Pfizer and FDA sued in the NY Supreme Court


Apr 26, 2018
Truth Justice ™


BREAKING NEWS: Pfizer and the FDA sued in the New York Supreme Court. The claim is based in lieu of the pending criminal charges filed by Pascal Najadi against Swiss President Alain Berset in Switzerland for Abuse of Public Office in connection with the Covid vaccination policy. The New York Supreme Court also ordered the U.S. Department of Justice to protect Pascal Najadi, his wife, his mother and his attorney handling the case with 24/7 detailed protection in Switzerland. The Bioweapon "Covid Vaccines" have been injected in 5 billion people using 12.7 billion bioweapon poison vials. The whole Pandemic was declared in order to inject the world with these Bioweapon injections. The World Health Organization is the main entity that pushed these bioweapons on the world. Bill Gates and Tedros are the main criminals behind this global crime. The WHO has become a dictatorship by one man. Insider intel information reveals Bill Gates and Tedros have been directing the World Council for Church weekly on how all church leaders should respond to the Pandemic response and vaccination policy. Bill Gates and the WHO are using mRNA genome editing technology to change the genome in humans which is not repairable and the next generation children will die. Autopsies from the deceased Covid Vaccinated show very strange plastic like string things growing in the vessels and arteries of the Covid Vaccinated killing the person with strokes, blood clots and heart attacks. The plan of Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and others is Transhumanism to change what it means to be human through genetic mRNA gene editing. Ana Mihalcea MD, PhD states "The mRNA injections, is a cover story for an Artificial Intelligence frequency based gene modification system that is self learning and can decide how to edit that human." They are using digital technology and AI to control people. They are planning to use Covid to scare people for the next 10 years to achieve their goals. We cannot allow them to continue, what they are doing is illegal and the World Health Organization has no right to exist. Do you want them to inject poison into your children? What's going on is unfathomable, these are crimes against humanity. Pascal Najadi's mother, age 81 has thrombosis from being triple Pfizer vaccinated, her leg is blue. The World Health Organization is a criminal organization and Tedros is a disgrace. Pascal is very angry and will get justice. Think if your mother would call you crying because she is dying from the injection. I will stop all this with everything I have through justice. Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger very important "The injection sterilizes men and women, that is why they are after children and babies, they want to stop humanity. They are destroying the family and hiding the death. They are telling children before puberty that they can change their sex. They want to destroy the family." No injection is safe today, no injection. You have to be very careful. The vaccinated should have their blood tested so that they can be helped. We have another problem, we have toxic poisonous blood reserves circulating in blood banks. Sixty percent of the world's population have been poisoned with this bioweapon, the blood is now poisonous and toxic. All politicians, justices and lawmakers need to do their job and bring justice to humanity. Millions of people have died from the mRNA injections. I have police protection in this apartment ordered by the U.S. Justice. Why do I need protection in Switzerland? Because they have already killed so many people knowingly. Pascal Najadi "I'm angry because my mother has been diagnosed with a thrombosis attack. I will do everything I can to rip apart Pfizer Inc. with justice in New York where they are. I hope they are watching this program, I'm not afraid of you."
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