Low Toxin Logs Let's talk about poop


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Dec 11, 2023
I'm trying to start this low toxin diet and slowly incorporating the supplements. I've been in this for about 2 weeks and my poops are now green. I'm not eating anything green now!!! I've heard in the past that green poops are a sign of low gallbladder/bile function, but then I read somewhere on this forum that it's a sign of liver detoxing. What color should I be looking for? I wonder if there are stages of it being different colors because of detoxing. Would a pale yellow be a sign of Vitamin A detoxing (or copper)? I must admit I was an avid follower of Weston A. Price and been on cod liver oil, eating liver and other organ meats, and ate lots of veggies with butter. I think WAP has some things right (soaking/sprouting/fermenting grains, questioning nutritional dogma, eating more wholesome foods, avoiding processed, etc.).
Also, I did have some diarrhea earlier today, so I do wonder if I'm already detoxing. I hope so, because I do feel overall avoiding processed foods as much as possible for decades at least has given me the edge of being able to clear things faster.
(funny note, I wasn't sure where to ask this question, but when I saw the title 'low toxin logs' I figured this would be the best place, LOL).


Jan 8, 2019
I'm trying to start this low toxin diet and slowly incorporating the supplements. I've been in this for about 2 weeks and my poops are now green. I'm not eating anything green now!!! I've heard in the past that green poops are a sign of low gallbladder/bile function, but then I read somewhere on this forum that it's a sign of liver detoxing. What color should I be looking for? I wonder if there are stages of it being different colors because of detoxing. Would a pale yellow be a sign of Vitamin A detoxing (or copper)? I must admit I was an avid follower of Weston A. Price and been on cod liver oil, eating liver and other organ meats, and ate lots of veggies with butter. I think WAP has some things right (soaking/sprouting/fermenting grains, questioning nutritional dogma, eating more wholesome foods, avoiding processed, etc.).
Also, I did have some diarrhea earlier today, so I do wonder if I'm already detoxing. I hope so, because I do feel overall avoiding processed foods as much as possible for decades at least has given me the edge of being able to clear things faster.
(funny note, I wasn't sure where to ask this question, but when I saw the title 'low toxin logs' I figured this would be the best place, LOL).
Pretty sure it's a sign that you're detoxing copper which would be good.


Forum Supporter
Dec 11, 2023
Pretty sure it's a sign that you're detoxing copper which would be good.
Hmmm, I forgot that I just started zinc supplement about 1 week ago, only 15mg. That could explain the copper dump.


Feb 3, 2020
Green stool can indicate that stool is passing too fast through your intestine. (are you pushing magnesium or any other laxative?)
It can also happen when bile flow is kickstarting, because bile acids accelerate/stimulate motility.

Dark brown stool indicates high amounts of bile. Pale or lightly colored means low amounts of bile.
Green stool means high amount of bile, and it’s moving too fast. It‘s normal for bile to be green but it gets turned brown through a process in the intestine, that I don’t remember right now.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
'm trying to start this low toxin diet and slowly incorporating the supplements. I've been in this for about 2 weeks and my poops are now green. I'm not eating anything green now!!! I've heard in the past that green poops are a sign of low gallbladder/bile function, but then I read somewhere on this forum that it's a sign of liver detoxing. What color should I be looking for? I wonder if there are stages of it being different colors because of detoxing. Would a pale yellow be a sign of Vitamin A detoxing (or copper)? I must admit I was an avid follower of Weston A. Price and been on cod liver oil, eating liver and other organ meats, and ate lots of veggies with butter. I think WAP has some things right (soaking/sprouting/fermenting grains, questioning nutritional dogma, eating more wholesome foods, avoiding processed, etc.).
Also, I did have some diarrhea earlier today, so I do wonder if I'm already detoxing. I hope so, because I do feel overall avoiding processed foods as much as possible for decades at least has given me the edge of being able to clear things faster.
(funny note, I wasn't sure where to ask this question, but when I saw the title 'low toxin logs' I figured this would be the best place, LOL).
Wowsers, you are on the fast track detox. The green is a great sign and signs of bile and also possibly copper detoxing. Diarrhea shows high bile output. So yeh, you are definitely detoxing at an accelerated rate at this moment. This is a great sign.

You can bring in charcoal and other binders like soluble fiber to help soak up the extra bile.
Would a pale yellow be a sign of Vitamin A detoxing (or copper)
Yes pale yellow is a sign of "vitamin A" detoxing. I had a round of this with the last solar storms but am back to dark brown now. And yes different colors mean different toxins leaving.


