Curing Allergies


May 5, 2015
I have a few food allergies. One of the major ones is to citrus fruits. If I drink orange juice for just a few days, I get horrible physical allergy symptoms, with constant sneezing, red eyes, runny nose, flu like symptoms etc. along with psychological symptoms of agitation, etc.

Sometimes the allergy is less severe than others. About 2-3 years ago I could consume several quarts of OJ in a day without many issues (besides a bit of sneezing). Now, even a single orange has side-effects which last for many days. Obviously I think peat is on to something when he says the metabolic rate (the overall health) of the body determines how well foods are tolerated.

Despite all of this, I haven't been able to cure this allergy, or any of my other food allergies. When I was in my teens I could eat all foods without many issues, now it seems there are so many foods I don't tolerate.

Besides the general principle of raising the metabolic rate, are there any specific supplements out there which can "cure" or at least alleviate allergies? I read some articles on vitamin A being helpful, but don't know anyone who has used it for their allergies.


Mar 31, 2014
Europe/SE Asia
I had few pollens and food allergies since I was a kid. I though I cured most of them or reduced the symptoms significantly by eating paleo. But I guess I just didn't spend summers in Poland (where I'm from). Last summer I had to be there, so the allergy returned. It was quite bad, Zyrtec/Claritine wasn't helping, I had to use inhalers few times a day.

I read Matt Stone's books, including "Eat for Heat". One of the ideas he in presented there was that drinking too much water might lower your metabolism, so I decided to drink only when I'm thirsty. I also raised my salt consumption (I always used a lot , but I added half teaspoon before the morning meal). That day I drank about 1,5 liters instead of 2-3. My temp rose to around 37*C+ (as opposed 36.6-36.8*C. My allergy for pollens just literally stopped in 1 day. I could also eat strawberries during the worse part of the year (August). Although I was not allergic to strawberries they are often making different allergies worse (by gut irritation maybe?).


Mar 29, 2014
Both sugar and salt can have some anti-histamine effects, but I don't know if they would be strong enough.
Sometimes extra sugar and/or including a little of the suspect food at a meal with other benign food can sometimes help.
Was the OJ ripe? Excess acid (citric?) from unripe oranges might add to stress associated with food one's system is sensitive to?
Once your system is more sensitive to it, probably worth giving it a break for a while before trying again.

Low metabolism can leave us with inadequte digestive enzyms, so some foods don't get broken down as effectively as they should be, leaving remnants to mess with us. There's a chance that when metabolism and digestion come up to par that some allergies will resolve.

I wonder, but don't have experience to go on, whether antihistamines like cyproheptadine or diphenhydramine would be helpful.


Mar 29, 2016
Sometimes the allergy is less severe than others. About 2-3 years ago I could consume several quarts of OJ in a day without many issues (besides a bit of sneezing). Now, even a single orange has side-effects which last for many days. Obviously I think peat is on to something when he says the metabolic rate (the overall health) of the body determines how well foods are tolerated.

I'm adding to this because I have just overcome my frustration at having relapsed into allergic rhinitis. For a while I thought I had overcome my allergy (thanks to Peating having boosted my metabolism) but now I am recuperating from my allergic rhinitis. It got me to trace back what I've done that had led me back to being sensitive to pollens once again. I think it was because, in my singular focus to lower my blood pressure, I had done things that were lowering my metabolism. So now I'm needing to find a balanced solution to lowering my blood pressure without sacrificing my metabolism.

I was avoiding intake of substances that were pro=metabolic such as coffee and niacinamide. I noticed that my heart rate has gone down from high 70s to low 60s. I suspect that my body temperature has gone down as well (It was easier to take heart rate readings). I believe this has made me more sensitive to allergies. On top of that, I began to realize that I've been waking up as much as 4x a night to pee. Not having quality sleep has also impacted my glycogen stores, and this could lead to poor blood sugar control, which would impact my metabolism as well. I suspect that I have been taking too much vitamin C and this has been causing me to pee more. This remains to be verified and I'll now in two week's time since I've reduced my vitamin C intake from 7 g to 1 g a day. I have been taken vitamin C and magnesium since November to chelate lead to decrease my sky high blood pressure. I'm seeing improvements in my blood pressure.

Anyway, I just want to add my observation, and to say that I agree that a healthy metabolism is important to reducing our susceptibility to allergy.


Oct 21, 2018
Anyone with any new solutions.
For the longest time my cat allergies were way down. Then recently i took lots of histidine and in a week i started to develop severe allergies.

i now beleive that allergy therapy is bull**** and only works because u are depleting histamine stores.

looking for something to help the body not react badly to these harmless proteins

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Anyone with any new solutions.
For the longest time my cat allergies were way down. Then recently i took lots of histidine and in a week i started to develop severe allergies.

i now beleive that allergy therapy is bull**** and only works because u are depleting histamine stores.

looking for something to help the body not react badly to these harmless proteins
hi gorilla,how was your meat digestion before you started histidine?why did you take it for?did you notice a difference on other aspects ?


Jul 8, 2019
Anyone with any new solutions.
For the longest time my cat allergies were way down. Then recently i took lots of histidine and in a week i started to develop severe allergies.

i now beleive that allergy therapy is bull**** and only works because u are depleting histamine stores.

looking for something to help the body not react badly to these harmless proteins

Dr. Peat tells a story in one of his interviews (see video clips) about an allergist friend who was making $400k a year doing the desensitization stuff for patients, which never worked.

