Ray Peat Discussion On Jack Kruse Forums (alternative Medicine Forum)


Jul 22, 2012
I have it in my head from listening to him on NPR some months ago
that he is a pediatric endocrinologist...?

I could well be wrong! :)


Mar 29, 2014
yoshiesque said:
Kruse? said:
I’d like to direct your attention to the work of Tanaka published in the Lancet in 1998 on the real reasons behind the Okinawan longevity. It is a genetic defect of cytochrome 1 of the mitochondria to cause less ROS and therefore less aging.


Dec 16, 2014
Having too much knowledge is something and figuring out the reality of it is something else.
Those who are knowledgeable and at the same time presentable, like Oz, can sell us crap, because they can't distinguish crap from non-crap.
Their recommendations are a product of the quantity not the quality of knowledge they acquire.

Those doctors slash surgeons turning nutrition and lifestyle experts are more dangerous than others, because they carry a fake halo of authority around.

To be fair to Peat and for credibility's sake anyone who challenges his ideas should be as equally knowledgeable and intellectually capable, not another plumber self-made architectural engineer.


May 30, 2015
Austin, TX
Once somebody's integrity is lost, you cannot trust that individual no matter how smart they are. Especially when they are profiting and your health is on the line.

No matter where I go, Kruse threads are always comedy. Unfortunately, even these threads, are publicity and wish theyd all just stop. Its as if they give his claims credibility for reasonable doubt. He's been outed and verified as a liar on numerous occasions. It astonishes me how people can be swooned by his big worded nonsensical posts, which propose ideas that sound good on the surface but never delivers. The guy is such a narcissist that hes probably reading this thread now, btw.


Apr 2, 2015
Kruse suffers from delusions of grandiosity, which is always inviting to those who are naive to his dogmatic ways.

Peat is bad business for Kruse, which is why he slanders him harshly.


New Member
Aug 21, 2015
Last year I encountered my first health issues ever (well since being a sick baby), after a life time of being an elite athlete. 56 yo female. It seems everyone I know is on about low carb and treats anything carb as evil. Found J Kruse. Went low carb, lots of fish and seaweed, for 6 months. Had a lot of trouble keeping my weight down, kept eating less and less, and lower and lower carbs - and kept getting fatter. Ended up in hospital - ruptured ovarian cyst and constipated. Never been constipated in my adult life! All the people I know who go low carb and stay with it lose weight (I think the ones who don't lose weight give it up, or get sick) but they all have hollow eyes and dark circles, they look almost not well all the time. It seems very stressful and my own experience with it I'll never do it again! I never had energy issues, or blood sugar issues, and I felt fine. But clearly it was messing with my hormones big time. Just found this forum and its pretty close to how a naturopath friend of the family cured my childhood illness (one that I wasn't expected to live through and one that kills off most people by the time they are 25). Getting organized to start working on balancing my hormones again. "Again" - actually its highly likely my hormones have been out of balance for a while - answer pretty well to estrogen dominance symptoms - will let you know how it all goes.......


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
rgp888, :welcome

I know that low carb look, to me, it looks like death. A very pale sunken in face look, and all the people see is how skinny they are. You dont hear them talking about they look like the walking dead now. I know, I was one of them. :?

You are definitely on the right track. See you around the forum. :hattip


Jul 14, 2013
Oxfordshire, UK
yoshiesque said:
Some things to note:
1. He advocates shellfish and oysters
2. fluoride free water is important
3. recommends supplements like Vit D, Vit K, Vit B & Progesterone
4. Carb intake ranges from 50-100g

I dont know, a lot of it seems okay. I am a fan of most paleo concepts, except for the whole low carb part.

I haven't read any of his stuff for several years, but I came across him in the middle of my low-carb phase. I heard him in an interview, possibly on the "Jimmy Moore Show". My gut instinct was that, while he was a smart guy, he was also a bit of a fraud. He seemed to be trying to cash in on the then popularity of the low-carb movement, waxed sycophantic over Jimmy himself but then seemed to be trying to cash in on Gary Taubes who was by then getting a lot of attention after his book "Good Calories, Bad Calories" (aka "The Diet Delusion" in the UK - it's actually a very good book, whether you agree with his conclusions or not).i.e. he seemed to be claiming to be all square with the ideas of Jimmy Moore and Gary Taubes, but then trying to use their popularity to back up his own ideas which were actually somewhat different. His big thing at that time was something called the "leptin reset". I don't know if he's still pushing that one, but it didn't convince me, and his overall attitude and demeanor - bumptiousness, you might call it, put me off.

I looked over his website a few times then, but in the end, decided not to waste any more time on him.

For what it's worth.

