Why Chronic Diarrhea?


New Member
Nov 13, 2015
Hi all! I have been eating a Peaty way for about a year now (bone broth, collagen, fruit, juice, salt, sugar, honey, raw carrot, raw goat dairy, eggs, liver, egg shell, some muscle meat, espresso + vitamin E,B's, magnesium, ashwaganda). My diet is very dialed but I do allow myself to have a couple drinks a week and occasionally I will eat a few corn tortilla chips. Overall, I have lost weight and feel amazing! My biggest concern, however, is that I have had diarrhea every day for about a year. My digestion wasn't good before Peat, as I was way more constipated and bloated (very low carb diet). I am SO thrilled I am not bloated like I was so I have kind of put the loose stool situation aside. But I realize this is not good and its not necessarily getting better. I also just recently started taking morning temps and realize I am usually between 95-97 deg. I realize this is a representation of a slow metabolism, which I know I have after years and years of dieting/binging (cycle). But I thought this last year it has sped up because of my weight loss and increase of energy.

Any thoughts on what I could do to start addressing the diarrhea issue???

Thank you for any input!


New Member
Nov 13, 2015
That's really interesting. Perhaps salt is the culprit as I've really always used a lot of salt. I used to use only pink himalayan sale and about a year ago switched to Morton's. I would really hate to decrease my salt intake but maybe I can play around with it. I haven't taken vitamin E for this whole year but do typically take a capsule daily since I do have a very small amount of PUFAS occasionally. Maybe Ill reduce this. Thank you for your input SneezeStar!


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
@thebigpeatowski and @Peata might be able to share with you what has helped them with bothersome diarrhea. I tagged them so hopefully one or both of them will see this in the next few days.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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