Please Help My Poor Suffering Little Sister! So Sadddd!


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
@Makrosky is steering you the right way. Start reading Ray Peat's work. Understand the body, its energy system, and how to properly nourish it. Before finding Ray Peat's work, many of us thought we were doing everything healthy, and yet, we were killing ourselves. Then once you start digging into his articles, the picture starts to become clear and then you can start to turn the metabolic corner and switch yourself into regenerative energy. Your sister is young, so she might bounce back faster then you think. Natural light, nourishing food, low stress, and surrounded by love can do wonders.

Hoping the best for your sister. You are on the right track finding Ray's work. :hattip


Mar 2, 2016
I'm sad to hear she's having so many issues. It is well known that ritalin causes issues with the HPA axis and pubertal onset. It can also lead to disrupted thyroid signalling. I would recommend a comprehensive endocrine panel, as something is clearly out of line. I would suspect a pituitary issue with excessive ACTH, possibly leading into hypopituitarism with low FSH and LH. Restoration of proper dopaminergic signalling with something like bromocriptine or cabergoline may be helpful, and should be integrated with holistic approaches regarding quality of life and diet.

I have been tempted to try caffeine to stimulate her somehow
I would hesitate with anything that increases sympathetic nervous tone as the end result of that is increased corticoid synthesis inside the adrenal cortex, which I don't suspect would help her condition.


Adverse effects of methylphenidate on the reproductive axis of adolescent female rats.
Chronic methylphenidate administration during adolescence perturbs pubertal onset, adversely affects maturation of the female reproductive axis by retarding pituitary LH release, and adversely affects ovarian folliculogenesis. These novel findings may have significant clinical implications in evaluating the effects of methylphenidate abuse on adolescent health.

The chronic administration of cabergoline normalizes androgen secretion and improves menstrual cyclicity in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.
Both in controls and in PCOS-affected women, cabergoline administration blunted plasma PRL levels without affecting LH pulsatility. Androgen levels were reduced in controls and normalized in PCOS. Cabergoline, but not placebo, induced menses reappearance in amenorrheic and a normalization of menstrual cyclicity in oligoamenorrheic women with PCOS.

[Effects of bromocriptine on FSH and LH secretion in women with euprolactinemic anovulation (author's transl)].
These results conclude that: 1) Ovulation is induced by Bromocriptine administration in euprolactinemic anovulations. 2) Bromocriptine promotes the FSH and LH secretion from the pituitary and also promotes the reserve of FSH in the pituitary. 3) Bromocriptine promotes the sensitivity of the estrogen feedback in the hypothalamus.

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
The extra virgin has some vitamin E plus other compounds that protect against the PUFAS and other things. It also has some antiserotonin properties and cardioprotective compounds. If it is good quality and not adulterated I think it can be taken safely even in recovering situations.
How are you going to know if it's pure? Most people don't have a lab to do testing in.

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
We just gave her a kg of jaggery to use at her own discretion. Its been 7 days so far. she seems to have no ill effect or crashes from it - I was very nervous that it would start the candida again... but her symptoms seem to still be abated which is terrific.

we have debated as a family just going back and doing a huge shopping of the processed SAD she was used to... and we have done it twice. But she doesn't feel happy like that. She wants to have her period in a healthy way. Its still an option.
We sometimes go somewhere in the middle and get what we call "the healthy junk food" but it really doesnt seem to do anything.
I have been tempted to try caffeine to stimulate her somehow (we dont do caffeine either really)... but I don't want to throw her body out any more.
McDonalds is better than the no-carb stuff you are doing, but why would you ever eat SAD? Eat sugar. Sugar, meaning sucrose, the pure white stuff. Not wheat. White rice is not filling because it is easily digested. Niacinamide and methylene blue kill candida, look up what haidut posted on that.

Niacinamide Is A Potent Antifungal Effective Against Candida

Make ice cream with sugar, fruit, cream and egg yolk, and you have something that can actually feed her. Also, the offal is great if she'll eat it.

Btw, good luck. It's a tough situation and you taking on a rather heroic burden here. She is probably going to be OK. Just read, or ask Danny Roddy, Nathan Hatch or Billy Craig or some other people for help. I know that those guys know their stuff, and will give consultations quite cheaply if you join their Patreons, and might help you out even without you paying.


