Endotoxin (LPS) drives obesity, diabetes and CVD in young people


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
It looks like medicine is starting to change course on its attitude to endotoxin (LPS). After claiming that LPS is not an issue at all for any human with a functioning liver, a number of high profile studies have come out recently demonstrating chronic endotoxemia (even low-grade) is a causal factor in a number of chronic conditions in adults, including diseases not considered to be metabolic such as Alzheimer's Disease (AD), Parkinson Disease (PD), scleroderma, cancer, etc. Now, the study below implicates LPS as a causal factor in the whole spectrum of "metabolic" diseases in young people, including obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes II, liver disease (NAFLD), and cardiovascular disease (CVD). It looks like simple blood tests for unbnound/free endotoxin (LPS), the LPS binding protein, and an immunoglobulin rising when LPS levels are high, is a sufficient battery of tests to determine LPS status of a person. The first two of those tests seem to be fairly routine and can probably be ordered easily by most GP doctors, and are probably offerred a-la-carte by many "self-test" companies too, so it be worth adding those to the lists of tests to do on the annual checkup most people undergo.

Endotoxin biomarkers are associated with adiposity and cardiometabolic risk across 6 years of follow-up in youth
Endotoxin biomarkers associated with obesity and cardiometabolic risk in youth, study reveals

"...Metabolic endotoxemia is shown to be a shared mechanism underlying childhood obesity and early-onset metabolic diseases (e.g., non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, type 2 diabetes). Against this context, Wei Perng, Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Michigan School of Public Health, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, and colleagues aimed to examine prospective associations of serum endotoxin biomarkers lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and its binding protein, LPS binding protein (LBP), and anti-endotoxin core IgG (EndoCabIgG) with adiposity and cardiometabolic risk in youth in a prospective study."

"...The researchers reported the following findings:

  • Higher LPS and LBP predicted greater adiposity across follow-up.
  • Each 1-unit ln-transformed LPS corresponded with 0.23 units BMI z-score, 5.66 mm 3 VAT, 30.7 mm 3 SAT, and 8.26 mm skinfold sum. EndoCabIgG was associated with VAT only (3.03 mm 3).
  • LPS was associated with higher insulin (1.93 µU/mL) and leptin (2.28 ng/mL), and an adverse lipid profile.
  • No association was observed with HFF. Accounting for pubertal status and lifestyle behaviors did not change findings.
  • Adjustment for pre-pregnancy BMI and gestational diabetes attenuated most associations.


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
Consumption of pomegranate decreases plasma lipopolysaccharide-binding protein levels, a marker of metabolic endotoxemia, in patients with newly diagnosed colorectal cancer: A randomized controlled clinical trial
Gut microbiota dysbiosis alters the intestinal barrier function, increases plasma lipopolysaccharide (LPS) levels, which promotes endotoxemia, and contributes to the onset and development of colorectal cancer (CRC). We report here for the first time the reduction of plasma LPS-binding protein (LBP) levels, a marker of endotoxemia, after pomegranate consumption in newly diagnosed CRC patients.

Parthenolide inhibits the LPS-induced secretion of IL-6 and TNF-α and NF-κB nuclear translocation in BV-2 microglia (Feverfew Herb)
PTN strongly reduced the translocation of nuclear factor (NF)-κB to the cell nucleus. The reduction of microglial activation by inhibition of proinflammatory agents may help attenuate the onset and intensity of acute migraine attacks. These in vitro results provide an additional explanation for the efficacy of orally administered T. parthenium as an antimigraine agent.

Mitraphylline inhibits lipopolysaccharide-mediated activation of primary human neutrophils (Cats Claw Herb - related to coffee)
Mitraphylline (MTP) is the major pentacyclic oxindolic alkaloid presented in Uncaria tomentosa. It has traditionally been used to treat disorders including arthritis, heart disease, cancer, and other inflammatory diseases. However, the specific role of MTP is still not clear, with more comprehensive studies, our understanding of this ancient herbal medicine will continue growing.
Treatment with MTP reduced the LPS-dependent activation effects. Activated neutrophils (CD16(+)CD62L(-)) diminished after MTP administration. Moreover, proinflamatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-6 or IL-8) expression and secretion were concomitantly reduced, similar to basal control conditions.


