Need Help T3 Only


Dec 4, 2016
i am dealing with high progesterone, estrone, and testosterone. I am only taking 21 mg of progesterone a day. I am on my fifth week as of today on T3 only. I am experiencing weight gain, puffy face, feel like my head is going to explode, lots of body achyness. Does t3 increase estrogen dominance? I am only taking 24 mcg 3x day. I am not sure what to do. Some of symptoms started about a week ago ago and have only gotten worse. I have gained 4 lbs in 4 days and have not changed any of my eating habits. Should i stop the t3? NDT makes me achy, t3 does not, NDT gives me trigger pain points in back where i have to see chiropractor,t3 havent had any of those issues. Suppose to do more labs Monday
Any thoughts?

Labs from April. Suppose to get more labs done this coming Monday with new doctor.
Zinc 97 Range 60-120
Estrone 400 Range 36-68
Estradiol 6 Postmenopause- No HRT: 1-4 pg/ml
BHRT Target Range:- 2-10 pg/ml
Follicular - 2-10 pg/ml
Luteal: 3-16 pg/ml

Estriol 15
Postmenopause- No HRT: 7-18 pg/ml
BHRT Target Range:- 14-38 pg/ml
Cycling female: 12-25 pg/ml

Progesterone 1580
Postmenopause- No HRT: 5-95 pg/ml
BHRT Target Range:- 100-300 pg/ml
Follicular - 20-100 pg/ml
Luteal: 65-500 pg/ml

DHEA 10 Range 3-10
Testosterone 74 Borderline: 6-9 pg/ml Normal: 10-38 pg/ml
Lipoprotein 89.0 Range 29
Autoimmune/collagen test- CPR High sensitivity - .45 (not sure what this one means) Range: Low 1.0, Average 1.0-3.0, High 3.0
Ferritin 51 Range: 11-307
Homocysteine 5.9 Range 3.7-13.9
Vit D 26.7 Range 30.0-100.0
Cortisol Rhythm - all were in normal range
Leptin 6.3 Range 0.5-15.2
T3, free 4.32 Range 2.52-4.34
TSH .010 Range .270-4.200
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Jul 13, 2014
@Saphire you might find this thread helpful

Anyone Else Getting Increased Estrogen From T3/ASPIRIN/CYPRO/PROGESTERONE

basically ive found taking t3 away from all, and i mean ALL saturated fats stops the estrogenic symptomns. so i typically have a fruit breakfast to get glucose levels up, take t3 ten minutes after, and then i wont have any more t3 for the rest of the day because my lunch and dinner are both high in fat. solved the problem for me


Nov 1, 2012
Are you taking 21 mcg at each dose? Have you taken your temperature and pulse?

“T3, by lowering stress, sometimes reveals a low basal metabolic rate, that was hidden by high stress hormones. The body produces about 4 mcg of T3 per hour, so taking more than that can interfere with regulatory processes. It's helpful to use the resting pulse rate, and the 24 hour temperature curve, along with other signs, such as mood, appearance of veins on the hands, etc. The peak temperature should be in the afternoon.”

“When you take T3 without food, it enters the blood stream very suddenly, and the liver is likely to detect an excessive amount, causing it to produce enzymes to eliminate it. The result can be a decrease in T3 for the rest of the day, especially at night if you took it in the morning.”

Ray Peat Email Exchanges - Ray Peat Forum Wiki


Sep 3, 2016
@Saphire you might find this thread helpful

Anyone Else Getting Increased Estrogen From T3/ASPIRIN/CYPRO/PROGESTERONE

basically ive found taking t3 away from all, and i mean ALL saturated fats stops the estrogenic symptomns. so i typically have a fruit breakfast to get glucose levels up, take t3 ten minutes after, and then i wont have any more t3 for the rest of the day because my lunch and dinner are both high in fat. solved the problem for me

Thats interesting. Has anyone else found this? I can't imagine how saturated fats would turn t3 into estrogen but its always best to listen to your body.


Dec 4, 2016
@Saphire you might find this thread helpful

Anyone Else Getting Increased Estrogen From T3/ASPIRIN/CYPRO/PROGESTERONE

basically ive found taking t3 away from all, and i mean ALL saturated fats stops the estrogenic symptomns. so i typically have a fruit breakfast to get glucose levels up, take t3 ten minutes after, and then i wont have any more t3 for the rest of the day because my lunch and dinner are both high in fat. solved the problem for me
Thank you, i will check this out. Did you cut out butter and coconut oil also


Jul 13, 2014
Thank you, i will check this out. Did you cut out butter and coconut oil also
im not cutting anything out, especially not coconut oil or butter. what im saying is the timing of when you take the t3 is important. i just wouldnt have coconut oil or butter at the same time as taking t3.

as i said above, i eat a fruit ONLY breakfast, zero fats until lunch, which gives me a 3 hour window for me to process the t3 without fat. with no estrogenic symptomns


Dec 4, 2016
im not cutting anything out, especially not coconut oil or butter. what im saying is the timing of when you take the t3 is important. i just wouldnt have coconut oil or butter at the same time as taking t3.

as i said above, i eat a fruit ONLY breakfast, zero fats until lunch, which gives me a 3 hour window for me to process the t3 without fat. with no estrogenic symptomns
Oh, i miss understood that. Thanks elaborating.


Dec 4, 2016
Are you taking 21 mcg at each dose? Have you taken your temperature and pulse?

“T3, by lowering stress, sometimes reveals a low basal metabolic rate, that was hidden by high stress hormones. The body produces about 4 mcg of T3 per hour, so taking more than that can interfere with regulatory processes. It's helpful to use the resting pulse rate, and the 24 hour temperature curve, along with other signs, such as mood, appearance of veins on the hands, etc. The peak temperature should be in the afternoon.”

