There is something really weird going on...


Jan 9, 2021
I’m seeing a lot of anti lockdown “news articles” and videos etc that seem to imply something but upon further inspection there’s no proof of the supposed narrative or it just seems blatantly fake. People opposed to the “mainstream” narrative are becoming mainstream now. It feels like reverse psyops are being done now to drum up rage and bad emotions to get someone opposed to lockdowns, shots etc to lash out violently. Some of the headlines I see are so ridiculous and blatantly suspicious and on social media and various forums barely anyone recognizes this or wants to have a conversation about it.

I really think we are in the phase now where dumb people indoctrinated by 5D propaganda against the “mainstream” narrative might be liable to lash out violently, and these actions being used to further justify more controls.

Everything feels really, really, really strange. There’s a metaphysical aspect to all this.

Example; that video of a small girl being taken from her dad —- heavily implied by social media users and the video title that it’s a forced shot situation. There’s zero proof of that and it’s suspicious there is nothing identifying the man and his daughter with an explanation. People are assuming it’s about forced shots.

Example 2: story about shelter dog being shot in rural Australia because of covid regulations. Article reads like it’s written by a poorly designed AI. Zero proof of this being a real story but I saw a thread on a forum with hundreds of replies of people talking about committing acts of violence in retaliation. When I asked them didn’t they think it was weird the news article is written so badly, totally ignored.

I think a lot of people on both “sides” are being played.


Mar 26, 2014
I’m seeing a lot of anti lockdown “news articles” and videos etc that seem to imply something but upon further inspection there’s no proof of the supposed narrative or it just seems blatantly fake. People opposed to the “mainstream” narrative are becoming mainstream now. It feels like reverse psyops are being done now to drum up rage and bad emotions to get someone opposed to lockdowns, shots etc to lash out violently. Some of the headlines I see are so ridiculous and blatantly suspicious and on social media and various forums barely anyone recognizes this or wants to have a conversation about it.

I really think we are in the phase now where dumb people indoctrinated by 5D propaganda against the “mainstream” narrative might be liable to lash out violently, and these actions being used to further justify more controls.

Everything feels really, really, really strange. There’s a metaphysical aspect to all this.

Example; that video of a small girl being taken from her dad —- heavily implied by social media users and the video title that it’s a forced shot situation. There’s zero proof of that and it’s suspicious there is nothing identifying the man and his daughter with an explanation. People are assuming it’s about forced shots.

Example 2: story about shelter dog being shot in rural Australia because of covid regulations. Article reads like it’s written by a poorly designed AI. Zero proof of this being a real story but I saw a thread on a forum with hundreds of replies of people talking about committing acts of violence in retaliation. When I asked them didn’t they think it was weird the news article is written so badly, totally ignored.

I think a lot of people on both “sides” are being played.

I am happy to talk about it with you as I am intrigued by your perspective. I had noticed even the scum BBC posted this, but I assumed it was in readiness for A.D.E. and to get ready to blame the unvaxxed (Because that's how vaccines work)



May 25, 2020
media is plain creepy in my country, and all public officials are talking nonsenses about vaccines, it is so weird.


Jan 9, 2021
I am happy to talk about it with you as I am intrigued by your perspective. I had noticed even the scum BBC posted this, but I assumed it was in readiness for A.D.E. and to get ready to blame the unvaxxed (Because that's how vaccines work)

There’s also lots of posts about people who talked against the vaccine dying and in their last moments saying they “wish (they) got vaccinated”.


Mar 26, 2014
There’s also lots of posts about people who talked against the vaccine dying and in their last moments saying they “wish (they) got vaccinated”.

That's just your standard laughable propaganda. I mean I really laughed when I saw it. That's the best the genius psycho manipulators can do?


May 25, 2020
Psychopaths sometimes have a sick sense of humor: they know that the jabbed will be sorry that they took the jab so the psychos turn that upside down. I have met one psychopath in the past, he was very good at stepping into other person's shoes and then twisting that in a weird way, because it was funny. So they say that UNVAXXEd will be sorry they did not get a jab.


Jan 9, 2021
That's just your standard laughable propaganda. I mean I really laughed when I saw it. That's the best the genius psycho manipulators can do?
No, they are doing more. I think both “sides” are being manipulated now. Controlled opposition is getting louder and louder.


