Klaus Schwab: Fascist and Nazi Heir



Jan 15, 2016


Jan 15, 2016


Einsatzgruppen - Wikipedia

"were Schutzstaffel (SS) paramilitary death squads of Nazi Germany that were responsible for mass killings, primarily by shooting, during World War II (1939–45) in German-occupied Europe. The Einsatzgruppen had an integral role in the implementation of the so-called "Final Solution to the Jewish Question" (Die Endlösung der Judenfrage) in territories conquered by Nazi Germany, and were involved in the murder of much of the intelligentsia and cultural elite of Poland, including members of the priesthood.[3] Almost all of the people they killed were civilians, beginning with the intelligentsia and swiftly progressing to Soviet political commissars, Jews, and Romani people as well as actual or alleged partisans throughout Eastern Europe."




May 25, 2020
That shows not the face of Nazis, this shows the face of low IQ regular men (not women).

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
There is no physical evidence of the Holocaust (Systematic extermination in Gas chambers disguised as shower rooms). The entire Holocaust narrative is based on testimony and confessions, which have never been allowed to be defended against and once Holocaust Revisionism started to become popular in Europe after the Leuchter Report, most of Continental Europe made Holocaust Revisionism illegal. There are so many angles to why the Holocaust is not believable, but the bigger issue is there are some things which could easily be done to silence all Nazis for good. For example at the Aktion Reinhardt Camps ( Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzec ) there are allegedly over 1 million buried ( they say all of the 1 million Auschwitz victims were incinerated without a trace.. in just a few years during the height of War ). So these bodies could easily been excavated to prove and settle the Holocaust issue once and for all, but any investigation is forbidden by Jewish Rabbis "to not disturb the dead." At Treblinka alone there is some 700,000 bodies, so they say
do you think theres similar falsehoods regarding slavery, american history, stalin, mao etc?


Oct 11, 2015
View attachment 24402
View attachment 24401

First-Ever Excavation of Nazi Death Camp Treblinka Reveals Horrors​

First-Ever Excavation of Nazi Death Camp Treblinka Reveals Horrors
"The first-ever archaeological excavations at the Nazi death camp Treblinka have revealed new mass graves, as well as the first physical evidence that this camp held gas chambers, where thousands of Jews died"

View attachment 24404
View attachment 24403

The Jager Report​

Jäger Report - Wikipedia
View attachment 24410
other source documents, correspondence, etc. : Masss Murder

I would like to make something clear. The Holocaust claim is about the systematic extermination of ~3 million Jews in Gas Chambers disguised as shower rooms, plus ~3 million others on the Easter Front by the Einsatzgruppen with mobile gas vans and shootings. For a total of just under 6 million total Jews killed, depending on the source the numbers differ slightly.

What you have posted in photographs - and links - is not physical evidence of that. First off you should provide the context to your photos, I will help you out on the second one featuring the smoke, which is one of the Sonderkommando photographs. I'm not sure what the first one is.

As for the mass graves, yes they have uncovered "mass graves" of a handful of people and in some cases a few hundred. Like I mentioned in my previous post, there is allegedly upwards of 700,000 bodies at Treblinka. Finding a mass grave of 5 people or even 500 people does not prove that there are 700,000 dead buried there, nor that these 500 people were systematically killed in gas chambers or other methods. The last part is very important, because people did die, but it is important if they died from disease and other war circumstances or if they were systematically murdered by the German soldiers - as the Holocaust Believers claim.

This is a list of translated documents, not the originals and I suspect there are important mistranslated words in the ones that are not fakes like "liquidated" and "annihilated" which show up a few times in this page. It is easy to type up a document and say "Letter from John Doe on how many Jews we have killed". Many of these so-called official documents have been shown to be fakes and again, not physical evidence of the Holocaust claims. This is an amateur hour spam attack from you of photos and links, please caption and provide the source of the photos.
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Oct 11, 2015


Einsatzgruppen - Wikipedia

"were Schutzstaffel (SS) paramilitary death squads of Nazi Germany that were responsible for mass killings, primarily by shooting, during World War II (1939–45) in German-occupied Europe. The Einsatzgruppen had an integral role in the implementation of the so-called "Final Solution to the Jewish Question" (Die Endlösung der Judenfrage) in territories conquered by Nazi Germany, and were involved in the murder of much of the intelligentsia and cultural elite of Poland, including members of the priesthood.[3] Almost all of the people they killed were civilians, beginning with the intelligentsia and swiftly progressing to Soviet political commissars, Jews, and Romani people as well as actual or alleged partisans throughout Eastern Europe."

View attachment 24407
View attachment 24408
Yes, the Einsatzgruppen was a penal battalion that dealt with Partisans... a form of warfare that was forbidden by the Geneva Convention. It is not controversial that there were reprisals for Partisan attacks and harboring of Partisans. The Holocaust claims that the Einsatzgruppen started rounding up every Jew they could find and systematically executing them, that's not what at least their official mission was, and there needs to be evidence that they did do that. They dealt with foreign civilian combatants that were assassinating soldiers at night and sabotaging the war effort.

