Cancer Paradigm: Killing Or Reversing Cancer


Jan 13, 2016
Hello everyone!

I'm currently writing my bachelors about the metabolism of cancer, and in this respect i have been reading quite a lot of articles on cancer. But one thing is boggling my mind and so i was interested in hearing the views of likeminded people here on the forum.

The standard view on cancer seem to be that to get rid of the cancer you have to kill it somehow - generally by inducing apoptosis in the cell. This has of course given rise to the standard therapies that we have today where we by irradiating or intoxicating the cancer cells can make them undergo apoptosis.

But even the beneficial effect of e.g. aspirin on cancer is often mention in the context of inducing apoptosis of the cancer cells.

The reversal of cancer cells to normal cells is rarely discussed in the literature, since the genetic paradigm of cancer would indicate that once a cell is cancerous, the mutations makes it loose its capability to reverse to a normal cell. But tissue field-effects as shown by e.g. Harry Rubin, also referred to by Ray, would indicate that these mutations are not necessarily excluding that a cell can act normally in a tissue that supports normal function.

This has lead me to wonder how i can think about treating cancer in a bioenergetic context. Is it to somehow support the body's ability to naturally kill the cancer cells, or would it be to support the ability of the cancer cells to reverse to normal cells?

If you have any thoughts on this or know about any relevant literature for cancer reversal (in the sense of curing cancer by reversing cancer cells to normal cells, and not by killing them off) i would be more than interested!


Jan 25, 2014
Both enhancing the body's response to foreign elements (immunotherapy is based on this property and especially found to be beneficial in melanoma because of their mutational load) and shifting the metabolism are possibly effective anti-cancer strategies - see some of Haidut's posts (I guess you have).

Consider the work of Mina Bissell too, maybe she has some talks on the web, like for example on TED. Goodluck. Interesting subject for sure but really difficult with all those different cancertypes etc.


Jan 13, 2016
Yes, i have been reading around on the forum, though there is a lot of info, so I haven't had the time to go through all of it with the project going on at the same time.

This woman has some really interesting work going on! Thank you, that's exactly the kind of work I was looking for.
If you other suggestions i would be interested


Feb 24, 2016
From what I've read as a layperson, when cancer cells are infected with an oncovirus, the way to go is inducing apoptosis. I'm not sure that such an infected cell can be reverted back to normal when it is full of viruses. Interestingly, in such escenario, the oncovirus does everything it can to enhance anti-apoptosis signaling; the virus knows its success depends on having never dying cells. This can illustrate some Aspirin induces lytic cytotoxicity in Epstein-Barr virus-positive cells. - PubMed - NCBI Hope this helps :)


Nov 28, 2016
You may want to check out a viral therapy called Rigvir developed in Latvia I believe. Also, there is Dr. Emmanuel Revici's clinic in NYC. Best info I can think of about him is the book by K. Eidem called "The Doctor Who Cures Cancer."


May 3, 2015
Doesn't Ray suggest that polyunsaturated fats and their breakdown products wreck the sugar burning engines of the cell. When they stop making CO2 they let the less salty water from outside the cell come in causing them to flood with water - inflate & inflame. Does the cells's naturally acidic environment spill out into the normally alkaline surroundings?

The PUFA also wreck signalling making the cells forget that they are differentiated - part of an organ or body part.

Caffeine, aspirin, niacin, potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, glucose, fructose, slow breathing, low fat etc may heal cells on the verge of cancer. Perhaps they can arouse cancer cells back out of their cancer coma...

You are right that the disease model dictates the treatment.


Jul 3, 2016
IP6 + Inositol (and the derivative IP3) is said in scientific literature to cause cancer cells to revert back to normal cells, or atleast cells that look more like normal cells, and also behave more like normal cells. IP6 is naturally occuring in food. IP6 is an iron chelating agent too. Pharmaceutical iron chelating agents are used frequently in cancer treatment to steal iron from tumors, as tumors use iron to feed.

IP6 has been studied moderately but more in-depth studies and its anti-cancer effects should still be done in my opinion. Dr. Shamsuddin wrote multiple books about it and its anti-cancer properties and studied its anti-cancer properties extensively for years.

I discuss and place a doubt on the biochemical safety of IP6 in my latest post in this topic here: What Do You Know About IP6/IP-6/inositol Hexaphosphate/phytate/phytic Acid?
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