Jun 16, 2015
Hey ZS, I figure if there were much issue there you'd have mentioned it, but for the sake of a fuller picture, how is your sister's sleep?


Oct 5, 2014
McDonalds is better than the no-carb stuff you are doing, but why would you ever eat SAD? Eat sugar. Sugar, meaning sucrose, the pure white stuff. Not wheat. White rice is not filling because it is easily digested. Niacinamide and methylene blue kill candida, look up what haidut posted on that.

Niacinamide Is A Potent Antifungal Effective Against Candida

Make ice cream with sugar, fruit, cream and egg yolk, and you have something that can actually feed her. Also, the offal is great if she'll eat it.

Btw, good luck. It's a tough situation and you taking on a rather heroic burden here. She is probably going to be OK. Just read, or ask Danny Roddy, Nathan Hatch or Billy Craig or some other people for help. I know that those guys know their stuff, and will give consultations quite cheaply if you join their Patreons, and might help you out even without you paying.

She shouldn't be eating lots of sugar if she suspects has SIBO or candida infection.

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
She shouldn't be eating lots of sugar if she suspects has SIBO or candida infection.
: According to Dr. Ray Peat, most of what people believe about candida is wrong, but candida can become a problem for sick people. IgA is the main type of antibody on surfaces and secretions and should protect against candidiasis. But IgA is deficient in hypothyroidism, so hypothyroid people have more susceptible membranes, and the yeasts thrive on sugar that can appear in the secretions in diabetes/stress, but they adhere to any cell with estradiol in it, thinking they have found a fertile yeast. Eating sugar and fruit is helpful, rather than harmful as the cultists say, because well nourished yeasts aren’t harmful in the intestine. But starved yeasts need sugar and so they project invasive filaments into the intestinal wall, and can get into the blood stream, at which point — if they aren’t quickly destroyed by white blood cells — they can grow and quickly kill the person. In a typical year, a few people in the world get invasive candida and quickly die, but millions of Americans will insist that they ‘have candida in the bloodstream.’ Eating sugar (fruits, fruit juices) lowers cortisol, keeping the white cells working, helps to increase thyroid, and keeps the yeast from becoming invasive. PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acids or omega-3 and -6 oils) are yeast stimulants, unlike saturated fats. The white film on grapes is a layer of yeast cells, that live there because of the PUFA in the waxy surface of the grape.” (Source: Dr. Ray Peat; Ray Peat)

The anti-candida diet is unhealthy. In fact the sugars in fruits, as indicated above by Dr. Ray Peat, the yeast in bread, and many other foods on this list have nothing to do with candidiasis. The pro-thyroid diet would be excellent for preventing candidiasis, plus the enzymes and nutritional supplements listed below. Many people who believe they have candidiasis do not really have it. Many clients who come to me believe that they have candidiasis and that it is the cause of all of their health problems. I disagree. Candidiasis isn’t the cause of illness. It is the outcome of a suppressed immune system from a bad diet, overuse of antibiotics or serious illness. Candidiasis is not quite as common as many people believe. Why? Many of the symptoms of candidiasis overlap with those of poor digestion. Also, parasites other than Candida albicans can have very similar signs and indications as those for candidiasis. These symptoms can include bloating, food and environmental allergies, gastrointestinal problems, constipation or diarrhea, itchy skin, skin rashes and so on.

Candidiasis Myths – Functional Performance Systems (FPS)


Oct 5, 2014
: According to Dr. Ray Peat, most of what people believe about candida is wrong, but candida can become a problem for sick people. IgA is the main type of antibody on surfaces and secretions and should protect against candidiasis. But IgA is deficient in hypothyroidism, so hypothyroid people have more susceptible membranes, and the yeasts thrive on sugar that can appear in the secretions in diabetes/stress, but they adhere to any cell with estradiol in it, thinking they have found a fertile yeast. Eating sugar and fruit is helpful, rather than harmful as the cultists say, because well nourished yeasts aren’t harmful in the intestine. But starved yeasts need sugar and so they project invasive filaments into the intestinal wall, and can get into the blood stream, at which point — if they aren’t quickly destroyed by white blood cells — they can grow and quickly kill the person. In a typical year, a few people in the world get invasive candida and quickly die, but millions of Americans will insist that they ‘have candida in the bloodstream.’ Eating sugar (fruits, fruit juices) lowers cortisol, keeping the white cells working, helps to increase thyroid, and keeps the yeast from becoming invasive. PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acids or omega-3 and -6 oils) are yeast stimulants, unlike saturated fats. The white film on grapes is a layer of yeast cells, that live there because of the PUFA in the waxy surface of the grape.” (Source: Dr. Ray Peat; Ray Peat)

