My Mother - triple covid vaxxed is now with ventilator. Need advice !


Jul 2, 2022
Guys, I need some advice as I am in a very, very tough situation in my life at the moment.

My mother whom I love soooo much and we share a super deep connection and yet took 3 covid shots like a good citizen(last was this spring) even though I warned her countless of times not to do it. We had massive arguments about this including the existence of this "virus". At some point after 2 years of constant arguments over her strategy to keep taking vaccines as a way to escape Covid19 complications ( she has autoimmune issues - anca positive vasculitis) I told her to do as she pleases but I don't want her to tell me anything about getting vaxxed as this made me restless and unable to sleep because of worry.

Finally she got her FLU shot early September together with my father and 2 days both got sick but my mother got really bad developing bilateral pneumonia without any liquid inside the lungs. Took 3 different antibiotics recommended by her pulmonologist and none worked. Finally we had to bring her to the hospital as she got super anemic with hemoglobin around 100 and her saturation was around 88. She went to the hospital without the need for help. She was walking and talking yet feeling anemic. It took them 72 hours to destroy her from admission.

They started pumping her with Iron and I told the doctors this is a bad strategy as her anemia was not cause of iron deficiency but because the body was destroying her red blood cells and that the iron makes the infection worse. They told me I need at least 6 years of reading their BS pharmakia books before I can tell them what to do.

After she got worse in 12-16 hours (more anemic,lower saturation) and a massive scandal in the hospital(i told them directly they are clueless and their treatment does not work) and after they gather all their "experts" they started treating her for autoimmune hemolityc anemia after moving her to the ICU which is what I told them is the side issue besides the infection. They started her on high volume oxygen, intravenous antibiotics, prednisolone and blood transfusion along with the standard of care stuff like IV fluids and urine output monitoring. She responded immediately with hemoglobin going up and her feeling better and wanting to eat, she was hungry like a wolf when I visited her after the transfusion. I got encouraged by all this but I knew I must not allow myself to get happy as those shots are unpredictable.

Earlier today she suddenly got worse with saturation going below 20. They put her on the ventilator in the early morning hours. When I heard that I felt as if she is already dead. BUT I have to keep fighting for her so I need some advice from you.

Her saturation is currently very bad around 76-78 on the ventilator which is a very bad sign. I went to see her and talked to her nicely so she keeps fighting and that we have been through tough times before. They will perform tracheostomy tomorrow which from what I read is better than the tube coming from her mouth but we all know here that this is far from optimal but once in the ICU it is very hard to control things.

It was a really hard task to make them give me some papers from the treatment but I got some bloodwork done today , you can see also the blood gas analysis as I proposed CO2 inside the oxygen as attached files. Seems she is having hypercapnia which is good I think so maybe co2 inside the oxygen tank is not needed. But her other markers are not looking ideal at all.

@haidut Would really appreciate your input if you see this. I can influence the doctors to do something out of the ordinary.


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New Member
Nov 1, 2021
Can somebody please help this guy out - @haidut

The more i read this kind of stuff the more i despise the kind of doctors that are in charge here
Mar 10, 2021
Guys, I need some advice as I am in a very, very tough situation in my life at the moment.

My mother whom I love soooo much and we share a super deep connection and yet took 3 covid shots like a good citizen(last was this spring) even though I warned her countless of times not to do it. We had massive arguments about this including the existence of this "virus". At some point after 2 years of constant arguments over her strategy to keep taking vaccines as a way to escape Covid19 complications ( she has autoimmune issues - anca positive vasculitis) I told her to do as she pleases but I don't want her to tell me anything about getting vaxxed as this made me restless and unable to sleep because of worry.

Finally she got her FLU shot early September together with my father and 2 days both got sick but my mother got really bad developing bilateral pneumonia without any liquid inside the lungs. Took 3 different antibiotics recommended by her pulmonologist and none worked. Finally we had to bring her to the hospital as she got super anemic with hemoglobin around 100 and her saturation was around 88. She went to the hospital without the need for help. She was walking and talking yet feeling anemic. It took them 72 hours to destroy her from admission.

They started pumping her with Iron and I told the doctors this is a bad strategy as her anemia was not cause of iron deficiency but because the body was destroying her red blood cells and that the iron makes the infection worse. They told me I need at least 6 years of reading their BS pharmakia books before I can tell them what to do.

