The Earth is Hollow - Hitler escaped to Antarctica after WWII - There exists another world in the North/South Poles that is being hidden


Jun 22, 2021
Let's go all over the proof that exists that something is being hidden (i.e. massive amounts of land/another world) in the North and South Poles:

Operation Highjump (A HIGHLY classified mission in which the cover story is that it was used for "creating an Antarctic base called Little America IV" and "testing equipment")

- Commanded by Admiral Richard E. Byrd of the US Navy
- 14 ships were sent (including a carrier, submarine AND a destroyer escort with 5000 marines)
- this mission was made shortly after WWII - A war torn country found it important enough to send these vast amounts of protection and resources to this mission

What happens to the mission ?

Tens of thousands of aerial photographs were taken in the first weeks. And suddenly something mysterious happens. The expedition, designed for six months, in two months hastily folds up and leaves the shores of Antarctica. This is a real getaway. The destroyer Merdek was lost, almost half of the carrier-based aircraft, 68 sailors and officers.

Upon his return, Admiral Bird appears before the members of the Extraordinary Commission of Inquiry of the US Congress. Fragments of his report were leaked to the press. The United States needs to take protective measures against enemy fighters flying out of the polar regions. In the event of a new war, America may be attacked by an enemy capable of flying from one pole to another at incredible speed. Who put the American squadron to flight? A year and a half before the expedition of Admiral Byrd, in the summer of 1945, two German submarines entered the Argentine port of Mardel Plata and surrendered to the authorities.
Not ordinary boats, but boats from the so-called Fuehrer's convoy. This top-secret compound carried out tasks, the details of which are still under wraps.
Submarine crews were reluctant to testify. And yet the Americans managed to learn something. So, the commander of the U-530 spoke about his participation in the operation codenamed Valkyrie-2. Three weeks before the end of the war, his submarine delivered to Antarctica the relics of the Third Reich, Hitler's personal belongings, as well as passengers whose faces were hidden by bandages.


According to testimony from expedition member John Sayerson:

the vehicles flew directly between the masts at such a speed that the resulting air vortices tore apart the antennas. Interestingly, the flying discs moved silently: from the modern point of view, antigravity could be the basis of their movement.
The squadron, despite the good firepower at that time, could hardly oppose anything to the mysterious enemy. Enemy machines fired deadly fire. The attack ended as suddenly as it had begun. The attackers fled under water, and the military remained to count the losses incurred in 20 minutes of the battle, which turned out to be enormous.

400 people were killed, almost all aircraft were destroyed, a ship was lost, and two more were seriously damaged
. Admiral Byrd's expedition faced an enemy that could not be resisted.

And did I mention:

James Forrestal - acting secretary of Defense and Secretary of the Navy at the time was admitted to a psych ward then "committed suicide" shortly after Operation Highjump completed.


After the mission:
Whatever it was, the fact remains that after Byrd's return to the United States and his report in Washington, all expedition logs and the rear admiral's personal diaries were seized and classified - they remain classified till this day (60+ years)

Admiral Byrd said the following in an interview after the expedition:

Strangely enough, there is left in the world today, an area as big as the United States, that’s never been seen by a human being. And that’s beyond the pole, on the other side of the south pole from Little America.”


His son published his supposed diary after his death which is too long to post here but I will give the TLDR below:

Admiral Byrd States the following in his diaries:

- he discovers mountain regions he had never seen and green valleys with mammoths and rivers and encounters a shimmering city where he is then forced to land

- he also notes the temperature of the atmosphere was 70 degrees and that all of his navigation equipment had stopped working and that he could no longer see the sun.

- Upon landing, he states he is met by tall men with blonde hair who escort him to the master of the city.

- The master of the city tells Byrd that they are a race that is many thousands of years more advanced than people and they live in the center of the earth. The rest of the discussion is too long to post here but it drifts on the idea they are unhappy that atomic bombs were dropped in Japan and now they must interfere with the future of the surface world (human race)

Too Bizarre to Believe ? Not so fast

A fully intact mammoth was found in 1846 in the Artic Sea (mammoths are supposed to have been extinct for over 4,000 years) in the Artic sea, fully intact with blood still flowing - suggesting that it had died recently.

An animal (even in ice) does not stay that preserved for over 4,000 years -
the process to even freeze people in cryo chambers after death is extensive and it still doesn't even come close to keeping anything intact.


And then there's Hitler:

Who believed (along with his top advisors) that the earth was hollow and there exists entrances to the inside of an entirely new world at the North and South Poles


He sent a secret, massive Antarctic expedition in 1936 "in preparation for WWII"
which is believed to have been related to this. "the official story was to get whale oil"


And once again -

A year and a half before the expedition of Admiral Byrd, in the summer of 1945, two German submarines entered the Argentine port of Mardel Plata and surrendered to the authorities.

which claimed

Three weeks before the end of the war, his submarine delivered to Antarctica the relics of the Third Reich, Hitler's personal belongings, as well as passengers whose faces were hidden by bandages.

Bizarre? check out these rare satellite images of the Poles taken by ESSA-3 and ESSA-7 satellites in the 1960's with no clouds



They appear to support the Hollow Earth theory with entrances in the North/South Poles

In the 1960's:

Laws were made that STRICTLY PROHIBIT taking anything from Antarctica - a rock, a plant, an animal, even, taking soil is completely banned.

How bizarre.