I am curious on the source of the bottom photograph.
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Oct 11, 2015

A Study of the Cyanide Compounds Content In The Walls Of The Gas Chambers in the Former Auschwitz and Birkenau Concentration Camps​

A Study of the Cyanide Compounds Content in the Walls of the Gas Chambers in the Former Auschwitz and Birkenau Concentration Camps

Anatomy of the Auschwitz death camp​

Anatomy of the Auschwitz death camp : Gutman, Israel : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
This is from the Polish study of the Gas Chambers at Auschwitz, that was done in response to the Leuchter Report and Rudolf Report which compared the alleged Gas Chambers to facilities where Zyklon-B was officially used on clothes in de-lousing facilities. The Poles did not test for Iron Cyanide compounds, despite that being the reason for the Blue-Staining we see in the de-lousing facilities. And thus they concluded that "similar" amounts were found in the alleged Gas Chambers and the delousing facilities.

Here is Germar Rudolf's response to that study including a table showing the results of the different studies.

Green, as many of his co-dogmatics, relies heavily on the results of the Cracow Institute of Forensic Research, i.e. the work of Markiewicz and colleagues as published in 1994.[41] These Poles have conducted their analyses with a method which is not able to detect Iron cyanide compounds. They did this because they allegedly didn't understand how such compounds could possibly form. Has anyone ever heard that the non-understanding of a phenomenon is a reason for not examining it? For the Poles it obviously was. And even more: They did not even try to refute the theory I presented in one of my publication of spring 1993.[42] They knew this publication, since they quoted it, but only as an example of the alleged "evil deeds" of the deniers and "whitewashers" of Hitler, who they intend to refute. That should be enough to show that the intention of the Poles is highly ideologically biased.

And besides of this, they did not even try to explain what else might be responsible for the high iron cyanide content of the wall's plaster, inner (!) mortar and even partly the outside bricks as well as their patchy blue coloring without any paint being visible.

By using their method, the Poles found out that in both the delousing chambers and the alleged homicidal gas chambers comparable cyanide residues can be found. In the following table I am comparing the results as obtained by the Poles, by Leuchter and by me:​

Comparison of the order of magnitude of analyses results of different samples
Markiewicz et al.​
Detection of​
Cyanide without Iron Cyanides​
Total Cyanide​
Total Cyanide​
Delousing Chambers
0 - 0,8 mg/kg​
1.025 mg/kg​
1.000 - 13.000 mg/kg​
Alleged Gas Chamber
0 - 0,6 mg/kg​
0 - 8 mg/kg​
0 - 7 mg/kg​
Inmates Hut
0 mg/kg​
0 - 3 mg/kg​
Gassed Samples
0 - 12 mg/kg​
50 - 100 mg/kg​

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Jan 15, 2016
SS-Totenkopfverbände : literally "Death's Head Units"
was the SS organization responsible for administering the Nazi concentration camps and extermination camps for Nazi Germany, among similar duties.[3] While the Totenkopf (skull) was the universal cap badge of the SS, the SS-TV also wore the Death's Head insignia on the right collar tab to distinguish itself from other Nazi Schutzstaffel (SS) formations.




The SS, individually and collectively, benefited financially from the Holocaust. Slave labour at the camps was sold to private companies, or used to run lucrative SS-run industries,while the cost of prisoner upkeep was minimal. Himmler intended to make concentration camps into a profitable industry for the financial benefit of the SS. Wartime labour shortages meant that the concentration camps ended up as a significant labour source for all sectors of the German economy. The property of murdered Jews was stolen and auctioned off to the German public.Individual personnel at the camps often embezzled some of the stolen property for themselves, and some were charged for theft.
Himmler, Heinrich. Speech to SS-Gruppenführer at Posen, Poland, October 4th, 1943. U.S. National Archives document 242.256, reel 2 of 3.
I am currently talking about the "evacuation of the Jews", the extermination of the Jewish people. It is one of those things that is easily said. 'The Jewish people are being exterminated,' every Party member says, 'perfectly clear, it's written in our program, elimination of the Jews, extermination, and we do that.'




Oct 11, 2015
SS-Totenkopfverbände : literally "Death's Head Units"
was the SS organization responsible for administering the Nazi concentration camps and extermination camps for Nazi Germany, among similar duties.[3] While the Totenkopf (skull) was the universal cap badge of the SS, the SS-TV also wore the Death's Head insignia on the right collar tab to distinguish itself from other Nazi Schutzstaffel (SS) formations.