After she got worse in 12-16 hours (more anemic,lower saturation) and a massive scandal in the hospital(i told them directly they are clueless and their treatment does not work) and after they gather all their "experts" they started treating her for autoimmune hemolityc anemia after moving her to the ICU which is what I told them is the side issue besides the infection. They started her on high volume oxygen, intravenous antibiotics, prednisolone and blood transfusion along with the standard of care stuff like IV fluids and urine output monitoring. She responded immediately with hemoglobin going up and her feeling better and wanting to eat, she was hungry like a wolf when I visited her after the transfusion. I got encouraged by all this but I knew I must not allow myself to get happy as those shots are unpredictable.

Earlier today she suddenly got worse with saturation going below 20. They put her on the ventilator in the early morning hours. When I heard that I felt as if she is already dead. BUT I have to keep fighting for her so I need some advice from you.

Her saturation is currently very bad around 76-78 on the ventilator which is a very bad sign. I went to see her and talked to her nicely so she keeps fighting and that we have been through tough times before. They will perform tracheostomy tomorrow which from what I read is better than the tube coming from her mouth but we all know here that this is far from optimal but once in the ICU it is very hard to control things.

It was a really hard task to make them give me some papers from the treatment but I got some bloodwork done today , you can see also the blood gas analysis as I proposed CO2 inside the oxygen as attached files. Seems she is having hypercapnia which is good I think so maybe co2 inside the oxygen tank is not needed. But her other markers are not looking ideal at all.

@haidut Would really appreciate your input if you see this. I can influence the doctors to do something out of the ordinary.
This is so terrible! I wish I had some great advice, but once our loved ones are out of our hands and in the hospital it is a helpless situation. How is your mother today PopSocket?


Feb 10, 2016
Saying prayers for you and her... Topical anti-stress agents might help in the meantime. I am thinking progest-e and cyproheptadine applications.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
Hi PopSocket,

Go to the FLCCC (frontline doctors) website, there are several treatment protocols:

In addition, you could give your mom Zeta Aid, I posted on this topic several times on this forum. It strengthens the blood's Zeta Potential, which controls colloidal stability, in other words, it prevents abnormal coagulation by charging up the blood particles. Dr. Stephanie Seneff in her presentation at the German Corona-Ausschuss, stated that the lipid nanoparticles are cationic, which weakens the Zeta Potential and can lead to blood clotting, look at the bottom of the slide at 9:15:


I and my family are not vaccinated, we all had Omicron in July, we had very mild symptoms for 1-2 days. We were taking vitamin C, D3, E, K2, and zinc, magnesium, selenium plus Quercetin. My wife and I take Zeta Aid every day. We also took chlorine dioxide, three activated drops, 3-5x a day during that time. I order chlorine dioxide from, I use the two bottle set with hydrochloric acid, it reacts faster than citric acid. I add a small amount of baking soda after the activation to eliminate any remaining acid (mostly for oral hygiene, so not to have any acid attack the teeth's enamel.)

Since your mom is at the hospital, you are at the mercy of the doctors there, who are limited in their powers by the hospital admins. So they may not give your mom anything else than Paxlovid or Remdesivir. The first one is essentially useless and the second increases the risk of death due to kidney failure. I am not a doctor but that is what have heard from doctors that fight for early treatment with Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine plus zinc. You could try with a court order, some people succeeded that way, others didn't or it was too late...

Dr. Chetty, from S. Africa pointed out that in course of a Covid infection, after about 7 days, the virus replication stops. But then on the 8th day, the viral debris causes an allergic immune response that causes lung inflammation. This can easily be treated with an antihistamine. He treated over 10,000 patients, didn't lose a single one. I saw his interview during the 'Grand Jury' on Covid lead by Dr. Fuellmich:


On Dr. Chetty's website, it shows the treatment protocol for 'day 8' of infection:

Hope this helps...


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
If I may I’d like to respond from a Respiratory Therapist’s perspective. While there have certainly been situations (mostly since Covid) where people were placed on ventilators when a less invasive treatment should have been utilized from what you have shared it definitely seemed appropriate in her case. Regardless of what led up to her crashing there are times when only a ventilator will do what is necessary to keep a person alive so that they can have a chance to heal. These are the most dire and critical situations which it appears she was experiencing.

