Weird reaction to low dose Levothyroxine


New Member
Jun 25, 2022
I have a rather unusual reaction to Levothyroxine where even very low doses of 5mcg immediately resolve my symptoms within an hour but it disappears after a few days, and I can replicate this if I stop taking levo for 1-2 weeks (while still taking T3) and start it again even at 5mcg

Quick and dirty rundown of my history: Diagnosed subclinical hypothyroid 2 years ago, all the usual symptoms, brain fog, depression, etc, was put on NP Thyroid, stuck on that for 6 months but even with optimal bloodwork I felt no different. My reverse T3 was 31 though. Doc put me on Levothyroxine 25mcg instead and within an hour I felt almost 100% normal, brain fog gone, felt warm, my glycogen stores in my muscles were full again, etc, in fact I almost felt like I was hyperthyroid briefly. Same thing the following day, but the effects diminished over the course of a week. Titrated dose up to 75mcg, no improvement in symptoms even with good bloodwork as seen below (this was early Feb 2024)

TSH: 0.61
FT4: 1.74 (0.8 - 2.13)
FT3: 181 (80-200)
Reverse T3: 32 (High)

I’ve since been put in T3 only - 12.5mcg twice a day, yet to run any bloodwork, T3 seems to do very little for me beside warm me up. I’m positive I could take 100mcg and not feel hyper at all which is odd.

I’m well aware Levothyroxine has a long half life and its effects shouldn’t have a profound immediate effect on me, but if I don’t take levo for a week (while still doing T3 only) and then I take even 5mcg (crush up a 50mcg and split it into 10 doses), it completely resolves my symptoms literally within 1-2 hours, but if I continue it for a few days it stops working again and I need to take a break for a week or two and just use T3 only . I’ve replicated this 5 or 6 times now, same thing every time, irrespective of my thyroid bloodwork

My iron is all normal, if not on the higher end, cortisol is normal, CRP is low, no real indicators of excess inflammation, liver function is normal, kidney is normal, fasting glucose/insulin is normal. I’ve made a previous post here about how Iron occasionally has a similar but less pronounced affect on me, any iron tablets will almost send me hyper within a few hours but if I continue for a few days it diminishes and I feel like ***t again

I’m sort of at a dead end here, every doctor I see is of no use, all my health markers are good, nothing else is a miss as far as I can tell.


New Member
Jun 25, 2022
@throwawayaccoun what do you do for living?
How old are you?
What is your typical day of eating?
29, I’m a network engineer and mostly work remotely

I wouldn’t call my diet peaty, but it is healthy. I’m a former competitive powerlifter, and have competed in bodybuilding. Diet usually consists of the same things daily, I consume 5 meals a day:

-Whole eggs + egg white omelette
-Chicken breast or 96% ground beef with rice or potatoes and avocado + greens
-Oats or cream of rice with whey protein and organic peanut butter

This is the majority of what I eat, greens vary, I track all my micronutrients and macros in chronometer. I’ve varied my diet in the past, even going as far as keto and carnivore at times, I’ve not noticed any difference aside from a slight change in water retention, but that’s a given.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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