Sleep Has Gone Off the Rails - Need Help



Aug 7, 2014
The heart rate is what stands out.

Likely, the heart muscles are not pumping efficiently because the ionic gradient involved in the contraction and relaxation of heart muscles just isn't there. The influx and efflux of calcium into cells is not sufficiently regulated by the cell membrane because the membrane is short on potassium.

When the ECF is very acidic, cells give up potassium for hydrogen ions in order to compensate for the over-acidity.

But this situation can be brought about by a variety of causes, such as hypothyroid, or a chronic infection, or even something as innocuous as taking regular supplementation or prescription drugs that are an acidic load, which accumulates over time.

Got it. Thank you for sharing.

For a long time I had been either taking low dose doxylamine succinate or cyproheptadine.


Mar 28, 2019
I had a period like this for a week or so a few months ago where I was getting about 4hours sleep daily including naps and felt like I didn't need much sleep either. All the classic stuff aspirin/mag oil/sugared milk etc made no real difference, I didn't have a high RHR tho but did have palpitations when I got in bed. I think insomnia is our bodies way of getting us to acknowledge what we've been avoiding throughout the day as when we're in bed we have nothing to distract ourselves with and are only left with our thoughts, I knew this was the case for me as the days I had the worst insomnia was when I was the most avoidant throughout the day.

The solution is to acknowledge the thoughts that are screaming at you all day that you've been avoiding, actually feel them, let them go, then find clarity in the situation thats causing you stress so you now have a clear "way out" and you instantly feel better about yourself and the future. The insomnia will melt away immediately.


Dec 17, 2018
I eat:

Orange Juice
Ice Cream
Dark Chocolate
How long have you been consuming such a high calcium, low iron diet? By the way, even if dark chocolate has iron this will likely not absorb much at all. First of all, its non-heme iron which is already very poorly absorbed, and you have a very high calcium intake which further inhibits absorption.

Clearly calcium is not your problem but your diet is not good besides the probable iron deficiency issue. Personally I recommend no more than 3 servings of dairy, while the rest of your proteins comes from meat and eggs.

It does look like a low choline diet as well, so you could be dealing with higher norepinephrine and higher glutamate activity since Ach is necessary to control those, explaining higher heart rate and stress reactions as well ruminating. Meat and eggs should provide more choline and other micronutrients that will help calm your nervous system down. If you cant eat eggs, they have lecithin and choline supplements you can use and see if that calms you down.

I would suggest replacing some of your sugar intake with well-salted starches but Id imagine you are against that. You can try the quicker route of more meat/eggs for choline, iron, zinc, B6. This should help pretty quickly. But I want to stress the iron issue again. You probably need to look into iron status to see if you are deficient. This will elevate the stress response and lowers dopamine synthesis. You should also avoid anticholinergics like cypro as well. Otherwise more choline may not help as much.
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How long have you been consuming such a high calcium, low iron diet? By the way, even if dark chocolate has iron this will likely not absorb much at all. First of all, its non-heme iron which is already very poorly absorbed, and you have a very high calcium intake which further inhibits absorption.
If he eats dark chocolate and has positive results from it, he may be lacking something that it provides.

Here, someone discovered a zinc deficiency, which would be treatable with meat. It also has other minerals that could be beneficial. I found that only organic chocolate works for me and I'm uncertain of the mechanism.

That said, I agree that people should donate blood regularly if ferritin isn't low instead of avoiding iron, to get rid of forever chemicals. OP should get his ferritin tested.


Nov 14, 2013
Have you listened to Dr Gominak, she has some very interesting information on sleep.



Aug 7, 2014
I had a period like this for a week or so a few months ago where I was getting about 4hours sleep daily including naps and felt like I didn't need much sleep either. All the classic stuff aspirin/mag oil/sugared milk etc made no real difference, I didn't have a high RHR tho but did have palpitations when I got in bed. I think insomnia is our bodies way of getting us to acknowledge what we've been avoiding throughout the day as when we're in bed we have nothing to distract ourselves with and are only left with our thoughts, I knew this was the case for me as the days I had the worst insomnia was when I was the most avoidant throughout the day.

The solution is to acknowledge the thoughts that are screaming at you all day that you've been avoiding, actually feel them, let them go, then find clarity in the situation thats causing you stress so you now have a clear "way out" and you instantly feel better about yourself and the future. The insomnia will melt away immediately.

This is really interesting... I feel like this is where I can greatly benefit. How do you go about doing this?


Aug 7, 2014
How long have you been consuming such a high calcium, low iron diet? By the way, even if dark chocolate has iron this will likely not absorb much at all. First of all, its non-heme iron which is already very poorly absorbed, and you have a very high calcium intake which further inhibits absorption.

