Help Needed, LONG Post




that is a post i made on another board months ago and i thank don for his response but i just want to try this board for additional advice. i dont have any new lab numbers to go with for maybe another two weeks so the lab numbers in my other topic i posted the link to above are the lates numbers i have. so basically my body feels tired all the time, im balding in the middle and front of my head and it has accelerated the past few months. my chest and stomach fat has been stuck with me since i was maybe 10 years old and im 28 now, im 200 pounds right now and ive been mostly obese until three years ago when i had a benzo issue and i rapidly lost a lot of weight and went down to 185 pounds but im much healthier right now (maybe that rapid weight loss screwed up my metabolism and thyroid and released a lot of pufa's into my blood stream?) . ive mostly been avoiding oils of all kinds except for coconut for the past 6 months and i will continue doing that going forward. since ive started following peats diet recommendations i havent lost or gained any fat and im just stuck at the same place ive been since my benzo issue, the cool thing is that ive had cold hands and cold intolerance for years until i started drinking a lot of orange juice, now my hands are always warm which i havent had since i was 15 years old and obese. the issues i have that are:

very frequent urination
constant hunger
brain fog
muscle pain and soreness
bloating for days after exercise which might be a cortisol and adrenaline issue?

so after reading a lot on this site and on other sites with a lot of medical information, i either have adrenal problems, cortisol problems, estrogen stuck in fat cells and tissues or a fatty liver or a combination of all of them. the biggest issue i have is the muscle soreness and my sagging stomach fat and chest fat with puffy nipples which actually physically hurts when i run or do jump rope so beside it being a visual issue it also brings physical pain. is it severe water retention or fat? i dont know, all i know is that my stomach can make me look like im pregnant after a few hard boxing workout for a week after. ive been to two urologists who just look at my total testosterone numbers and laugh and dismiss me because " im in range " and i dont have low testosterone which i know for a fact i do, i have no libido problems at all though, thats whats puzzling me. my sex drive is high but i dont have a girlfriend currently.

i have an appointment with an endocrinologist soon but i think it will be the same result as the other doctors ive been to and ill maybe get my cortisol levels and thyroid checked so i might get some crucial information there at least. its funny because i actually have a great athletic physique underneath this fat due to boxing training but unfortunately its covered by this feminine looking chest and stomach so at least im building muscle.
i am a complete loss at what to do. the biggest thing that pops up in my lab results are my prolactin levels, but my blood estrogen is normal so maybe i have a lot of estrogen in my tissues and fat cells which is seeping into the rest of the body?

the main questions are: why did i suddenly develop breasts and stomach fat at age 10 after i was completely ripped before that? maybe i took some antibiotics? or a massive accumulation of toxins and garbage ingredients in food? vaccines with heavy metals? my father stopped contact with me when i was 10 so maybe i was so sad it screwed up my metabolism or something and to this day i still have this lingering chest, stomach fat and health issues? could it just be that my adrenals are set to be pumping up high levels of cortisol this whole time? its completely bizarre i dont know what to do.

if you have any input please share, thanks for reading =)


Feb 18, 2018
Bloated + puffy nips screams estrogen issues for me. I have the same issue but my lab results actually reported back high estrogen. Try high amounts of coffee +only eating foods that easily digest and don’t bloat you up. The coffee should help with appetite regulation.


Mar 3, 2016
Have you stopped taking benzodiazepines? Dairy affects my nipples negatively.


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
Need Help

that is a post i made on another board months ago and i thank don for his response but i just want to try this board for additional advice. i dont have any new lab numbers to go with for maybe another two weeks so the lab numbers in my other topic i posted the link to above are the lates numbers i have. so basically my body feels tired all the time, im balding in the middle and front of my head and it has accelerated the past few months. my chest and stomach fat has been stuck with me since i was maybe 10 years old and im 28 now, im 200 pounds right now and ive been mostly obese until three years ago when i had a benzo issue and i rapidly lost a lot of weight and went down to 185 pounds but im much healthier right now (maybe that rapid weight loss screwed up my metabolism and thyroid and released a lot of pufa's into my blood stream?) . ive mostly been avoiding oils of all kinds except for coconut for the past 6 months and i will continue doing that going forward. since ive started following peats diet recommendations i havent lost or gained any fat and im just stuck at the same place ive been since my benzo issue, the cool thing is that ive had cold hands and cold intolerance for years until i started drinking a lot of orange juice, now my hands are always warm which i havent had since i was 15 years old and obese. the issues i have that are:

very frequent urination
constant hunger
brain fog
muscle pain and soreness
bloating for days after exercise which might be a cortisol and adrenaline issue?

so after reading a lot on this site and on other sites with a lot of medical information, i either have adrenal problems, cortisol problems, estrogen stuck in fat cells and tissues or a fatty liver or a combination of all of them. the biggest issue i have is the muscle soreness and my sagging stomach fat and chest fat with puffy nipples which actually physically hurts when i run or do jump rope so beside it being a visual issue it also brings physical pain. is it severe water retention or fat? i dont know, all i know is that my stomach can make me look like im pregnant after a few hard boxing workout for a week after. ive been to two urologists who just look at my total testosterone numbers and laugh and dismiss me because " im in range " and i dont have low testosterone which i know for a fact i do, i have no libido problems at all though, thats whats puzzling me. my sex drive is high but i dont have a girlfriend currently.

i have an appointment with an endocrinologist soon but i think it will be the same result as the other doctors ive been to and ill maybe get my cortisol levels and thyroid checked so i might get some crucial information there at least. its funny because i actually have a great athletic physique underneath this fat due to boxing training but unfortunately its covered by this feminine looking chest and stomach so at least im building muscle.
i am a complete loss at what to do. the biggest thing that pops up in my lab results are my prolactin levels, but my blood estrogen is normal so maybe i have a lot of estrogen in my tissues and fat cells which is seeping into the rest of the body?

the main questions are: why did i suddenly develop breasts and stomach fat at age 10 after i was completely ripped before that? maybe i took some antibiotics? or a massive accumulation of toxins and garbage ingredients in food? vaccines with heavy metals? my father stopped contact with me when i was 10 so maybe i was so sad it screwed up my metabolism or something and to this day i still have this lingering chest, stomach fat and health issues? could it just be that my adrenals are set to be pumping up high levels of cortisol this whole time? its completely bizarre i dont know what to do.

if you have any input please share, thanks for reading =)
What exactly are you eating? It would be good to log your foods in cronometer to see exactly what your macros and micros are.
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