Strange taste in mouth with strange matching body odor?


Apr 3, 2019
I've posted elsewhere about ongoing health issues I'm struggling with but I'm noticing more and more recently I have a strange taste in my mouth, and I'm wondering if it might provide any clues as to what's going on.

It's difficult to describe but I'd say it's a metallic like, onion like, taste/smell. Armpits smell musky/oniony (not typical BO). I notice when I eat certain foods the taste is much more pronounced, typically when eating eggs. But the taste is there almost constantly.

Strange I know! But wondered if you guys might have any ideas on this?


Mar 2, 2016
The pancreas and spleen generate digestive juices, particularly rich in trypsin, which works to digest albuminoid proteins. Trypsin works to break down aggregated amino acid complexes into their constituents, fit for use of tissue building. An impaired digestive/proteolytic apparatus will introduce albuminoid compounds into the digestive tract, and enough insult can allow these compounds to compromise the blood and liver. This will activate the immune system through compounds like IL-6, TNFa, IFN-y, etc. These compounds increase the levels of tryptophan di-oxygenase, which consumes tryptophan and oxygen, generating kynurenic acid. There is a whole class of compounds generated from this immune chemistry, xanthurenic acid, anthranilic acid, quinolinic acid, and other astringent acid compounds based off benzene rings.

Stress --> adrenal dysfunction --> digestive potency impairment --> pancreatic/splenic fatigue --> albuminoid (especially aromatic amino acid complexes) introduction into liver system/portal system --> increase in immune activity --> eventual loss of tryptic (aromatic) potency of blood --> increasing activation of IDO/TDO --> generation of astringent benzene based compounds --> transportation in lymph --> stankpits


Apr 3, 2019
The pancreas and spleen generate digestive juices, particularly rich in trypsin, which works to digest albuminoid proteins. Trypsin works to break down aggregated amino acid complexes into their constituents, fit for use of tissue building. An impaired digestive/proteolytic apparatus will introduce albuminoid compounds into the digestive tract, and enough insult can allow these compounds to compromise the blood and liver. This will activate the immune system through compounds like IL-6, TNFa, IFN-y, etc. These compounds increase the levels of tryptophan di-oxygenase, which consumes tryptophan and oxygen, generating kynurenic acid. There is a whole class of compounds generated from this immune chemistry, xanthurenic acid, anthranilic acid, quinolinic acid, and other astringent acid compounds based off benzene rings.

Stress --> adrenal dysfunction --> digestive potency impairment --> pancreatic/splenic fatigue --> albuminoid (especially aromatic amino acid complexes) introduction into liver system/portal system --> increase in immune activity --> eventual loss of tryptic (aromatic) potency of blood --> increasing activation of IDO/TDO --> generation of astringent benzene based compounds --> transportation in lymph --> stankpits

That makes a lot of sense. And I have been exploring if there might be a possible pancrease / gallbladder/ digestive issue. If your theory is correct, is there anything I can do about it?

In general a I feel extremely depleted, but this taste/smell, tells me I have to much of something in my body that it's struggling to clear.


Mar 2, 2016
Focusing on the nervous patterns that maintain digestion would be good, with the aim of reducing chronic sympathetic irritation of the pancreas. Digestive bitters and teas containing things like dandelion root can help. I think it helps to drink teas or water that is as hot as tolerable after eating. I also suspect eating high fat meals with sugar might impact chemistry negatively. Nutritionally, choline from eggs and meats might be helpful.

Small doses of oral lidocaine can help, along with central modulators like clonidine. Also, bovine adrenal, spleen, pancreas, and thymus extract might help restore the chymistry. A personal understanding of the safety of these extracts should be explored. Nicotinic acid seems to help modulate the immune pathways involved
Mar 10, 2021
"Inhaling high levels of mercury or lead can cause a metallic taste in your mouth. It’s important to avoid or lower you and your family’s exposure to these chemicals."