The tracheostomy will make it easier to wean her off the vent because the tube is shorter and and it takes less pressure to get the air to her lungs. It also helps preserve the oral cavity from breakdown when the endotracheal tube is in too long. It’s just better, more comfortable and tolerable for the person when an artificial airway needs to be in place for any length of time. I’ve removed more trachs than I can count so it’s not necessarily going to be there forever.
Medicine certainly has it’s drawbacks but in emergency situations of life and death like this one it is warranted unless a person has an advanced directive that they do not want to be intubated and put on a ventilator.

I know it’s a really hard situation to go though. I’m hoping and praying for you and your family and that she pulls through and has an easy recovery.


Jul 2, 2022
Thank you all for the kind responses ! Love you all ! I am reading them and getting ideas and acting but things are super busy as you might imagine.

The only thing we could do for now is play music to her in the ICU though the headphones. Chopin. When her vasculitis crises were at their worst she was playing Chopin 24/7 quietly close to her head for months sometimes until recovery. She can barely react when I remove the headphones seems she does not like it and want it back on.

I am now pulling my way through the staff so I can influence what is going on in the ICU which as you know is a rare thing. They also let us massage her ( my sister) so she can add some VItamin E for the iron + vit C they are constantly pushing her with. I told them this is a mistake several times. I am worried of doing this as Vit E can interact with anticoagulants and cause bleeding. Any thoughts on this ?

Taurine seems like a good anti-fibrotic option as well as antioxidant. Trying to find IV taurine at the moment and give them the bank. I would appreciate thoughts on this too. I can have most of @haidut supplements in a day or two from now from a local vendor.

Sorry to hear you're going through this with your loved one @PopSocket.

Did I read that right. Is that SaO2 percentage?
o2 in the vein. She is currently @ 80 moved slghtly up from 76-77 which got me ultra worried. Her Hg is 65 up from 60. But she is getting blood transfusion + I think they give her red blood cells concentrate (not sure hows the medical term).
If I may I’d like to respond from a Respiratory Therapist’s perspective. While there have certainly been situations (mostly since Covid) where people were placed on ventilators when a less invasive treatment should have been utilized from what you have shared it definitely seemed appropriate in her case. Regardless of what led up to her crashing there are times when only a ventilator will do what is necessary to keep a person alive so that they can have a chance to heal. These are the most dire and critical situations which it appears she was experiencing.

The tracheostomy will make it easier to wean her off the vent because the tube is shorter and and it takes less pressure to get the air to her lungs. It also helps preserve the oral cavity from breakdown when the endotracheal tube is in too long. It’s just better, more comfortable and tolerable for the person when an artificial airway needs to be in place for any length of time. I’ve removed more trachs than I can count so it’s not necessarily going to be there forever.
Medicine certainly has it’s drawbacks but in emergency situations of life and death like this one it is warranted unless a person has an advanced directive that they do not want to be intubated and put on a ventilator.

I know it’s a really hard situation to go though. I’m hoping and praying for you and your family and that she pulls through and has an easy recovery.
Absolutely. This and other experiences in the ICU changes the negative view on doctors. It's not all medicine bad. There are millions of people walking around who must have been dead decades ago. Taking 100 pills but alive. It is important to navigate throgh and never fall for pseudosciences like virology/vaccines and psychiatry for example.

In addition, you could give your mom Zeta Aid
@StephanF She can have only IV and though the skin. I will check your whole post as soon as I have little time. I love Stefanie Seneff and will watch asap.
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Mar 10, 2021
Saying prayers for you and her... Topical anti-stress agents might help in the meantime. I am thinking progest-e and cyproheptadine applications.
Thank you all for the kind responses ! Love you all ! I am reading them and getting ideas and acting but things are super busy as you might imagine.

The only thing we could do for now is play music to her in the ICU though the headphones. Chopin. When her vasculitis crises were at their worst she was playing Chopin 24/7 quietly close to her head for months sometimes until recovery. She can barely react when I remove the headphones seems she does not like it and want it back on.

I am now pulling my way through the staff so I can influence what is going on in the ICU which as you know is a rare thing. They also let us massage her ( my sister) so she can add some VItamin E for the iron + vit C they are constantly pushing her with. I told them this is a mistake several times. I am worried of doing this as Vit E can interact with anticoagulants and cause bleeding. Any thoughts on this ?

