At my wits end - severe lifelong ADHD turned into debilitating fatigue


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Oct 2, 2023
I am currently 18. I have dealt with severe ADHD ever since my earliest memories. Must not have ever really learnt a lot of basic things because I was always running around the place. I will try my best to keep my thoughts organised during this post.

Around Feb-April time I had an OK time self medicating with caffeine. Suddenly I could get along with people and actually hear what people were saying. More energy. More confidence as I knew I wasn't being held back by ADHD anymore. Suddenly food tasted good and the world had colour to it. Felt like I finally had a healthy hormone balance. Voice didn't sound strained but I sounded as if I was speaking from the depth of my soul. Suddenly I became a magnet for people. What on earth? Also had a few nights of really deep good sleep, woke up feeling like I had been bathed in holy water. How can caffeine do this? No idea.

This didn't last long. The effects wore off. I thought I would get an ADHD diagnosis and try the 'official' (what a joke) medication. I took Lisdexamfetamine 30mg (9mg of the actual drug) for around 3 months. Of course tolerance built to this too. I think during this time I wasn't really eating much as I had ZERO appetite.

I eventually stopped taking them as the side effects got worse and I even had an ECG at my GP and it looked like stormy waves on a sea! I don't like my heart doing that. Must have been the drug causing that. I wasn't taking any other supplements during this time. I was just thinking in terms of neurotransmitters and 'trying to balance them out' which doesn't make sense now that I have learned more about metabolism etc... Also this medication caused the most insane 'synchronicities' to happen? Like just out of this world coincidences? As if something was trying to communicate with me?

I now have strange symptoms in my left arm, slight stinging/burning or numb sensation that comes and goes? Doesn't worry me too much as my heart feels a lot more regular now as long as I am calm. Maybe just my arm hurts from typing so much on the computer?

All this attempt to self medicate as well as getting prescribed the actual drug came after I was lying in bed almost all day. What brought this fatigue on? I think just trying to deal with daily life and miserably failing for 18 years.

Over the past 3 months I have been trying a few things. Small amounts of thyroid work but stop working eventually, making me more hypothyroid. I definitely think the amphetamine damaged my thyroid as I never had a swollen thyroid before. Vitamin B1 and B3 have offered relief. Methylene blue in small amounts can sometimes do something. I have been trying to eat more eggs, red meat, gelatin, cheese, milk and so on. ADHD makes it hard to stick with anything but I try my best. I get little glimpses into what life will be like in the future every once in a while and it does leave me inspired to carry on.

My biggest jump 'forward' so far came when I woke up really early to visit my aunt in another country. I woke up feeling dreadful in the morning. I woke up, had some methylene blue and headed to the airport. I felt awful most of the day. By the evening I was in panic mode. I then took a propranolol at my aunts house along with a bit of NDT and it worked?! I felt pretty okay for most of the trip and even managed to get my temps to 37c! I could even go outside and put my hands in my pockets and have them feel warm. But then my aunt served me up some chicken DRENCHED in PUFA. After this I got a massive sinus and ear infection and cold feet, suddenly had heart palpitations from thyroid again. Now I'm back home and back to square one. Even before the trip when I was at home I felt better.

A week before the trip I also had a massive detox reaction from taking a combination of MB and B3. Felt a lot better after that somehow. Not sure how to recreate what I had then again. I'm back to sleeping a lot now and waking up feeling unrefreshed and thyroid not doing much.

Current supplements are just B1, B3, C, Zinc picolinate 22mg, TUDCA and Adrenal cortex. Each one of these helps me somewhat. Adrenal cortex allows me to have one straight thought instead of thoughts that explode like fireworks.

I hope I haven't rambled too much and hope that this post is organised enough to understand. Any help would be appreciated at this point. Anything that would help get the ball rolling.
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Mar 26, 2014
Also had a few nights of really deep good sleep, woke up feeling like I had been bathed in holy water. How can caffeine do this? No idea

I'm currently reading hypothyroidism the unsuspected illness by Broda Barnes and it mentions this exact paradox as well as ADHD being a hypothyroid symptom.


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Oct 2, 2023
I'm currently reading hypothyroidism the unsuspected illness by Broda Barnes and it mentions this exact paradox as well as ADHD being a hypothyroid symptom.
That's really interesting. I guess that would make sense due to brain metabolism and so on? I just need to figure out what it'd take for me to start feeling calm and start truly feeling better. I know if I felt calm that would at least be step one of the journey done.


Mar 26, 2014
That's really interesting. I guess that would make sense due to brain metabolism and so on? I just need to figure out what it'd take for me to start feeling calm and start truly feeling better. I know if I felt calm that would at least be step one of the journey done.

Are you taking any magnesium?


Mar 26, 2014
I take 350mg per day. Earlier in the year I feel like magnesium helped me relax a lot more than it did now with this lack of light.

