Felt Weird, Went To ER.


Mar 17, 2013
I would think the panicky feelings and some of the symptoms can come from hyperventilating in response to nervousness about an uncomfortable symptom. So, calming breathing would be important. Meditation and bag breathing would help with that. Sunlight or incandescent light, as someone mentioned, and, you'd think, baking soda baths should help. Epsom salts baths are calming, of course.


Jun 16, 2013
So it's been a week since I went to the ER. Since then, the major supps. I've stopped are magnesium oxide and 1/8th cynoplus I had been taking for a month prior.
Today I added in 2 tbsp. of baking soda for the gym- 1 tbsp. for before and after- and I took about 50 mg. of niacinamide and thiamine- both powder.

Tonight I experienced a weird pressure in my chest and a burning sensation there that kept me from getting any sleep.When I try to go to sleep now I almost feel a sensation that I'm passing out and so I get scared and wake up. The center of my chest area is still "burning".

My temp went from 96.3 with a strong pulse of 75-78 to 96.9 with a weak pulse of 75-78. Should I take an 1/8th of cynomel/cynoplus or add magnesium maybe?

I want to go to the ER but I'm thinking they'll just bill me and do nothing again.


Feb 20, 2013
The last 3 days I have been eating a very simple diet consisting of White rice, Meat, and Milk. The pressure in my head, panicky feelings, strange sensations in my intenstines, depression etc are now totally gone. The shift in my thinking is amazing. I feel much more positive and relaxed than a few days ago.
I have two explanations for what causes me my symptoms:
1. Allergic reaction to a Peat approved food
2. Some people just do better on starches, all the sugar I was eating didn't get digested properly feeding bacteria, making my intestines an endotoxic mess.

I hope it is the first reason but I am afraid it was all the sugar. This may not be something that you people like to hear here but this is just my experience. People who experience the same symptoms as me: try to eat just White rice, milk and meat and some coffee. That worked for me.

I will now add Cheese. gelatin and maybe other foods slowly to find out what's causing me issues.


Mar 17, 2013
Vinero, Just add one thing at a time, so you can tell. That is really good that you have gotten rid of such disturbing symptoms! Gelatin bothers me. I seemed to have developed the problem on my previous (low carb) diet.

Kringlecold, I know that feeling of passing out when trying to go to sleep. It is very disturbing! I haven't had it lately, but I used to for years. One thing that helped was not sleeping on my back, and I usually used a wedge under my regular pillow, and still do. Actually, since getting into a more Peatish way of eating, I don't seem to have the problem. I don't eat starch, though, and I have figured out lots of foods that cause me problems, and avoid them.


Jun 16, 2013
Thanks Swan, it's good to hear I'm not the only one.

I'm reluctant to add starch back in as I never had any issue with sugar until just the last week but I might try it. I've been meaning to get a rice cooker actually.
What I'm most concerned with now is that my pulse and my temp are really low at 96.8.
I'm wondering if I should take something for that? I have both cynomel and cynoplus.

Also, I have magnesium oxide but what's a safer source of magnesium? Preferably from food? Appreciate any further advice. Thanks.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Coffee and orange juice are good sources of magnesium.


Feb 20, 2013
I use magnesium carbonate, i read ray peat recommends it this article:http://raypeat.com/articles/articles/diabetes.shtml
"Magnesium carbonate and epsom salts can also be useful and safe supplements, except when the synthetic material causes an allergic bowel reaction.. "


Mar 17, 2013
Of course, there's the Epsom salts baths, too, for magnesium. I don't take the thyroid supplements. Guess I'm not ready for experimenting with that, unless I become convinced I really need it. I can't remember if you mentioned taking vitamin D and K. I haven't tried K, but Viamin D seems to do well for me. I think it's better to take vitamin D earlier in the day. I was thinking about this, and it seems like when supplementing one thing, or trying to rev up the metabolism, it seems like it's important to support some things with other things. It seems you may not get a good result unless you balance the teeter totter, sort of. Maybe, for most supplements try a smaller amount first and see how it goes. I usually get into trouble when I take too much of something. Maybe it throws the balance off? There are plenty of people here who take the thyroid supplements who could advise on that. Also, Bruno over at Ray Peat Question and Answer does. Or, at least there are others that do.


Mar 17, 2013
I take a magnesium supplement at night sometimes for sleep, and it seems fine. The Epsom salts baths are very relaxing.