The anti-candida diet is unhealthy. In fact the sugars in fruits, as indicated above by Dr. Ray Peat, the yeast in bread, and many other foods on this list have nothing to do with candidiasis. The pro-thyroid diet would be excellent for preventing candidiasis, plus the enzymes and nutritional supplements listed below. Many people who believe they have candidiasis do not really have it. Many clients who come to me believe that they have candidiasis and that it is the cause of all of their health problems. I disagree. Candidiasis isn’t the cause of illness. It is the outcome of a suppressed immune system from a bad diet, overuse of antibiotics or serious illness. Candidiasis is not quite as common as many people believe. Why? Many of the symptoms of candidiasis overlap with those of poor digestion. Also, parasites other than Candida albicans can have very similar signs and indications as those for candidiasis. These symptoms can include bloating, food and environmental allergies, gastrointestinal problems, constipation or diarrhea, itchy skin, skin rashes and so on.

Candidiasis Myths – Functional Performance Systems (FPS)

But I think candida is not the same as SIBO. There has been people on this forum having problems with SIBO and too much sugar.
Aug 18, 2015
My first thought is where is the milk. Wbere is the calcium. Im so happy my mom always gave me milk growing up. Thats how you grow


Oct 5, 2014
You just made up a SIBO problem, which has not been mentioned by anyone but you.
All I'm saying is be careful introducing large ammounts of sugar if you suspect you have SIBO, candida or whatever other pathogens that might feed on sugar. No matter what Ray says. This is backed up by some users on this forum that have had problems, and I also have experienced some SIBO/candida symptoms when I started ingesting large ammounts of orange juice. That's it.


Sep 15, 2017
"Her diet is mainly brown rice, lentils, beans, fruit, veg, mackerel, sardines, tuna, white fish, with occasionally some farm-reared red meat and chicken (she has a bizarre new-found love for all offal). We eat a good amount of home laid eggs - NOTHING PROCESSED AND WHITE (flour or sugar), only brown organic wholemeal."

Im pretty sure people touched on this but I'd like to see if I can help. Her issues are due to the diet above and obviously the emotional stress. I think some of the emotional stress will dissipate once her hormones and body are in a better situation. In order to do this I think changing her diet and avoiding these intense anti-candida and anti-SIBO protocols would be helpful. The body works gradually from my experience. With this I propose, the diet that I propose elsewhere:

-raw milk
-raw LIGHT colored honey (my favorite is clover blossom variety) or if not available, sucrose made into invert syrup with lemon juice or ascorbic acid ( basically a homemade lemonade)
-grass fed ruminant meat: liver, kidney, heart, ground meat
-shellfish: shrimp, mussel, oyster, scallop

Slowly bring her onto this diet, to avoid a rapid shift. Some supplementation with fat soluble vitamins (estroban) should help, perhaps some b-vitamins (energin), magesium oil (ancient minerals or maybe epsom salt baths) and maybe vit c (as long as its pure; nutrabio). These are the products I've tried and continue to use with benefit, i apply them all topically except the vit c. Once she transitions I would avoid all other foods besides these easy to digest, energy dense options for a period of time. The digestive issues are because of the diet quoted above in my opinion. They will subside without drastic treatments and ridiculous cult cures over time with a proper diet in my opinion.

In the meantime I think your sister reading up on this topic as well yourself would be helpful but here is a great place to start because the learning curve is steep.