Feb 10, 2016
Consumption of pomegranate decreases plasma lipopolysaccharide-binding protein levels, a marker of metabolic endotoxemia, in patients with newly diagnosed colorectal cancer: A randomized controlled clinical trial
Gut microbiota dysbiosis alters the intestinal barrier function, increases plasma lipopolysaccharide (LPS) levels, which promotes endotoxemia, and contributes to the onset and development of colorectal cancer (CRC). We report here for the first time the reduction of plasma LPS-binding protein (LBP) levels, a marker of endotoxemia, after pomegranate consumption in newly diagnosed CRC patients.

Parthenolide inhibits the LPS-induced secretion of IL-6 and TNF-α and NF-κB nuclear translocation in BV-2 microglia (Feverfew Herb)
PTN strongly reduced the translocation of nuclear factor (NF)-κB to the cell nucleus. The reduction of microglial activation by inhibition of proinflammatory agents may help attenuate the onset and intensity of acute migraine attacks. These in vitro results provide an additional explanation for the efficacy of orally administered T. parthenium as an antimigraine agent.

Mitraphylline inhibits lipopolysaccharide-mediated activation of primary human neutrophils (Cats Claw Herb - related to coffee)
Mitraphylline (MTP) is the major pentacyclic oxindolic alkaloid presented in Uncaria tomentosa. It has traditionally been used to treat disorders including arthritis, heart disease, cancer, and other inflammatory diseases. However, the specific role of MTP is still not clear, with more comprehensive studies, our understanding of this ancient herbal medicine will continue growing.
Treatment with MTP reduced the LPS-dependent activation effects. Activated neutrophils (CD16(+)CD62L(-)) diminished after MTP administration. Moreover, proinflamatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-6 or IL-8) expression and secretion were concomitantly reduced, similar to basal control conditions.
Yoooo, thank you!


Feb 10, 2016
The a-la-carte self-order sites don't seem to have LPS related blood tests to request.
I checked Ulta and Request a Test.

Do you know of any that do?
Apr 1, 2021
It looks like medicine is starting to change course on its attitude to endotoxin (LPS). After claiming that LPS is not an issue at all for any human with a functioning liver, a number of high profile studies have come out recently demonstrating chronic endotoxemia (even low-grade) is a causal factor in a number of chronic conditions in adults, including diseases not considered to be metabolic such as Alzheimer's Disease (AD), Parkinson Disease (PD), scleroderma, cancer, etc. Now, the study below implicates LPS as a causal factor in the whole spectrum of "metabolic" diseases in young people, including obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes II, liver disease (NAFLD), and cardiovascular disease (CVD). It looks like simple blood tests for unbnound/free endotoxin (LPS), the LPS binding protein, and an immunoglobulin rising when LPS levels are high, is a sufficient battery of tests to determine LPS status of a person. The first two of those tests seem to be fairly routine and can probably be ordered easily by most GP doctors, and are probably offerred a-la-carte by many "self-test" companies too, so it be worth adding those to the lists of tests to do on the annual checkup most people undergo.

Endotoxin biomarkers are associated with adiposity and cardiometabolic risk across 6 years of follow-up in youth
Endotoxin biomarkers associated with obesity and cardiometabolic risk in youth, study reveals

"...Metabolic endotoxemia is shown to be a shared mechanism underlying childhood obesity and early-onset metabolic diseases (e.g., non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, type 2 diabetes). Against this context, Wei Perng, Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Michigan School of Public Health, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, and colleagues aimed to examine prospective associations of serum endotoxin biomarkers lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and its binding protein, LPS binding protein (LBP), and anti-endotoxin core IgG (EndoCabIgG) with adiposity and cardiometabolic risk in youth in a prospective study."

