
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
The bad news for the chronologically young just keep accumulating. About a week ago I posted another study demonstrating that, if current trends continue, Millenials will die earlier than their Gen X counterparts due to poor(er) health. That study was aggregate and included all sorts of reasons for declining life expectancy, including substance abuse, pharma drugs, diseases like cancer/CVD and of course the skyrocketing suicide rates. In addition to that study, I have posted about and discussed on podcasts the hundred of others looking at rates of specific disease all of which are skyrocketing in age groups where these diseases were virtually unknown just a decade ago.

Millennials Will Likely Die Earlier Than Gen X Due To Poor(er) Health

The tiny speck of hope in this ongoing bleak health news stream was that there was not much data on the health of Gen Z. Since they are considered smarter and more adaptive than Millenials, many public health figures had hoped that Gen Z will change behavior in order to avoid the health catastrophe of previous generations. Unfortunately, judging by the study below, the health situation in Gen Z may be even worse. This is just one study and it only focuses on mental health, but the fact that 75% of Gen Z have left at least one job due to mental health issues is hardly encouraging. Now, keep in mind that according to mainstream medicine the vast majority of mental diseases are NOT episodic events. In other words, they are chronic conditions that once manifested are usually present and "treated" for life. So, the statement that 50% of Millenials and 75% of Gen Z have left a least one job for mental health reasons is a criminally manipulative way of saying that 50% of Millenials and 75% of Gen Z are mentally ill. At least according to how current medical practice diagnoses and classifies mental disease. As the article itself states - young people today are completely "lost", and it is likely the zombifying school culture that spurred this mental health catastrophe. What was that saying - "Study/work all day and no play, gives Johnny a mental health decay". Well, I made that up, but you get the idea. Before long, we will all become autistic, as another recent study proclaimed.

If Current Trends Hold, Soon The Entire Population May Become Autistic

Then it is little wonder that with such zombified public, the assault on our consciousness and health continues with impunity. Maybe for the first time in history, the revolt against this genocidal system (if it ever materializes) will be led by the chronologically old. Revolutions have always been a young man's business, but these days it is the oldest members of society who are likely the fittest and the most lucid...

Research: People Want Their Employers to Talk About Mental Health
Half of millennials and 75% of Gen Zers have left their job for mental health reasons

"...It’s no surprise, then, that a recent study by Mind Share Partners, Qualtrics and SAP reveals that half of millennials and 75% of Gen Zers have left a job for mental health reasons. The study, which looked at mental-health challenges and stigmas in the U.S. workplace, polled 1,500 respondents ages 16 and older working full-time. Another recent study, by the American Psychological Association, found the percentage of young adults experiencing certain types of mental health disorders has increased significantly in the past decade. In particular, the percentage of people dealing with suicidal thoughts increased 47 percent from 2008 to 2017. The Mind Share Partners, SAP, and Qualtrics study also shows that the younger generations suffer more from mental illnesses. Younger people dealt with a mental illness at about three times the rate of the general population. The findings are corroborated by another recent study, which shows that while the amount of serious psychological distress increased across most age groups, the largest increase between 2008 and 2017 was among adults ages 18–25, at 71%. For adults ages 20–21, the figure was 78%."

"...But Peter Gray, a research professor at Boston College, said that it’s not social media or young people’s fractured attention spans that are causing their anxiety; it is school itself. He traces a progression from the mid-1950s in which society has gradually taken away children’s internal locus of control (someone with an internal locus of control is likely to believe that both successes and failures are due to their own efforts). As a result, many young people today are lost. “Since the mid-1950s, when they began taking away children’s play, people haven’t learned to take control of their own lives.” Gray said that control is essential to ward off excessive anxiety."


Aug 23, 2018
It's not just the schools. It's the parents pushing extra curricular activities unto their children as well.

I agree that it's not social media. A healthy mind doesn't get hypnotized by them.

