Generative Energy # 9: A Bioenergetic View Of Weight Loss (with Haidut)


Aug 20, 2015
Generative Energy + Haidut #3: A Bioenergetic View of Weight Loss

Coconut oil is also a 5ar inhibitor. But I've always had my basmati rice with butter, ever since being a kid. Iranians do this!


Mar 9, 2014
Generative Energy + Haidut #3: A Bioenergetic View of Weight Loss

these guys are gonna take over the world!


Jul 22, 2012
Generative Energy + Haidut #3: A Bioenergetic View of Weight Loss

Ashoka said:
post 104841 Coconut oil is also a 5ar inhibitor. But I've always had my basmati rice with butter, ever since being a kid. Iranians do this!

This kind of datum about dht/rice/libido might put a caution on ultra low-fat diets.
At least when eating starches
and maybe other foods too...
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Jan 24, 2014
Generative Energy + Haidut #3: A Bioenergetic View of Weight Loss

Such_Saturation said:
post 104838 Yes please anything so I can keep eating my rice :cool:
I know ! Everything tastes better with white rice.
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Feb 20, 2013
Generative Energy + Haidut #3: A Bioenergetic View of Weight Loss

narouz said:
Ashoka said:
post 104841 Coconut oil is also a 5ar inhibitor. But I've always had my basmati rice with butter, ever since being a kid. Iranians do this!

This kind of datum about dht/rice/libido might put a caution on ultra low-fat diets.
At least when eating starches
and maybe other foods too...

If you love rice and if the problem is about lignan then you may not need to worry
about. Flaxseed and seasme seeds are very high in lignan. Compared to that
whole rice has a small amount of it and cooked/boiled white rice has negligible amount.
As a peatian we are not supposed to eat whole/brown rice.

Lignan Content in Cereals, Buckwheat and Derived Foods
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Jan 24, 2014
Generative Energy + Haidut #3: A Bioenergetic View of Weight Loss

Charlie said:
post 104819
johnwester130 said:
post 104815 and maybe dht ??
Yes, this has been reported here very recently.

ohh haidut, say it isn't so !

sladerunner69 said:
post 98764 Did you read what I said about rice?
It lower libido. There are studies showing 1-2 servings of rice daily can lower DHT 33%. DHT is THE MOST important hormone when it comes to male sexuality. Eating that much white rice could lower DHT by over 50%, I would reckon. It has natural 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. I never touch the stuff. ... 4611002762

What you said about the japanese is funny. Yes they eat rice, but maybe not as much as you'd think. They might have it at 1 or two meals a day. Their primary starches are wheat and potatoes, just cooked differently.

AND japan is known for having a nationwide libido problem. The male population there just isnt interested in sex, comparitively speaking. And it's causing a huge decrease in birthrate, and a female population that is left unsatisfied. ... ef=topnews

Wait ! This study I think is talking of oil derived from rice bran:

O. sativa bran scCO2 extract gave the highest unsaturated fatty acid contents.

I think we are ok..
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May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Generative Energy + Haidut #3: A Bioenergetic View of Weight Loss

Such_Saturation said:
post 104838 Yes please anything so I can keep eating my rice :cool:

Upon further review I may have to retract my position on white rice in the context of new progressions in my research.

I submit to you all the following statement for further clarification;

White rice is probably ok. Most of the 5-ar inhibiting chemicals are in rice bran, like in the husks. A little in the rice itself but it's not too bad. Don't eat brown rice (who would anyway the stuff is garbage) :hattip
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Feb 4, 2015
Generative Energy + Haidut #3: A Bioenergetic View of Weight Loss



Jun 8, 2014
Generative Energy + Haidut #3: A Bioenergetic View of Weight Loss

sladerunner69 said:
Japan has a shrinking population and consumes the most rice. China doesn't consume much rice.

I think the male fertility problem in Japan is more due to their diet's being deficient in zinc and Vitamin A, while masturbating excessively and being socially isolated. A really bad combo for natural androgen production.

The same thing is happening in every modern nation to a degree. A lot of males are eating poorly and ejaculating way too much. The result is they become infertile, hypothyroid, and lose their libido.