"Lead can be harmful to both children and adults. Children can get lead poisoning from lead-based paints or lead-contaminated dust found in older buildings. Air, water, and soil can also get contaminated with lead and be dangerous. Adults who do home renovations and/or work with batteries have a higher risk of lead poisoning."


Jan 28, 2013
I've run into the metallic taste a few times from going to heavy on the zinc supps.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Similar to R&RP 's answer, detoxing of these metals will do this. I think it is an indication that you are either detoxing metals, or need to detox more. The onion taste and smell might also be an indication of fungal issues {candida}, which tend to go along with heavy metal toxicity. If you have, or had dental amalgams, then I would have to say that mercury is your issue for sure { I feel that NBMI is the best and safest Hg chelator}. Just about everyone has heavy metals issues to some degree, simply because they are found in everything. Finding a gentle, safe detox method would go a long way. I had the onion smell in the pits when I had candida, but I personally got rid of it doing ozone therapy. And, when I was detoxing from my years of amalgams, I constantly had that metallic taste in my mouth until I got rid of the Hg, which I did using NBMI, and still am using it to grab any stray Hg or Hg hidden in deep tissue. Check out Dr. Boyd Haley's work for more info on NBMI.


Sep 13, 2012
Can be bile acid reflux.


Feb 9, 2022
New York, United States
Necroing, as I have begun to have the exact same problem. Eggs and onions now smell similar to me, both have a sort of slightly rotting smell, and that same smell is coming from my armpit BO.

I am decent at avoiding seed oils, I take 3-5 grams of liver about once a week, about 300-600mg aspirin daily or every second day, and my diet is mostly:

- breakfast of fruit and nonfat greek yogurt smoothie, eggs and toast less common, I do avoid wheat when I can as I find it dampens my energy. To note, when I eat high iron through flour and meat my BO smells like iron instead which bothers me less (but is probably not good)

- Usually 1-2 coffees per day w milk and sugar

- Most commonly my family makes dinners involving pasta, potatoes, rice, and chicken or ground turkey. I'm aware of poultry being problematic and want to experiment with eliminating it but I have not historically had issues relating to it.

I consume maybe a glass of milk a day and a few grams of cheese when it's available.

I do have dental amalgams, but I don't have insurance or spare income right now to have them replaced with ceramics (how the **** were these things ever used let alone legal? jesus)

I'm leaning towards trying a short fast followed by an elimination diet using fruit and juice as the base, as I've never experimented with cutting dairy or starch before (and I would be bummed to give up dairy, it's by far the easiest/tastiest/most complete protein readily available to me currently)

I am also considering a herbal cleanse. I have had issues in the past with face and groin rashes, usually occuring around the change of seasons which makes me think they're allergic, but most of the info I've come across suggests connection to candida.

I really want to figure this out, it feels like some of my best protein options and favorite foods are being rejected by my body and it sucks. I also just feel like food has become significantly more polluted and decayed in this past year, probably because of ramifications from 2022's supply chain problems

Similar to R&RP 's answer, detoxing of these metals will do this. I think it is an indication that you are either detoxing metals, or need to detox more. The onion taste and smell might also be an indication of fungal issues {candida}, which tend to go along with heavy metal toxicity. If you have, or had dental amalgams, then I would have to say that mercury is your issue for sure { I feel that NBMI is the best and safest Hg chelator}. Just about everyone has heavy metals issues to some degree, simply because they are found in everything. Finding a gentle, safe detox method would go a long way. I had the onion smell in the pits when I had candida, but I personally got rid of it doing ozone therapy. And, when I was detoxing from my years of amalgams, I constantly had that metallic taste in my mouth until I got rid of the Hg, which I did using NBMI, and still am using it to grab any stray Hg or Hg hidden in deep tissue. Check out Dr. Boyd Haley's work for more info on NBMI.
Also, where do you source NBMI?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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