"...The researchers reported the following findings:

  • Higher LPS and LBP predicted greater adiposity across follow-up.
  • Each 1-unit ln-transformed LPS corresponded with 0.23 units BMI z-score, 5.66 mm 3 VAT, 30.7 mm 3 SAT, and 8.26 mm skinfold sum. EndoCabIgG was associated with VAT only (3.03 mm 3).
  • LPS was associated with higher insulin (1.93 µU/mL) and leptin (2.28 ng/mL), and an adverse lipid profile.
  • No association was observed with HFF. Accounting for pubertal status and lifestyle behaviors did not change findings.
  • Adjustment for pre-pregnancy BMI and gestational diabetes attenuated most associations.
In the 40s people were still eating starch, like bread, potatoes, etc., some even peanut butter and we see that they didn't have much issues on digestion, neither on hormones.
What's the main reason of this endotoxin epidemic? Do emulsifiers and conservants play such a big role or it's something else?
In my case I have good energy levels and I eat a lot, but I still feel a bloated belly.


Oct 21, 2018
Do we know what the most powerful ways to reduce endotoxin are. I mean all these studies are great. But just how much of an effect can be achieved.

I am curious because i was researching how low dose naltrexone cures many peoples autoimmune problems. And it seems like its related to tlr4? Endotoxins. So i am like now dead set on dramatically reducing endotoxin


May 2, 2021
Activated charcoal always eliminates endotoxin symptoms for me, but unfortunately I’ve yet to get to the bottom of the issue causing the endotoxin. A short list of things I’ve tried:

Raw garlic
Various “cleanses” (herbal)
Block fasting
Currently trying caprylic acid

Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for activated charcoal, (my ten year struggle with dermatitis is now firmly in my past) but it sure seems like it’d be better to finally knock out whatever is causing it. Lately I tend to think it’s just a function of our increasingly toxic environment. Re-infection is simply a fact of life. I know even Ray says he regularly takes antibiotics to stay on top of his colon.


Jan 1, 2020
It looks like medicine is starting to change course on its attitude to endotoxin (LPS). After claiming that LPS is not an issue at all for any human with a functioning liver, a number of high profile studies have come out recently demonstrating chronic endotoxemia (even low-grade) is a causal factor in a number of chronic conditions in adults, including diseases not considered to be metabolic such as Alzheimer's Disease (AD), Parkinson Disease (PD), scleroderma, cancer, etc. Now, the study below implicates LPS as a causal factor in the whole spectrum of "metabolic" diseases in young people, including obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes II, liver disease (NAFLD), and cardiovascular disease (CVD). It looks like simple blood tests for unbnound/free endotoxin (LPS), the LPS binding protein, and an immunoglobulin rising when LPS levels are high, is a sufficient battery of tests to determine LPS status of a person. The first two of those tests seem to be fairly routine and can probably be ordered easily by most GP doctors, and are probably offerred a-la-carte by many "self-test" companies too, so it be worth adding those to the lists of tests to do on the annual checkup most people undergo.

Endotoxin biomarkers are associated with adiposity and cardiometabolic risk across 6 years of follow-up in youth
Endotoxin biomarkers associated with obesity and cardiometabolic risk in youth, study reveals

"...Metabolic endotoxemia is shown to be a shared mechanism underlying childhood obesity and early-onset metabolic diseases (e.g., non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, type 2 diabetes). Against this context, Wei Perng, Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Michigan School of Public Health, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, and colleagues aimed to examine prospective associations of serum endotoxin biomarkers lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and its binding protein, LPS binding protein (LBP), and anti-endotoxin core IgG (EndoCabIgG) with adiposity and cardiometabolic risk in youth in a prospective study."