Taurine seems like a good anti-fibrotic option as well as antioxidant. Trying to find IV taurine at the moment and give them the bank. I would appreciate thoughts on this too. I can have most of @haidut supplements in a day or two from now from a local vendor.

o2 in the vein. She is currently @ 80 moved slghtly up from 76-77 which got me ultra worried. Her Hg is 65 up from 60. But she is getting blood transfusion + I think they give her red blood cells concentrate (not sure hows the medical term).

Absolutely. This and other experiences in the ICU changes the negative view on doctors. It's not all medicine bad. There are millions of people walking around who must have been dead decades ago. Taking 100 pills but alive. It is important to navigate throgh and never fall for pseudosciences like virology/vaccines and psychiatry for example.

@StephanF She can have only IV and though the skin. I will check your whole post as soon as I have little time. I love Stefanie Seneff and will watch asap.
I got teary eyed at your Chopin part. That is a wonderful idea, keeping her calm and focused on something pleasant. I was worried about suggesting the Progest-E because of it’s blood thinning effect it has and worried it might make things worse.


Jul 2, 2022
I got teary eyed at your Chopin part. That is a wonderful idea, keeping her calm and focused on something pleasant. I was worried about suggesting the Progest-E because of it’s blood thinning effect it has and worried it might make things worse.
Same about progest-e. I got some but not sure what to do exactly.

I was also thinking about cyproheptadine. The main issue now is tissue destruction and fibrosis (I think and what the doctors say).

Also B vitamins through the skin.

Tomorrow I will be able to sneak some stuff in my pocket but still deciding what to do exactly.

Edit: I will also try to get a copy of every move the doctors are doing and each medicine.
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Sep 9, 2019
@PopSocket I can't and shouldn't comment any further than Ms Blossom's wisdom. I'm not and have never been in clinical practice. Just familiar with the protocols, at least in England.

I say a prayer for your mother to stay with you, and she will. Keep posting. All time zones are here.


Jul 2, 2022
@PopSocket I can't and shouldn't comment any further than Ms Blossom's wisdom. I'm not and have never been in clinical practice. Just familiar with the protocols, at least in England.

I say a prayer for your mother to stay with you, and she will. Keep posting. All time zones are here.
Thank you so much ! Every prayer counts. I do believe it works sometimes.

What the doctors are doing is great but I see clear problems with the treatment.

1.There is nothing in the protocol to stop the 99% oxygen, pumping of iron and vit C from causing oxidative damage to my mother. Also the ANTI-MPO is is high which means more oxidative damage, neutrophils are bleaching the tissues.

2. Her other currently active disease besides pneumonia - vasculitis is very vit E sensitive disease. In Vet medicine they treat different vasculitis types with it. It does seem to protect the tissues. They are laughing at vit E idea.

edit: BTW Her Vit D status 1 month ago was a bit ABOVE range(not by much) because of Vit D supplementation. I told her to stop when it came out so high and told her to take k2 for a few days. It was some german product very potent she might have taken a lot by mistake.

edit2: I can find Gluthathione injections or IV from a detox clinic in the city. Not so sure if this will be the best option but seems a bit safel
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Sep 9, 2019
How's she doing @PopSocket?

Any clinically minded person can interject here, if this is in any way irresponsible.

I'm not going to endorse the vitamin E because she may already be loaded with anticoagulants or something else that could interact. I just don't know. But don't let me not knowing put you off whatever you feel's right for your loved one.

Taurine seems pretty benign and she probably has an unmet requirement right now. Urinary losses in situations like this go up and a quick search around intubation/ventilation, lung injury etc looks positive. It would be internally calming for her and relatively easy to make or buy a topical preparation.

Just a thought.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
How's she doing @PopSocket?

Any clinically minded person can interject here, if this is in any way irresponsible.

I'm not going to endorse the vitamin E because she may already be loaded with anticoagulants or something else that could interact. I just don't know. But don't let me not knowing put you off whatever you feel's right for your loved one.

Taurine seems pretty benign and she probably has an unmet requirement right now. Urinary losses in situations like this go up and a quick search around intubation/ventilation, lung injury etc looks positive. It would be internally calming for her and relatively easy to make or buy a topical preparation.

