Young people are lonelier than ever


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
The actual title of the article, covering recent studies about loneliness rates in Western populations. It dispels the convenient excuse that the "pandemic" is what caused this true epidemic of loneliness by showing those rates were high years before any talk about virus/lockdown entered the public consciousness. While the article discusses multiple possible causes, the one that struck me as most poignant was the "generational aversion to intimacy", which apparently is so pervasive that 30%+ of young people are unable to form any meaningful relationships. In such a compromised emotional state, it is no wonder they are open to accepting any technocratic abominations (e.g. Meta, transhumanism, etc) proposed by the elite as a "solution" to the youth's collapsing capacity for humanity and the resulting crushing loneliness. A few months ago I posted a thread about the majority of young people being mentally ill.

I got criticized by several forum members for exaggerating the severity of the situation, but considering the known link between loneliness and mental disease, I think the studies and articles below corroborate the thread above quite well.

"...Twitter users were split. “Thinking of anyone going through this. I'll be your friend,” writes one. “Grow up and go meet people,” says another. “The friends you make are contingent on your actions and the energy you give. The real question is what type of friend were you?” Although the reactions varied dramatically in scope, it's undeniable that friendship and loneliness were put under the microscope thanks to the pandemic. Two years on from the start of lockdown measures, 30 percent of young people say they don’t know how to make new friends and they’ve never felt more alone, according to a study by the Prince’s Trust."

"...Grimshaw thinks the lack of meaningful human connection on social media and transitioning from school age into being a young adult means in person meetings come to a halt. “When you're in school, you're face to face with people every day,” she says. “Then you leave and it’s much harder to keep up with people since you've got your own lives. It makes it so that we have to feel lonely, even though we're in a world with so many people.”"

"...Loneliness isn’t a problem caused simply by social media. It isn’t a case of people choosing to isolate themselves from socialising. It’s a fundamental issue with how communities are formed and the way their needs are prioritised. Places in England like Aycliff West in County Durham or Fieldway in Croydon are said to have higher rates of loneliness and have been dubbed “left behind” neighbourhoods. All of these 225 neighbourhoods across the country have been identified with not having received their fair share of investment and lacking in the resources or facilities that help people form communities."

"...The lack of emphasis on community is often blamed on the age-old sentiment that romantic relationships are prioritised over platonic relationships in Western culture. Adisi thinks that’s over-played – it has more to do with a generational aversion to intimacy, she says. “People still struggle with loneliness and not feeling connected in those relationships, too. There's a lot of societal pressure to not have those needs and value hyper independence instead, which is the opposite of what's needed to have meaningful connections,” she explains."


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Post in thread 'Half Of Millennials And 75% Of Gen Zers May Be Mentally Ill'
Half Of Millennials And 75% Of Gen Zers May Be Mentally Ill

Very sad video. It's probably not a stretch to say that unless this trend is somehow stopped/reversed, notions like "community" or even "family" will become obsolete in 10-20 years as the older generations are gradually replaced. Many of the people in their 20s that I talk every once in a while already think that a nuclear family or even cohabitation with a "stranger" in the name of having and raising children is "bizarre", and they have no plans on doing it.


Jan 6, 2019
In 2090, after the industrial societies have long since disintegrated and man, having run out of oil and electricity, retreated back to his natural ways of living in small local communities, the last remnants of this era will be regarded as 'the crazy ones', a generation of sickly elders whose gazes are devoid of all the wisdom, peace and understanding one would expect the eyes of a veteran of life to have. Some believe (and I must hope that they are right) that the youngest generations, by virtue of having grown up in a saner and more communal environment, will with their joyful presence penetrate through the traumatic conditioning which the late industrial society inflicted upon these individuals. So utter is their torment, and so numerous their ailments, that a glance at them makes one earnestly wish that at least now in their last days, they could finally find peace in their lot in life.


Dec 8, 2016
Very sad video. It's probably not a stretch to say that unless this trend is somehow stopped/reversed, notions like "community" or even "family" will become obsolete in 10-20 years as the older generations are gradually replaced. Many of the people in their 20s that I talk every once in a while already think that a nuclear family or even cohabitation with a "stranger" in the name of having and raising children is "bizarre", and they have no plans on doing it.
Unbelievable actually, that “their plan” for the virtual Metaverse is getting ready for a welcoming birth.
These lonely, anxious and depressed souls will enter in willingly.

A Brave New World!

(A futuristic society, called the World State, that revolves around science and efficiency. In this society, emotions and individuality are conditioned out of children at a young age, and there are no lasting relationships because “every one belongs to every one else”).


Jul 31, 2020
Can confirm, I'm 19 and i never had friends growing up because of various reasons, and i've come to a state of acceptance to the fact that i will probably remain single and lonely for the rest of my life.

Thanks to this forum i've been able to cope with this very well and avoid falling into depression, for the most part.
Nov 21, 2015
I just want to thank you @haidut for bringing this to our attention. I really appreciate it. It's so important and nobody is even talking about it.


Jun 10, 2020
In 2090, after the industrial societies have long since disintegrated and man, having run out of oil and electricity, retreated back to his natural ways of living in small local communities, the last remnants of this era will be regarded as 'the crazy ones', a generation of sickly elders whose gazes are devoid of all the wisdom, peace and understanding one would expect the eyes of a veteran of life to have. Some believe (and I must hope that they are right) that the youngest generations, by virtue of having grown up in a saner and more communal environment, will with their joyful presence penetrate through the traumatic conditioning which the late industrial society inflicted upon these individuals. So utter is their torment, and so numerous their ailments, that a glance at them makes one earnestly wish that at least now in their last days, they could finally find peace in their lot in life.
Great writing.