Mar 26, 2014
No, they are doing more. I think both “sides” are being manipulated now. Controlled opposition is getting louder and louder.

I do agree that I trust hardly anything I read/see in MSM, and that it is too easy to get complacent/drop my guard and fall for the tricks


May 25, 2020
what if it is good to get covid? let's say that those who had covid now can contact each other telepathically or something. That would be something that governments would not like.


Nov 28, 2014
Example; that video of a small girl being taken from her dad —- heavily implied by social media users and the video title that it’s a forced shot situation. There’s zero proof of that and it’s suspicious there is nothing identifying the man and his daughter with an explanation. People are assuming it’s about forced shots.
I don't know if it's fake, but I have doubts it's about covid. The girl looks too young to be eligible to receive the shot. They aren't vaccinating kids younger than 16 yet in Australia.
Example 2: story about shelter dog being shot in rural Australia because of covid regulations. Article reads like it’s written by a poorly designed AI. Zero proof of this being a real story but I saw a thread on a forum with hundreds of replies of people talking about committing acts of violence in retaliation. When I asked them didn’t they think it was weird the news article is written so badly, totally ignored.
Sadly, it seems the dog story is probably true. This is from the Sydney Morning Herald:
I think a lot of people on both “sides” are being played.
Agreed. It's important to exercise due diligence.


Jan 9, 2021
I don't know if it's fake, but I have doubts it's about covid. The girl looks too young to be eligible to receive the shot. They aren't vaccinating kids younger than 16 yet in Australia.

Sadly, it seems the dog story is probably true. This is from the Sydney Morning Herald:

Agreed. It's important to exercise due diligence.

Thanks for that link. It looks like it actually did happen. They shot a dog to stop someone from coming to rescue it.


May 22, 2021
I’m seeing a lot of anti lockdown “news articles” and videos etc that seem to imply something but upon further inspection there’s no proof of the supposed narrative or it just seems blatantly fake. People opposed to the “mainstream” narrative are becoming mainstream now. It feels like reverse psyops are being done now to drum up rage and bad emotions to get someone opposed to lockdowns, shots etc to lash out violently. Some of the headlines I see are so ridiculous and blatantly suspicious and on social media and various forums barely anyone recognizes this or wants to have a conversation about it.

I really think we are in the phase now where dumb people indoctrinated by 5D propaganda against the “mainstream” narrative might be liable to lash out violently, and these actions being used to further justify more controls.

Everything feels really, really, really strange. There’s a metaphysical aspect to all this.
I agree and I find it very disturbing. Nowhere can you find a rational discussion of what is going on -- Do what they are calling "breakthrough infections" mean that the vaccines are not working? (I read today that the Rev Jesse Jackson, who was vaccinated, is now hospitalized with COVID) Does the need for "booster" shots indicate the same thing? Why demonize or radicalize the unvaccinated who choose to remain so? There are plenty of cases of heart inflammation and other side effects that have been reported from the vaccine, and of course the long-term consequences of the vaccines are unknown. The pro-vaxxers need to explain more explcity how and why the vaccines are safe even though there is evidence to the contrary, and the antivaxxers need a reasoned, coherent and logical message as to the potential for harm. All the propoganda is just scaring and upsetting and dividing everybody.


Dec 6, 2016
I’m seeing a lot of anti lockdown “news articles” and videos etc that seem to imply something but upon further inspection there’s no proof of the supposed narrative or it just seems blatantly fake. People opposed to the “mainstream” narrative are becoming mainstream now. It feels like reverse psyops are being done now to drum up rage and bad emotions to get someone opposed to lockdowns, shots etc to lash out violently. Some of the headlines I see are so ridiculous and blatantly suspicious and on social media and various forums barely anyone recognizes this or wants to have a conversation about it.

I really think we are in the phase now where dumb people indoctrinated by 5D propaganda against the “mainstream” narrative might be liable to lash out violently, and these actions being used to further justify more controls.

Everything feels really, really, really strange. There’s a metaphysical aspect to all this.