Mar 2, 2016
I just saw the comment about her love for offal - I would suspect she has had a chronic problem absorbing copper. The low estrogen also may indicate copper problems. I second the suggestions of @CLASH regarding milk, ruminant meats, and shellfish. I like nutritional yeast for non-synthetic water soluble vitamins.
Jul 6, 2016
I want to help give you advice because I myself have little siblings that I care about, and you seem like a good person - I wish to perhaps give some advice and diet tweaks that can help move things in the right direction. I hope it helps, and I beg that you listen to me.

I want to start by saying, be very wary of people, they like to play doctor. You must be made aware that a lot of the people giving advice are still unhealthy themselves, they haven't managed to fix themselves yet, and they are playing doctor. I don't want to be a ****, but this is someones well being on the line here - there is HUGE potential for damage with some of the things I have seen suggested in this thread. NONE of you are doctors, and are definitely not certified enough to be prescribing harsh herbs and drugs. Only people with years of training and decent experience can do that with confidence. Our ONLY goal should be to give recommendations that are extremely low risk, it's the only thing we can do. The ONLY things I will be recommending are diet tweaks, and very benign treatments that can potentially be very effective.

First of all, don't give her any more herbs! This is a science, you cannot haphazardly give herbs or harsh treatments and expect her to get better! These things must be calculated, and herbs should only ever be given by an ACTUALLY competent doctor - I would just forgot about herbs/cleanses for now. And listen: don't trust the majority of naturopaths or 'Ayurveda healers' out there - they are charlatans and fakes compared to their forebears. As pboy once said, these modern day healers are literal jokes compared to what the healers were once like. Seriously, the vast majority of them are completely ineffective, you must be very wary with them. Now, they don't actually know they're fakes, but they simply don't have the knowledge base that the school of medicine they 'practice' once had - many of the texts have either been lost, haven't been translated, and for the majority of the time, were completely oral - that is, the teachings of these medicines were passed down in person from master to student. Westerner healers of this class are shadows comparatively.

Secondly, don't give her any drugs, regardless of what people tell you, it is NOT wise AT ALL to give her things like bromocriptine or cyproheptadine or any others. These drugs are powerful, and have powerful side effects. What she needs is low stress and time, not more drugs which cause disorder. People routinely get tics or hypnic jerks permanently from things like bromocriptine, and those are adults. She's still a developing teen, AND she's already been presribed ritalin, so her dopaminergic system is likely a little odd and hypersensitive - she is at a much greater risk for tics now, so don't give her drugs! They won't fix the problem! Last resort!

For diet, you should read this:

You said she eats brown rice, yes? I strongly suggest you soak it for 24 hours, the grind the rice and mix it with diastatic malt powder, and let it sit for another 24 hours. The diastatic malt contains enzymes which break down the starch into simpler glucose sugars like maltose (maltose is FINE, it is NOTHING like white sugar, fructose is harmful for the liver, maltose is absolutely fine, don't be afraid of it!), the malt also contains enzymes which break down the proteins in amino acids, as well as turns ammonia to amino acids, the malt will also completely destroy ALL of the phytic acid in the brown rice, meaning all of the minerals like copper will be 100% bioavailable, and it will remove any risk of phytic acid hurting her bones.

I suggest you use the malted brown rice, boil it on high for 10 minutes, then simmer it with vanilla fortified soymilk for 30 minutes to an hour. This will create a very nutritious porridge which is very delicious as well, and extremely digestible. Soy milk should be fine, though you might want to consdering adding diastatic malt extract to the soymilk as well, if you do that, then it'd be perfect.

Get RID of the beans, they contain very harmful lectins that cannot be destroyed completely. In fact, eating raw beans can kill you, so let that inform your decision for eating them. She can eat sardines, sprouted/malted brown rice, fortified soy milk, and eggs, and that would be a complete and nutritious diet. That's the first step. Feel free to go to the other end and try a saturated fat diet too. Don't mix them though!

You are doing good keeping sugar out of her diet, definitely keep sugar low, the fructose can really damage the liver.

As others have mentioned in this thread, oysters, liver, they are good, offal is very decent for nutrients.

No drugs, no treatments. You must remember that often times, ones treatment can end up hurting one more than helping. Generally speaking, people usually hurt themselves with their blind treatments.