Just a thought.
I agree completely with these suggestions!


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Guys, I need some advice as I am in a very, very tough situation in my life at the moment.

My mother whom I love soooo much and we share a super deep connection and yet took 3 covid shots like a good citizen(last was this spring) even though I warned her countless of times not to do it. We had massive arguments about this including the existence of this "virus". At some point after 2 years of constant arguments over her strategy to keep taking vaccines as a way to escape Covid19 complications ( she has autoimmune issues - anca positive vasculitis) I told her to do as she pleases but I don't want her to tell me anything about getting vaxxed as this made me restless and unable to sleep because of worry.

Finally she got her FLU shot early September together with my father and 2 days both got sick but my mother got really bad developing bilateral pneumonia without any liquid inside the lungs. Took 3 different antibiotics recommended by her pulmonologist and none worked. Finally we had to bring her to the hospital as she got super anemic with hemoglobin around 100 and her saturation was around 88. She went to the hospital without the need for help. She was walking and talking yet feeling anemic. It took them 72 hours to destroy her from admission.

They started pumping her with Iron and I told the doctors this is a bad strategy as her anemia was not cause of iron deficiency but because the body was destroying her red blood cells and that the iron makes the infection worse. They told me I need at least 6 years of reading their BS pharmakia books before I can tell them what to do.

After she got worse in 12-16 hours (more anemic,lower saturation) and a massive scandal in the hospital(i told them directly they are clueless and their treatment does not work) and after they gather all their "experts" they started treating her for autoimmune hemolityc anemia after moving her to the ICU which is what I told them is the side issue besides the infection. They started her on high volume oxygen, intravenous antibiotics, prednisolone and blood transfusion along with the standard of care stuff like IV fluids and urine output monitoring. She responded immediately with hemoglobin going up and her feeling better and wanting to eat, she was hungry like a wolf when I visited her after the transfusion. I got encouraged by all this but I knew I must not allow myself to get happy as those shots are unpredictable.

Earlier today she suddenly got worse with saturation going below 20. They put her on the ventilator in the early morning hours. When I heard that I felt as if she is already dead. BUT I have to keep fighting for her so I need some advice from you.

Her saturation is currently very bad around 76-78 on the ventilator which is a very bad sign. I went to see her and talked to her nicely so she keeps fighting and that we have been through tough times before. They will perform tracheostomy tomorrow which from what I read is better than the tube coming from her mouth but we all know here that this is far from optimal but once in the ICU it is very hard to control things.

It was a really hard task to make them give me some papers from the treatment but I got some bloodwork done today , you can see also the blood gas analysis as I proposed CO2 inside the oxygen as attached files. Seems she is having hypercapnia which is good I think so maybe co2 inside the oxygen tank is not needed. But her other markers are not looking ideal at all.

@haidut Would really appreciate your input if you see this. I can influence the doctors to do something out of the ordinary.

I`m sorry about your mother. I hope she`ll get through.
I`ve noticed you asked for an input from haidut. He`s very helpful, but if our dear fellow countryman does not show up, then I guess he must have already wrote something about cases like this. You could use the site`s search engine if you have time and try to find something useful, or, alternatively, you can PM him. I did, in one occasion, and he responded . Good luck!
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Mar 29, 2016
Just wanted to say that CO2 levels would be high when the lungs are not adequately doing gas exchange, as in the case with people having emphysema or people with lungs where gas exchange is impeded by heavy mucus accumulation or alveolar sacs filled with liquid.

The high CO2 is from CO2 being retained excessively, and can be mistaken by Peaters to be a good thing. Bag breathing in such cases would be harmful, and is using carbogen. Context is important.

I hope your mom can get through this episode well, and I believe it is with less intervention, not more. But what constitutes enough boils down to providing the body with what it needs to help and heal itself.


Jul 2, 2022
Hi all,

My mother is still alive. Her lungs are not so good though and saturation is still 80-82. The doctors say the situation is critical. They performed tracheostomy yesterday as from the advice here and what I read it is the better option for sure. The ventilator is set on low volume to keep the lungs from excessive damage, this is why Carbon Dioxide is a bit higher if anyone wonders(plus the gas exchange capacity is lowered atm). I think it is protective against fibrosis from what I researched. She is still getting blood transfusions and red blood cells concentrates. They are doing all the main things to keep her alive but not much of other support which is what I am worried about as the little details make the big difference most of the time.