Also - even visiting Antarctica without permission is banned in the biggest countries in the world due to the Antarctic treaty of 1961

There exists an island in Antarctica called Rothschild Island named after Baron Edouard de Rothschild who massively funded an expedition into the Antarctic in 1905 - along with Delta, Omicron, and Coronation Islands


There exists a group of mountains called Rockefeller Mountains and Rockefeller plateau - named after John D. Rockefeller who massively funded an Antarctic mission by Byrd in 1929


It seems the Rockefellers and Rothschilds had quiet an interest in Antarctica in the 1900's
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Nov 9, 2020
Now this is a topic I'm here for! Always love your interesting posts James thanks for collating all that info I'm very curious to hear anything else that can be added to this or of course anything else from "fact checkers"


Feb 18, 2016
"The master of the city tells Byrd that they are a race that is many thousands of years more advanced than people and they live in the center of the earth"

So we have advanced beings who decide to live in the centre of the earth and hide from humans, I pointed this out before, its like humans hiding from chimpanzee's in a secret location in the jungle, we secretly hand out advanced sticks and stones as tools to a select few chimps who rule over the other chimps, we do this for hundreds of years, what's the point? If we found researchers doing this we would have them committed to a mental institute.

Why would anyone bother living like a caveman in the centre of the earth with no sunshine if you are so advanced, do they supplement vitamin D? Maybe idea labs has shipped to Antartica?


May 8, 2017
Crazy...very interesting topic. The tall, white nordics are one race of 'aliens' (not sure alien is the right word since they may live on this planet too) people frequently describe during UFO encounters. There is a lot of evidence they have underground bases all over the world and in the oceans but this is the first I am hearing of a hollow planet. Seems possible given how strange the phenomenon is.
During some abductions, people also describe what seems like being in an underground location in what I can only describe as some sort of stadium venue. Terry Lovelace has a detailed account of this if anyone is interested. About Me


Jun 22, 2021
Another thing just came to my mind -

Clearly, we know that there was a race of giants that existed on this surface world - Even ignoring the 1000+ reports in the past century in the US alone of Giant Skeletons being dug up. Giant skeletons are found all over the world - many easily stretching past 8-9 feet.

And clearly, there was a collective effort by the Vatican and Smithsonian Museum to eradicate the existence of these giants by destroying their skeletons

How are they all gone now ? You would think they would be extremely likely participants to continue replicating and passing on their genetics and that giants that reach these heights would still be easily seen today.

Yet they all seem to have disappeared and there is a collective effort to prevent people from finding out they ever existed. I think they are still very much alive and that somehow, they are involved with all of this


Jun 22, 2021
i ******* love this topic,i can attatch here a couple videos about it


i trully believe earth is hollow​


Incredible. I'm only half-way through the video and it makes x100 more sense than the earth being dense and filled with magma

The Northern lights I truly believe is proof that it is being emanating from a world beneath us

The official explanation of Northern Lights is that "When solar winds interact with earth's magnetic field - it causes that light pattern" - biggest load of BS I've ever heard

To anyone who expresses doubts in what I wrote, I would highly recommend watching this video, makes x100 sense than anything you were taught in school


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Another thing just came to my mind -

Clearly, we know that there was a race of giants that existed on this surface world - Even ignoring the 1000+ reports in the past century in the US alone of Giant Skeletons being dug up. Giant skeletons are found all over the world - many easily stretching past 8-9 feet.

And clearly, there was a collective effort by the Vatican and Smithsonian Museum to eradicate the existence of these giants by destroying their skeletons

How are they all gone now ? You would think they would be extremely likely participants to continue replicating and passing on their genetics and that giants that reach these heights would still be easily seen today.

Yet they all seem to have disappeared and there is a collective effort to prevent people from finding out they ever existed. I think they are still very much alive and that somehow, they are involved with all of this
The giants were the Nephilim. They were completely wiped out at while Noah was on the ark.


Jan 22, 2021
I don't believe in Nordic Aliens Ufos, Hollow Earth and Byrd's diary, but i think the poles might hide remnants of proto-humans' artifacts, buildings, etc.

Hyperboreans seem to be real and to be known as "Ancient North Eurasians", they were forefathers of the people which spread the swastika symbol over the world and tought to be the architects of the pyramids in places like Egypt, South America, China (hidden by the chinese government) and Northeastern Russia (hidden aswell).

Interesting video on the subject:

Nov 18, 2018
Love this thread broskie, the video was fire too. I just finished watching journey to the center of the earth which I have not seen since I was a kid. Now I have a lot to think about ?


Sep 24, 2016
And the Same People wasting their Time „researching“ such stuff or even indulge in a bit of escapism here wonder how easy elites can manipulate events in the real world or complain about „sheeple“ blindly consuming Hollywood and Instagram.


Sep 10, 2019
And the Same People wasting their Time „researching“ such stuff or even indulge in a bit of escapism here wonder how easy elites can manipulate events in the real world or complain about „sheeple“ blindly consuming Hollywood and Instagram.
You overly indulge in their monopoly game. Thinking about the natural world is much less a waste of time than ever thinking any political thread you start will have any effect in a conflict where your enemies control nearly every resource you need to maintain your standard of living.


Sep 10, 2019
On topic, I’m very intrigued by the idea of a hollow earth. I picked up a small book by the name of “The Smoky God” that explains some sort of a sun inside the planet. I do wonder though, if the earth is hollow and there are some sort of advanced beings living within it, you almost have to assume they’ve made deals with the demonic elite on the surface. Otherwise it would just be subverted like every other decent place.
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