If her stomach can handle it, add a spoonful of vinegar and a spoonful of refined coconut oil after every meal. This will help with any bacterial overgrowth. And because the grains would be malted, they'll digest extremely quickly anyways. DON'T try ANY harsh treatments for things like candida or anything else, you don't know what you're getting yourself into. Vinegar and coconut oil in moderate amounts will help more than any of those treatments anyways, as well as being extremely safe and healthy on their own.

Also, if you or her eats wheat bread, let me let you in on a secret! Others can benefit from this as well: the reason whole wheat bread is brown and tastes so bitter is because it contains lots of tannins. These tannins not only are astringent and extremely irritating on the stomach, but they also inhibit digestive enzymes. This is why ALL cultures ate refined wheat instead of whole wheat, because it was healthier to get rid of the tannins. Well guess what? There's a variety of wheat called 'hard white spring wheat' that contains no tannins! Soo, you can eat it as wholegrain bread (which has tons of nutrients), while also avoiding the problems of tannins. I suggest simply buying hard white spring wheat berries, grinding them up to make flour, and baking the breads yourself. You can sprout these wheat berries and/or ferment them for 24+ hours with sourdough starter. Doing both is good too. I strongly suggest you do this if you want a good source of bread.

Okay, here's some SAFE treatments that are also cheap and effective and easy to do:
-IR LED 850nm: Use this on her head, it is very safe and effective, should help with memory issues and help her be happier. It also might help regulate her hypothalamus, thus regulating hormones. Remove the glass cover, and press firmly on her head around her brain, start with 30 second per spot, move around and get all of the brain, or at least some of it. Use as needed, and if it helps.
Incandescent bulb: Use this in the morning for 10 minutes, don't stare directly at it. This is useful for getting IR exposure all over.
-Possibly considering moderate doses of pregnenolone, it might help. start with 10mg and go from there.
-Considering moderate doses of DHEA. Start with 1mg and go from there. Discontinue if bad symptoms. It's worth testing blood estrogen after using DHEA.

I will add more later.
Last edited:


Apr 30, 2015
An important part of healing is allowing someone's inner guidance to start being used. She's young, so obviously she should be treated as her age dictates, but if you start allowing her to guide a bit in her treatment, that can bring on healing. She sounds a bit headstrong, which is good for that kind of thing. The tougher part comes from a bit of a harder heart from you to allow her to experience the consequences of her choices. Something to think about.

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
I want to help give you advice because I myself have little siblings that I care about, and you seem like a good person - I wish to perhaps give some advice and diet tweaks that can help move things in the right direction. I hope it helps, and I beg that you listen to me.

I want to start by saying, be very wary of people, they like to play doctor. You must be made aware that a lot of the people giving advice are still unhealthy themselves, they haven't managed to fix themselves yet, and they are playing doctor. I don't want to be a ****, but this is someones well being on the line here - there is HUGE potential for damage with some of the things I have seen suggested in this thread. NONE of you are doctors, and are definitely not certified enough to be prescribing harsh herbs and drugs. Only people with years of training and decent experience can do that with confidence. Our ONLY goal should be to give recommendations that are extremely low risk, it's the only thing we can do. The ONLY things I will be recommending are diet tweaks, and very benign treatments that can potentially be very effective.

First of all, don't give her any more herbs! This is a science, you cannot haphazardly give herbs or harsh treatments and expect her to get better! These things must be calculated, and herbs should only ever be given by an ACTUALLY competent doctor - I would just forgot about herbs/cleanses for now. And listen: don't trust the majority of naturopaths or 'Ayurveda healers' out there - they are charlatans and fakes compared to their forebears. As pboy once said, these modern day healers are literal jokes compared to what the healers were once like. Seriously, the vast majority of them are completely ineffective, you must be very wary with them. Now, they don't actually know they're fakes, but they simply don't have the knowledge base that the school of medicine they 'practice' once had - many of the texts have either been lost, haven't been translated, and for the majority of the time, were completely oral - that is, the teachings of these medicines were passed down in person from master to student. Westerner healers of this class are shadows comparatively.