Clearly calcium is not your problem but your diet is not good besides the probable iron deficiency issue. Personally I recommend no more than 3 servings of dairy, while the rest of your proteins comes from meat and eggs.

It does look like a low choline diet as well, so you could be dealing with higher norepinephrine and higher glutamate activity since Ach is necessary to control those, explaining higher heart rate and stress reactions as well ruminating. Meat and eggs should provide more choline and other micronutrients that will help calm your nervous system down. If you cant eat eggs, they have lecithin and choline supplements you can use and see if that calms you down.

I would suggest replacing some of your sugar intake with well-salted starches but Id imagine you are against that. You can try the quicker route of more meat/eggs for choline, iron, zinc, B6. This should help pretty quickly. But I want to stress the iron issue again. You probably need to look into iron status to see if you are deficient. This will elevate the stress response and lowers dopamine synthesis. You should also avoid anticholinergics like cypro as well. Otherwise more choline may not help as much.

Thank you for your thoughts. I had to get rid of meat because it gave me terrible sleep initially. Eggs give me bad blood sugar. Starches give the same thing.I love the taste of these and if I could eat them everyday then I would. Once I started doing more calcium I found that it made me the most relaxed. Now, I get it, I am in a challenging place now.

Basically I found that meat, eggs, and starch were kind of a triple threat to low blood sugar.

I haven't used cypro in a long time... it used to be great for me. Now, It makes me feel very uncomfortable. Why is this?


Aug 7, 2014
You said that you feel great,you were reccomending some foods and supplements also,what happened suddenly high adrenaline? Personal stress?

Pandemic thoughts got to me that changed the way I feel about the world in my core.


Dec 17, 2018
Thank you for your thoughts. I had to get rid of meat because it gave me terrible sleep initially. Eggs give me bad blood sugar. Starches give the same thing.I love the taste of these and if I could eat them everyday then I would. Once I started doing more calcium I found that it made me the most relaxed. Now, I get it, I am in a challenging place now.

Basically I found that meat, eggs, and starch were kind of a triple threat to low blood sugar.

I haven't used cypro in a long time... it used to be great for me. Now, It makes me feel very uncomfortable. Why is this?
Cypro severely messes with glutamatergic neurotransmission indirectly due to histamine antagonism. It also has moderate anticholinergic properties. This can contribute further to unrest and other symptoms. Histamine antagonism also leads to less dopamine activity as well besides that histamine itself is important. Glutamate, histamine, and dopamine are all important for maintaining higher levels of androgens. Cypro, especially regular use, will lead to lower androgens, less masculine behavior. This also contributes to anxiety and worry. In men, androgens are what allows not to respond to stress so easily and withstand pressure.

With low T, you become an anxious wreck. Part of this has to due with vasopressin in the brain which reduces fear and anxiety. Testosterone hypomethylates the vasopressin promoter gene, leading to more synthesis and more vasopressin activity in the brain. This is the major way testosterone makes men less anxious and stress resistant. You are probably iron deficient which in itself can lead to low T since iron is needed for steroid hormone synthesis and NAD synthesis. Diet is also not good and conductive to higher T levels. You do need more of these foods I suggested. With time they will help calm down, and provide you with more cholesterol and important micronutrients to help improve sleep which will allow your androgens to rise again which will calm you down.

What symptoms do you experience that make you think they are causing low blood sugar? Sometimes protein can do this, but considering starch which is a straight source of glucose doesn't really make sense for it to do that. These foods (meat, eggs, starch) are very calming especially initially when you first eat them after not for awhile. So it can give the impression they are slowing you down. Which really, they are in fact slowing you down. Meat and starch tend to calm the whole body and the nerves, putting you in a more parasympathetic state. This should translate to lower heart rate. Again I think you need more choline for that. You need to take into serious consideration that your diet is in fact very imbalanced health wise. I remember I was eating something like what you currently est and I felt very amped all the time and had way more adrenaline issues.

When I finally let all this strict peat adherence go and had a hearty meal of meat and starch it brought me way way down and super sleepy initially. Now it is revitalizing and I cant go back to low meat, starchless diet because the sensitive, constant anxiety and stress reactions come straight back. This is personally where I think you are at right now. You are too used to this adrenalized feeling all the time that this type of diet gives. Now you are kind of at the edge of a cliff where it is finally catching up to you and the adrenaline is now overwhelming and unbearable.

The fact that you even linger way too long on these world events and things like that shows that you are in a very sensitive state where your fight or flight mode is constantly activating. A healthy parasympathetic state where your mind and body is relaxed and does not react to stress is the exact opposite of what you are right now. It is optimistic, burns bright, does not worry easily, and is not preoccupied with fear or events designed to instill fear that otherwise are not as scary as they are made out to be.
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Aug 7, 2014
Cypro severely messes with glutamatergic neurotransmission indirectly due to histamine antagonism. It also has moderate anticholinergic properties. This can contribute further to unrest and other symptoms. Histamine antagonism also leads to less dopamine activity as well besides that histamine itself is important. Glutamate, histamine, and dopamine are all important for maintaining higher levels of androgens. Cypro, especially regular use, will lead to lower androgens, less masculine behavior. This also contributes to anxiety and worry. In men, androgens are what allows not to respond to stress so easily and withstand pressure.