Like @Peatful mentioned, it reminds me a lot of Brave New World.

Give people SOMA to avoid their loneliness and depression. Distract and passify them with empty sport, sex, and virtual entertainment—that way they have the feeling of connection and fun, without any actual intimacy with friends or family. Don’t let them live to old age, because old age is unsettling to observe.

Basically, guide people away from true awareness of themselves, toward an externally focused communal target.
Nov 21, 2015
I think the access to on line porn at a very young age is incredibly damaging to girls and boys both. It completely undermines the development of the oxytocin-producing subtle reward pathway and it is possible, in fact probable, that that pathway will never develop properly. It is devastating to intimacy and not just sexual intimacy but all other forms.


Jun 10, 2020
I think the access to on line porn at a very young age is incredibly damaging to girls and boys both. It completely undermines the development of the oxytocin-producing subtle reward pathway and it is possible, in fact probable, that that pathway will never develop properly. It is devastating to intimacy and not just sexual intimacy but all other forms.
I agree. And with the lost ability to have sexual and deeply romantic intimacy, what essential metaphysical aspects of being alive are lost?

The existential consequences are extreme.


Aug 6, 2015
Can confirm, I'm 19 and i never had friends growing up because of various reasons, and i've come to a state of acceptance to the fact that i will probably remain single and lonely for the rest of my life.

Thanks to this forum i've been able to cope with this very well and avoid falling into depression, for the most part.

have you considered LSD/memantine/10-Methoxy-Harmalan.

These substances break down old behaviours and even patterns of thoughts. It is like resetting your personality.


Oct 2, 2018
Money is the root of all evil. Societies have become purely set up around money. Where you live, where you work, how close or not you can live in relation to family and friends. Modern society people are atomized and alienated from others, all so everyone can earn a dollar to survive.


Aug 6, 2015
Money is the root of all evil. Societies have become purely set up around money. Where you live, where you work, how close or not you can live in relation to family and friends. Modern society people are atomized and alienated from others, all so everyone can earn a dollar to survive.

Most technology and history is suppressed to keep people this way.

For example free energy, ancient cities and technology.


Apr 28, 2018
I just want to thank you @haidut for bringing this to our attention. I really appreciate it. It's so important and nobody is even talking
Ditto from me. I had no idea how well I was prepared to leave Austin for Alaska 30yrs ago, but now I see even here (where often just one mistake can turn deadly) the millenials are clueless.Don't get me started on the long list of conceptual or common sense topics in which they fail miserably, I spent 16yrs training supposed adults here for the State, and have seen it all.
I have decided to do something, however. Teach, in tandem with a new concept of online retail.
Watch this space.


Apr 10, 2021
I think the access to on line porn at a very young age is incredibly damaging to girls and boys both. It completely undermines the development of the oxytocin-producing subtle reward pathway and it is possible, in fact probable, that that pathway will never develop properly. It is devastating to intimacy and not just sexual intimacy but all other forms.
This is unbearably depressing. Does anyone have any other papers on this?

Feb 7, 2020
It is strange how much Peating has inspired an incredible sense of optimism in me, yet whenever I come here it seems to be relentless doomposting. Odd tbh.


Jan 25, 2014
In 2090, after the industrial societies have long since disintegrated and man, having run out of oil and electricity,
That's silly. There's more than enough oil known about right now to last a few hundred years or more, even at current consumption rates. It doesn't come from dinosaurs, and most of it probably doesn't even come from living beings.

And we will never "run out" of electricity, not until the universe shuts down (if such a thing is even possible). The oceans are 20% hydrogen. People have allegedly already come up with ways to split hydrogen from water at a net energy gain, meaning we already have potentially infinite, renewable energy. We could also harvest ocean waves for energy, an idea that has been around since the 1930s. And with over 5000 suppressed patents in the US alone, these ideas may even seem pre-historic to what has already been discovered.

There is no energy crisis, never was, never will be. All there is is a group of so called "elites" trying to keep this sort of cheap energy and electricity from the general populace. It's simply a way to try and control people, nothing more.
Apr 4, 2021
That's silly. There's more than enough oil known about right now to last a few hundred years or more, even at current consumption rates. It doesn't come from dinosaurs, and most of it probably doesn't even come from living beings.

And we will never "run out" of electricity, not until the universe shuts down (if such a thing is even possible). The oceans are 20% hydrogen. People have allegedly already come up with ways to split hydrogen from water at a net energy gain, meaning we already have potentially infinite, renewable energy. We could also harvest ocean waves for energy, an idea that has been around since the 1930s. And with over 5000 suppressed patents in the US alone, these ideas may even seem pre-historic to what has already been discovered.

There is no energy crisis, never was, never will be. All there is is a group of so called "elites" trying to keep this sort of cheap energy and electricity from the general populace. It's simply a way to try and control people, nothing more.
Akin to the propaganda that we can not feed the world population but next news article is about animal plants having to kill millions of chickens as precautiory step due to a "virus which is going on rampage".
Or closing down whole cottages because one random guy claims to have found e. coli in the milk.
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