Milk, milk and some more milk


Feb 22, 2017
thats interesting stuff mate...
5 or 6 quarts milk is a lot... over a gallon a day...
that dog story sounds crazy mate!

this is all from Ray over email?
“Sometimes it's extended to a month and it can be very powerful because the milk contains antibiotic ingredients and multiple anti-inflammatory, sedative, as well as nutritional substances and really the only thing it lacks to live on for a year is iron. An adult living on pure milk for more than a month is likely to start noticing an iron deficiency.

It's just profoundly therapeutic to do it for a week or more, up to a month.

And since stress generally increases inflammation and that turns on angiotensin system that activates the adrenals and the aldosterone, and that activates the parathyroid glands, and parathyroid turns off respiratory energy production as a way of hiding from stress. The way serotonin is closely involved in aldosterone and parathyroid hormone, and serotonin is an important factor in turning on hibernation, turning off metabolic energy, and since high calcium intake turns off the parathyroid gland it restores energy production. Most people are running around stressed to the degree that their parathyroid, angiotensin, aldosterone, serotonin systems are unnecessarily active and so it is equivalent to being hypothyroid, when the stress turns off your metabolism it does exactly what hypothyroidism does, and calcium in sufficient amounts like on a pure milk diet, that's going to very strongly inhibit your parathyroid hormone, meaning that it very strongly increases your metabolic rate, gets your liver active, providing stabilised glucose and detoxifying processes, so that any accumulated toxins from your fat and other tissues will be very efficiently detoxified and excreted. So a pure milk diet is very similar to giving adequate thyroid supplementation to get the whole energy system and detoxifying system going again.”"

so milk plus just some liver and honey should provide everything?

The quote is from the interview in the original post.

I prefer non meat sources so if I was going to go full on milk I would go with milk, cacao for iron and some honey, along with a few oranges to cover vit c.

Edited to add. My gums started bleeding toward the end and I hare white, hard stools about half way through. Didn’t ever feel unwell or constipated but I wasn’t going daily
That's concerning, especially as you used raw milk. Apparently milk has the 'anti scorbutic factor' but I also spoke to someone doing a skimmed milk mono diet who got signs of scurvy. I know one of the milk cure guys said if you use pasteurized milk to also drink some fruit juice.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Source may not matter as much when lowfat. I am saying to add 1 ounce of liver if any added salt is needed. If you add 1/2 tsp of salt, for example, then also introduce 1 ounce of liver.

Protein apparently doesn't matter as much when it's whole from milk. Better balanced with calcium and other nutrients? How long would you be doing that anyway? There's also the 1 : 2 : 4 egg : OJ : 1% milk thing, adding liver also if any more salt is needed.
why does adding in salt necessitate adding in liver? how does the liver counteract the salt or why is liver needed if you're consuming salt? is it just something you recommend when adding in sugar or salt due to the increase in metabolic rate needing more nutrients, thus needing more liver?
if you're consuming more than an ounce liver a day, especially with all that milk, vitamin A will get very very high. in the US you can't get 1% milk unless it has propylene glycol/polysorbate 80, and the side effects from consuming gallons of milk with added polysorbate/propylene glycol will be far beyond any side effects from having full fat whole milk

i wouldn't be willing to have one egg a day let alone more, the pufa is too much and milk already has some pufa. im currently doing a half gallon milk, 16oz coconut water, 16oz OJ per day, but i may increase milk up to a full gallon, otherwise i may add in some whey protein powder, a2, organic, 100% grass fed cows. maybe skim milk powder. it is full fat milk though so the half gallon is 65g fat.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
The quote is from the interview in the original post.

I prefer non meat sources so if I was going to go full on milk I would go with milk, cacao for iron and some honey, along with a few oranges to cover vit c.

That's concerning, especially as you used raw milk. Apparently milk has the 'anti scorbutic factor' but I also spoke to someone doing a skimmed milk mono diet who got signs of scurvy. I know one of the milk cure guys said if you use pasteurized milk to also drink some fruit juice.
12-15mg iron daily seems too much? doesnt Peat recommend less

Thank you very much. I appreciate that. :) I’m so sorry to hear you had such a horrible reaction to cynoplus and cytomel. How scary!

I’m using TyroMax. I started out on WP Thyroid two years ago and switched to TyroMax last August when the WP was recalled. I went with TyroMax because I needed a standardized/USP NDT. I changed up my diet a few months after I started taking thyroid so I can’t be certain which was most responsible for the improvements I’ve experienced since but prior to the diet changes, thyroid completely eliminated the adrenaline induced convulsions and syncope episodes I had been having daily for 6 months straight, as well as my frequent gallbladder attacks, and it sped up my digestion. I’m also certain it has helped my hormones because I recently tried weaning off it but lost my period, something I struggled with in the past.

Yep, I stopped the antibiotic—this was maybe 6 years ago. I was misdiagnosed and didn’t get treated for the SIBO until two years ago. That’s when I did the diet of seafood, fruit juice and coconut fat and yes, after that, I reintroduced dairy.