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Dec 11, 2023
Yes, I've already added charcoal, and at least having more beans/legumes and eating my homemade sourdough bread with psyllium. Maybe I'll start adding psyllium tonight (although I like to use acacia fiber instead. That is also soluble fiber and it mixes clear and has more of a neutral taste. I hope that's OK too).

I must say, I've been tracking my AM body temps for 2 months+ (and I've also done that in the past when trying other therapies), and earlier this week I was finally hitting 97.6, but this morning it was 98.0! And that's on top of slowly lowering my thyroid medication! I've been slowly lowering it since November of last year as I've been on thyroid since 1998, and I was at the highest possible dose for close to 10+ years. I'm on a T4/T3 compounded prescription and was at 132/10. Now I'm on 134/2 (T4 is higher because my endocrinologist is compensating for the lower T3 dosage). Our first step is to wean me off of the T3 portion of my thyroid, BUT my goal is to wean me off of the medication altogether. However, my body temps have always been between 97.0-97.4. No matter what I've done in the past I could never get my temps up. I'm pleasantly surprised, but it's still early.

Through other therapies, I have already been on magnesium and potassium, selenium, and a general B-complex. I've taken away the B-complex and have now been increasing B3 and B1. I'll be adding B2 this weekend. Not on molybdenum yet but hopefully soon. Last night I just made my own MAG-pot spray, and made my 50/50 salt mix. Getting there!!

My only concern is that my weight keeps slowly going up. This has always been another big thorn in my side. No matter what I do, I gain weight very easily and I practically have to starve myself in order to either keep my weight stable or try to lose weight. Last summer I was desperate to try intermittent fasting with 5 days on a 6/18 hour window, 1 day on a 4/20 hour window, and 1 day of normal eating. That was hell, lost some weight, but easily put it back on and now feeling 'fatter' as I just regained more fat and lost muscle. I stopped it after about 2 months because I knew that this was too extreme and I was depleting my body of nutrients. But, I was 'following the science' according to recent fasting gurus. I think 'science' nowadays is so corrupt, so it's hard to believe in any recent studies that are done. Honestly, I am still skeptical about this 'low Vit. A/low copper' theory as I also been told that Vit. A and copper are good for the thyroid. But I look at my health journey and these nutrients haven't helped me so far. So, I'm cautiously optimistic at this point. This rant is just one person's journey to better health. I've been on this for over 20 years, so please be kind to others when they are skeptical of this new low toxin diet. Many are probably skeptical because they've been duped many times with other 'science' that just made them worse. I'm trusting God that He's led me to this Low Toxin Diet. The proof will be, for me at least, that I can continue to slowly wean off of my thyroid medication, continue to see body temps rising, seeing other health issues improve, and to more easily lose weight and retain muscle in a healthy way. Thanks for listening!


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Dec 11, 2023
Green stool can indicate that stool is passing too fast through your intestine. (are you pushing magnesium or any other laxative?)
It can also happen when bile flow is kickstarting, because bile acids accelerate/stimulate motility.

Dark brown stool indicates high amounts of bile. Pale or lightly colored means low amounts of bile.
Green stool means high amount of bile, and it’s moving too fast. It‘s normal for bile to be green but it gets turned brown through a process in the intestine, that I don’t remember right now.
I'm only taking about 300mg of magnesium malate at lunchtime, so that's not too much. Last year I was on almost 900mg of a combo of Mag. malate at lunch and mag. glycinate at night and didn't have the green stools.


Feb 3, 2020
I'm only taking about 300mg of magnesium malate at lunchtime, so that's not too much. Last year I was on almost 900mg of a combo of Mag. malate at lunch and mag. glycinate at night and didn't have the green stools.
Yes. So it’s like due to the sudden increase in bile flow.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
My only concern is that my weight keeps slowly going up. This has always been another big thorn in my side. No matter what I do, I gain weight very easily and I practically have to starve myself in order to either keep my weight stable or try to lose weight.
Some see initial weight gain as the liver dumps toxins via bile and the body is flooded with toxins. It will soon sort itself out.
I'm pleasantly surprised, but it's still early.
It just keeps getting better and better. :)
Many are probably skeptical because they've been duped many times with other 'science' that just made them worse.
Oh I get it. It took me 4 years to break the chains.


Jan 8, 2019
Hmmm, I forgot that I just started zinc supplement about 1 week ago, only 15mg. That could explain the copper dump.
Yes, the zinc will help detox copper. It sounds like you are on the right path.
Curious as to what you have been eating?