With low T, you become an anxious wreck. Part of this has to due with vasopressin in the brain which reduces fear and anxiety. Testosterone hypomethylates the vasopressin promoter gene, leading to more synthesis and more vasopressin activity in the brain. This is the major way testosterone makes men less anxious and stress resistant. You are probably iron deficient which in itself can lead to low T since iron is needed for steroid hormone synthesis and NAD synthesis. Diet is also not good and conductive to higher T levels. You do need more of these foods I suggested. With time they will help calm down, and provide you with more cholesterol and important micronutrients to help improve sleep which will allow your androgens to rise again which will calm you down.

What symptoms do you experience that make you think they are causing low blood sugar? Sometimes protein can do this, but considering starch which is a straight source of glucose doesn't really make sense for it to do that. These foods (meat, eggs, starch) are very calming especially initially when you first eat them after not for awhile. So it can give the impression they are slowing you down. Which really, they are in fact slowing you down. Meat and starch tend to calm the whole body and the nerves, putting you in a more parasympathetic state. This should translate to lower heart rate. Again I think you need more choline for that. You need to take into serious consideration that your diet is in fact very imbalanced health wise. I remember I was eating something like what you currently est and I felt very amped all the time and had way more adrenaline issues.

When I finally let all this strict peat adherence go and had a hearty meal of meat and starch it brought me way way down and super sleepy initially. Now it is revitalizing and I cant go back to low meat, starchless diet because the sensitive, constant anxiety and stress reactions come straight back. This is personally where I think you are at right now. You are too used to this adrenalized feeling all the time that this type of diet gives. Now you are kind of at the edge of a cliff where it is finally catching up to you and the adrenaline is now overwhelming and unbearable.

The fact that you even linger way too long on these world events and things like that shows that you are in a very sensitive state where your fight or flight mode is constantly activating. A healthy parasympathetic state where your mind and body is relaxed and does not react to stress is the exact opposite of what you are right now. It is optimistic, burns bright, does not worry easily, and is not preoccupied with fear or events designed to instill fear that otherwise are not as scary as they are made out to be.

When I use to consume meat, eggs, and starch, they would always have me wake up in the middle of the night to urinate often. Also, they would give me uncomfortable thoughts. But, you bring up an interesting point. I never thought about it that way. I've never heard someone say that a peat diet gives an adrenalized feeling.

I use to not worry easily like this. I guess I dug too deep and for the first time in my life I really started questioning things in a new way. Snapping myself out of this has been a new challenge.


Dec 17, 2018
When I use to consume meat, eggs, and starch, they would always have me wake up in the middle of the night to urinate often. Also, they would give me uncomfortable thoughts. But, you bring up an interesting point. I never thought about it that way. I've never heard someone say that a peat diet gives an adrenalized feeling.

I use to not worry easily like this. I guess I dug too deep and for the first time in my life I really started questioning things in a new way. Snapping myself out of this has been a new challenge.

Usually night urination is caused by too much liquid too close to bed. Generally the lost drop of consumed liquid should be 1 hour to an half and a half before bed. But yes these foods are overall drying to the body but this is actually a good thing. They generally reduce excess water retention which is often caused by too much estrogen and aldosterone activity as they reduce the overall stress cascade and increase testosterone. Thus you may not be able to tolerate higher liquid diet with these foods because your hormonal profile changes resulting in less water retention. You probably still had a lot of liquid intake when you had them in the diet and it caused this issue.

I definitely experience an overall adrenalized, anxious mental state with the large amounts of liquid and sugar a "Peat" diet can entail. There are others that also experience more constant stress responses feeding like this. Fructose does not restore glycogen like starch since only the liver can process significant amounts and once its own glycogen is full, its converted to fat. So basically, if you consume very large amounts of fructose, some of it is not even useful for glycogen which is what we want. It may also increase choline needs.

Its good to question and think but believe me when I say some things are truly futile to think too deeply about. I only understood this completely once I finally experienced better health. When the body is overstressed, our nervous system is overexcited in a negative way and we cannot enjoy the present moment and experience joy and pleasure because we are engulfed in a dark cloud of negativity, worry, fear, depression.

By the way I still eat sugar and probably consume around 80g of fructose daily as I always want something sweet in my meals. But this is a minor source of carbs not my major and definitely not my sole source of carbs like you.
Mar 10, 2021
Our homeopath reccomend this for pain. Three tiny pills packs a punch. My husband is sleeping like a baby! I got it ay the healthfood store for $6.