Example; that video of a small girl being taken from her dad —- heavily implied by social media users and the video title that it’s a forced shot situation. There’s zero proof of that and it’s suspicious there is nothing identifying the man and his daughter with an explanation. People are assuming it’s about forced shots.

Example 2: story about shelter dog being shot in rural Australia because of covid regulations. Article reads like it’s written by a poorly designed AI. Zero proof of this being a real story but I saw a thread on a forum with hundreds of replies of people talking about committing acts of violence in retaliation. When I asked them didn’t they think it was weird the news article is written so badly, totally ignored.

I think a lot of people on both “sides” are being played.
Oddly enough I saw this about 5 minutes before reading your post:

I mean, my God, where do you even start with that? Her pregnant daughter's boyfriend was the only one wearing a mask (of 300) yet he caught it? Remember that the original reason for the masks were to keep the wearer from contracting the virus so they wouldn't become a spreader or end up in the hospital, then it morphed into wearing a mask to protect others if you might be an asymptomatic carrier. All the while the science indicating _only_ properly worn (meaning most men would have to shave every 2-4 hours) N95 masks would have been even the slightest bit effective at reducing transmission of a virus like this.

To me, it was pretty easy to spot this as entirely politically motivated psyop back in March '20... We've been told for decades that the general public wouldn't even know about the next deadly pandemic until after people were dropping in the streets, yet SARS2 had been reported on for a couple of months prior to the "15 days to stop the spread" BS.

This thing has never passed the smell test to me.


Sep 9, 2019
I’m seeing a lot of anti lockdown “news articles” and videos etc that seem to imply something but upon further inspection there’s no proof of the supposed narrative or it just seems blatantly fake. People opposed to the “mainstream” narrative are becoming mainstream now. It feels like reverse psyops are being done now to drum up rage and bad emotions to get someone opposed to lockdowns, shots etc to lash out violently. Some of the headlines I see are so ridiculous and blatantly suspicious and on social media and various forums barely anyone recognizes this or wants to have a conversation about it.

I really think we are in the phase now where dumb people indoctrinated by 5D propaganda against the “mainstream” narrative might be liable to lash out violently, and these actions being used to further justify more controls.

Everything feels really, really, really strange. There’s a metaphysical aspect to all this.

Example; that video of a small girl being taken from her dad —- heavily implied by social media users and the video title that it’s a forced shot situation. There’s zero proof of that and it’s suspicious there is nothing identifying the man and his daughter with an explanation. People are assuming it’s about forced shots.

Example 2: story about shelter dog being shot in rural Australia because of covid regulations. Article reads like it’s written by a poorly designed AI. Zero proof of this being a real story but I saw a thread on a forum with hundreds of replies of people talking about committing acts of violence in retaliation. When I asked them didn’t they think it was weird the news article is written so badly, totally ignored.

I think a lot of people on both “sides” are being played.
I've seen what you mean. The masses sentiment's been dragged sideways and flipped in slow motion. Of course the whole thing was blatant to those of us discerning from day 1. This isn't an accident in my opinion.

I don't like to paint the future but my best guess is this. For there to be a sweeping alteration in order the powers need us to flip the gameboard. To do that they've created the most blatant atrocity in all of history. In motion right now.

Controlled opposition (some self aware, some not) at most turns to satisfy mass authority complex. The revolution will be televised, the process and result will be managed.


Jan 9, 2021
Oddly enough I saw this about 5 minutes before reading your post:

I mean, my God, where do you even start with that? Her pregnant daughter's boyfriend was the only one wearing a mask (of 300) yet he caught it? Remember that the original reason for the masks were to keep the wearer from contracting the virus so they wouldn't become a spreader or end up in the hospital, then it morphed into wearing a mask to protect others if you might be an asymptomatic carrier. All the while the science indicating _only_ properly worn (meaning most men would have to shave every 2-4 hours) N95 masks would have been even the slightest bit effective at reducing transmission of a virus like this.

To me, it was pretty easy to spot this as entirely politically motivated psyop back in March '20... We've been told for decades that the general public wouldn't even know about the next deadly pandemic until after people were dropping in the streets, yet SARS2 had been reported on for a couple of months prior to the "15 days to stop the spread" BS.

This thing has never passed the smell test to me.