Mar 17, 2013
I did have a little of that feeling of being about to pass out just recently after experimenting with Progest E. just a little made me very relaxed, even the next day. That night I got that feeling a little. Could it be the system is trying to get used to this new calm state? Maybe it is slow to down regulate cortisol.


Jun 16, 2013
Thanks swandattur and vinero. It's not just a feeling of nearly passing i but also a dizziness and heat in the center of the chest like a heartburn. I'm going to try adding back an 1/8th of cynoplus and see how that goes.


Mar 17, 2013
Well,that would seem like the heart burn might be the main problem that is causing the dizziness. I wouldn't have thought about heartburn causing dizziness, but maybe it can. Could it be too much baking soda causing heartburn? Maybe if you drank a tiny bit of vinegar when this happens, it would neutralize it.


Mar 17, 2013
From googling a little, it seems like the vagus nerve could cause dizziness when having heartburn. There was something about an over active vagus nerve. Maybe too much thyroid medication could cause it to be a little over active? Just a thought.
Now I remember you said Peat told you that you might have taken too many aspirin at a time and caused problems with your digestive tract. It seems to me that could cause heart burn, and heart burn then could cause dizziness or maybe endotoxin could through irritating the vagus nerve.


Jun 16, 2013

To give a little back story, for about 4 months prior to all this debacle I took up to three doses of 1/8th of cynomel per day. for the first month I toom just 1/8th of cynomel in the morning and the an 1/8th of cynoplus at night. After halfway through the second month on this protocol I upped to two 1/8ths of cynomel. I accidentally tried a 3 1/8th of cynomel one day and felt excellent, with temps and pulse bo the very high. i tried this for about two weeks before I starte getting dizzy. Then I cut all thyroid per Peat and just watched my pulse and temp "wake up" to high 97 temp and 80+ pulse.

I started experiencing some depression at night a few weeks later, and decided to add an 1/8th of cynoplus for night time stress. Felt great. 1.5 weeks into taking an 1/8th of cynoplus at night, I took 5 aspirin and a vit. k, this caused weird pressures in my head and involuntary twitching below the kness. I went to the ER immediately. They said they found impurities in my kidneys and I was dehydrated.
I've worked in 100+ temp conditions for several years in a kitchen environment and was never once clinically dehydrated despite sometimes not drinking water for hours.

So I went home and cut all supps, thiamin, niacinamide, mag. oxide, 1/8th cynoplus, 1 tbsp. eggshell calcium per day, super k life extensions vit. k, and just stuck with my two quarts of raw milk a day with about a quart of orange juice, two eggs per day, instant coffee with lots of sugar, red bottle great lakes gelatin, watermelon for fruit, and about a pint of ice cream per night.

Today it's been a week and three days since cutting out thyroid supps, but i noticed yesterday my temp. was 96.3-97.1 and my pulse was only around 75-78. I took the 1/8th of cynoplus with a mexican meal of corn tortillas, steak, a banana split,and a large coffee from starbucks. My pulse was in the 100+ plus range soon after and my temp reached 98,this could have been from the cortisol from the corn tortilla starch though, I was real dizzy, and the dark still bothers the crap out of me and makes it almost hard to breathe. It also is probably bad my PC has a blue led shining on me and that's the room that sucks the most as far as lighting aka I have none.

I just ate 2 eggs and some OJ and felt an immediate warmth in my stomach area. My pulse has settled, I still feel dizzy, my temp is only 97.7.
Overall this experience has been very bad these last few days, i called out of my work today and that's created additional stress. I feel very nonfunctional overall.

Hopefully I don't die of this as I'm only 23, I scheduled a phone call with Danny Roddy, so maybe he has some insight. It's probably going to be another sleepless night. *sigh*


Jun 16, 2013
I feel much better after the t4 and some relaxing extracurricular activitities... my temp is now. 98.1 and my pulse is 93. Having trouble sleeping though, but that could just be due to increased energy.