"Overwhelming restlessness that makes a person want to constantly change position, or get up and pace the room at night, suggests a need for this remedy. The person may feel extremely apprehensive when trying to fall asleep and be unable to stay in bed."


Dec 17, 2018
If he eats dark chocolate and has positive results from it, he may be lacking something that it provides.

Here, someone discovered a zinc deficiency, which would be treatable with meat. It also has other minerals that could be beneficial. I found that only organic chocolate works for me and I'm uncertain of the mechanism.

That said, I agree that people should donate blood regularly if ferritin isn't low instead of avoiding iron, to get rid of forever chemicals. OP should get his ferritin tested.
Yeh I am not sure why he eats dark chocolate. I assumed it was to make up for iron and other minerals the diet lacks. Thats why I mentioned the iron content didnt matter because calcium was too high anyway.


Mar 28, 2019
This is really interesting... I feel like this is where I can greatly benefit. How do you go about doing this?
Get a pen and paper and write out all the thoughts that are dominating your consciousness without judgement until you feel better this will purge alot of the anxiety, that alone for a few days might be enough (search online for morning pages). Then with a clearer mind you can figure out what you need to do improve your situation, once you see things can improve quite easily so will your sleep.

Hawkins Letting Go technique is also useful


Aug 7, 2014
Our homeopath reccomend this for pain. Three tiny pills packs a punch. My husband is sleeping like a baby! I got it ay the healthfood store for $6.

"Overwhelming restlessness that makes a person want to constantly change position, or get up and pace the room at night, suggests a need for this remedy. The person may feel extremely apprehensive when trying to fall asleep and be unable to stay in bed."
Interesting. I guess it something to think about. Thanks!


Aug 7, 2014
Get a pen and paper and write out all the thoughts that are dominating your consciousness without judgement until you feel better this will purge alot of the anxiety, that alone for a few days might be enough (search online for morning pages). Then with a clearer mind you can figure out what you need to do improve your situation, once you see things can improve quite easily so will your sleep.

Hawkins Letting Go technique is also useful
Awesome. Thanks for sharing!


Dec 1, 2020
If he eats dark chocolate and has positive results from it, he may be lacking something that it provides.

Here, someone discovered a zinc deficiency, which would be treatable with meat. It also has other minerals that could be beneficial. I found that only organic chocolate works for me and I'm uncertain of the mechanism.

That said, I agree that people should donate blood regularly if ferritin isn't low instead of avoiding iron, to get rid of forever chemicals. OP should get his ferritin tested.
Could also be manganese or copper? Cacao is high in it and the other foods in his diet dont seem that high in it?


Could also be manganese or copper? Cacao is high in it and the other foods in his diet dont seem that high in it?
His diet is low in minerals in general. I don't understand why he doesn't eat food like liver, oyster, scallops, and shrimp, or even just meat. Not enough of manganese, copper, zinc, iron, and others.


Forum Supporter
Oct 18, 2021
Due to thoughts from the last 2 years, my sleep has completely changed.

I basically no longer sleep. I have tried:

Doxylamine succinate

And nothing seems to work. With that said, I’ve also not done high doses. But for some reason these supplements are all too stimulating right now. My adrenaline is very high and so most things are stimulant. Resting heart rate is 110 which I haven’t found anything to bring it down yet. Need help dropping the heart rate and sleeping hard every night.

Is there a miracle supplement that could just put me out? Is there something I haven’t thought of?

Any advise would be appreciated!
The thing that stood out to me is the increased heart rate. Mine tends to go up around freshly jabbed people, especially, if I am close to them. In which case, I do the supplements from the IRecover protocol, again.... and take standard process antronex. Otherwise, I still have sucky sleep and use Source Naturals liquid melatonin. I also take progesterone, pregnenolone, and sometimes CBD. When I am taking Ivermectin, it knocks me out all night up to 10 hours. A lot of that may not be peaty, but sleep is important and having a lower resting heart rate is essential. I'd get that checked out if you can't figure it out.


Feb 24, 2019
OP, I find your diet pretty dangerous. There is no variation, these are all for increasing metabolism, but your body is not sustaining it obliviously and your situation is probably causing learned helplessness if it;s seems inescapable. Therefore, pick just one or two foods that increase metabolism. And pick a steamed potato with lots of salt and white fish. be more creative. and clear apple juice can be much more of consistent quality than unripe oranges, they are risky and irritate your gut.
Chocolate is risky if it's not dutched. it is high in cadmium and catechins that prevent liver from binding estrogen. better to use just it's fat cocoabutter or white chocolate.
Gelatin doesn't add any nutrients.
Then, you are supplementing more stuff that also does this. pick just one of them.
Try some chinese herbs that calm you. to check out the most common click here
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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