I don't know how familiar you are with Ray's work but light, in particular red light is important. I mention this as I have one of these shining on me right now as we speak, and it feels very pleasant. Shining on the face with eyes closed is the most relaxing, but then I wouldn't be able to type this message...

I don't think he thought much of the standard S.A.D. blue light theory.


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Oct 2, 2023
I don't know how familiar you are with Ray's work but light, in particular red light is important. I mention this as I have one of these shining on me right now as we speak, and it feels very pleasant. Shining on the face with eyes closed is the most relaxing, but then I wouldn't be able to type this message...

I don't think he thought much of the standard S.A.D. blue light theory.
This looks good. I will get it and try it. Sometimes if the sun does come up I will open my window and just sit there with my eyes closed and the sun shining on my face and it will certainly help a bit but makes me feel cold as I am most likely very hypothyroid and winter wind coming through the window isn't helpful.


Mar 26, 2014
This looks good. I will get it and try it. Sometimes if the sun does come up I will open my window and just sit there with my eyes closed and the sun shining on my face and it will certainly help a bit but makes me feel cold as I am most likely very hypothyroid and winter wind coming through the window isn't helpful.

20 minutes of this shining on your thyroid and I think you will feel almost tropical. :)


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Oct 2, 2023
20 minutes of this shining on your thyroid and I think you will feel almost tropical. :)
I really hope so! Just ordered it. Any idea what can be done about weird brain-zap sensations inside your head? It almost feels as if you are cracking your knuckles inside your head. Not sure how to describe it.


Mar 26, 2014
I really hope so! Just ordered it. Any idea what can be done about weird brain-zap sensations inside your head? It almost feels as if you are cracking your knuckles inside your head. Not sure how to describe it.

I don't know if I can help with that, I think I can imagine what you mean but the closest I have experienced is those dreams where you're falling and wake up with a jolt.

Personally I would try a small dose (1mg/Quarter tablet) of Periactin/cyproheptadine as it is an anti-serotonin, anti-histamine. Any chemist should have it over the counter, but don't let them fob you off with Benadryl.

(It is a medication Ray knew about and approved of)


Nov 30, 2022
WA state
We’re all kind of guessing through anecdotal experiences and apparently are open for those kinds of things. My wife has always been hypothyroid and supplements for T3 and T4 but still runs cold and lacks energy in the afternoon. Cortisol ebbs away toward afternoon and evening so we can sleep and then the adrenals kick it off in the morning. Cortisol is a mother hormone. It affects T3 uptake. I came across an old work on low-dose hydrocortisone so we started that for her and it really blessed her. She’s at about 5 mg a day. It’s hard to pull this out of a blood test and so a doctor Jefferies would just prescribe it based on certain symptom observations. It was his life work.
Anyway, not sure if this may be an issue for you. It’s based on adrenal fatigue not producing enough cortisol.


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Jun 19, 2023
We’re all kind of guessing through anecdotal experiences and apparently are open for those kinds of things. My wife has always been hypothyroid and supplements for T3 and T4 but still runs cold and lacks energy in the afternoon. Cortisol ebbs away toward afternoon and evening so we can sleep and then the adrenals kick it off in the morning. Cortisol is a mother hormone. It affects T3 uptake. I came across an old work on low-dose hydrocortisone so we started that for her and it really blessed her. She’s at about 5 mg a day. It’s hard to pull this out of a blood test and so a doctor Jefferies would just prescribe it based on certain symptom observations. It was his life work.
Anyway, not sure if this may be an issue for you. It’s based on adrenal fatigue not producing enough cortisol.
So you are saying the one must agonize cortisol because it improves T3 uptake?
If you have adrenal fatigue, taking T3 is not gonna work?
Do you know how does this work biochemically?


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Oct 2, 2023
Well.. Woke up really late on Christmas day. Fun. Hope everyone had a nice Christmas so far.

Since everyone is talking about trying to balance cortisol would pregnenolone be worth trying? Seems like Ray Peat said it can either lower or raise it depending on whats needed? I like eating eggs so I assume I must have plenty of cholesterol but it might not be converting properly which maybe pregnenolone could step in and help? I've even had a few dreams about taking pregnenolone so maybe worth a try? Some might come through the post tomorrow. Whenever I take thyroid it just puts me in a total coma and I pass out for a few hours (it is usually a refreshing sleep). Is this an extreme lowering of cortisol sending me to sleep?


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Oct 2, 2023
What comes to my mind first is try haiduts metergoline.
Is there herbal (gentler) alternatives to this sort of thing? Not sure if I want to try more dopamine agonists yet.. The ADHD drugs made me a bit prone to psychosis. Or the synchronicities just become too much and too many crazy things happen.
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Nov 23, 2023
I am currently 18. I have dealt with severe ADHD ever since my earliest memories. Must not have ever really learnt a lot of basic things because I was always running around the place. I will try my best to keep my thoughts organised during this post.