I am not adding anything to her regimen done by the doctors for now I am letting them do their job. I am preparing hopefully for the recovery phase by buying proper food for her if she needs to be fed though the tube for some time. Most foods are PUFA rich and she got super bad after drinking two "Frisubin which was given by the staff. It is an indian enteral food that is extremely low quality. Unfortunately most foods are like this. If anyone can recommend something of higher quality in Europe,please, let me know. I was thinking about UHT Milk. From my understanding she is experiencing massive lipid peroxidation (prior to being put on the vent) and the PUFA ladden food made things even worse. Her red blood cells membranes are probably being oxidized by lack of Vit E.

I am not adding Vit E or anything that may react with the other medications as this will be irresponsible. This is why I wrote here so I can get adequate advice.

@Vinny Здравей! @haidut has not showed up. I think I know the reason why he is not doing so and I completely understand his position. Saying something that may not work in a tough situation like this is not in his interest. Especially after so many vaccines the clinical picture is unclear what causes what. I did read everything that he has written on pneumonia/oxygen/vit E etc etc. So I think I know his thinking.

I will have today some of his supplements like B vitamins, Magnesium ,Cyproheptadine and vit E as the one I have has expired last September.

Thank you all for the input ! Highly appreciate I have this community to share what is going on.
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Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
The high CO2 is from CO2 being retained excessively, and can be mistaken by Peaters to be a good thing. Bag breathing in such cases would be harmful, and is using carbogen. Context is important.
Very true.
Hi all,

My mother is still alive. Her lungs are not so good though and saturation is still 80-82. The doctors say the situation is critical. They performed tracheostomy yesterday as from the advice here and what I read it is the better option for sure. The ventilator is set on low volume to keep the lungs from excessive damage, this is why Carbon Dioxide is a bit higher if anyone wonders(plus the gas exchange capacity is lowered atm). I think it is protective against fibrosis from what I researched. She is still getting blood transfusions and red blood cells concentrates. They are doing all the main things to keep her alive but not much of other support which is what I am worried about as the little details make the big difference most of the time.

I am not adding anything to her regimen done by the doctors for now I am letting them do their job. I am preparing hopefully for the recovery phase by buying proper food for her if she needs to be fed though the tube for some time. Most foods are PUFA rich and she got super bad after drinking two "Frisubin which was given by the staff. It is an indian enteral food that is extremely low quality. Unfortunately most foods are like this. If anyone can recommend something of higher quality in Europe,please, let me know. I was thinking about UHT Milk. From my understanding she is experiencing massive lipid peroxidation (prior to being put on the vent) and the PUFA ladden food made things even worse. Her red blood cells membranes are probably being oxidized by lack of Vit E.

I am not adding Vit E or anything that may react with the other medications as this will be irresponsible. This is why I wrote here so I can get adequate advice.

@Vinny Здравей! @haidut has not showed up. I think I know the reason why he is not doing so and I completely understand his position. Saying something that may not work in a tough situation like this is not in his interest. Especially after so many vaccines the clinical picture is unclear what causes what. I did read everything that he has written on pneumonia/oxygen/vit E etc etc. So I think I know his thinking.

I will have today some of his supplements like B vitamins, Magnesium ,Cyproheptadine and vit E as the one I have has expired last September.

Thank you all for the input ! Highly appreciate I have this community to share what is going on.
Thank you so much for keeping us updated! Continued prayers.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
I am not adding anything to her regimen done by the doctors for now I am letting them do their job.
I think this is a wise decision.
God bless!


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I think this is a wise decision.
God bless!
Agree, it’s exceedingly difficult to keep everything balanced in critical care situations as is without adding other variables to the mix and taking the risk of destabilizing a person further. Another difficulty is that none of us here are seeing the situation in person and in real time which matters.
@PopSocket As far as tube feedings go most are lacking in one way or another unfortunately. I did see an organic one here in the US called Kate Farms but it’s plant based and has pufa. I’m not sure if there’s anything similar in Europe. It’s definitely not perfect but possibly a bit better than the average.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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