Aug 9, 2012
Generative Energy + Haidut #3: A Bioenergetic View of Weight Loss

Maybe it depends on where you're at in the country (China). I spent quite of bit of time in “rural” China. By rural I mean a lesser known city with a population of 1.2 million. Rice was offered at pretty much every meal. The locals were much more skilled at eating rice with chop sticks than I was.

It’s striking that obesity there was non-existent, I mean it was crazy. I literally remember seeing 3 overweight individuals the entire time I was there. 2 of them were cooks at KFC.

Not necessarily opposed to the idea that rice lowers libido but at first glance for me it seems non intuitive.
Feb 4, 2015
Generative Energy + Haidut #3: A Bioenergetic View of Weight Loss

sladerunner69 said:
Japan has a shrinking population and consumes the most rice.

It began declining in 2004. That says nothing of the 10,000 years of horny-ness prior. It could also have something to do with contaminated fish consumption.

sladerunner69 said:
China doesn't consume much rice.


There's one big country that also consumes a lot of rice and has a huge population; India.

You're also forgetting about Indonesia, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Philippines,Thailand, Burma, Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos, and South Korea.

The whole lowered libido thing seems so strange to me. Unless you're approaching 60, and even Howard Stern at 62 years old still masturbates and has a high libido because of his hot wife, there's not much besides too much masturbation that should lower your libido. Maybe finding a partner that you are attracted to is important for libido. Stop masturbation and watch how high libido skyrockets.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Generative Energy + Haidut #3: A Bioenergetic View of Weight Loss

Westside PUFAs said:
post 104988
sladerunner69 said:
Japan has a shrinking population and consumes the most rice.

It began declining in 2004. That says nothing of the 10,000 years of horny-ness prior. It could also have something to do with contaminated fish consumption.

sladerunner69 said:
China doesn't consume much rice.


There's one big country that also consumes a lot of rice and has a huge population; India.

You're also forgetting about Indonesia, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Philippines,Thailand, Burma, Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos, and South Korea.

The whole lowered libido thing seems so strange to me. Unless you're approaching 60, and even Howard Stern at 62 years old still masturbates and has a high libido because of his hot wife, there's not much besides too much masturbation that should lower your libido. Maybe finding a partner that you are attracted to is important for libido. Stop masturbation and watch how high libido skyrockets.

I didn't bring up this whole suppsoed relation between libido and population size either. Population size would matter much more on socio economic and cultural factors than horniness. Condoms and birth control are available in all of these countries so libido wouldnt have much input on reproduction rate. These people simply have more children for more economic security. Most european countries ahve stagnant ppulation growth as well and they have plenty of libido.
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May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Generative Energy + Haidut #3: A Bioenergetic View of Weight Loss

Brian said:
post 104982
sladerunner69 said:
Japan has a shrinking population and consumes the most rice. China doesn't consume much rice.

I think the male fertility problem in Japan is more due to their diet's being deficient in zinc and Vitamin A, while masturbating excessively and being socially isolated. A really bad combo for natural androgen production.

The same thing is happening in every modern nation to a degree. A lot of males are eating poorly and ejaculating way too much. The result is they become infertile, hypothyroid, and lose their libido.

So you say that masturbation lowers androgens? Do you have any studies to back that up? Makes sense that it would alter the mental aspect but not really the actual blood levels of androgens.
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Jun 8, 2014
Generative Energy + Haidut #3: A Bioenergetic View of Weight Loss

sladerunner69 said:
So you say that masturbation lowers androgens? Do you have any studies to back that up? Makes sense that it would alter the mental aspect but not really the actual blood levels of androgens.

Only in combination with a really bad diet/lifestyle and only when very excessive, which is fairly common in modern nations due to loneliness + internet porn. Low calorie, protein, zinc, magnesium and vitamin A, sunlight, sleep, movement. The poor diet and lifestyle is the main cause, but the excessive forced ejaculation just exacerbates the deficiencies and digs you deeper into a hormonal hole. It's pretty common sense. If you deplete hormonal precursors (especially cellular energy) you're going to have androgen production problems.

