Niacinamide eye drops??


Feb 22, 2014
@ecstatichamster -- Hadn't heard about B1 for eye health. What does that do? What are you hoping to benefit from? A family member has been diagnosed with glaucoma. Dr didn't suggest treatment of any kind. Seems strange, need to get more info or 2nd opinion. Any input would be appreciated.

B1 reduces carbonic anhydrase, which therefore increases CO2 levels and opens up the vessels in the eye.

Glaucoma needs to be treated. It can cause blindness. I recommend niacinamide and thiamine in eye drops and also orally (eye drops meaning just dissolved in water and painted outside the eye and on the temple.)
Thanks for that- do you make your own B1/B3 eye drops? Can you share how you make it? How much orally for each? Do you treat glaucoma, or someone you know, that this has worked for? An optometrist gave the diagnosis, but I am not sure if it is necessary to either get a 2nd opinion from another OD, or see an MD/opthalmologist.
Nov 21, 2015
Thanks for that- do you make your own B1/B3 eye drops? Can you share how you make it? How much orally for each? Do you treat glaucoma, or someone you know, that this has worked for? An optometrist gave the diagnosis, but I am not sure if it is necessary to either get a 2nd opinion from another OD, or see an MD/opthalmologist.
mixing 50mg of niacinamide and 50mg of thiamine HCl in 20mL of water. Just put around the eye.

It isn't going to cure glaucoma. You need to see a specialist. Glaucoma can make you go blind. Seriously. There are ways of helping diminish the damage, and this is one of those, but it won't fix glaucoma.


Feb 22, 2014
mixing 50mg of niacinamide and 50mg of thiamine HCl in 20mL of water. Just put around the eye.

It isn't going to cure glaucoma. You need to see a specialist. Glaucoma can make you go blind. Seriously. There are ways of helping diminish the damage, and this is one of those, but it won't fix glaucoma.
Do you or someone you know have glaucoma? Why do you use the drops? Just curious. Assuming you know more about it than I, do you suggest seeing an MD for consultation if it was an optometrist who diagnosed?
Nov 21, 2015
Do you or someone you know have glaucoma? Why do you use the drops? Just curious. Assuming you know more about it than I, do you suggest seeing an MD for consultation if it was an optometrist who diagnosed?

yes of course. I suggest an opthamologist, an MD specializing in this. There are two types of glaucoma, open and closed angle. Closed angle can be very serious very fast and lead to blindness in a matter of days if not diagnosed and fixed quickly. It is far rarer than open angle.

The drops help PROTECT the eye, they can keep pressures down if used frequently during the day and with oral thiamin HCl. There are types of glaucoma that involve normal pressures and still destruction of the optic nerve, and I think this solution can help prevent the optic nerve destruction.

If used a lot, it can lower pressures due to the thiamine HCL but you have to use it like 4 times a day. Also taking 1000mg to 1500mg of thiamine HCl orally.

Note: I edited the above.
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Feb 22, 2014
yes of course. I suggest an opthamologist, an MD specializing in this. There are two types of glaucoma, open and closed angle. Closed angle can be very serious very fast and lead to blindness in a matter of days if not diagnosed and fixed quickly. It is far rarer than open angle.

The drops help PROTECT the eye, they can keep pressures down if used frequently during the day and with oral thiamin HCl. There are types of glaucoma that involve normal pressures and still destruction of the optic nerve, and I think this solution can help prevent the optic nerve destruction.

If used a lot, it can lower pressures due to the thiamine HCL but you have to use it like 4 times a day. Also taking 1000mg to 1500mg of thiamine HCl orally.

Note: I edited the above.

Thank you for more details. I happened upon your posts in the other glaucoma thread. I see why you say to take it seriously! I also read SQu's posts about IOP v glaucoma diagnosis. It seems a bit sketchy, like many other medical conditions that are given pre- or mis-diagnoses. Not to minimize your family member's situation as the closed angle is much more urgent a situation. The OD told my (husband) his case is "mild". No treatment prescribed, nor was it suggested he see an MD.. Told to keep annual eye exam schedule. I am going to have him return to get more details, since I wasn't with him when he went.

Does the B1 need to be continued long-term? And other than the drops, do you include oral B3 as well? Is a doctor going to think we're crazy to share this, or are we on our own? Seems even less likely an MD would help with alternative methods.
Nov 21, 2015
Thank you for more details. I happened upon your posts in the other glaucoma thread. I see why you say to take it seriously! I also read SQu's posts about IOP v glaucoma diagnosis. It seems a bit sketchy, like many other medical conditions that are given pre- or mis-diagnoses. Not to minimize your family member's situation as the closed angle is much more urgent a situation. The OD told my (husband) his case is "mild". No treatment prescribed, nor was it suggested he see an MD.. Told to keep annual eye exam schedule. I am going to have him return to get more details, since I wasn't with him when he went.

Does the B1 need to be continued long-term? And other than the drops, do you include oral B3 as well? Is a doctor going to think we're crazy to share this, or are we on our own? Seems even less likely an MD would help with alternative methods.

i think it has to be taken long term.


Feb 22, 2014
surgery to punch little holes in the iris, and eye drops.
Got it. Hope it was a success. The eye drops- Rx from the doc? And now you do the topical and oral B vitamins? I do wonder if this would be enough for my husband, since the OD said there was no need for any treatment at this point.


Feb 22, 2014
Thank you all for your quick responses and input. Do you know if Pyrucet would be worth trying for glaucoma, in addition to B1 and B3?
Nov 21, 2015
Got it. Hope it was a success. The eye drops- Rx from the doc? And now you do the topical and oral B vitamins? I do wonder if this would be enough for my husband, since the OD said there was no need for any treatment at this point.

It is probably enough and all he needs. But worth keeping an eye on. And sometimes antihistamines may not be a good idea although that’s more for acute angle.


Feb 22, 2014
It is probably enough and all he needs. But worth keeping an eye on. And sometimes antihistamines may not be a good idea although that’s more for acute angle.
Since the doc only said to return for f/u annually (still don't understand why she would diagnose glaucoma and not say more than that), it should be more than enough time to see how this regimen works, no?

Can you clarify how much B1 and B3 to take orally? On another glaucoma thread, someone quoted RP as saying 100-150mg 1-2 times per day was good, that high amounts would be harmful. Not sure how to reconcile that with the clinical studies' high B3. And in those studies, I hadn't read that B1 was a major player. Not doubting it, just hadn't picked up on that before the convo here. Thank you ☺️
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