Dosage calculator


Sep 12, 2015
So that we might better calculate the dosages needed to help certain troubles, I have made this spreadsheet. My skills with this tool are poor, hence the simplicity.

When one enters his weight, the dose appears in the remedy's neighboring cell; because of my limited time, I added few. Below each ailment is a remedy dropdown menu (seen only when the sheet is downloaded or copied to your own Drive), which calls upon a sibling sheet of values; this menu, when changed, shows the oral dose needed each day to treat that trouble (all knowledge of these dosages came from this forum). My first hope was to have a dropdown menu for the ailment, whose action would populate the cells below it with its remedies and dosages, but my limited knowledge of spreadsheets withstood me.

You must download the sheet to use it, but better is to copy it to your own Drive. I welcome anyone to take this and make it their own. Howbeit you may also wait for me to better it, and download it then.

I invite you to take the survey below, so that I might better the sheet. And if any have knowledge, let them share it.

Great thanks to the forum members that labor to find the studies which reveal the dosages of certain, healthful things, and also them which share their experiences with these trials.

The spreadsheet

The survey
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