It's not something that happens immediately, seems to take years. I doubt there are any studies that have followed the effects of excessive ejaculation and poor diet over years, but there are plenty that show low zinc and vitamin A in particular lower DHT, testosterone, and sperm production.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Generative Energy + Haidut #3: A Bioenergetic View of Weight Loss

Kaspar_Hauser said:
Did anyone catch the part about white rice ? Something about it's association with body hair..

I said that some starches are steroid enzyme inhibitors and rice hull contains chemicals that are specifically 5-AR inhibitors. Beans are estrogenic and I think qinoa is as well. I ventured a guess that the consumption of rice in big quantities among East Asian countries may be responsible for their pronounced reduction in body hair. But I am sure things like green tea and soy also play a role.


Jan 24, 2014
Generative Energy + Haidut #3: A Bioenergetic View of Weight Loss

haidut said:
post 105027
Kaspar_Hauser said:
Did anyone catch the part about white rice ? Something about it's association with body hair..

I said that some starches are steroid enzyme inhibitors and rice hull contains chemicals that are specifically 5-AR inhibitors. Beans are estrogenic and I think qinoa is as well. I ventured a guess that the consumption of rice in big quantities among East Asian countries may be responsible for their pronounced reduction in body hair. But I am sure things like green tea and soy also play a role.
ok, thanks. Yes, I guess it would be the whole diet as well as perhaps other factors when it comes to body hair in East asians, native americans etc. White rice by itself is I think pretty innocuous.

Interestingly, Rice Bran oil is touted as a heart healthy oil . The 'healthy' fast food chain Chipotle seems to love it. Good old Dr Oz calls it the healthiest fat ever: ... e-bran-oil
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Oct 11, 2015
Generative Energy + Haidut #3: A Bioenergetic View of Weight Loss

Kaspar_Hauser said:
post 105045
haidut said:
post 105027
Kaspar_Hauser said:
Did anyone catch the part about white rice ? Something about it's association with body hair..

I said that some starches are steroid enzyme inhibitors and rice hull contains chemicals that are specifically 5-AR inhibitors. Beans are estrogenic and I think qinoa is as well. I ventured a guess that the consumption of rice in big quantities among East Asian countries may be responsible for their pronounced reduction in body hair. But I am sure things like green tea and soy also play a role.

ok, thanks. Yes, I guess it would be the whole diet as well as perhaps other factors when it comes to body hair in East asians, native americans etc. White rice by itself is I think pretty innocuous.

I would bet a million dollars their lower body hair is mostly genetic and not those things you mentioned, though they may play a decent role. It's a much more consistent and repeatable explanation given the phenotypes of east asians/natives in western countries who do not universally eat that way.
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May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Generative Energy + Haidut #3: A Bioenergetic View of Weight Loss

Im just spitballing here but listen to this;

East asians eat lots of rice
rice lowers DHT according to some studies
DHT is a chemical that is central to the growth of male secondary sexual characteristics during puberty like PENIS size
East Asians, statistically rank the smallest members (as a population, obviously i am not saying this as an attack towards anyone here)

Africans eat lots of sorghum flour (main starch in that region)
sorghum flour increases DHT according to studies
DHT is a chemical that secondary sex characteristics yada yada yada

Coincidence?? I think not!!


Jan 24, 2014
Generative Energy + Haidut #3: A Bioenergetic View of Weight Loss

sladerunner69 said:
post 105051 Im just spitballing here but listen to this;

East asians eat lots of rice
rice lowers DHT according to some studies
DHT is a chemical that is central to the growth of male secondary sexual characteristics during puberty like PENIS size
East Asians, statistically rank the smallest members (as a population, obviously i am not saying this as an attack towards anyone here)

Africans eat lots of sorghum flour (main starch in that region)
sorghum flour increases DHT according to studies
DHT is a chemical that secondary sex characteristics yada yada yada

Coincidence?? I think not!!
I think you may be jumping to conclusions here :lolno: Would that imply African Americans have a smaller penis as they don't eat boat loads of Sorghum?

Also, where are these studies that show white rice lowers DHT? The one above was about rice bran which is used to make oil but I haven't seen studies on white rice alone having that effect.
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