Oh , yes, I'm sure Peaters will be amused to hear that he said, when he had to leave home early to get into surgery, and maybe didn't have time for breakfast, he'd be sure to grab a pack of bacon from the freezer to take with him (presumably to be cooked later after the Op. over a hot nursing sister or two....yes, he had the mien of the rock star with groupies and all...).
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Nov 26, 2013
Why else do people go to medical school :ss


Aug 5, 2015
Wow...well im sure some things are helpful....so are some of the things i would recommend. I can tell you to stop drinking 5gallons of mountain dew every day and get some clean Protein, and thats good advise. But hes looks like bad advice. Whatever his BS, hes not my cup o tea. In other words he can, ****-Off right now.
Nov 26, 2013
You seem more of a cup of coffee kind of person :ss


Aug 6, 2015
Jack Kruse said:
Peat has an incomplete understanding because he does not know AI ends at the negative charge of the EZ.......Ling's idea of water polarization means dipoles exists and dipoles are neutral in charge If AI was completely right, and its not it would have a net negative charge. .........experiments have proven Pollack correct. Its great to have an elegant theory but if it doesn't match he data of experiments it is a falsehood. End of report and sorry to the Peat fans.
What do you think guys? Any good refutation for this guy that has obviously not read Peat?


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
I realize I am necro'ing a very old thread... I want to play devil's advocate a little here, because I like to learn.

But I'm curious, I always like to keep an open mind, so can someone help me understand (his blogs are WAY too detailed for me to figure out the reader's digest version....)

I feel like there is truth to learn from everyone. He obviously gets some things right to have a big following. There are two things in particular I am confused on.

Why does Jack Kruse:

1. Recommend PUFA's? It seems that his claim is that PUFA's can be beneficial "If they're protected" and he does actually acknowledge "PUFA's are bad if they are allowed to oxidise and not be protected". Therefore he isn't necessarily refuting RP per-se. It sounds like he says PUFA are needed for brain health (which isn't the first time I've heard this, that's a popular idea). So, how does one protect them?

edit: Found this tidbit. Answerd my own questions.
AA and DHA are PUFA’s that work in magic together in the human brain. They are essential fatty acids that are critical to cell membrane signaling and structure. If you follow the work of biochemists and organic chemists they have told us that PUFA’s are very susceptible to oxidation because of the double bonds they have in their chemical structures. This is true, but it has a big advantage for us as well. PUFA’s store proton information in their spins. These protons are tightly controlled. Inflammation can unleash them. But here is what they did not tell you about PUFA’s in the brain. AA and DHA are critical for the human brain function. These PUFA double bonds are protected by iodine levels in several special ways. In Brain gut 5 we spoke about the special quantum effect of the pi electron clouds of DHA. This is a quantum effect built for protons. Now let us look at the most powerful protector of our DHA stores in all of our cells. Iodine is that protecter of protons. When iodine is bound to AA and DHA it protects them from free oxygen radicals that oxidize them. The second mechanism of protection of these PUFA’s uses iodine and hydrogen peroxide in combination.

TL;DR - Jack Kruse says Iodine protects PUFA's. RP says that Iodine causes PUFA to release anti-thyroid hormone. What gives? Why the difference of opinion?

I also tend to disagree with RP's stance that Iodine is bad, but I don't know if I believe PUFA's are good either.

2. Recommend not drinking water or drinking less of it? From what I can tell, one reason is that alot of water is flouridated. The other, and this is the idea that confused me, is that somehow you can turn body fat into water. Thus, if someone is obese/has weight to lose, they may benefit from drinking less water and "making the water they need" from fat instead. Is there truth to this? Can someone explain his concept to me in layman's terms? Jack Kruse may actually be on the money on this one. How many people have we seen on the RP forums that can not tolerate a liquid diet, especially ones starting off on the diet? Could it be that people who have fat to lose indeed need to adopt a low liquid diet, and those who are leaner can handle more liquids?

3. Hate carbohydrates especially fructose. Can someone explain why he thinks carbs are not good. And what about the fact that converting dietary fat to carbohydrate is a highly stressful process, and that dietary protein lowers blood sugar? Adrenaline (a stress hormone) is used in this process. I have a hard time understanding how stress is ever a good thing especially on a chronic daily basis.
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Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
I realize I am necro'ing a very old thread... I want to play devil's advocate a little here, because I like to learn.

But I'm curious, I always like to keep an open mind, so can someone help me understand (his blogs are WAY too detailed for me to figure out the reader's digest version....)

I feel like there is truth to learn from everyone. He obviously gets some things right to have a big following. There are two things in particular I am confused on.

Why does Jack Kruse:

1. Recommend PUFA's? It seems that his claim is that PUFA's can be beneficial "If they're protected" and he does actually acknowledge "PUFA's are bad if they are allowed to oxidise and not be protected". Therefore he isn't necessarily refuting RP per-se. It sounds like he says PUFA are needed for brain health (which isn't the first time I've heard this, that's a popular idea). So, how does one protect them?

edit: Found this tidbit. Answerd my own questions.