Typically, I've seen women with that kind of rough and ragged facial type on the opposite spectrum, opposed to this pro mask and shot attitude she has. She looks like a recovered drug addict or something. Her eyes look kind of reptilian when she lets loose with the anger. Maybe if she was well-fed and had a youthful metabolism she wouldn''t behave like this. Her worries seem manufactured. Is there even much risk to unborn children if the mother gets sick?

I am slightly disturbed by this trend to blame others for when one is diagnosed with an illness, now. It's infringing on some basic rights that I don't think even have to be explicitly stated in law. Implying that people should be responsible for viral vectors outside of a situation of close, intimate contact (like with STD's), is on a level that isn't aligned with common sense. If life is so dangerous and fragile that we can't even breathe the same air, then let us go extinct. I don't believe it is, though. These people are losing their grip on basic fundamentals of reality and polite society. They should just stay inside their houses, instead of trying to put responsibilities on others.

I've seen what you mean. The masses sentiment's been dragged sideways and flipped in slow motion. Of course the whole thing was blatant to those of us discerning from day 1. This isn't an accident in my opinion.

I don't like to paint the future but my best guess is this. For there to be a sweeping alteration in order the powers need us to flip the gameboard. To do that they've created the most blatant atrocity in all of history. In motion right now.

Controlled opposition (some self aware, some not) at most turns to satisfy mass authority complex. The revolution will be televised, the process and result will be managed.

It's pretty annoying isn't it? I made a post a few days ago about how my life is better when I stay a breadth from the miasma of the situation. I think I'm going to focus on that mindset more, because I enjoy my life more when I'm not emotionally invested in the outcome. I know that nobody is going to force me to do anything I don't want and I'm pretty sure I know how to live unhindered from these sloppy controls.
I agree and I find it very disturbing. Nowhere can you find a rational discussion of what is going on -- Do what they are calling "breakthrough infections" mean that the vaccines are not working? (I read today that the Rev Jesse Jackson, who was vaccinated, is now hospitalized with COVID) Does the need for "booster" shots indicate the same thing? Why demonize or radicalize the unvaccinated who choose to remain so? There are plenty of cases of heart inflammation and other side effects that have been reported from the vaccine, and of course the long-term consequences of the vaccines are unknown. The pro-vaxxers need to explain more explcity how and why the vaccines are safe even though there is evidence to the contrary, and the antivaxxers need a reasoned, coherent and logical message as to the potential for harm. All the propoganda is just scaring and upsetting and dividing everybody.
I haven't really bothered to get straight answers or even think about it too much sometimes. It seems easier to navigate on gut feeling lately.


Jan 9, 2021
I actually have a friend who I respected somewhat and he told me he is considering getting the shot because his elderly family members he lives with are pressuring him to do so. Suddenly, I realized that certain character traits he has (getting annoyed with me when I don't engage in conversation in some topics with him -- I'm just not that interested sometimes), I had too when my health wasn't very good. He's very demanding sometimes of what he expects from me as a friend, and I used to be too back in the day. I'm really thankful for the information we share here about diet and health, and other topics. If I hadn't found Dr. Peat's work and the community here a couple years ago, I think I would have made some different decisions since. I've felt this kind of sureness in myself that I didn't have before, once I started treating metabolic issues more intelligently.


Forum Supporter
Jun 26, 2017
Add to the above apparent flips that are not really flips, as those flipping do not seem entirely rational, how many actors are we looking at? Actors on both sides, I think.

It is similar to the sudden media drop-kicking of the NY Gov, and also the media "revealing" the dissatisfaction with the Biden Admin re: Afghanistan.

It is a big drama and I think we are now seeing the 2nd act.


Jan 9, 2021
Add to the above apparent flips that are not really flips, as those flipping do not seem entirely rational, how many actors are we looking at? Actors on both sides, I think.

It is similar to the sudden media drop-kicking of the NY Gov, and also the media "revealing" the dissatisfaction with the Biden Admin re: Afghanistan.

It is a big drama and I think we are now seeing the 2nd act.
The narrative really changed direction on a dime. Very odd. There's more entertaining storylines in films and books, etc. The news is really pathetic and dumb.
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