Study: Vitamin A theory of vaccine injury


Jan 27, 2021
I mean I did get sick from vaccines in the past ,but that's it.
Find a way to claim you are allergic to something common to all vaxxes.

Or in the case of astra vax, the pro life religious angle seems solid given you know the replicated elements of an aborted Caucasian babies lungs are in it.


Feb 26, 2018
Find a way to claim you are allergic to something common to all vaxxes.
Yeah been thinking something like that . Theres also already a black market for vaccine passes in Germany.


Feb 26, 2018


Jul 13, 2014
So vitamin D would work because it reduces vitamin A.... Surely??

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
My understanding is the new shots still have toxic adjuvants in them like aluminum:
Just like the mercury adjuvant, thimerasol, aluminum causes much damage. I do not think you have to look any further for the culprit in why vaccines/shots cause adverse health effects, neurological damage, immune dysfunction, etc., etc. Not sure I buy this vitamin A theory.
People argue about whether the 'vaccine' itself is good or safe. Think of it this way, if someone puts a plate of kale in front of you to eat and asks you if you think it is healthy, you say yes, then they sprinkle pesticides, herbicides, fungicides on top of it, and ask you again, and then of course you say no, it isn't healthy anymore. Same with vaccines, even if they themselves were good, it is negated by the toxic adjuvants.


Apr 17, 2017


Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has a marked tropism for the biliary tract; it damages the bile ducts and hepatocytes and can lead to liver decompensation, cirrhosis, and sepsis. The pathogenesis of liver damage and its association with damage to the lung, heart, and brain and to the other protean manifestations of COVID-19 disease are not fully understood. In particular, tissue damage from thinning and leaky blood vessels appears to result from an inflammatory response to the virus rather than the virus itself. This article outlines a new hypothesis of the nature of the inflammatory factor responsible for tissue damage in COVID-19. Review of the literature reveals that COVID-19 disease closely resembles an endogenous form of hypervitaminosis A. We propose that SARS-CoV-2 virus-induced liver damage causes retinoic acid and stored retinyl esters to be released into the circulation in toxic concentrations, unbound to protein, with resulting damage to organs including the lungs, heart, blood vessels, and skin. Several lines of evidence support this model of disease causation. Subject to testing, strategies for the effective treatment and prevention of COVID-19 could include targeting the action and accumulation of retinoids.

Testing the Retinoid Toxicity Hypothesis​

In summary, our hypothesis is that COVID-19 is primarily a disease of the liver and biliary system. Its pathogenesis (Fig. 1) arises in liver damage mediated by SARS-CoV-2 and resulting in overspill from the liver and biliary system and into the general circulation of endogenous retinoids (principally, retinoic acid and retinyl esters) in toxic concentrations. Through hematogenous carriage, these toxic molecules cause inflammatory damage in the lungs, brain, blood vessels, skin, and other anatomically distant tissues and organ systems. COVID-19 is likely to be more severe in people with preexisting liver damage from drugs (including alcohol) or from chronic disease, or both, and in those who have specific genetic susceptibilities.


Fig. 1. Proposed model of Covid-19 pathogenesis. SARS-CoV-2, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.

Our hypothesis could be readily tested by comparing the retinoid profiles (of serum retinol, retinyl esters, and retinoic acid) in confirmed COVID-19 cases with those of age-matched controls. Cases would be expected to have normal or low concentrations of retinol, associated with liver dysfunction, along with high concentrations of retinyl esters as a percentage of total vitamin A, and increased concentrations of retinoic acid.

If confirmed, our model of disease pathogenesis has important implications for COVID-19 prevention and for its clinical management. Subject to experimental confirmation of their efficacy and safety, treatment strategies would focus on reducing circulating retinoid concentrations (by, e.g., discontinuing all nonessential drugs that are metabolized in the liver and also avoiding all liver-damaging medications in the acute phase of treatment), and on increasing interferon (IFN) activity.
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