I sympathize with your weight struggles as I have been struggling too with weight since I found Matt Stone & RP several years ago. No matter what I do the extra weight just won't budge. Luckily, I haven't gained any more weight going low A but I haven't lost any either. I'm hoping as I become less toxic it will start to shift. I also have been weaning myself slowly off my thyroid meds (T4 & T3) to see if that will help at all. I was diagnosed with hashimoto's several years ago but didn't start taking meds until I gained weight after I started following a pro metabolic diet. I quit drinking milk & juice and cut back on fruit but it didn't help with weight loss which seems odd to me so I started thinking that maybe the thyroid meds are holding me back. I'll see what happens when I'm finally off them which will be soon. Hoping you see good results from getting off your meds as well!


Mar 26, 2014
How much salt are people struggling with weight eating? I wonder if it's water retention. I managed to get in some jeans (Just) that didn't fit well at all 3 months ago. I have been taking extra potassium chloride and coconut water.


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Feb 11, 2024
Wowsers, you are on the fast track detox. The green is a great sign and signs of bile and also possibly copper detoxing. Diarrhea shows high bile output. So yeh, you are definitely detoxing at an accelerated rate at this moment. This is a great sign.

You can bring in charcoal and other binders like soluble fiber to help soak up the extra bile.

Yes pale yellow is a sign of "vitamin A" detoxing. I had a round of this with the last solar storms but am back to dark brown now. And yes different colors mean different toxins leaving.
This is very interesting! This past weekend a “stomach bug” went through my family. My 2 year old (with autism) vomited twice one day and then seemed to be fine. Two days later, he had a seemingly endless amount of bowel movements (6 or 7) and they were BIG and pale yellow. He’s not potty trained yet so I was changing his diapers. After that, he went back to 1-2 regular bowel movements per day, only they’ve been dark green (he hasn’t eaten anything green). I hope that’s a good sign. I’ve basically had him on a version of a low A diet for a couple weeks now, I just didn’t put a name to it at the time and was just trying to stick to a more simple elimination diet. He’s been on lots of grassfed beef, rice, apples, bananas, and green grapes, small amounts of oats, and one cup of grassfed raw milk before bed. Everything organic. I rub magnesium chloride lotion on him before bed at night.


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Jun 24, 2023
Reno, NV
Thanks for posting this @BRENBAIL . Since I started the low Poison A diet my poops have also been green. Good to hear that is fine, even good. Really appreciate you bringing the low toxin conversation to the forum @charlie


Sep 12, 2020
For those having problems with weight gain how much fat are you eating ? I am losing fat and I think very well not too fast but for sure every week I am looking better. I am eating as little fat as possible, my ground beef is extra lean and i squeeze the fat out of most bites.
The only fat I eat is a bit in my banana bread/loafy thing I make and my ground beef.
I am losing weight by the week so easily and am NOT craving fat. I think beans and no fat sour dough bread I buy are helping curb fat cravings.
Bean consumption for me has been a game changer. Well see how well I do with it long term.
@charlie is there any truth to beans having anti nutrients or blocking mineral absorption ?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I sympathize with your weight struggles as I have been struggling too with weight since I found Matt Stone & RP several years ago.
No worries. Your weight will sort itself out when your liver fires up.
his is very interesting! This past weekend a “stomach bug” went through my family. My 2 year old (with autism) vomited twice one day and then seemed to be fine. Two days later, he had a seemingly endless amount of bowel movements (6 or 7) and they were BIG and pale yellow.
The bile is flowing.

Its Happening Ron Paul GIF

After that, he went back to 1-2 regular bowel movements per day, only they’ve been dark green (he hasn’t eaten anything green).
I hope that’s a good sign.
It's an amazing sign. Your two year old's liver is firing up. Beautiful.
He’s been on lots of grassfed beef, rice, apples, bananas, and green grapes, small amounts of oats, and one cup of grassfed raw milk before bed. Everything organic. I rub magnesium chloride lotion on him before bed at night.
Looking good!
Since I started the low Poison A diet my poops have also been green.
Chris Pratt Oh Snap GIF

Really appreciate you bringing the low toxin conversation to the forum @charlie

@charlie is there any truth to beans having anti nutrients or blocking mineral absorption ?
The "cowboy" diet of beef, beans and bread is the healthiest diet on the planet. The "anti nutrient" mumbo jumbo does not concern me at all.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Life with LPR sucks ***t !
It sure does. I am into this detox about 2 years now and know all the symptoms for me that come along with copper toxicity. And without a doubt copper toxicity is what causes my LPR. Any time I push on copper my LPR flares up. I can feel the electrical sensation that fires off the LPR, its almost like electricity running up a line. Then sometimes that sensation will fan out into my arms/legs. When my copper is calm, I barely have the LPF. These days I push copper pretty hard so I just deal with it. I was not able to push copper at all in the beginning, it would fry me. Now, I am able to push pretty hard. It's slowly but surely leaving.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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