TL;DR - Jack Kruse says Iodine protects PUFA's. RP says that Iodine causes PUFA to release anti-thyroid hormone. What gives? Why the difference of opinion?

I also tend to disagree with RP's stance that Iodine is bad, but I don't know if I believe PUFA's are good either.

2. Recommend not drinking water or drinking less of it? From what I can tell, one reason is that alot of water is flouridated. The other, and this is the idea that confused me, is that somehow you can turn body fat into water. Thus, if someone is obese/has weight to lose, they may benefit from drinking less water and "making the water they need" from fat instead. Is there truth to this? Can someone explain his concept to me in layman's terms? Jack Kruse may actually be on the money on this one. How many people have we seen on the RP forums that can not tolerate a liquid diet, especially ones starting off on the diet? Could it be that people who have fat to lose indeed need to adopt a low liquid diet, and those who are leaner can handle more liquids?

3. Hate carbohydrates especially fructose. Can someone explain why he thinks carbs are not good. And what about the fact that converting dietary fat to carbohydrate is a highly stressful process, and that dietary protein lowers blood sugar? Adrenaline (a stress hormone) is used in this process. I have a hard time understanding how stress is ever a good thing especially on a chronic daily basis.
All of these questions can be answered by pointing out that he is an incoherent authoritarian.


Sep 25, 2016
@Cirion Yeah maybe I can help explain some things. I have been following Kruse pretty much straight since 2011 however not really in the last year or so.

I personally stuck with him for so long because when I was first starting my health journey I had tried a whole bunch of things, paleo, IF, calorie restriction, etc and had gotten limited results. I tried Kruses leptin reset on a whim. Literally the only changes I made where, going to bed on time, making my room dark before bedtime, looking at bright light when I got up, moving my eating window forward so that my first meal was within 30mins of waking, and eating more protein in this meal.

The results were incredible to me at the time, all my life I had been a little fat, hypothyroid, and just not in great health. Within 2 weeks my hands and feet started being warm for the first time in my life, within 4 weeks I had 6 pack, tons of energy, full beard growth etc. Needless to say I was a convert.

Soon after I got tonsilitis and stomach ulcer at the same time and this clearly developed into CFS/POTS and my health degraded ever since. Anyway, don't want to make this into my life story, just noting that I do not believe me following kruses ideas resulted in the tragic state my health is in today.

As for your other questions. The water is because the floride displacing iodine and also stopping waters semiconducting abilities. At one time I knew more about this but it has since fallen out of my brain. Another thing with water is the deuterium content. Long story short, deuterium is hydrogen with a neutron, making it heavier than regular hydrogen and causing it's chemistry to be different. Apparently deuterium molecules will clog up the mitochondrial ATPase and do a whole bunch of other things. If this interests you look up Dr lazlo boros.

The carbs is due to circadian rhythm through the seasons. Again, don't quote me on this because it's been a while but it's something to do with the strong sunlights (UV + IR) effects on mitochondria and I think complex 1. Basically, strong sunlight causes mitochondria to function differently and in this state they can handle the high powered (????) electrons from carbs. I think that refers to the extra distance electrons travel when going into complex 1. Also carbs contain higher deuterium loads than fats. It appears your cells work hard to feed mitochondria deuterium depleted hydrogens.

If you want me to go into more details I can. As you can see though, I don't have a good grasp on the mechanisms kruse talks about despite following the stuff for 6yrs. This is in part, because I'm a big dumb dumb, but also kruses writing style is awful. I learnt things very slowly in those 6yrs but ever since branching out to other sources of information I feel my knowledge of health is increasing much faster.


Aug 6, 2017
Is all this you talk about accepted or highly speculative? Founded speculation or proven truth?

using quantum mechanics to argue why you should use DHA looks like the top woowoo i have yet seen in nutrition.


Sep 25, 2016
Is all this you talk about accepted or highly speculative? Founded speculation or proven truth?
I don't understand it well enough to know how much is backed up. There are a bunch of paper referenced in every blog and if have read a few which seem to align with what he is saying however I think a large part is highly speculative. The circadian rhythm and blue light stuff is very solid IMO. I also belive the fascia communication, bone semiconductors, structured water, IR light, is solid. Deuterium, seasonal eating, and some of the other stuff is probably very speculative.


Aug 6, 2017
I'm skeptical about structured water/ez water, because as the proponents describe it it should be able to convert IR radiation into electricity at exceedingly high efficiency. Is it really such a new discovery that the very cheap and simple design has not been commercialized or even tested yet?


Sep 25, 2016
Yeah I'm skeptical about the exact mechanisms of action, you may be right, but in my entirely unprofessional opinion I believe in it more than the mainstream theory.
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