Kidney Failure - Can It Be Healed?


Nov 24, 2017
If I only knew how to fix my gut health. Tried it for many years and nothing worked


Jul 28, 2016
Hoffer mentioned in his book "NIACIN THE REAL STORY" that one of his patients who was using high dose niacin and who was on dialysis all of a sudden didn't need it anymore after starting with the treatment.

The niacin flush is apparently what did it.
I can't find the exact quote right now.

Thanks for posting this. It is quite helpful for my research. I have five kidney patients I am helping out right now. They are all doing well on other supplements, but it never hurts to have another tool in the toolbox.

Are you (or the author) implying that the flush is effecting detoxification by increasing blood flow or are you proposing that this flush somehow promotes healing of the renal tissues? Given that the patient was still taking a high dose 25 years later, I'm inclined to believe that the latter was not the case.

What would the flush be like from 3g/day of niacin? I get an intense prickle from a much lower dose, so imagine 3g would be quite uncomfortable. Has anyone here tried this?


Jan 1, 2013
What would the flush be like from 3g/day of niacin? I get an intense prickle from a much lower dose, so imagine 3g would be quite uncomfortable. Has anyone here tried this?

From 1 gr taken straight on an empty stomach, my impression after 5 minutes was of standing totally naked in the sahara desert at noon.

Brutal is an understatement.

But i reckon the flush won't be so much a problem compared to the probable headaches from the vasodillatatory effect in the brain.

Are you (or the author) implying that the flush is effecting detoxification by increasing blood flow or are you proposing that this flush somehow promotes healing of the renal tissues?

Maybe a little bit of both ? Though i suspect the increased blood flow is what does the trick.
Apr 13, 2018
Here's the passage:

Only one in ten patients who need kidney transplants gets one. There are too few kidneys available, and the operation is expensive: over $100,000 in the United States. Some 30,000 transplants are done in the United States each year; about 100,000 persons are on waiting lists. In 2005, 341,000 Americans were on dialysis. Dialysis costs approximately $50,000 per year.

But there is potential solution. If diseased kidneys were cured, there would be no need for dialysis and transplants.
Kidney tissue is protected by niacinamide.66It protected rats against the diabetogenic effect of the antibiotic streptozotocin. Clinically, niacin has been used to successfully treat patients with severe glomerulonephritis, a condition that impairs normal kidney function and results in tissue swelling, high blood pressure, and blood in the urine.

One of my (AH) patients was being readied for dialysis. Her nephrologist had advised her she would die if she refused to undergo this procedure. She started on niacin 3,000 mg per day and is still well, twenty-five years later.

Condorelli67 listed a large number of cardiovascular problems he treated with niacin, including nephritis. About forty years ago a woman told me she had just been diagnosed with kidney failure. She would have to start dialysis immediately in preparation for a kidney transplant when one became available. Kidney dialysis had just been introduced to Saskatoon, and she was very worried. While she was telling me this I remembered the Italian studies, and suggested she discuss them with her doctor. I advised that it could do no harm and might help. She discussed the studies with her doctor, who thought the idea was hilarious. But it was no laughing matter for her. She rejected his advice and started on niacin on her own. Thirty years later, when we were having dinner in Victoria, her husband reminded me of this. She had recovered and remained well on niacin, three grams daily. Her recovery broke the rule that there was no treatment for nephritis.

Later Dr. Max Vogel, an orthomolecular physician in Calgary, told me about a similar case. A twelve-year-old girl with glomerulonephritis was given niacin by her father, a teacher. When no treatment was offered to her he researched as much as he could and discovered this vitamin. She recovered. He then had Dr. Vogel examine her. He confirmed that she had been sick and was now well.

So now we have two cases out of two self-treated with niacin. As far as I know, no one else has tried this.

Two recoveries may not be very convincing to physicians raised on double-blind studies, but it is convincing to me and suggests that there must be other patients with nephritis who would also get well on this program. It is surely beyond all reason to conclude that these two recoveries, directly and indirectly known to me, would be the only cases on Earth. If one crow is white, it surely raises the odds that there are other crows that are white. In the same way, if one or two patients recover from a disease for which there is no treatment, it surely means there are other patients who will have the same results. But if no one looks into this, we will not know what proportion of the one-half million North Americans headed for kidney transplants can be helped.
Think of the enormous savings to patients, families, and society if only one in a hundred were healed! But there is no incentive for Big Pharma to research this, as vitamin-based cures do not bring in billions of dollars in profit. The kidney transplant industry would be devastated if each patient has an average expenditure of only about $200 per year. Treating only ten patients successfully would save over a million dollars in treatment and maintenance costs—and given the 100 percent recovery experienced by our two patients, it is highly likely that the number of people who do get well would be much greater."

I was just skimming through "Orthomolecular Medicine for Everyone: Megavitamin Therapeutics for Families and Physicians" by Abram Hoffer and Andrew W. Saul and this case (patient with kidney issues resolved by niacin) is also summarized on page 74 (screenshot attached)
niacin b3 kidney hoffer.PNG

Also, another forum member seemed to experience improvements in kidney function after using taurine (see post #4 and #7 in this thread: Kidney Disease )
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Oct 11, 2016
Abstain from sex, preserve your energy, stay warm, eat shellfish and get enough zinc, beef, liver once a week, niacin, increase digestive power, try various aminos especially taurine.


Jul 13, 2014
@burtlancast, thank you for that amazing info on niacin. It does not cease to amaze the multitude of conditions that can be fixed with this one vitamin. I would think a Peat style diet of fruit and milk would be protective of kidneys. Jason Fung though, targets milk as one of the culprits for kidney disease. Casein though has proven to be useful in dogs with kidney disease.

Wasn't the prime focus of Walter Kempner's diet of white rice, fruit & sugar designed to treat kidney disease.

His paper SOME EFFECTS OF THE RICE DIET TREATMENT OF KIDNEY DISEASE AND HYPERTENSION* is available in the following pdf. Sorry, I am not able to link it. Worthwhile studying it closely.


I was curious to know the niacin content of white rice as like most people, thought it to be devoid of many nutrients however, its niacin is not too shabby. 1 cup (200g) provides 8.2mg of niacin. Its other minerals are also quite decent. It seems the Chinese got it right during those years of food rationing. How else would you feed an enormous population, keep them healthy and strong; cheaply?

Of 100 patients with primary kidney disease, 65 per cent showed improvement on the rice diet. Of 222 patients where a diagnosis of hypertensive vascular disease was made, 62 per cent improved. Those who question the value of diet in the treatment of hyper-tensive vascular disease say that in those patients who responded to the diet our diagnosis was probably incorrect. I think that in most ,cases the differential diagnosis presents no difficulties. Table IV shows -the summary of a typical history. It would not be right to use such a case as an argument against sympathectomy. I have seen marked blood pressure reduction following sympathectomy, in patients with severe hypertension, and I have seen patients whose blood pressure was not improved. But I do think that the sequence of surgical treatment and dietary treatment should be reversed since the treatment with the rice diet, if it proves to be ineffective, can simply be discontinued.

Jason Fung urgues, the Kempner rice diet works because it was low in calories, protein, sodium and lectins.

Thoughts on the Kempner Rice Diet - Intensive Dietary Management (IDM)

McDougall says he reserves the Kempner rice diet for those who have one leg in the grave.

I don't know about fasting; I would think rice, fruit and sugar not too punishing on the kidneys. Fruit and sugar help to remove phosphate; so what is not to like? I'd be one of those non-compliant patients who would need to be whipped to adhere to a fasting regime. I could be enticed, if it included just lying on the beach soaking up the sun and a couple of slaves to take care of all my chores.

I have just been listening Brian Clement's rant on Sugar. The Kiss of Death. When people start referring to fruit in the same category as sugar, my antenna goes a little crazy. People believe this crap and when we look at Kempner's diet with no evidence that sugar and fruit should be labelled the kiss of death - rather; the kiss of life or the kiss of regeneration.

How are we to reassure our loved ones that fruit is safe? Fruit just seems the perfect delightful food. How miserable having to eat sprouts and drink wheat grass juice? I think once we exclude fruit from the diet, then we have really lost the plot. I think he smoked way too much dope in his past. I never heard of anyone being drug ****88 eating loads of fruit.
so niacin, not niacinamide? I know peat favours the latter
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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