I also think the processed foods play a big part. My childhood wasn't stressful, but I was shy (social anxiety). Probably, because I was on the SAD diet.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
There are many new things that can affect the mental health. We now have all the EMFs, new and more chemicals in food like glyphosate, etc., plus like Ray said, since the 80s there is a correlation between increased vaccines and microcephaly, where the brain does not grow in conjunction with the rest of the body, and then a big player in my opinion is heavy metal toxicity like mercury (also in vaccines) which gets into the brain and causes neurological dysfunction, etc. I think Dr. Haley's Emeramide is going to be an important organic chemical to help with detoxing these metals, it is a shame the FDA coerced him into drug status, but it soon will be available and the chemical NBMI can be had from overseas suppliers.


Jul 8, 2020
I watched Netflix's The Social Dilemma last night which believes the spike in teen and preteen suicides coincides with social media becoming available on mobile. I think the cause isn't just one factor, but I think social media is not treated seriously enough.


Apr 17, 2017
Have you heard the music nowadays by younger artists from different genres? Lots of garbage about doing drugs, being depressed and suicidal amongst other weird ***t. Some of the young men remind me of teenage girls from when I was growing up...


Sep 25, 2018
I watched Netflix's The Social Dilemma last night which believes the spike in teen and preteen suicides coincides with social media becoming available on mobile. I think the cause isn't just one factor, but I think social media is not treated seriously enough.

Agree. I think only seeing social media as the issue is too narrow of a focus: digital entertainment like Netflix (lol), streaming services, porn, video games etc. is contributing to the downfall of the young generations synergistically.


Aug 13, 2020
I watched Netflix's The Social Dilemma last night which believes the spike in teen and preteen suicides coincides with social media becoming available on mobile. I think the cause isn't just one factor, but I think social media is not treated seriously enough.

There is a Joe Rogan interview with Jonathan Haidt that talks about this. You can watch clips of it on YouTube.


Mar 12, 2018
I watched Netflix's The Social Dilemma last night which believes the spike in teen and preteen suicides coincides with social media becoming available on mobile. I think the cause isn't just one factor, but I think social media is not treated seriously enough.
Saw it too. Fascinating. Especially the part on how the companies get you hooked on the particular social media site, with notifications, photo tags, recommended videos etc. And it's all about attention: Spend as much time on it as possible, in order for you to see more ads. That's such a sickening business model. Screen times of more then two hours is normal among teenagers. And in the evening they go to bed an hour later then the kids a generation before. I can tell you, being tired and sleepy throughout the day makes so hard to learn new things.


Dec 8, 2016
Do you all watch this series?
Where people share secrets?

Not too long- but super sad and super insightful.

So much depression. Anxiety. Pain. Confusion.

View: https://youtu.be/SuhJtKVdJG8


can confirm. was screwed up mentally since I was a kid... but, megadosing B1 and B3, alongside the host of other Peaty things, have truly turned my brain around! I feel a normal that I never knew existed :)


Dec 8, 2016
This was pre pandemic, imagine how bad it is now
Great point.
This one however was four weeks ago.
But it doesn’t negate your point about pre vs post COVID psychosis.
Too much estrogen. And glyphosate.
And serotonin. And ***t parenting.
can confirm. was screwed up mentally since I was a kid... but, megadosing B1 and B3, alongside the host of other Peaty things, have truly turned my brain around! I feel a normal that I never knew existed :)
Good on you.


Mar 29, 2016
Perhaps it's just better to be educated in the same way Arya Stark was educated by being a "nobody" first and becoming somebody, than starting life given participation trophies.


Forum Supporter
Mar 21, 2021
Great point.
This one however was four weeks ago.
But it doesn’t negate your point about pre vs post COVID psychosis.

And serotonin. And ***t parenting.

Good on you.
This thread was started January of 2020 and the article was from 2019 right before Covid and the lockdowns happened


Dec 8, 2016
This thread was started January of 2020 and the article was from 2019 right before Covid and the lockdowns happened
Thought you were talking about the sad YouTube video from 2022.
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