“When you take T3 without food, it enters the blood stream very suddenly, and the liver is likely to detect an excessive amount, causing it to produce enzymes to eliminate it. The result can be a decrease in T3 for the rest of the day, especially at night if you took it in the morning.”

Ray Peat Email Exchanges - Ray Peat Forum Wiki
The 21mg is the progesterone, not sure if i wrote that wrong i take for drops in morning and 3 drops before bed.
I take 24 mcg tyronene t3, 8am, 12pm, & 3:30pm. I diffantely need to take with food my last 2 doses i take then usually eat 1/2 later.


Nov 1, 2012
The 24 mcg is divided into 3 doses? Even 8 mcg per dose should be taken with food so you assimilate it slower. Some people find it effective to take smaller doses, like 1 mcg, more frequently,


Dec 4, 2016
The 24 mcg is divided into 3 doses? Even 8 mcg per dose should be taken with food so you assimilate it slower. Some people find it effective to take smaller doses, like 1 mcg, more frequently,
May be i should try that. Its just so hard with liquid and not pills.


Jul 8, 2015
If you are not taking your pulse and temp pre and post meals you're wasting your time trying to figure out T3.
you must have waking pulse temp data and pre post breakfast and lunch data at minimum to accurately dose T3.
This is a CONSTANT that is missed on this forum.

As an addendum regarding the fat timing suggestion
Many people who are Hypothyroid do better with lower fat consumption overall
not elimination but simply using fat medicinally vs just eating it whenever.
I happen to be one of these people. The fat I eat daily is purposeful and timed there is no or at least minimal fat consumed outside
of that context. Its very clear there is a wide range of what amount of fat people can tolerate/thrive on.
Figuring that out for yourself will help. A good place to start is limiting fat to only ideal fats at ideal times
and you can increase from there as needed/desired.
This is not an advocacy for "low fat".... its simply acknowledging you may benefit from LESS fat OR more strategically timed fat
for the time being as you figure this out.

But to reiterate, you're pissing in the wind if you're taking T3 and not gathering daily pulse/temp data waking and pre/post meals


Dec 4, 2016
If you are not taking your pulse and temp pre and post meals you're wasting your time trying to figure out T3.
you must have waking pulse temp data and pre post breakfast and lunch data at minimum to accurately dose T3.
This is a CONSTANT that is missed on this forum.

As an addendum regarding the fat timing suggestion
Many people who are Hypothyroid do better with lower fat consumption overall
not elimination but simply using fat medicinally vs just eating it whenever.
I happen to be one of these people. The fat I eat daily is purposeful and timed there is no or at least minimal fat consumed outside
of that context. Its very clear there is a wide range of what amount of fat people can tolerate/thrive on.
Figuring that out for yourself will help. A good place to start is limiting fat to only ideal fats at ideal times
and you can increase from there as needed/desired.
This is not an advocacy for "low fat".... its simply acknowledging you may benefit from LESS fat OR more strategically timed fat
for the time being as you figure this out.

But to reiterate, you're pissing in the wind if you're taking T3 and not gathering daily pulse/temp data waking and pre/post meals
Thank you for this. I will watch the fat. I havent been taking pulse however afternoon temp today, of course i had not ate for an hour was 98 on the nose. I will take temp/pulse in the morning.


Dec 4, 2016
@Saphire you might find this thread helpful

Anyone Else Getting Increased Estrogen From T3/ASPIRIN/CYPRO/PROGESTERONE

basically ive found taking t3 away from all, and i mean ALL saturated fats stops the estrogenic symptomns. so i typically have a fruit breakfast to get glucose levels up, take t3 ten minutes after, and then i wont have any more t3 for the rest of the day because my lunch and dinner are both high in fat. solved the problem for me
Are you on t3 only and how much mcg are you taking at the one time in the morning?


Jul 8, 2015
Thank you for this. I will watch the fat. I havent been taking pulse however afternoon temp today, of course i had not ate for an hour was 98 on the nose. I will take temp/pulse in the morning.

Pulse without temp
temp without pulse is meaningless
they go together


Dec 4, 2016
I thought my symptoms may be to blood pressure so i went and took it. My systolic is slightly elevated 121/71, can anyone help on this and what should i do?


Sep 1, 2017
I thought my symptoms may be to blood pressure so i went and took it. My systolic is slightly elevated 121/71, can anyone help on this and what should i do?
Elevated? 121? 0.8% higher than 120?


Dec 4, 2016
Elevated? 121? 0.8% higher than 120?
Yeah i did say slightly. I am really thinking i need to up my dosage of t3. Does anyone know of where i can buy t3 only online without a prescription? My brain doesnt calculate the tyronene in water. As well as i am going on a 5 day trip end of September and think it may be easier to get tablet form t3.
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Sep 1, 2017
Yeah i did say slightly. I am really thinking i need to up my dosage of t3. Does anyone know of where i can buy t3 only online without a prescription? My brain doesnt calculate the tyronene in water. As well as i am going on a 5 day trio end of September and think i may be easier to get tablet form t3.
AFAIK: farmacia del nino in mexico
Look, this is what I'm doing: I put a drop of Tyronene in a small quantity of water, you'll see it floating on top, then I drink it in small quantities along the day. Problem is that you might know you drank 8 mcg along the day, but you can't know for sure exact dosing. Another option recommended was diluting it in a highly concentrated alcohol.
I'm experimenting with T4 32 mcg + 1 drop Tyronene. I'm gonna wait 2 weeks to see if T4 boosted my waking temps.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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