View attachment 24421

View attachment 24422
View attachment 24423

The SS, individually and collectively, benefited financially from the Holocaust. Slave labour at the camps was sold to private companies, or used to run lucrative SS-run industries,while the cost of prisoner upkeep was minimal. Himmler intended to make concentration camps into a profitable industry for the financial benefit of the SS. Wartime labour shortages meant that the concentration camps ended up as a significant labour source for all sectors of the German economy. The property of murdered Jews was stolen and auctioned off to the German public.Individual personnel at the camps often embezzled some of the stolen property for themselves, and some were charged for theft.
Himmler, Heinrich. Speech to SS-Gruppenführer at Posen, Poland, October 4th, 1943. U.S. National Archives document 242.256, reel 2 of 3.
I am currently talking about the "evacuation of the Jews", the extermination of the Jewish people. It is one of those things that is easily said. 'The Jewish people are being exterminated,' every Party member says, 'perfectly clear, it's written in our program, elimination of the Jews, extermination, and we do that.'

View attachment 24424
Ausrotten is translated to exterminate in that speech, a better translation is uproot. Ausrotten was used in this context by Rudolf Hess in 1935 - do you figure that he meant systematically exterminate here? No one was claiming that the Nazis were exterminating Jews in 1935

National Socialist legislation has now introduced corrective measures against this over-alienization. I say corrective, because the proof that the Jews are not being ruthlessly rooted out [AUSGEROTTET] is that in Prussia alone 33,500 Jews are working in manufacturing and industry, and 89, 800 are engaged in trade and commerce; and that with only 1 per cent of the population Jewish, 17.5 per cent of our attorneys and in Berlin nearly half the registered doctors are still Jewish.
-Rudolf Hess

Yes in 1942 onward, at the height of War, Jews were being uprooted and placed in concentration camps. They were not being systematically murdered. These dead bodies being cremated look like people who have starved or suffered from a muscle wasting disease like typhus. Not taken directly of trains and gassed to death. This is the official claim by the way, that most of the allegedly murdered Jews went straight from the trains into Gas chambers which were disguised as shower rooms.

You overstate how much value the Nazis actually got out of Jewish labor. I also find it funny that they try to spin a Capitalist angle on it, when they were in the middle of War.


Jan 15, 2016
Karl Marx is also jewish.
Many of the NAZI's were jewish. Does being jewish invalidate someone's work?
Historian claims Hitler personally approved officers of Jewish descent to fight for Nazis

Communism, as proposed by Marx, is ownership of a society's property and production by the society to prevent the exploitation of the people in the society
People would still have personal property

It is the opposite of the concentration of wealth and ownership into the hands of a few. The biblical jewish monarchs and pharisee are great jewish examples of this, so does being jewish make you communist missenger? I thought the NAZI's claimed the jews were using their mercantilism to exploit the german people?


Aug 22, 2019
this is interesting stuff, do you think a lot of what weve been taught about hitler, holocaust, is fake/exaggerated info?

nuremberg trials were fraudulent? there was no evidence needed?

what do you think actually occured? was it germany looking to gain independence?
Socialism never left Germany after the Nazis were defeated. Nothing really changed.


Oct 11, 2015
Socialism never left Germany after the Nazis were defeated. Nothing really changed.
Yes National Socialism was so bad, they shouldve let the Private Banks and International Finance dictate their economy instead of organizing it for their own people's benefit. Silly Nazis


Jan 15, 2016
Yes National Socialism was so bad, they shouldve let the Private Banks and International Finance dictate their economy instead of organizing it for their own people's benefit. Silly Nazis
So what was the difference between the economic and financial policies of the democratic socialists and the national socialists? Why did the NAZIs murder socialist economist Rudolph Hilferding-Rudolf Hilferding - Wikipedia?


Oct 11, 2015
So what was the difference between the economic and financial policies of the democratic socialists and the national socialists? Why did the NAZIs murder socialist economist Rudolph Hilferding-Rudolf Hilferding - Wikipedia?
I do not know anything about him, but National Socialism was completely opposed to the Marxist conceptions of social order and largely on important economic policy. Despite sharing a critique of Capital (and from what I see Hilferding strongly criticized Finance Capital to which I would agree), their economic approaches were radically different. The Marxists wanted to Nationalize all industry and collectivize the farms, the National Socialists maintained private initiative so long as it did not clash with German interests as a whole. Marxism also de-emphasized the importance of Race, which was central to National Socialist ideology. Hilferding was Jewish and the wiki says he fled Germany in 1933 and later died in prison under the custody of the Gestapo in 1941. I cant know the circumstances of his death (and the wiki source appears to be speculation as well). All in all, I would say the his critique of Finance Capital was shared by the Nazis, but the Nazis also saw the struggle as not just against Finance Capital, but complete de-racination and destruction of Germany's bloodlines - which Hilferding I doubt would care for at all. Blood and Soil provides a simple understanding of the NS worldview, rather than simply being against Finance Capital. Although the latter is implied if the former is taken to its conclusions.
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