"...The researchers reported the following findings:

  • Higher LPS and LBP predicted greater adiposity across follow-up.
  • Each 1-unit ln-transformed LPS corresponded with 0.23 units BMI z-score, 5.66 mm 3 VAT, 30.7 mm 3 SAT, and 8.26 mm skinfold sum. EndoCabIgG was associated with VAT only (3.03 mm 3).
  • LPS was associated with higher insulin (1.93 µU/mL) and leptin (2.28 ng/mL), and an adverse lipid profile.
  • No association was observed with HFF. Accounting for pubertal status and lifestyle behaviors did not change findings.
  • Adjustment for pre-pregnancy BMI and gestational diabetes attenuated most associations.
Isn't this only an association that can be explained with higher food intake=more obesity but also =more food for endotoxin-carrying bacteria?


Oct 21, 2018
Activated charcoal always eliminates endotoxin symptoms for me, but unfortunately I’ve yet to get to the bottom of the issue causing the endotoxin. A short list of things I’ve tried:

Raw garlic
Various “cleanses” (herbal)
Block fasting
Currently trying caprylic acid

Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for activated charcoal, (my ten year struggle with dermatitis is now firmly in my past) but it sure seems like it’d be better to finally knock out whatever is causing it. Lately I tend to think it’s just a function of our increasingly toxic environment. Re-infection is simply a fact of life. I know even Ray says he regularly takes antibiotics to stay on top of his colon.
What kind of dermatitis did u have? And activated charcoal took care of it?


Jan 4, 2021
@haidut What do I do with my Levoit Core air purifier? do I really have to put it into the trash?
The bedroom im in has shitty ventilation so it smells better with the purifier but you mentioned HEPA filters create endotoxins.
What if I run it at the lowest setting?


May 2, 2021
What kind of dermatitis did u have? And activated charcoal took care of it?
Never formally diagnosed, but I had scales that would eventually ooze puss, with itching and burning. Man it was miserable. I tried everything under the sun, and from 2012-2021 I only had intermittent relief.

The dermatitis was on my eyebrows, around my mouth, my forehead, chin and neck, and nowhere else at all. Just those very specific areas where hair grew on my head.

Through reflexology/Chinese medicine study I came to see that the areas affected corresponded with liver and intestine. Learning about Peat’s work sometime in 2020 got me trying a multitude of potential solutions and when I finally considered endotoxin and learned about TLR4 antagonism I tried activated charcoal. The relief systemically and oddly emotionally was INSTANT. The scales were completely gone in about three days. I stopped the charcoal to see if it was the key and the dermatitis came back. I resumed the charcoal and the scales again left. The skin beneath is perfect as if I never looked like a man suffering from acid burns like the character Two Face from Batman.

Ray once said a dose of antibiotics can sometimes be euphoric. For me, two tablespoons of activated charcoal in about 8oz of water well mixed is EUPHORIC.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Never formally diagnosed, but I had scales that would eventually ooze puss, with itching and burning. Man it was miserable. I tried everything under the sun, and from 2012-2021 I only had intermittent relief.

The dermatitis was on my eyebrows, around my mouth, my forehead, chin and neck, and nowhere else at all. Just those very specific areas where hair grew on my head.

Through reflexology/Chinese medicine study I came to see that the areas affected corresponded with liver and intestine. Learning about Peat’s work sometime in 2020 got me trying a multitude of potential solutions and when I finally considered endotoxin and learned about TLR4 antagonism I tried activated charcoal. The relief systemically and oddly emotionally was INSTANT. The scales were completely gone in about three days. I stopped the charcoal to see if it was the key and the dermatitis came back. I resumed the charcoal and the scales again left. The skin beneath is perfect as if I never looked like a man suffering from acid burns like the character Two Face from Batman.

Ray once said a dose of antibiotics can sometimes be euphoric. For me, two tablespoons of activated charcoal in about 8oz of water well mixed is EUPHORIC.


May 4, 2019
Never formally diagnosed, but I had scales that would eventually ooze puss, with itching and burning. Man it was miserable. I tried everything under the sun, and from 2012-2021 I only had intermittent relief.

The dermatitis was on my eyebrows, around my mouth, my forehead, chin and neck, and nowhere else at all. Just those very specific areas where hair grew on my head.