I tried activated charcoal—it was absolutely horrible when I had gastritis—and olive leaf, berberine (goldenseal, Oregon grape, barberry), pharmaceutical strength oregano oil from Greece and over $8,000 worth of herbal formulas (100+ different herbs), cascara, aloe vera (aloin), flowers of sulfur, 7 day raw garlic protocol (allicin), neomycin, erythromycin, rifaximin, the minocycline and the list goes on…

Does dried fruit digest well for you? It doesn’t digest well for me, unfortunately. In my experience, any fiber can feed bacteria and Ray told me this in an email back in February of 2015:

“Irritation, serotonin and histamine can be increased by some fibrous fruits (pineapple, mango, jack fruit, dates, plums).

I think fiber is always a risk (I avoid them all except for occasional well cooked mushrooms and bamboo shoots, which are germicidal).”

I found it odd that he hadn’t mentioned the carrot salad until I heard him say in a radio interview years later that after 20 years of consuming the carrot salad daily, it was feeding bacteria so he stopped having it.

I’m not certain but going by my reaction, I’d say ultra-pasteurized is more sterile than low temp pasteurized.


have you tried the glorybee brand honey? they have an organic raw honey, looks like a good color?

Ray stopped the carrot salad? werent him and Danny Roddy discussing using it though, like a month back, they said how they prefer olive oil in it over coconut oil? Ray said the carrot was feeding bacteria?

where did you buy $8000 worth of herbal products and why did you get so many!
what reactions did you get specifically to berberine and to olive leaf extract and activated charcoal?

why was charcoal so bad when you had gastritis?

so none of those antibacterial antibiotic herbs worked, but simply coconut fat and easy digesting fruit juices worked for you for 6 months??!

what happens now when you eat fibrous fruits or dairy

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
The dog's eyeball growing back is interesting. Has that been documented happening from anything else?
i dont remember if it was eyes but i think he mentioned significant healing in a lot of progesterone applied topically to a bunny rabbit... healed it from near death or something like that...
and I thinK Ray's said milk has progesterone and other hormones in it, thyroid hormone too

Edited to add. My gums started bleeding toward the end and I hare white, hard stools about half way through. Didn’t ever feel unwell or constipated but I wasn’t going daily

did you do full fat or skim milk. i dont get stool issues with whole milk. i think ideally you want milk with orange juice, some liver like 1oz a day, maybe even some raw honey, and coconut water, in order to really get all possible nutrients. maybe even some figs, dates, mangoes for additional iron without needing meat. coconut water and pineapple/pineapple juice both have a lot of manganese


Jun 25, 2017
why does adding in salt necessitate adding in liver? how does the liver counteract the salt or why is liver needed if you're consuming salt? is it just something you recommend when adding in sugar or salt due to the increase in metabolic rate needing more nutrients, thus needing more liver?
if you're consuming more than an ounce liver a day, especially with all that milk, vitamin A will get very very high. in the US you can't get 1% milk unless it has propylene glycol/polysorbate 80, and the side effects from consuming gallons of milk with added polysorbate/propylene glycol will be far beyond any side effects from having full fat whole milk

i wouldn't be willing to have one egg a day let alone more, the pufa is too much and milk already has some pufa. im currently doing a half gallon milk, 16oz coconut water, 16oz OJ per day, but i may increase milk up to a full gallon, otherwise i may add in some whey protein powder, a2, organic, 100% grass fed cows. maybe skim milk powder. it is full fat milk though so the half gallon is 65g fat.
Because liver adds more vitamin A and especially copper. Lower aldosterone dumps more copper, calcium, and sodium.

1 ounce is enough.

I didn't say anything about avoiding whole milk.

At that ratio, PUFAs remain under 4g/2,000 calories.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Because liver adds more vitamin A and especially copper. Lower aldosterone dumps more copper, calcium, and sodium.

1 ounce is enough.

I didn't say anything about avoiding whole milk.

At that ratio, PUFAs remain under 4g/2,000 calories.
ah, does lower aldosterone dump more magnesium/potassium/phosphorus too
interesting stuff...


Jul 8, 2014
Do you have a link to that radio interview by chance ?

I didn’t save the interview so I’ve been trying to locate it but so far, I’ve only come across where he said he got tired of carrots after eating one a day for 20 years:


And where he said it’s extremely rare for a person to have microorganisms that can survive a good supply of either carrot or bamboo fiber, but certain organisms can adapt to live on them:


I’ll keep searching for the interview and post it if I find it.

have you tried the glorybee brand honey? they have an organic raw honey, looks like a good color?

Ray stopped the carrot salad? werent him and Danny Roddy discussing using it though, like a month back, they said how they prefer olive oil in it over coconut oil? Ray said the carrot was feeding bacteria?

where did you buy $8000 worth of herbal products and why did you get so many!
what reactions did you get specifically to berberine and to olive leaf extract and activated charcoal?

why was charcoal so bad when you had gastritis?

so none of those antibacterial antibiotic herbs worked, but simply coconut fat and easy digesting fruit juices worked for you for 6 months??!

what happens now when you eat fibrous fruits or dairy

I think I have had it, years ago. Their organic honey looks fairly light. Too bad their Montana white honey isn’t organic. That one looks really good. I forgot to mention that this site has organic raw Canadian honey in bulk:

I bought them from a few different places and also made my own, but most of the formulas were Dr. Robert Morse’s Cellular Botanicals that I bought from I took that many because I was following his healing protocol and they helped stabilize me/my tissues until I could convince my doctor to prescribe me thyroid.

