Anyone Worried About Metals In Mushrooms?


Apr 19, 2017
Not just white button mushrooms but the entire world's food supply is at risk from contamination from pollution, pesticides ... think glyphosate, mercury from burning coal, Fukushima, gender-bending pharma drugs flushed down toilets and ending in the streams, rivers, waterways ... The following excerpt from one of IsaacTigrett's talks speaks volumes :

Isaac Tigrett: I worked with the environmental groups , in fact I started an environmental group in the UK called "Ark" and got very much into it after I sold my business [Hard Rock Café] and became very concerned. I've spent a lot of time with NASA and several other organizations and saw, in fact, part of the global forum. The scientific community was the leading scientists around the world. It was headed by Carl Sagan, the famous scientist. At the Moscow conference, all they could say was that "we're doomed". I got so concerned that I went to Sathya Sai Baba and asked him:

"What's going to happen to the biosphere ?"

And Baba said: "God is allowing mankind to destroy the Earth. Only when man is brought to his knees will he turn toward God."

On one occasion, someone asked Baba what then should one do if everything is potentially unsafe to eat, even organically-grown food. What he remarked was simply this :

[Before you eat] Offer the food to God and he'll take care of it [contamination].

Baba's remark above affirms the wisdom of saying grace before meals, and also saying it with absolute faith and confidence.

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Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Most mushrooms are grown in mushroom houses, not outdoors, so any metals would probably come from the soil they are grown in. I believe most growers use manure of some sort. So, unless the soil/manure is tested for metals, volatile compounds, etc., it would be hard to speculate, without actually testing the mushrooms grown. I am not sure whether any of this type of testing is mandated in the industry, I doubt it.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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