Jun 14, 2013
Tucson, AZ
I just read through this thread and my initial intuition says that your dehydration could be from not enough salt in your diet. Here lately I've upped to two heaping teaspoons from one teaspoon daily stirred in OJ. So more OJ per day too, from 12 ounces to 32 ounce(1 quart). Oddly enough I'm thirsty after all that fluid at the end of the day (3 to 4 quarts milk/day, 4 to 5 cups of coffee/day, 2 cups tea/day, 1 quart OJ/day) and just down like 2 or 3 cups of water to quench the thirst. Salt makes you retain water, and that's a good thing up to a certain point. And if you're working out like you say you are and sweating a bit, that's all the more reason you'd need extra salt. That's just my opinion and you seemed to intuitively sense that as well. One question that sticks out in my mind is why are you supplementing all that stuff? Sounds like a chemistry experiment to me. :2cents


Jun 16, 2013
Thankls for the suggestion on salt.The supps were all small amounts and I noticed almost immediate improvement when taking them so I kept on, I'm on a tight budget so I would have preferred just trying to get it all from foods but I was just having trouble eating so much as well I guess. I added 2 tbsp. of baking soda to my diet just recently and saw,if anything worse reactions.

I was listening to an interview and reading how damaged intestines may lead to increased serotonin, and if the thyroid is not too good this good lead to pulmonary arterial hypertension. I looked that up and unfortunately I seem too have a lot of the symptoms so that's another thing to ask the doc about.


Feb 20, 2013
kringecold, your 23 years old man your not gonna die! Look man something you are eating just doesn't agree with you. Try to remember a time in your life when you didn't have these problems and felt fine. What did your diet consisted of then? In my case 2 years ago when I ate white rice and meat almost every day I never had any worrying physical symptoms. I should have been majorly deficient in almost al vitamins and minerals but still felt ok. My point is: you are young and your body works very well because it isn't loaded with pufas and iron yet, so even if you would eat a very simple diet (starches and meat, ditch the supps) you wouldn't run into trouble in the short term. What is far more troubling is your physical symptoms and insomnia! You have to get rid of that first man! Then you could slowly add peat friendly foods and supps to see what agrees with you.

Sorry if it seems I push it too much but I had almost the same symptoms as you and I solved it now and I just want to help you


Jun 14, 2013
Tucson, AZ
kringlecold said:
Thankls for the suggestion on salt.The supps were all small amounts and I noticed almost immediate improvement when taking them so I kept on, I'm on a tight budget so I would have preferred just trying to get it all from foods but I was just having trouble eating so much as well I guess. I added 2 tbsp. of baking soda to my diet just recently and saw,if anything worse reactions.

I was listening to an interview and reading how damaged intestines may lead to increased serotonin, and if the thyroid is not too good this good lead to pulmonary arterial hypertension. I looked that up and unfortunately I seem too have a lot of the symptoms so that's another thing to ask the doc about.

Me personally when getting into eating Peatish, bridged... Drop all supplementation, drink a lot of milk, eat tropical fruit/drink OJ, cut any/all PUFA as possible, get atleast 80 g protein a day, eat liver once a week fried in coconut oil with baked potato/butter, eat some chocolate, 2 raw egg yolks a day,be sure to take some salt to taste, that's about sums it up. Haagen Dazs ice cream sometimes, cheese sometimes. I told myself if needed maybe I might need supplementation in the future. I don't think I will.

I drink pasteurized/homogenized lowfat 1% milk, up to a gallon a day at about $3.00/gallon. It's fortified by law with vitamin A/vitamin D and is really my only option. I don't get just any milk. There are 2 named brands around here that have farmers pledge to not use the rbGH growth hormone and that's good enough for me. I drink name brand commercial OJ not from concentrate a quart a day at about $1.75/quart. Again that's good enough for me. I get cheap store bought eggs, liver is cheap, I do spend a bit on good chocolate to avoid soy lecithin but don't eat much. Gelatin in bulk is pretty cheap. Foldger's coffee, coffee at work. Good organic expellar pressed coconut oil costs a bit but lasts awhile. So over the long run this diet can be very cost effective.

It just seems to me you're jumping all over the place here and there when you should be narrowing down and focusing in on the basics. Read up on that cynomel and cynoplus a bit. I don't know much about it but other people have had similiar issues while taking it. I guess it's pretty powerful stuff not to be toyed around with from the very little I've read. I hope you pull through!

Ohhh, and I wouldn't worry too much at all about your temperature/pulse in the short term. You seem to be focusing in on that, and I guess everyone on this forum does to some extent or another. If you got the "ideal" temperature/pulse but feel like ***t and can't sleep well what good is that? Again this is all just me :2cents worth!


Feb 24, 2013
2 TBS of baking soda is a LOT and it is NOT substitute for salt and it can throw you way out of balance if it's not what your body needs. It can also negatively affect your digestion if the timing is wrong.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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