
Jan 24, 2014
Ray Peat is correct, drinking water when you are not thirsty can cause a lot of problems for you. But at the same time it is you that has had this problem for 2 years, and it seems to be getting worse. When you are thirsty drink water with some good quality salt on your tongue. Over time you will notice a big improvement in your symptoms.


Sep 19, 2013
I have been taking 1-2 tsp extra daily with OJ. You think it's better with water?


Jan 24, 2014
Yes, they tend to complement each other. I made the mistake of equating fluid consumption with water consumption. I was drinking a good amount of fluids ( OJ,Coffee, iced tea, soft drink's etc.) everyday. It took me 6 ER visits in 11 month's to realize that I also needed sufficient water, apart from fluids on a daily basis. I started slowly, I would sip on a 1 liter bottle of water spread throughout day, along with some good quality salt on my tongue. Overtime, depending upon weather condition's, and my level of physical activity on a given day, I could easily drink 2 or even 2 and one liters of water daily. By all mean's continue your daily OJ routine, just add some water and over time a lot, if not all of your dizziness will disappear. If time and circumstance permit, Google up chronic dehydration and dizziness.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
The ER will almost always tell people they are dehydrated yet they give sodium chloride IV solution to the majority of their customers/patients and then turn around and advise them to drink more water regardless of their diet.When people are eating a mostly processed food diet they are probably ok drinking some plain water. A Peat inspired approach with orange juice, coffee and milk doesn't usually require much additional fluid but will require the addition of salt to help blunt stress hormones. Our culture seems obsessed with drinking plain water but you definitely can over do it and many people do. It is another example of how far we have gotten off track in much of the health and medical ideologies. I of course say listen to Peat but I'm not just blindly agreeing with him. Every time I tried to force myself to drink more water I would start urinating every half hour and become cold and grouchy. I'm glad that drinking all that water seems to help some people but I think it is probably just giving them a stress hormone high. I too drink orange juice when I'm thirsty and sometimes take a bit of salt with it. If your already dizzy I would stick with that plan (imo) so as not to make it worse.


I don't recall the last time I drank water. I do drink a lot of orange juice, and sprite, which have a lot of water.

I would drink water but the ones I can easily get come in plastic containers and I don't like them.


Jan 24, 2014
Blossom, your point is well taken, I agree with you in this case. I am not certain about the state of I love sugars thyroid.I know that Dr.Peat maintains that daily water intake for people is"extremely variable". Ilovesugar maybe well served to keep making adjustment's in salt and juice intake.


Jan 14, 2014
Does you heart rate get high when you get dizzy?

I was diagnosed with POTS syndrome two years ago. It is better now than it was then but still imperfect. Basically, upon going from a sitting or lying position to standing up, my heart rate would shoot up above 100 (often 150) and i'd become dizzy with jelly legs and palpitations. The heart rate might sound like a Peat wet dream, but it was bad enough to land me in hospital twice. I got this after coming off 4 months of propranolol for anxiety and migraine, which had caused me to have erratic heart rates as low as in the 40s and blue finger nails!

The only thing that immediately helped me was a drug called ivabradine, which lowers you heart rate in a different way to beta blockers. I gave up on that after a year though because it messed up my vision (seemingly permanently to some extent). After the first week hell of getting off it, I found that gradually becoming more active (eg. walking), drinking more liquids with electrolytes, and a higher salt and B12 intake, made it more manageable. These were Mayo Clinic website suggestions that sounded surprisingly Peat-esque. It still shoots up whenever I walk or exercise, but nowhere near as bad as before and I can get on with general life.


Sep 19, 2013
Still struggling quite a bit here. I am faint and fatigued all day. Also so brain fog, and it never goes away. Anytime anyone talks to me, I feel like I am about to faint and everything becomes a distant nightmare. Actively seeing doctors, but not getting far.


