Peatypie from California - My Story


Apr 22, 2015
I have been exploring this forum for some time. Finally decided to join. Here is my story:

I am female, age 71 (ugh! such an advanced age when typing it out), and have been "peating" 2 years. Like many others I came to Peat from low carb...lost a lot of weight...became hypoglycemic...anxiety attacks, losing hair... eventually developed skin cancers... found Matt Stone...found Peat. It was the skin cancers that set me on an obsessive search for answers as I did not buy into the main stream medical explanation that the skin cancers were a direct result of childhood sun exposure. I felt there was a trigger and, frankly, I was freaking out! I was at my wits end as I was experiencing a new skin cancer every month or so. Had about 11 total skin cancers and had about 5 surgeries then started treating them myself with black salve with good results. (My kids were about to commit me). One very bad and aggressive cancer on my face which I treated myself kept me homebound with swelling and redness for over a week before I had the nerve to venture out in the public and finally resolved with barely a scar. (I did see my dermatologist who was aghast that I was treating myself but did finally acknowledge that the black salve seemed to have worked.)

I knew the dangers of PUFA's and avoided them as much as possible but was still taking fish oil supplements and eating salmon as I had bought in to the dogma on omega 3's being "essential". I read Ray Peat's Fish Oil Myths, googled "fish oil controversy" and found more support for his views. (These supporting articles are buried deep). I stopped the fish oil supplements and became even more diligent with the elimination of all PUFA's. The skin cancers stopped! They just stopped! I was totally amazed! It has now been 2 years and I have yet to get another skin cancer.

Peat's views profoundly resonated with me! Looking at everything from a cellular level make so much sense. I implemented his recommendations and saw immediate improvements in energy, nails, hair, sleep. I feel really good most of the time and this is really important to me as I do not want to go down the road of age related degenerative diseases and decline ever! My intention is to live vitally with enthusiasm and abounding energy for a very, very long time. I initially lost weight but then gradually gained with abdominal fat being the most troubling. Now 2 years into "peating" and I am still looking for answers as my temps have improved but are still on the low side and still wanting to loose the abdominal fat. I do feel that this way of eating is great when your metabolism is fixed but it can be a bit of a rocky road to figure out the "fixing" part. Some forum members have found huge success going no/low fat and I have decided to go down that path. I have decided to forego the orange juice in favor of apple juice because of the increased fructose percentage (seems to help with fat metabolism) and also using honey for the same reason. I am including protein as in shrimp, some lean meats, non-fat milk, starches as in rice, potato, maybe a banana now and then and dense european rye bread. I know grains are not peat approved but decided to use the rye bread after reading a study that found rye bread improved insulin sensitivity and seemed to have an anti-inflammatory effect in those with metabolic syndrome which I know I have suffered. Additionally, the study showed 71 genes concerned with insulin down regulated - which means that rye is acting on the body directly at the level of your genes.

My intention is to switch on glucose oxidation and more rapidly delete stored pufa and improve metabolism and body composition. I will see how it goes.

Glad to be part of this esteemed group of knowledgeable people.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
peatypie, :welcome

What an incredible story! Thats so awesome you kicked the skin cancer! What was the black salve if you do not mind me asking? Such an inspirational intro, thank you for sharing. :D

As for kicking in glucose metabolism, check into "kineticz's" recent posts regarding fructose supplementing. Also "thebigpeatowski", she supplemented fructose by the ton and had excellent results.

See you around. :hattip


Dec 19, 2014
:wavingyellow Welcome, Peatypie! Love your photo. Glad to have you here.

It's really awesome that you haven't had any new skin cancers lately. Do you attribute it to just avoiding PUFAs, or do you take any Peat-y supplements as well?


Jun 12, 2013
Welcome, Peatypie. Glad to read your story and look forward to hearing more from you on this journey.


Apr 22, 2015
Thanks for the welcome...

What was the black salve if you do not mind me asking?

It is derived from blood root and some other herbs. I ordered it from a lab outside the U.S. Google it for lots of information.

It's really awesome that you haven't had any new skin cancers lately. Do you attribute it to just avoiding PUFAs, or do you take any Peat-y supplements as well?

I think stopping the fish oil supplementation was key plus I added in some peat supplements such as Vit E,K,A. Was already doing B vitamins and D3. I also added some protest-e. Adding milk and sugar to my diet were the other changes. I had dairy but mostly cheese, kifer or yogurt. I had been so sugar phobic for so long that the sugar thing was what I had a had time accepting. But I am a believer now. I just need to get my body to burn it better.


Mar 29, 2014
:welcome peatypie
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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