On A Person's Health In Isolation, Not As A Part Of A Damaged Society


Feb 13, 2016
Many of RP's dietary suggestions come from reading through animal studies but in these studies, the animals are either examined in isolation or as part of a group that is all receiving the same diet.

There are no studies where an animal is receiving a particular diet surrounded by animals that are eating vastly different diets, except one that I remember where the animals eating sugar were quickly killed by the animals eating PUFA and starch because the latter were so much more aggressive than the former.

This means that RP's suggestions don't take into account things like how your diet affects how you function in a world in which others aren't eating high quality food like you. For example, young women on this diet eating mostly fruits might become so attractive that it puts them in risky situations which ultimately lower quality of life in the long-run, by analogy of how passive rats eating sugar were prematurely killed by aggressive rats eating PUFA and starch.

Obviously it doesn't make sense to eat lower quality food out of fear of inviting aggression from others, but after reading various things, I have a theory that maximal longevity and happiness comes from eating foods which never go bad and from keeping your system as acidic as possible, while keeping calcium higher than phosphate and fat as low possible.

This means eating organic white sugar or honey, which never go bad, instead of fruits, which go bad quickly. Fruits will develop a luster that might invite jealousy and aggression, whereas organic white sugar and honey will keep you healthy without drawing excess attention to yourself.

It also means replacing at least part of your milk intake with powdered milk, and eating plenty of un-iodized salt, taking thyroid, and restricting water, to acidify your system.


Mar 12, 2016
I thought you were going somewhere sensible with this from the thread title but I can't see how eating white sugar and powdered milk instead of fruit and liquid milk is going to prevent anything bad from happening.

Women eating mostly fruits might become too attractive... what?


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
There are no studies where an animal is receiving a particular diet surrounded by animals that are eating vastly different diets, except one that I remember where the animals eating sugar were quickly killed by the animals eating PUFA and starch because the latter were so much more aggressive than the former.
Ive thought about this scenario quite a bit recently, and I dont know what to do with it, and I think this is the major conundrum of your point - Ray's diet advice is based in theory, but maybe not in practicality (at least the day-to-day of the "real world").

Is it beneficial to work a corporate job, eating fruit and honey and drinking milk (and being healthy...) while your coworkers and boss have sandwiches and salads, promoting serotonin (and dominance seeking, competitive, aggressive behaviour)? Can you be truly happy being zen in a world that rewards aggression? Can you be truly happy without having a healthy spirit of competition? What constitutes healthy competition..?

Its an interesting thought and one I think about a lot
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LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Ive thought about this scenario quite a bit recently, and I dont know what to do with it, and I think this is the major conundrum of your point - Ray's diet advice is based in theory, but maybe not in practicality (at least the day-to-day of the "real world").

Is it beneficial to work a corporate job, eating fruit and honey and drinking milk (and being healthy...) while your coworkers and boss have sandwiches and salads, promoting serotonin (and dominance seeking, competitive, aggressive behaviour)? Can you be truly happy being zen in a world that rewards aggression? Can you be truly happy without having a healthy spirit of competition? What constitutes healthy competition..?

Its an interesting thought and one I think about a lot
No, not even if you share your fruit in the break room, because within the same hour they will throw you under the bus and try to hurt you somehow.


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
No, not even if you share your fruit in the break room, because within the same hour they will throw you under the bus and try to hurt you somehow.
Lol! I think my point is a little reductionist, a strong thyroid is more auspicious than serotonin or any other signal for stress, but it does make me think that choosing the right profession, the right path, is indeed a huge part of the overall picture.


Mar 3, 2013
Many of RP's dietary suggestions come from reading through animal studies but in these studies, the animals are either examined in isolation or as part of a group that is all receiving the same diet.

There are no studies where an animal is receiving a particular diet surrounded by animals that are eating vastly different diets, except one that I remember where the animals eating sugar were quickly killed by the animals eating PUFA and starch because the latter were so much more aggressive than the former.

This means that RP's suggestions don't take into account things like how your diet affects how you function in a world in which others aren't eating high quality food like you. For example, young women on this diet eating mostly fruits might become so attractive that it puts them in risky situations which ultimately lower quality of life in the long-run, by analogy of how passive rats eating sugar were prematurely killed by aggressive rats eating PUFA and starch.

Obviously it doesn't make sense to eat lower quality food out of fear of inviting aggression from others, but after reading various things, I have a theory that maximal longevity and happiness comes from eating foods which never go bad and from keeping your system as acidic as possible, while keeping calcium higher than phosphate and fat as low possible.

This means eating organic white sugar or honey, which never go bad, instead of fruits, which go bad quickly. Fruits will develop a luster that might invite jealousy and aggression, whereas organic white sugar and honey will keep you healthy without drawing excess attention to yourself.

It also means replacing at least part of your milk intake with powdered milk, and eating plenty of un-iodized salt, taking thyroid, and restricting water, to acidify your system.

I think Ray's philosophy extends well beyond nutrition and it's a bit ham-handed in the way the you're oversimplifying his work into just nutrition, he has talked a lot about exploitation, politics, culture, and ways a person can get themselves out of ruts whether it be from working in the same corporate job for years or mental ruts from excessive verbalization. I don't think happiness in spite of the insanity of the current system implies that it's humane and sustainable, the exact opposite is true in my experience living in the US. Great health cannot necessarily save someone from working a barbaric corporate job or whatever stressful environment they're dealing with, sometimes a change of job or moving somewhere different is necessary, or changing one's mind-set to rationalize whatever they're dealing with as justifying the end goal for themselves.
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Feb 13, 2016
Ive thought about this scenario quite a bit recently, and I dont know what to do with it, and I think this is the major conundrum of your point - Ray's diet advice is based in theory, but maybe not in practicality (at least the day-to-day of the "real world").

