Glad to be part of the Family


New Member
Oct 31, 2012
Hi, my name is Khoi. I am years old and a college graduate with a degree in Financial Analysis. I found this forum by accident through the paleohacks community. I was paleo before I switched to the Peat lifestyle. It's only been about 2 weeks and I've liked how my mood has improved tremendously.

My favorite part about Peating has to be the generous helpings of fruit and sugar back into my life. When I was Paleo, I would eat one fruit every other day at most and almost no sugar in my body.

I would not say this is a bad thing, but I'm still struggling to add more animal offals into my diet. My parents ate liver, kidney, blood, heart, and other parts of the an animal when I was a kid, but I never was a fan. I'm improving but the transition has not been smooth.

An issue that I have is mild acne that appear every now and then. After a week of Peating, the acne has cleared up and my skin looks very vibrant. I also had so much trouble sleeping before, but after adapting to the Peat lifestyle, I have had no problems falling asleep.

I also haven been more sedentary, lol. I used to work out 4-5 times a week with each session being about an hour.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Khoi, welcome to the Peat family! :welcome

Its pretty awesome how quickly the body responds once we get the correct fuel. Great to hear about your results so far!

I have definitely been more sedentary lately due to trying to heal up and not go balls to the wall heavy weight training anymore like paleo suggests. And, its working. I notice that when I work out hard my body is dragged way down, immune wise, everything wise. So you are definitely on the right track. I do make sure to get in some walking though, although, I also take it really easy when doing that. And I still do a bit of weight training, but nothing hard at all and only a couple times most a week for no more then 20 mins. And, I have fun with it, no strict regimen like before.

Again great to have you and looking forward to hearing about more of your progress!


Oct 1, 2012
Welcome Khoi,

Glad to hear your acne is clearing up. I had the bad cystic stuff well into my 20s. Wish I had known about Peating back then. A lot of mine was due to stressors beyond my control.

Would your parents share any of their recipes with you on the organ meats?

I got some beef braunschweiger from US Wellness Meats. You have to buy a minimum of like $75.00, if I remember correctly. But I put what we could not eat immediately in the freezer. The braunschweiger has several organ meats in it.


Oct 22, 2012
Thank you for the link to the braunschweiger....beef burger and liver sausage. It listed the ingredients (herbs, flavorings) and perhaps we can make our own. I think I could tolerate liver then.

Perhaps I should order some first to be certain. Wouldn't take much.

And Welcome Khoi! I look forward to reading more of your skin success, etc.


Oct 16, 2012
khoidn87 said:
I was paleo before I switched to the Peat lifestyle. It's only been about 2 weeks and I've liked how my mood has improved tremendously.

By far the greatest benefit I've obtained from Peating has been the improvement in my mood. On low-carb paleo, I was cranky, agitated, and thoroughly unpleasant. Increase sugar, T3, calcium, salt, organ meats, and gelatin, and suddenly I'm almost human! :D
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