Through reflexology/Chinese medicine study I came to see that the areas affected corresponded with liver and intestine. Learning about Peat’s work sometime in 2020 got me trying a multitude of potential solutions and when I finally considered endotoxin and learned about TLR4 antagonism I tried activated charcoal. The relief systemically and oddly emotionally was INSTANT. The scales were completely gone in about three days. I stopped the charcoal to see if it was the key and the dermatitis came back. I resumed the charcoal and the scales again left. The skin beneath is perfect as if I never looked like a man suffering from acid burns like the character Two Face from Batman.

Ray once said a dose of antibiotics can sometimes be euphoric. For me, two tablespoons of activated charcoal in about 8oz of water well mixed is EUPHORIC.

Thank you for sharing - very, very useful information.

I have picked up some activated charcoal and will start dosing 2x per day as I still get flareups of mystery skin disease. Been using a sketchy Chinese rosacea lotion (a.k.a ZZ cream) to manage the condition but I want it GONE permanently and not have to rely on topicals for the rest of my life.

Your experience sounds similar to this woman that cured her chronic life-long psoriasis (and regrew her hair!) with 2 tsp clay taken in the morning and evening. The Crocodile Dundee looking doctor in the video explains that sequestrants like clay, cholestyramine and activated charcoal binds up the inflammagens/toxins. When the inflammagens are cleared from the blood, symptoms disappear. After 6.5 years the woman was able to stop the clay/charcoal with no symptoms returning. So it may take some time to fully get rid off certain poisons in tissues e.g mycotoxins. Though if it's a LPS problem then there will be an endless supply of inflammagens from the gut microbiome so you would have to continue taking it.

Interestingly, she only got relief from her psoriasis with clay taken BOTH in the morning and evening. Morning only did not work.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLt-8uF1bkY&ab_channel=MyCYP450
Last edited:


Apr 17, 2017
The Crocodile Dundee looking doctor in the video explains that sequestrants like clay, cholestyramine and activated charcoal binds up the inflammagens/toxins. When the inflammagens are cleared from the blood, symptoms disappear.
In Eastern medicine, dermatitis or eczema is a sign of a buildup of fire (bile acids) in the body, and soil (bile acid sequestrant) is one of the options to put out the fire!
It has long been known that the toxic effects of endotoxins under experimental conditions can be induced only when they are administered parenterally. However, in naturally occurring enteroendotoxemic diseases (e. g. septic and intestinal ischemic shocks) the endotoxins--which are produced by gram negative members of intestinal flora-, absorb from the intestinal tract to the blood circulation and can elicit pathological processes. It is an important distinction between natural and experimental endotoxin shock. If the common bile duct of rats were chronically cannulated a significant amount of perorally administered endotoxin was absorbed into the blood. This endotoxin shock can be prevented by bile acids. The physiological surfactants, the bile acids, are important facts in the defense of macroorganisms against endotoxins (physico-chemical defense). The production and passage of bile acids depend from the function of liver and the cholecystokinine (CCK) synthesis of small intestine wall. If the bile (bile acid) content of the intestinal canal decreases the endotoxin can translocate to the body and elicits toxic symptoms. So most important parts of defense against endotoxins in natural conditions are the CCK and bile acids. The consequence of damage of liver (place of bile acid synthesis) or small intestine (place of CCK synthesis) is the absorption of endotoxins.


Nov 27, 2016
once you lower endotoxin, you don’t know how you lived before

less inflammation, more energy, everything


Jan 4, 2021
once you lower endotoxin, you don’t know how you lived before

less inflammation, more energy, everything
So what can we do to decrease endotoxins? in this thread I read eating pomegranate, how often?

Then haidut mentioned HEPA air purifiers increase endotoxin, I mentioned if running the purifier at the lowest speed would still cause endotoxins but haidut never replies to this. My bedroom has poor ventilation so I benefit from the purifier, however now im paranoid im releasing endotoxin into the air. Thanks haidut.
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