Secondly, don't give her any drugs, regardless of what people tell you, it is NOT wise AT ALL to give her things like bromocriptine or cyproheptadine or any others. These drugs are powerful, and have powerful side effects. What she needs is low stress and time, not more drugs which cause disorder. People routinely get tics or hypnic jerks permanently from things like bromocriptine, and those are adults. She's still a developing teen, AND she's already been presribed ritalin, so her dopaminergic system is likely a little odd and hypersensitive - she is at a much greater risk for tics now, so don't give her drugs! They won't fix the problem! Last resort!

For diet, you should read this:

You said she eats brown rice, yes? I strongly suggest you soak it for 24 hours, the grind the rice and mix it with diastatic malt powder, and let it sit for another 24 hours. The diastatic malt contains enzymes which break down the starch into simpler glucose sugars like maltose (maltose is FINE, it is NOTHING like white sugar, fructose is harmful for the liver, maltose is absolutely fine, don't be afraid of it!), the malt also contains enzymes which break down the proteins in amino acids, as well as turns ammonia to amino acids, the malt will also completely destroy ALL of the phytic acid in the brown rice, meaning all of the minerals like copper will be 100% bioavailable, and it will remove any risk of phytic acid hurting her bones.

I suggest you use the malted brown rice, boil it on high for 10 minutes, then simmer it with vanilla fortified soymilk for 30 minutes to an hour. This will create a very nutritious porridge which is very delicious as well, and extremely digestible. Soy milk should be fine, though you might want to consdering adding diastatic malt extract to the soymilk as well, if you do that, then it'd be perfect.

Get RID of the beans, they contain very harmful lectins that cannot be destroyed completely. In fact, eating raw beans can kill you, so let that inform your decision for eating them. She can eat sardines, sprouted/malted brown rice, fortified soy milk, and eggs, and that would be a complete and nutritious diet. That's the first step. Feel free to go to the other end and try a saturated fat diet too. Don't mix them though!

You are doing good keeping sugar out of her diet, definitely keep sugar low, the fructose can really damage the liver.

As others have mentioned in this thread, oysters, liver, they are good, offal is very decent for nutrients.

No drugs, no treatments. You must remember that often times, ones treatment can end up hurting one more than helping. Generally speaking, people usually hurt themselves with their blind treatments.

If her stomach can handle it, add a spoonful of vinegar and a spoonful of refined coconut oil after every meal. This will help with any bacterial overgrowth. And because the grains would be malted, they'll digest extremely quickly anyways. DON'T try ANY harsh treatments for things like candida or anything else, you don't know what you're getting yourself into. Vinegar and coconut oil in moderate amounts will help more than any of those treatments anyways, as well as being extremely safe and healthy on their own.

Also, if you or her eats wheat bread, let me let you in on a secret! Others can benefit from this as well: the reason whole wheat bread is brown and tastes so bitter is because it contains lots of tannins. These tannins not only are astringent and extremely irritating on the stomach, but they also inhibit digestive enzymes. This is why ALL cultures ate refined wheat instead of whole wheat, because it was healthier to get rid of the tannins. Well guess what? There's a variety of wheat called 'hard white spring wheat' that contains no tannins! Soo, you can eat it as wholegrain bread (which has tons of nutrients), while also avoiding the problems of tannins. I suggest simply buying hard white spring wheat berries, grinding them up to make flour, and baking the breads yourself. You can sprout these wheat berries and/or ferment them for 24+ hours with sourdough starter. Doing both is good too. I strongly suggest you do this if you want a good source of bread.

Okay, here's some SAFE treatments that are also cheap and effective and easy to do:
-IR LED 850nm: Use this on her head, it is very safe and effective, should help with memory issues and help her be happier. It also might help regulate her hypothalamus, thus regulating hormones. Remove the glass cover, and press firmly on her head around her brain, start with 30 second per spot, move around and get all of the brain, or at least some of it. Use as needed, and if it helps.
Incandescent bulb: Use this in the morning for 10 minutes, don't stare directly at it. This is useful for getting IR exposure all over.
-Possibly considering moderate doses of pregnenolone, it might help. start with 10mg and go from there.
-Considering moderate doses of DHEA. Start with 1mg and go from there. Discontinue if bad symptoms. It's worth testing blood estrogen after using DHEA.

