Attracting Women: What’s The Secret?


Jan 12, 2021
In today's non-regulated sex market women have the monopoly on mating decisions (because of their cooperation) So some small percentage of the most attractive males get sex for free, others are considered by women as resource providers. Forget about some "connection" with women, males are too complicated for women. Males that can have a "connection" with women are closer to them, so they are pretty much the most stupid of the pack.


Jun 14, 2020
In today's non-regulated sex market women have the monopoly on mating decisions (because of their cooperation) So some small percentage of the most attractive males get sex for free, others are considered by women as resource providers. Forget about some "connection" with women, males are too complicated for women. Males that can have a "connection" with women are closer to them, so they are pretty much the most stupid of the pack.
I smell someone who never felt connected to a woman


Oct 12, 2020
when I used Dhea women looked at me a lot and men were afraid I don't know why but this is happening now, when I'm out of starch and too much calcium, salt, carbs.....
It is all in your mind.


Jan 30, 2021
It depends on what you're looking for. Are you looking for someone to make you feel loved, to fill that hole in your life? Won't happen. Are you looking for someone to have fun with, get to know, do things with, share common interests? That can happen. Be happy, be fun, treat her like she's a wonderful human being, get your focus off of your needs and on to her, and you'll get somewhere and learn a few things in the process. Hang out in places where the things you like to do happen, so you an find other people who like to do what you do.
Try to date women who are as good looking (or not) as you are.
Mar 10, 2021
Males that can have a "connection" with women are closer to them, so they are pretty much the most stupid of the pack.

My best and most attractive boyfriends have been deep, romantic, creative and as giving as they are are wanting back. They have been far from dumb, cause they get the girls, including myself.


May 30, 2018
Be high status in their sub/culture. Not easy to do in a media saturated culture that creates unrealistic and sometimes bizarre criteria for status levels for both men and women. I think for most men the best path to find a woman to share your life with is somewhat counterintuitive. A focus on creating a strong and large brotherhood will create contact with the women in their lives and their friends. Out of this network of women there will be greater trust of your status as a quality man in ways that can bypass media programming. Most guys I know with stable great relationships met them through friends of friends through a man they trust like a brother. They didn’t ever exactly go dating. Their networks just kind of matched them together often unconsciously.
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I agree with Hugh in regards to filling holes in you, it's just something you learn with experience.

I don't know if you think this way or not but "I will be happier once I have a woman" is not a healthy mindset for a relationship.

When anyone in a relationship has that hole and seeks someone to fill it, they will be relying on the happiness and love from the partner for their own happiness, leeching that energy. It will likely be a toxic relationship with jealousy that is quite draining. A rollercoaster ride. This is even worse if both people have this. Women will likely have an unconscious intuition for this and avoid you if you have it.

It's also a problem to overcome when you are happy and content with yourself, secure. You will attract women who aren't, seeking you to fill their hole and that will likely be a toxic relationship. But once again that will come with experience, you probably won't know what to look for until you've been through it with a few ladies.

A healthy relationship is when both parties are happy with themselves first, love themselves, are content with themselves, and then they find one another. Then you can give adequate love and support to each other without draining or leeching it.


Jan 12, 2021
My best and most attractive boyfriends have been deep, romantic, creative and as giving as they are are wanting back. They have been far from dumb, cause they get the girls, including myself.
That doesn't concern the concept of "connection". What you display is an exchange of resources.
Mar 10, 2021
That doesn't concern the concept of "connection". What you display is an exchange of resources.
There is a great exchange of resources alright, it’s not to much fun just staring at a person. You are just trying to muddy the waters and adding not too much.


Jan 12, 2021
There is a great exchange of resources alright, it’s not to much fun just staring at a person. You are just trying to muddy the waters and adding not too much.
The OP is wondering why he doesn't get a relationship and a "connection" with the opposite sex. I address that exact issue. If you think that saying "be confident and nice" is adding more to the issue it's up to you. I think your advice is garbage.


Mar 21, 2021
It’s a hook up culture now a days . You have to give off the player vibes and a women’s fantasy is to reform the player.

Women want a challenge and a chase. Remember sex is easy for women. A semi attractive women could have sex with a new guy every day of the week for years if she wanted too. So basically they want guy who has options but chooses them. They don’t to be with guy that the only girl they could get was them.

Looks height money matter and open a lot of doors for you to possibly having sex with them. But game/ personality is what closes the deal.

Look at Style and clothes for men is like makeup women. So what ever type of women your looking for fit that style to have your best chance.

confidence matters a lot , but the key is what each women perceives as confidence will very from women to women and age.

Money matters , but job title has lot of impact on there perception of you.
But looks and style matter more then ever. So facial hair , hair cut , weight ,clothes ,car are necessary for most women for them to even entertain the idea of having sex with you. Then game closes the deal.
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