Jan 22, 2013
im pretty sure you are very hypotonic and perhaps lack vit A, but definitely hypotonic. Blossom is right. And also I know the feelings exactly, stiff neck, sore back, heavy, spacey, bloated, weird urine patterns, incomplete and small yet intense urine...if youre actually getting to the point of dizziness, you are very hypotonic. Definitely don't drink any plain water. Starches are not good, but literally one day or even 1 meal of a large amount of potato with rice or something would greatly help you. There is no way to get rid of water other than to soak it up with things that have tonicity, and you literally have to make up the exact amount that you are over. It one meal of ice cream or little meat doesn't help you, then you are way hypotonic. Youre probably lacking vit A also and therefore your whole metabolism and hormones are off, which makes water pool up easier. The only way salt would help is if you ate a massive amount to the point of being offensive, though it could help speed things up if you had it with dense calorie sources

I think ive told you this before, but oh well ill say it again. I don't like seeing people suffer. But if you want you can ignore me and think im wrong


Sep 19, 2013
I'm not ignoring anything. It's just hard to describe my state right now. Extremely faint is a better way of saying it instead of dizziness. I'm also very scared of anything right now. Even people talking to me makes me hyperventilate and lose it. I am so fatigued that all I can do all day is lay in bed. I'm so wired but tired. I'm jittery as heck, but yet I am so tired, and when I try to sleep, I can't.

So in a nutshell, what are you suggesting? Just potatoes or rice? I'll try them tomorrow if thats the case.


Jan 22, 2013
yea the combo, don't do rice alone
don't worry about fat right now, it wont really help or hurt
I don't mean to irritate you...I totally understand that state
when you have too much water loose in your system, it causes systemic swelling and leakiness and sensitivity, every little thing becomes a major irritant like its a burden to do anything at all
I know the feeling to, like you have to lay flat on your back and its hard to sleep when it gets that bad
when you have fluid excess to that magnitude, sugar doesn't get where it needs to so its like a perpetual low blood sugar state even if you consume sugar in a juice or milk type way
and basically youll be in a fiendy erratic mode, unable to ever sit still or feel satisfied and your mind will be racy as hell, too much so
the reason I say potatoes as the best is because they are dense enough , once broken down, to soak up some of the excess water...and get it into the proper metabolic flow...so make sure when you cook them they don't have excess water with them
You have to keep all metabolic respiring nutrients still correct, or the effect wont work...or not nearly as effectively...which is why potatoes are probably the best choice, they have almost every vitamin and mineral in a high enough quanitity to support metabolism. The rice would be just to kind of cut it with to get even more dense sugar, without so much potential gas that potatoes might cause, but you don't have to use it...and if you do, make sure its a little less than the potatoes. Add salt to taste if you want
If you drink milk, which is good for vitamin A and protein and other stuff, for each cup you drink add 1-2 tsp of sugar...that will make it slightly dense but without diluting the nutrients too much. At this time don't drink plain milk, add a little sugar, because milk alone would actually contribute to the problem...its slightly more watery than your serum should be. Wish you the best, you can recover, have faith, I was in a similar state in the past and got through it, its pretty hellish I know. A little milk chocolate, though don't overdo it, but in combo with the other things I mentioned would help speed the process. If you do want to eat fruit...make sure its ripe, but only use the sweetest types, like mango and pear...or you could even eat soaked but not watery....just enough water to soak them a little bit, dates...and that might actually help you a lot...but only if you enjoy them


Aug 18, 2013
Dizziness and a cracky neck! My new issues!

The first thing I suggest is something called "constructive rest"


When the psoas muscles are tight -- especially when one is tighter than the other -- they trigger point right to the neck. This happens in athletes and dancers but also in people with office jobs who habitually cross one leg over the other.

If you have more money you could look into a neuromuscular therapist who specializes in craniosacral therapy. If your spine is balanced then the nerves of the spine are also balanced and that leads to harmonious messaging throughout the sensory nerves.

Chiropractic might help if you had an imbalance of the cervical spine or top vertebrae but I would try this other stuff first because bonecracking in your neck is frankly dangerous.

You could try this too: :)

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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