I will add more later.
You are advising a high PUFA, highly allergenic, low sugar diet, with lots of phytic acid and low nutrition. That soy protein is a likely to cause digestive problems. This goes against pretty much all of Peat's research, and the studies posted on the Scientific studies forum.

Btw, while you should be careful about medicines, if the doctors were worth anything we would not need this forum.
Jul 6, 2016
You are advising a high PUFA, highly allergenic, low sugar diet, with lots of phytic acid and low nutrition. That soy protein is a likely to cause digestive problems. This goes against pretty much all of Peat's research, and the studies posted on the Scientific studies forum.

Btw, while you should be careful about medicines, if the doctors were worth anything we would not need this forum.

In terms of diet, I was giving a modified, harm reductive version of what she already ate.

High PUFA is fine if PUFA is low and diet is based on carbs, allergies are personal (though I agree, soy can cause allergies in many; so can milk. I personally do better with soy than milk based on how I feel, so it goes both ways), phytic acid is basically none when you malt the grains/soy (literally zero), and the nutition is incredibly high, brown rice and soy milk actually cover all of your micronutrients. Go on cronometer and look at it right now, around 4 dry cups worth of brown rice + 4 cups of fat free fortified soy milk covers almost all of your micronutrients as well as macroutrients, and is extremely low in PUFA, it should help achieve a carbosis state actually, add some orange juice or cooked broccoli and it's complete, add offall or sourdough bread or sardines and it's complete. She could add masa harina if she wanted too.

I actually don't think the sardines are really necessary at all, but it's her choice. At least it's nutrient rich. Offal would be a better choice.

I am hesitant to recommend milk, especially seeing that she doesn't already drink it... I am interested to know whether her sister is eating this way because she actually likes the food, or because she thinks it's healthy. If the latter, she might consider experimenting with Peaty high fat foods.

And BTW, malted grain has TONS of predigested sugar, maltose. So yeah, lots of sugar.

The malted part is very important, I would never recommend someone eat brown rice cooked as is.

> Btw, while you should be careful about medicines, if the doctors were worth anything we would not need this forum.

You misunderstand. I was definitely NOT recommending western doctors, in fact they are far more harmful than any alt-med doctors like naturopaths. I am all on board, I hate Western doctors with a passion, trust me, you should read my reddit posts.

There's good doctors out there, but I was merely stating that most of the doctors encountered are subpar, and will lead to neutral results at best, and often negative results, and that when rejecting western doctors, it is not wise to immediately trust ayervedic or naturopaths, because they are also subpar.

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
In terms of diet, I was giving a modified, harm reductive version of what she already ate.

High PUFA is fine if PUFA is low and diet is based on carbs, allergies are personal (though I agree, soy can cause allergies in many; so can milk. I personally do better with soy than milk based on how I feel, so it goes both ways), phytic acid is basically none when you malt the grains/soy (literally zero), and the nutition is incredibly high, brown rice and soy milk actually cover all of your micronutrients. Go on cronometer and look at it right now, around 4 dry cups worth of brown rice + 4 cups of fat free fortified soy milk covers almost all of your micronutrients as well as macroutrients, and is extremely low in PUFA, it should help achieve a carbosis state actually, add some orange juice or cooked broccoli and it's complete, add offall or sourdough bread or sardines and it's complete. She could add masa harina if she wanted too.

I actually don't think the sardines are really necessary at all, but it's her choice. At least it's nutrient rich. Offal would be a better choice.

I am hesitant to recommend milk, especially seeing that she doesn't already drink it... I am interested to know whether her sister is eating this way because she actually likes the food, or because she thinks it's healthy. If the latter, she might consider experimenting with Peaty high fat foods.

And BTW, malted grain has TONS of predigested sugar, maltose. So yeah, lots of sugar.

The malted part is very important, I would never recommend someone eat brown rice cooked as is.

> Btw, while you should be careful about medicines, if the doctors were worth anything we would not need this forum.

You misunderstand. I was definitely NOT recommending western doctors, in fact they are far more harmful than any alt-med doctors like naturopaths. I am all on board, I hate Western doctors with a passion, trust me, you should read my reddit posts.