Around Feb-April time I had an OK time self medicating with caffeine. Suddenly I could get along with people and actually hear what people were saying. More energy. More confidence as I knew I wasn't being held back by ADHD anymore. Suddenly food tasted good and the world had colour to it. Felt like I finally had a healthy hormone balance. Voice didn't sound strained but I sounded as if I was speaking from the depth of my soul. Suddenly I became a magnet for people. What on earth? Also had a few nights of really deep good sleep, woke up feeling like I had been bathed in holy water. How can caffeine do this? No idea.

This didn't last long. The effects wore off. I thought I would get an ADHD diagnosis and try the 'official' (what a joke) medication. I took Lisdexamfetamine 30mg (9mg of the actual drug) for around 3 months. Of course tolerance built to this too. I think during this time I wasn't really eating much as I had ZERO appetite.

I eventually stopped taking them as the side effects got worse and I even had an ECG at my GP and it looked like stormy waves on a sea! I don't like my heart doing that. Must have been the drug causing that. I wasn't taking any other supplements during this time. I was just thinking in terms of neurotransmitters and 'trying to balance them out' which doesn't make sense now that I have learned more about metabolism etc... Also this medication caused the most insane 'synchronicities' to happen? Like just out of this world coincidences? As if something was trying to communicate with me?

I now have strange symptoms in my left arm, slight stinging/burning or numb sensation that comes and goes? Doesn't worry me too much as my heart feels a lot more regular now as long as I am calm. Maybe just my arm hurts from typing so much on the computer?

All this attempt to self medicate as well as getting prescribed the actual drug came after I was lying in bed almost all day. What brought this fatigue on? I think just trying to deal with daily life and miserably failing for 18 years.

Over the past 3 months I have been trying a few things. Small amounts of thyroid work but stop working eventually, making me more hypothyroid. I definitely think the amphetamine damaged my thyroid as I never had a swollen thyroid before. Vitamin B1 and B3 have offered relief. Methylene blue in small amounts can sometimes do something. I have been trying to eat more eggs, red meat, gelatin, cheese, milk and so on. ADHD makes it hard to stick with anything but I try my best. I get little glimpses into what life will be like in the future every once in a while and it does leave me inspired to carry on.

My biggest jump 'forward' so far came when I woke up really early to visit my aunt in another country. I woke up feeling dreadful in the morning. I woke up, had some methylene blue and headed to the airport. I felt awful most of the day. By the evening I was in panic mode. I then took a propranolol at my aunts house along with a bit of NDT and it worked?! I felt pretty okay for most of the trip and even managed to get my temps to 37c! I could even go outside and put my hands in my pockets and have them feel warm. But then my aunt served me up some chicken DRENCHED in PUFA. After this I got a massive sinus and ear infection and cold feet, suddenly had heart palpitations from thyroid again. Now I'm back home and back to square one. Even before the trip when I was at home I felt better.

A week before the trip I also had a massive detox reaction from taking a combination of MB and B3. Felt a lot better after that somehow. Not sure how to recreate what I had then again. I'm back to sleeping a lot now and waking up feeling unrefreshed and thyroid not doing much.

Current supplements are just B1, B3, C, Zinc picolinate 22mg, TUDCA and Adrenal cortex. Each one of these helps me somewhat. Adrenal cortex allows me to have one straight thought instead of thoughts that explode like fireworks.

I hope I haven't rambled too much and hope that this post is organised enough to understand. Any help would be appreciated at this point. Anything that would help get the ball rolling.
hi, i also took appetite-suppressing drugs for my ADHD during puberty. Your problem seems to be a classic case of adrenaline filling in for thyroid. Do you also sleep less than the average person and seem to get by, say 6-7h? Try increasing your salt and sugar intake and using progest-e topically on your neck.


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Oct 2, 2023
hi, i also took appetite-suppressing drugs for my ADHD during puberty. Your problem seems to be a classic case of adrenaline filling in for thyroid. Do you also sleep less than the average person and seem to get by, say 6-7h? Try increasing your salt and sugar intake and using progest-e topically on your neck.
I can sleep a very long time and wake up feeling totally dead. Also I sleep from 8am to 4pm at this point. Totally wrecked sleep cycle. I do hope the pregnenolone helps me with that though. I do take plenty of sugar and salt on my food usually. Isn't progesterone a female hormone?


Nov 23, 2023
I can sleep a very long time and wake up feeling totally dead. Also I sleep from 8am to 4pm at this point. Totally wrecked sleep cycle. I do hope the pregnenolone helps me with that though. I do take plenty of sugar and salt on my food usually. Isn't progesterone a female hormone?

Also, the disruption of the circadian rhythm reliably depletes NAD. Do you sometimes feel "too tired to relax"?
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