Goldenseal relieved the burning in my gut from the gastritis, olive leaf I don’t know because I took it as part of a formula, and activated charcoal irritated and inflamed my gut, causing eczema-like oozing patches and blistering on my face.

Yes, they worked just like minocycline worked, i.e., until I stopped taking them. And nope, what worked wasn’t just juice and coconut fat but also glycine rich seafood. 6 months was how long I was on the minocycline, not how long I did the diet for.

Nothing but good things happen when I eat dairy—it’s my most tolerated and healing food now—but I try not to eat more than 15 grams of fiber a day or else I get cramping, diarrhea, stuffy sinuses, migraines and so on because of my back injury compressing my intestines. They can’t handle all the bulk.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
I didn’t save the interview so I’ve been trying to locate it but so far, I’ve only come across where he said he got tired of carrots after eating one a day for 20 years:


And where he said it’s extremely rare for a person to have microorganisms that can survive a good supply of either carrot or bamboo fiber, but certain organisms can adapt to live on them:


I’ll keep searching for the interview and post it if I find it.

I think I have had it, years ago. Their organic honey looks fairly light. Too bad their Montana white honey isn’t organic. That one looks really good. I forgot to mention that this site has organic raw Canadian honey in bulk:

I bought them from a few different places and also made my own, but most of the formulas were Dr. Robert Morse’s Cellular Botanicals that I bought from I took that many because I was following his healing protocol and they helped stabilize me/my tissues until I could convince my doctor to prescribe me thyroid.

Goldenseal relieved the burning in my gut from the gastritis, olive leaf I don’t know because I took it as part of a formula, and activated charcoal irritated and inflamed my gut, causing eczema-like oozing patches and blistering on my face.

Yes, they worked just like minocycline worked, i.e., until I stopped taking them. And nope, what worked wasn’t just juice and coconut fat but also glycine rich seafood. 6 months was how long I was on the minocycline, not how long I did the diet for.

Nothing but good things happen when I eat dairy—it’s my most tolerated and healing food now—but I try not to eat more than 15 grams of fiber a day or else I get cramping, diarrhea, stuffy sinuses, migraines and so on because of my back injury compressing my intestines. They can’t handle all the bulk.

did your activated charcoal product have any fillers?
how long did you have to follow that diet before being able to reintroduce dairy and fix your issues and thyroid?

what about gelatin? is great lakes beef gelatin worth buying and eating plain by itself? does it need to be cooked? do you know a good bovine gelatin to consume as a main protein source, like 100g+ protein a day


Jul 8, 2014
did your activated charcoal product have any fillers?
how long did you have to follow that diet before being able to reintroduce dairy and fix your issues and thyroid?

what about gelatin? is great lakes beef gelatin worth buying and eating plain by itself? does it need to be cooked? do you know a good bovine gelatin to consume as a main protein source, like 100g+ protein a day

No, it’s just a loose USP grade AC powder made from coconut. The brand is Charcoal House.

I think I was on it for only a few months, then replaced the seafood with traditionally prepared bean curd and experimented with that for a month or so and then reintroduced dairy.

Have you tried powdered gelatin before? I ask because some people don’t react well to it. If you tolerate it, you don’t have to eat it plain by itself if you don’t want to. There are lots of things you can make with it like fruit gummies, jello, custards, marshmallows for hot cocoa, to thicken soups and gravies etc. Hydrolysate/collagen peptides dissolve in cold liquids but in my experience, regular gelatin digests better if bloomed first and then dissolved in hot liquid or cooked, yes. Great Lakes is a good brand. Prior to removing powdered gelatin from my diet, my preferred source was Perfect Supplements glyphosate residue-free gelatin and hydrolysate:

In case you’re interested, I found this blog post on gelatin brands informative:



Feb 22, 2017
Quite a few years ago I noticed my thyroid gland seemed large, I wondered if it was normal but hadn't noticed it before to compare and then forgot about it. I found the last time I had milk for a few days I rubbed my neck and noticed my thyroid was remarkably reduced in size. It made me think of the interview which inspired this thread as Ray mentioned a pure milk diet as being similar to thyroid supplementation.

Having a further look I came across this in the book 'The Milk Diet', which I've read before but didn't realise the possible relevance at first.

goiter largely depends for its existence upon toxic irritation of the thyroid gland. The chief source of this irritation is in the abnormal fermentation in the intestinal canal and in the absorption into the blood stream of the poisons there generated.

So, to avoid any possible recurrence of the condition, I would advise a light diet, with very little meat and a “part time” régime of milk, or an exclusive milk diet at least once or twice a year until all signs of the enlargement of the thyroid and of its toxic effects have disappeared.

And the following from J.R. