
Feb 18, 2016
I’ve stumbled across this lady recently, I’m still looking at her blog, she seemed to be associating with Alex Jones around 2010 so it’s possible she is a limited hangout but she is mentioning some interesting things about vaccines and pandemics since 2008.

At the moment she is saying Ebola and covid19 will be combined as a deadlier form of vaccine, Ebola is more difficult to pass on, it will be done via vaccination and hidden as the cause by claiming it’s a new variant of covid.

Has anybody come across her yet in the covid saga? If she is legit it’s likely a few new shill accounts will appear on here.
@haidut @tankasnowgod @Pina

Jane Bürgermeister is an Austrian investigative journalist who, as the anticipated July 2009 release date for Baxter’s Swine flu (H1N1) pandemic vaccine was approaching, warned the world that the greatest crime in the history of humanity was underway.

Earlier in 2009, she had filed criminal charges with the FBI against the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), and several of the highest ranking government and corporate officials, accusing them of bioterrorism and attempts to commit mass murder. She had also prepared an injunction against forced vaccination which was being legislated for in America.

These actions followed her charges filed in April 2009 against Baxter AG and AVIR Green Hills Biotechnology of Austria for producing contaminated Bird flu vaccine, alleging this was a deliberate act to cause and profit from a pandemic.[1]

The threat of people being forced to take a risky Ebola vaccine could occur around the world in the near future.

A license has been given to Merck’s Ebola vaccine in the USA and in Europe under emergency use provision

And on December 20th 2019, just before covid broke out in Wuhan, Mercks vaccine was given full authorization.

That means, it can be given, also using compulsion , to people as a prophylactic. So even if there is no Ebola in a country, the vaccine can be administered under the pretext of preventing an outbreak.

But there are alarming facts, unknowns about the Merck s Ebola vaccine and Ebola outbreak, some of which are outlined here.

A study published in The Lancet in 2015 suggests that Merck’s vaccine, marketed as Ervebo ( rVSVΔG-ZEBOV-GP), could even give people Ebola as discussed in Section 1 below.

Getting Ebola was listed as the main side effect in an interim study published in July 2015 in The Lancet.

The study and other facts strongly suggest that Merck, together with World Health Organization (WHO) and other actors, has embarked on a false, misleading, and dangerous marketing campaign to persuade the public that Ebola is an out of control threat, that there is a low risk of damage and a low danger from giving people their Ebola vaccine while hiding the evidence that the vaccine is not necessary and is actually very risky.

Among the thirteen Ebola vaccines in the pipeline is one made by Johnson & Johnson. This is the same company ordered to pay a $572 million fine in Oklahoma in August 2019 for making similar misleading and false claims of a very low addiction rate from opioid painkillers which fuelled the opioid crisis, and facing about 2000 opioid related lawsuits.

Ebola is a very severe viral infection with a high death rate. It is transmitted by bodily fluids. Ebola is not as contagious as most diseases with a reproduction rate of only about 2. One sick person was found to cause an average 1.5 to 2 other infections in the 2014 Ebola outbreak.

Estimating the basic reproductive ratio for the Ebola outbreak in Liberia and Sierra Leone

To repeat: Ebola is not easy to catch from a sneeze like flu.

The incubation period can be between 2 and 21 days.


  • Vaccination on a global scale against Ebola is now possible ( 7. 7 billion people)
The consultancy company McKinsey & Company, Inc (also involved in the opioid scandal) drew up a business plan with WHO for the “to produce enough vaccine to immunize the world’s population” in the event of epidemic emergency.


That spells gigantic potential profits for Merck, Johnson & Johnson and other pharmaceutical companies.

  • Forced vaccination is possible as well as forced quarantine using the military and UN forces.
  • The bar has been lowered. Under emergency use provisions, Ebola vaccines and drugs do not need to be proven to be safe or effective.
  • Pharmaceutical companies producing the Ebola vaccine have been asked to be given indemnity, and they likely will be given immunity from compensation claims under the pretext of a global health emergency. The fact they will not have to pay compensation in the event that the vaccines cause injury or death reduces their incentive to make safe and effective vaccines.
To understand the threat, the reader must first understand the regulations contained in the International Health Regulations (2005 ). This is a binding legal agreement involving 196 countries, and allowing for forced vaccination and quarantine when the World Health Organization (WHO) declares a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).

WHO declared Ebola a PHEIC on 17th July, 2019. That declaration made it possible for the globe to be put under medical martial law and for risky Ebola vaccines to be given by force.

Since IHR (2005) was put into place, four PHEICs have been declared by WHO:

  • For the swine flu in 2009
  • For polio in 2014
  • For Ebola in 2014
  • For Ebola in 2019
There is a key difference between the Ebola PHEIC in 2014 and in 2019. At least one Ebola vaccine (Merck’s) has already licensed for use in the USA and Europe with other countries around the world set to follow.

Mass production of the vaccine has started (early 2020). Stockpiles of Ebola vaccines have been created. They are ready to be rolled out.

WHO’s vaccine strategy includes plans to give Ebola vaccine preventatively. That means that even if a country or region has not registered an Ebola case, the vaccine can be rolled out under the pretext that Ebola is an imminent threat on the horizon, which the population have to be protected against.


Feb 18, 2016
Amazing sounds like something out of South Park, a vaccine that gives you HIV, AIDS. We can spin the narrative in woke fashion, take the Ebola vaccine and get HIV/AIDS so people with HIV don’t feel left out and discriminated against, I can see the tiktoks now.

"That the Merck vaccine could give people Ebola is credible given the fact that a Merck HIV vaccine, which used the same cold virus as Merck’s Ebola vaccine, was halted because it was found to give people HIV. Men who had previously caught colds caused by the same chimpanzee “cold” virus used to make the HIV vaccine were two to four times as likely to become infected with HIV if they got the HIV vaccine.
The Ebola vaccine is made using the same cold virus, specifically a chimp adenovirus type . The cold virus is used as a carrier, or vector, to deliver material from the Zaire Ebola into the body.

The Step trial of the NIAID and Merck HIV vaccine was halted in phase IIb of clinical trials precisely because it was found to infect people with HIV . But the Ebola vaccine has not undergo traditional clinical trials as discussed in Section 2.



Not heard of her until now
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Feb 18, 2016
She wrote this in February 2020

A rough guide to the NWO pandemic phases as I see it. We are at 3 and 4 in my thinking, the parts underlined below.

1. Release a fairly harmless human to human transmittable coronavirus strain in the centre of China and spread to other countries.
Parallel, hack the standard protocols for quarantine, isolation and screening to allow the virus to spread, specifically, ignore the distinction between people incubating a virus and the symptomatic.
Manufacture panic through false and misleading reports on mainstream media and social media
2. Trigger a WHO global pandemic emergency declaration to start the development of vaccines,
3. Infect a small number of people in China and other countries with a more lethal hybird virus combining the harmless but contagious coronavirus and the more lethal but not contagious HIV/Ebola virus.
Indian researchers were not supposed to analyze the virus and draw attention to the HIV segments.
But the fact that the coronavirus can be treated with HIV, Ebola drugs confirms they are hybrid viruses.
4. Hype the emergence of a more virulent mutation ("super spreader") to spread panic and promote public acceptance of mass vaccination
5. Spread the coronavirus to regions that currently has Ebola (DR Congo) so that a few weeks later the contagious coronavirus and lethal Ebola viruses will be in ciculation in the same area.
Release the weaponized hybrid of the two viruses, the coronavirus and Ebola virus, claiming it has been created naturally.
6. Spread Ebola to other regions of the world like the border between India and China, claiming any outbreak originates from bats (" the natural reservoir" according to media etc)
7. Roll out a global vaccine programme under emergency rules for coronavirus and Ebola vaccines or for a two in one shot
8. As part of the vaccination program, infect people with a the bioengineered hybrid of the coronavirus, Ebola virus.
The airborne human-to-human transmittable hybrid virus , with about a two week incubation period, and a high mortality rate would create a real epidemic.
9. And if the epidemic dies down, new hybrid variants can be used to infect people as part of the ongoing vaccine programme.
10. Set up mass quarantine camps where tens, hundreds of thousands end up without enough food, medical treatment, ensuring the spread of any disease

Electricity can be cut in cities or whole countries to speed up the collapse of societies. Cuts can be blamed on cyberttacks, power outages etc

Billions die, societies collapse, objective achieved for the NWO.


Jun 26, 2017
We are living in what I will call the Population Reduction Protocol (PRP). To achieve the WEF's goals. If you just remember that all of this pandemic/vaccine/lockdown/passport/trauma is to get many of us to die or stop reproducing, then it all makes sense. Making money for the patents and potents is an important but secondary goal. However, many of the enablers and most of the population are not in the know and really believe the threat and the fake science.

So it is entirely possible that ebola-laced coronavirus (or adenovirus) is the next "variant", whether delivered by jab or by stealth, and this will be a tragedy beyond words. I have to hope that the hubris of the PTB is so great that they will mess up big-time.

I just now saw the post above - thanks @Drareg, you've put the meat on my thoughts!


Feb 18, 2016
We are living in what I will call the Population Reduction Protocol (PRP). To achieve the WEF's goals. If you just remember that all of this pandemic/vaccine/lockdown/passport/trauma is to get many of us to die or stop reproducing, then it all makes sense. Making money for the patents and potents is an important but secondary goal. However, many of the enablers and most of the population are not in the know and really believe the threat and the fake science.

So it is entirely possible that ebola-laced coronavirus (or adenovirus) is the next "variant", whether delivered by jab or by stealth, and this will be a tragedy beyond words. I have to hope that the hubris of the PTB is so great that they will mess up big-time.

I just now saw the post above - thanks @Drareg, you've put the meat on my thoughts!
Your welcome!
It seems if the ruling class want to dodge the Ebola laced corona vaccine it’s easily done, this is an interesting tactic, many ask the obvious question, why would they release a virus that could potentially kill them, that’s where Ebola comes in, its not as contagious so they will stay well back from those infected if it does get released via vaccine, they won’t be going about business as normal via private jet like we seen with covid.

Most people don’t want to believe they are capable of this behavior, it’s good to point out they have carried and continue to carry out mass murder in other nations, we are detached from those realities.


Nov 18, 2019
She wrote this in February 2020

A rough guide to the NWO pandemic phases as I see it. We are at 3 and 4 in my thinking, the parts underlined below.

1. Release a fairly harmless human to human transmittable coronavirus strain in the centre of China and spread to other countries.
Parallel, hack the standard protocols for quarantine, isolation and screening to allow the virus to spread, specifically, ignore the distinction between people incubating a virus and the symptomatic.
Manufacture panic through false and misleading reports on mainstream media and social media
2. Trigger a WHO global pandemic emergency declaration to start the development of vaccines,
3. Infect a small number of people in China and other countries with a more lethal hybird virus combining the harmless but contagious coronavirus and the more lethal but not contagious HIV/Ebola virus.
Indian researchers were not supposed to analyze the virus and draw attention to the HIV segments.
But the fact that the coronavirus can be treated with HIV, Ebola drugs confirms they are hybrid viruses.
4. Hype the emergence of a more virulent mutation ("super spreader") to spread panic and promote public acceptance of mass vaccination
5. Spread the coronavirus to regions that currently has Ebola (DR Congo) so that a few weeks later the contagious coronavirus and lethal Ebola viruses will be in ciculation in the same area.
Release the weaponized hybrid of the two viruses, the coronavirus and Ebola virus, claiming it has been created naturally.
6. Spread Ebola to other regions of the world like the border between India and China, claiming any outbreak originates from bats (" the natural reservoir" according to media etc)
7. Roll out a global vaccine programme under emergency rules for coronavirus and Ebola vaccines or for a two in one shot
8. As part of the vaccination program, infect people with a the bioengineered hybrid of the coronavirus, Ebola virus.
The airborne human-to-human transmittable hybrid virus , with about a two week incubation period, and a high mortality rate would create a real epidemic.
9. And if the epidemic dies down, new hybrid variants can be used to infect people as part of the ongoing vaccine programme.
10. Set up mass quarantine camps where tens, hundreds of thousands end up without enough food, medical treatment, ensuring the spread of any disease

Electricity can be cut in cities or whole countries to speed up the collapse of societies. Cuts can be blamed on cyberttacks, power outages etc

Billions die, societies collapse, objective achieved for the NWO.
She seems to be spot on.


Nov 3, 2020
Seen from one of her talks - Interesting diagram attached mapping the various networks of groups and individuals which control the world.


  • world-government-21.pdf
    1.8 MB · Views: 62


Feb 18, 2016
Seen from one of her talks - Interesting diagram attached mapping the various networks of groups and individuals which control the world.
Impressive map, I would imagine it’s evolved since then, Eric Princes blackwater as one of many examples, the companies and institutions probably need to change as time passes.


Apr 14, 2021
So what’s the solution here? Obviously avoiding the vaccine is in the forefront. But avoiding the mass quarantine camps? Scary times.


Aug 4, 2020
She wrote this in February 2020

A rough guide to the NWO pandemic phases as I see it. We are at 3 and 4 in my thinking, the parts underlined below.

1. Release a fairly harmless human to human transmittable coronavirus strain in the centre of China and spread to other countries.
Parallel, hack the standard protocols for quarantine, isolation and screening to allow the virus to spread, specifically, ignore the distinction between people incubating a virus and the symptomatic.
Manufacture panic through false and misleading reports on mainstream media and social media
2. Trigger a WHO global pandemic emergency declaration to start the development of vaccines,
3. Infect a small number of people in China and other countries with a more lethal hybird virus combining the harmless but contagious coronavirus and the more lethal but not contagious HIV/Ebola virus.
Indian researchers were not supposed to analyze the virus and draw attention to the HIV segments.
But the fact that the coronavirus can be treated with HIV, Ebola drugs confirms they are hybrid viruses.
4. Hype the emergence of a more virulent mutation ("super spreader") to spread panic and promote public acceptance of mass vaccination
5. Spread the coronavirus to regions that currently has Ebola (DR Congo) so that a few weeks later the contagious coronavirus and lethal Ebola viruses will be in ciculation in the same area.
Release the weaponized hybrid of the two viruses, the coronavirus and Ebola virus, claiming it has been created naturally.
6. Spread Ebola to other regions of the world like the border between India and China, claiming any outbreak originates from bats (" the natural reservoir" according to media etc)
7. Roll out a global vaccine programme under emergency rules for coronavirus and Ebola vaccines or for a two in one shot
8. As part of the vaccination program, infect people with a the bioengineered hybrid of the coronavirus, Ebola virus.
The airborne human-to-human transmittable hybrid virus , with about a two week incubation period, and a high mortality rate would create a real epidemic.
9. And if the epidemic dies down, new hybrid variants can be used to infect people as part of the ongoing vaccine programme.
10. Set up mass quarantine camps where tens, hundreds of thousands end up without enough food, medical treatment, ensuring the spread of any disease

Electricity can be cut in cities or whole countries to speed up the collapse of societies. Cuts can be blamed on cyberttacks, power outages etc

Billions die, societies collapse, objective achieved for the NWO.
It is hard to believe that she knew all about what we are currently experiencing today, but this was shot in 2009. I feel like I have been asleep for most of my life, oblivious to what was actually happening around me. That being said I always knew that freedoms were slowly being taken away from us, but I was never aware who the main players were that were driving this.
My question is, now that we have this knowledge how do we resist and pushback? When so few of us are aware and awake as the popular phrase goes, or in my case half drowsy and bleary eyed after a long sleep.
As for the Ebola? Well I will not lie the possibility of a pandemic around such a lethal virus, slightly terrifies me. But I am reminded of Dr Peat mentioning that,” if a person was afraid of this virus, they are probably afraid of Ebola as well”. A powerful statement one that anyone outside this group would probably consider the person that said it or those that agree with it to be in need of psychiatric help. But I have some faith in what he says, I may need a little help from everyone here to shore up that faith.
But I can see that very simple things have a big impact upon our health, that includes the whole organism mind and body are intricately and intimately connected. So if we believe this is the next thing coming down the pipe at us, it might be wise to line up our ducks and try to prepare for it. The Merck vaccine sounds far more terrible than the wild Ebola virus.


It is hard to believe that she knew all about what we are currently experiencing today, but this was shot in 2009. I feel like I have been asleep for most of my life, oblivious to what was actually happening around me. That being said I always knew that freedoms were slowly being taken away from us, but I was never aware who the main players were that were driving this.
My question is, now that we have this knowledge how do we resist and pushback? When so few of us are aware and awake as the popular phrase goes, or in my case half drowsy and bleary eyed after a long sleep.
As for the Ebola? Well I will not lie the possibility of a pandemic around such a lethal virus, slightly terrifies me. But I am reminded of Dr Peat mentioning that,” if a person was afraid of this virus, they are probably afraid of Ebola as well”. A powerful statement one that anyone outside this group would probably consider the person that said it or those that agree with it to be in need of psychiatric help. But I have some faith in what he says, I may need a little help from everyone here to shore up that faith.
But I can see that very simple things have a big impact upon our health, that includes the whole organism mind and body are intricately and intimately connected. So if we believe this is the next thing coming down the pipe at us, it might be wise to line up our ducks and try to prepare for it. The Merck vaccine sounds far more terrible than the wild Ebola virus.
Dr Rima Laibow was warning of us back in 2009.


Aug 17, 2016
It is hard to believe that she knew all about what we are currently experiencing today, but this was shot in 2009. I feel like I have been asleep for most of my life, oblivious to what was actually happening around me. That being said I always knew that freedoms were slowly being taken away from us, but I was never aware who the main players were that were driving this.
My question is, now that we have this knowledge how do we resist and pushback? When so few of us are aware and awake as the popular phrase goes, or in my case half drowsy and bleary eyed after a long sleep.
As for the Ebola? Well I will not lie the possibility of a pandemic around such a lethal virus, slightly terrifies me. But I am reminded of Dr Peat mentioning that,” if a person was afraid of this virus, they are probably afraid of Ebola as well”. A powerful statement one that anyone outside this group would probably consider the person that said it or those that agree with it to be in need of psychiatric help. But I have some faith in what he says, I may need a little help from everyone here to shore up that faith.
But I can see that very simple things have a big impact upon our health, that includes the whole organism mind and body are intricately and intimately connected. So if we believe this is the next thing coming down the pipe at us, it might be wise to line up our ducks and try to prepare for it. The Merck vaccine sounds far more terrible than the wild Ebola virus.
Dean Henderson has been warning us for years. I think he may have been the first to be totally shut down. His website, his bank account were shut down the year before the Covid annoucement.
I was pretty much asleep but have always been prone to anarchy. So the very first book I read after Lori Lightfoot announced covid was Henderson's little gem on the illuminati and agenda 21. Or perhaps it was an interview with him that led me to his book. When the interviewer asked him what did he think of the announcement of covid, he said, "Welp. They're making their move." And that was it. He was spot on wrt to the agenda.

I think just have a stash (some antibiotics, steroids, aspiirin, vits and maybe glycine?) and live your life as you please.


Feb 18, 2016
It is hard to believe that she knew all about what we are currently experiencing today, but this was shot in 2009. I feel like I have been asleep for most of my life, oblivious to what was actually happening around me. That being said I always knew that freedoms were slowly being taken away from us, but I was never aware who the main players were that were driving this.
My question is, now that we have this knowledge how do we resist and pushback? When so few of us are aware and awake as the popular phrase goes, or in my case half drowsy and bleary eyed after a long sleep.
As for the Ebola? Well I will not lie the possibility of a pandemic around such a lethal virus, slightly terrifies me. But I am reminded of Dr Peat mentioning that,” if a person was afraid of this virus, they are probably afraid of Ebola as well”. A powerful statement one that anyone outside this group would probably consider the person that said it or those that agree with it to be in need of psychiatric help. But I have some faith in what he says, I may need a little help from everyone here to shore up that faith.
But I can see that very simple things have a big impact upon our health, that includes the whole organism mind and body are intricately and intimately connected. So if we believe this is the next thing coming down the pipe at us, it might be wise to line up our ducks and try to prepare for it. The Merck vaccine sounds far more terrible than the wild Ebola virus.
It would be interesting to hear how he would approach Ebola infection, he mentioned angiotensin inhibitors for covid and the usual metabolic stimulating substances.

We will have to see how the public will react to nations as they move to tearing up constitutions and replacing them with the UN constitution which is a big corporate/bank constitution. It’s definitely the modus operandi of all western nations, every step of the way to privatize public services, the idea is stakeholder capitalism which is fraud, when the public see corporate groups have the right to sue nations they push back, there is far more for them to push, I don’t think the public realize yet but as we approach 2030 they will.


Aug 4, 2020
It would be interesting to hear how he would approach Ebola infection, he mentioned angiotensin inhibitors for covid and the usual metabolic stimulating substances.

We will have to see how the public will react to nations as they move to tearing up constitutions and replacing them with the UN constitution which is a big corporate/bank constitution. It’s definitely the modus operandi of all western nations, every step of the way to privatize public services, the idea is stakeholder capitalism which is fraud, when the public see corporate groups have the right to sue nations they push back, there is far more for them to push, I don’t think the public realize yet but as we approach 2030 they will.
I wonder if the gut is the actual first point of entry for viruses, and keeping iron loads to a minimum is broad spectrum for all virus resistance?
I have to agree with your points @Drareg. I have to wonder if there is a point of no return, wherein the public wakes up but only to find that there ideas of what liberties and freedom should look like is now just religated to being just a cog in the wheel, that is now expendable once their productivity and usefulness to the technocracy is spent. Will they then get a notification in their vaccine passport that they are needing a new inoculation for another,”endemic virus”.
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