Is it beneficial to work a corporate job, eating fruit and honey and drinking milk (and being healthy...) while your coworkers and boss have sandwiches and salads, promoting serotonin (and dominance seeking, competitive, aggressive behaviour)? Can you be truly happy being zen in a world that rewards aggression? Can you be truly happy without having a healthy spirit of competition? What constitutes healthy competition..?

Its an interesting thought and one I think about a lot

I don't know how to word things so that they are more sensible but what I was saying is that even though fruits are very good for the brain and skin, hair, etc., you should eat table sugar instead because it is more pro-thyroid due to it's zero water content, not that you should turn off your thyroid to be like others by eating PUFA and raw veggies. I realize this will probably make little sense to most people but it makes a lot of sense in my head and I was hoping at least a few people would see where I'm coming from...


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
I don't know how to word things so that they are more sensible but what I was saying is that even though fruits are very good for the brain and skin, hair, etc., you should eat table sugar instead because it is more pro-thyroid due to it's zero water content, not that you should turn off your thyroid to be like others by eating PUFA and raw veggies. I realize this will probably make little sense to most people but it makes a lot of sense in my head and I was hoping at least a few people would see where I'm coming from...
I see. I was commenting on the segment I quoted, the one referring to the study of the sugar-fed rats being killed by the starch-fed ones, and I related that to the modern day. I have much work yet to do to get on your level.


Feb 13, 2016
Or maybe my table sugar and lack of fruit diet is affecting my brain and its showing in my lack of ability to communicate and increased Aspie-style theorizing, finding odd patterns in things


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
Or maybe my table sugar and lack of fruit diet is affecting my brain and its showing in my lack of ability to communicate and increased Aspie-style theorizing, finding odd patterns in things
I wouldnt be so hard on yourself, your posts are always insightful or thought provoking. Ill stop monopolizing your thread now.


Mar 3, 2013
You can get a gallon pale of blackberry flavored honey for about 45 bux here in Portland. Pretty affordable alternative when ripe fruits are not available and has more nutrients than sugar. Here in Oregon we have plenty of berry fruits, but all the good tropical fruits are from Florida, Mexico and Central America, and oranges are imported usually from California/Florida.


Feb 13, 2016
That's the goal tho, sacrificing brain for thyroid .
Apr 29, 2020
United Kingdom
Honey lasts indefinitely, and I should eat more of it instead of white sugar.


Mar 29, 2016
Or maybe my table sugar and lack of fruit diet is affecting my brain and its showing in my lack of ability to communicate and increased Aspie-style theorizing, finding odd patterns in things
There's potassium in fruit that helps the sugar get absorbed by the tissues, so fruits would be better than table sugar.

Table sugar, while good also, is better not taken in isolation, although we can get away with it as long as we have good sugar regulation.

I used to get sick eating simple sugars that doesn't come with potassium. Like candies. The blood sugar goes up because it's not absorbed. It then goes down because insulin is secreted, and it signals the liver to convert the blood sugar to fat, and I end up with low blood sugar. Then I get sick because of the low blood sugar reducing my immunity.

That's why eating rice with meat is a good pairing, since rice is sugar and meat has potassium (and protein needs sugar as digesting the protein requires some energy from sugar).
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Aug 6, 2017
"Let's malnourish our kid so potential rapists don't think her being worth raping"

I hope OP was trolling when he made this thread.


May 25, 2020
They are aggressive and the point is not to fight and to be afraid (except when it is about physical violence). Most people can be very very difficult, but here is not much to do about it, because they have more supporters. And if someone looks normal, be aware for a danger. It is better if they show thay there is something wrong with them, and it is not always aggression, can be paranoia, anxiety, ahedonia or anything else.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Lol! I think my point is a little reductionist, a strong thyroid is more auspicious than serotonin or any other signal for stress, but it does make me think that choosing the right profession, the right path, is indeed a huge part of the overall picture.
I agree, but people being jealous of you and treating you very poorly despite you being kind and gracious is painful and does make life difficult.


Feb 12, 2020
Interesting. I’ve actually replaced some of my fruit with starch and honey recently partly because it provokes cattiness from family members and I don’t want to attract attention and appear greedy. I’m not healthy or fertile though


Dec 11, 2018
At least to me, honey is also a lot more appetizing than fruit. I never crave fruit and I guess it's because their quality is just so bad that there's nothing to crave. In poor health, even sourcing good fruit can be stressful, so opting for white sugar/honey/white rice and other shelf stable foods is also a lot easier. Stress down, thyroid up.

I'd like to be able to eat honey though, more than a tsp and I have burning loose stools.


Feb 12, 2020
Come to think of it my family has always shamed me for eating nutrient dense food and calling me
pretentious for not living on salad and grains. This might be stressful and a source of tension but I think it’s better to suffer through it than be peer pressured into eating like a peasant. They question and ridicule everything I eat, tell me I’ll get food poisoning from shellfish and kidney failure from all that protein (I don’t even eat that much of it), and then I walk in on them eating mussels or the carrot salad lmao. Its really weird how much attention it attracts and how the ridicule is always followed by imitation
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