There's good doctors out there, but I was merely stating that most of the doctors encountered are subpar, and will lead to neutral results at best, and often negative results, and that when rejecting western doctors, it is not wise to immediately trust ayervedic or naturopaths, because they are also subpar.
The fact that you can survive on a diet does not mean it is nutrient rich. I apologize for being unclear about sugar, I meant sucrose or other fructose containing sugars, because fructose is very much a healing substance and it is perfectly safe. Also soy milk has plenty of phytic acid and in addition goitrogens, and since the girl's thyroid almost certainly ****88 already, she certainly does not need those.

My issue with you post is that you suggest a minor change to her diet, which is likely to guarantee that the girl will keep getting worse or will experience no change. She needs a major fix in her diet, probably vitamin and mineral supplements, and maybe some meds and steroids like aspirin, progesterone and cyproheptadine. What she does not need is more of the same killing her.

I do agree with you on naturopaths etc. Bad science all over.


Mar 2, 2016

I resonate with your concerns and pleas for caution. I would certainly not recommend taking bromocriptine without the oversight of a competent endocrinologist. I made the recommendation because endocrinologists rarely look at dopamine agonists for a case like this. Ritalin can cause serious issues with the HPA axis, along with changes to the physical brain structures of which it is made. It is very difficult, though not impossible, to remediate these changes strictly through diet and lifestyle.
Jul 6, 2016
@Hugh Johnson

In terms of goitrogenic activity, the way soy does this is through isoflavones which inhibit iodine uptake into the thyroid. Considering iodine is consumed in gross excess nowadays, I see no issue with this, it might actually be helpful. Peat himself warns of iodine excess in the modern diet.

If the soy milk is malted, phytic acid will be at zero. Soy is extremely nutrient rich, and when malted, would be a fine food. Oh yeah, and when soy is heated (like it is when thy make soy milk), the majority of the isoflavones and lectins and trypsin inhibitors are destroyed.

And honestly, the soy isoflavones might be helpful for this girl if she has zero blood estrogen. Don't get me wrong, I don't think soy is some magical estrogen boost that all the mainstream hacks think it is, and in fact I have argued against soy consumption for years. But in this case, it might be helpful. And the soy isoflavones have a lot of the same effects that the polyphenols in orange juice have, in terms of messenger activation in cells.

Trust me, malted grains are absolutely fine, and are potentially extremely healthy. It's like a predigested cereal, just a pure nutrient mix, which you then cook and digest again. And with brown rice, there is no allergens present, as long as there isn't arsenic, the malted rice is great.

But, as I said, I'm not even recommending these foods really, instead I am giving this women and her sister ways of preparing these foods they already eat to maximize benefits and minimize harm - I also happen to think other foods are worth experimenting with as well.


I think bromocriptine has it's uses, but I would only feel comfortable using it in an adult - preferably over the age of 25. It then has to be used correctly, and for good reason.

I was not attacking you at all, and I think you know that. I just felt I must speak firmly to let her know it's not harmless to use things like that, and that it could lead to harm. It was only a suggestion on your part, something to look into, but on her end, she could know nothing about it and accidentally have her sister take it. To a person uneducated about the topic, they could see "oh look, dopamine! It must be good!", and then hurt her sister on accident.

I've taken a dopamine agonist before (memantine), in the worst way possible. I was ignoring any possible side effects, and was only focused on potential benefits. Then I had an experience from it where I genuinely thought I was going to die. And then after discontinuation, I had tics for months. Thankfully they're gone now, that ***t was getting soooo annoying, it was really weird.

Oh yeah, I also had "exploding head syndrome" for a few months, hahahaha... it actually stopped happening like two months ago. It was really weird, as I fell asleep every night, I'd hear an insanely large exploding/bang, and it would cause me to jolt awake and alert.

And I had some other weird stuff, like indescribable sensations that just felt bizarre, and that I cannot put into words. Crazy ***t.

I think the best bet for her sister in terms of normalizing the HPTA axis is to align her circadian rhythm (using red tinted glasses, and melatonin if needed), in addition to POSSIBLY using small amounts of hormone precursors like pregnenolone or DHEA, which could potentially help jumpstart the HPTA axis, and get the GnRH flowing, but that can be messy in terms of what they turn into.
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