Observations on changes in people after vaccine


Jun 7, 2016
My co workers were vocal about both dosages.

I didn’t notice much after the first but after the second is when things really changed.

They are less resilient to stress and are more intolerable, more aggressive, more miserable and I fell out with two, they became very pro vaccine with a force and aggression where before they were indifferent.

What I noticed is the vaccine gives them some boost in a big way like serotonin and histamine, I don’t know but this boost is heavily stimulating and intoxicating. I think that it makes them feel like it’s a good thing and that’s why they really want to push the vaccines on others and think it’s safe plus they have the backing of the governments and media.

It’s like any substance abuser, it’s killing them while they believe it’s good, they can’t see how it’s effected them because they haven’t reflected on it, they are blind to it or justifying it through denial.

I think I’m starting to see these effects wearing off slightly on these people but after that second dose the tension was heavy.

If I were to be reckless like them, I would be taking cyproheptadine for quite a while
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May 12, 2016
I was wondering the same thing. I try not to generalise. But some of these tendencies may be already present in some people right? I believe like any unhealthy thing it exacerbates the manifestations of sick person's. Interesting that you brought this up.


Apr 6, 2018
I have personally observed a kind of brain fog, complacency, lethargy, and subservience in individuals I know that have taken the vaccine, similar to how a schizophrenic friend behaves when he’s back on his anti-psychotic medication. See this for a detailed description of the psychological effects of high serotonin (thank you @Hans):



Oct 6, 2020
My brother had his first shot 2 weeks ago...

He says he can barely go swimming or do any physical excercises without feeling like ***t due to circulary issues.
I also noticed my doublejabbed mother, 55 of age, hiking multiple times per week having reduced performance of what shes usually capable of. Once on the phone she told me "i dont get it, im supposed to get better and stronger, im always out of breath and my heartbeat is off".

Now i can't proove this is from the vax, but it sure concerns me. I havent mentioned it to them because that would just put a seed of fear into them.

I think what you describe looks to me like a shift of mind/attitude due to their "regained freedom" along the stresshormonal response the body reacts with.
Can't however agree on the observation that you propose, atleast not trough my observation.


Oct 22, 2019
I think a large part is just the mainstream anti-unvaccinated narrative ramping up. When the news changes, I sense a change in the positions of my vaccinated siblings. They won't eat inside my house anymore, despite having done so a month ago. Why? Because the news tells them it's so much worse now. It tells them unvaccinated people are causing cases to rise, and are in the way of this pandemic ending. They have also recently told me that if my mother (also unvaccinated) catches Covid and dies, they will blame me for her death because I'm being a bad influence on her. If I don't do everything possible to make sure she gets vaccinated, then I am to blame for her death. It's media's psychological manipulation, which works even better now on people who are 'invested' in the narrative bc they got the vaccine.


Apr 6, 2018
I think a large part is just the mainstream anti-unvaccinated narrative ramping up. When the news changes, I sense a change in the positions of my vaccinated siblings. They won't eat inside my house anymore, despite having done so a month ago. Why? Because the news tells them it's so much worse now. It tells them unvaccinated people are causing cases to rise, and are in the way of this pandemic ending. They have also recently told me that if my mother (also unvaccinated) catches Covid and dies, they will blame me for her death because I'm being a bad influence on her. If I don't do everything possible to make sure she gets vaccinated, then I am to blame for her death. It's media's psychological manipulation, which works even better now on people who are 'invested' in the narrative bc they got the vaccine.
Most people are beholden to the narrative rather than rational thought, see this:
View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=09maaUaRT4M
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