Peat got him to try giving patients magnesium at the same time as T3 and all of the patients were cured of their allergies.


Oct 6, 2020
Dr. Peat tells a story in one of his interviews (see video clips) about an allergist friend who was making $400k a year doing the desensitization stuff for patients, which never worked.

Peat got him to try giving patients magnesium at the same time as T3 and all of the patients were cured of their allergies.

i wonder if the patients developed their allergies back after they stopped taking T3


Nov 18, 2019
Anyone with any new solutions.
For the longest time my cat allergies were way down. Then recently i took lots of histidine and in a week i started to develop severe allergies.

i now beleive that allergy therapy is bull**** and only works because u are depleting histamine stores.

looking for something to help the body not react badly to these harmless proteins
check @redsun posts about histamine, he is very very good on these things


Oct 21, 2018
Dr. Peat tells a story in one of his interviews (see video clips) about an allergist friend who was making $400k a year doing the desensitization stuff for patients, which never worked.

Peat got him to try giving patients magnesium at the same time as T3 and all of the patients were cured of their allergies.
this probably happens cause magenisum is a calcium channel blocker. So it blocks the channel that is needed the reaction to happen.

this only ameliorates the issue doesn't solve it.

i read reports of b12 working. Probably works with reducing histamine stores as well.

it seems that once ur body targets something as in allergy there is no way to stop it from happening again. Only inhibiting or reducing the response.

hi gorilla,how was your meat digestion before you started histidine?why did you take it for?did you notice a difference on other aspects ?
I wanted to see if it would help my gut. I do find it interesting that my allergies are way up back to how i used to be. My allergies were worst as a kid. So it felt like my histamine levels were propped back up to my youthful levels. But their release during allergen exposure still happen


Jul 29, 2020
It is very hard fighting allergies. Pollen especially. It is a merciless assailant that asks no questions. The only thing that somehow helps me is keeping the gut as clean as possible, more BM the better. I take a new gen antihistamine once a week and thats it. Some days it is terrible, headaches ensue due to sinus clog and it ruins my day.


Dec 17, 2018
Anyone with any new solutions.
For the longest time my cat allergies were way down. Then recently i took lots of histidine and in a week i started to develop severe allergies.

i now beleive that allergy therapy is bull**** and only works because u are depleting histamine stores.

looking for something to help the body not react badly to these harmless proteins

You already had high histamine which is mainly due to problems with methylation, DAO, and/or histamine metabolism related mutations. If you took a lot histidine without taking zinc then that's your problem. Histidine is known strong chelator of zinc. Histidine can also chelate copper which would also give you problems if you take a lot. First try zinc for a little while. If thats not working then likely you need to do something in regards to methylation or need to increase DAO.

Histidine will actually improve gut health and improve acid secretion but it needs to be taken with extra zinc ad it chelates it. And of course excess will lower copper, leading to low DAO, which requires copper among other things.


Dec 17, 2018
Allergies are reduced when you reduce total body histamine levels. Histamine reaction from food, pollen, inhalant allergies, have to do with histamine overload. It is basically impossible to fix this overload with diet alone. You need to take methionine/SAM-e (SAM-e is more effective) to lower histamine. Copper along with adequate riboflavin in the diet can help increase DAO. Rarely does someone need to supplement copper, you can easily get a few mg a day from food.

Vitamin C + E are also effective anti-histamines by increasing adrenal activity (which is often low in histadelics). High folate foods or fortified folic acid and supplements with B-vitamins and folate (doesnt matter the form) need to be avoided. Folate in natural whole foods is usually not problematic but even then you can get too much.

Choline tends to increase histamine activity even more (via Ach) so too many eggs for example tend to aggravate histamine symptoms until the histamine load is brought down.

It takes a few weeks with supplementing SAM-e or methionine for the histamine level to start visibly improving if you are a bad case. It may need to be continued for a few months. Usually the reason high histamine happens is due to mutations to begin with. Its not going to go away fast for some people (most severe cases) but it does work with enough patience so then you wont react as much to inhaled allergens and foods that trigger histamine reactions.


Oct 21, 2018
You already had high histamine which is mainly due to problems with methylation, DAO, and/or histamine metabolism related mutations. If you took a lot histidine without taking zinc then that's your problem. Histidine is known strong chelator of zinc. Histidine can also chelate copper which would also give you problems if you take a lot. First try zinc for a little while. If thats not working then likely you need to do something in regards to methylation or need to increase DAO.

Histidine will actually improve gut health and improve acid secretion but it needs to be taken with extra zinc ad it chelates it. And of course excess will lower copper, leading to low DAO, which requires copper among other things.
I was taking copper and zinc when supplementing so I don’t think I have issue there

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
1 gram of histidine and 5mg of zinc and .5 mg of copper

do u Know if histidine improves leydig cell function ?
I think he shared a study on a post grouping différents study’s on histamine effect showing that histamine defficient rats shows sign of testicular degeneration/atrophy despit goods lvl of androgens


Oct 21, 2018
I think he shared a study on a post grouping différents study’s on histamine effect showing that histamine defficient rats shows sign of testicular degeneration/atrophy despit goods lvl of androgens
Thats very interesting. If so. Id expect histidine to lower LH hormone since better gonad function leads to better androgen levels

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Thats very interesting. If so. Id expect histidine to lower LH hormone since better gonad function leads to better androgen levels
Did you notice a difference in libido,dream frequency,wet dream and meet digestion since you took histidine ?
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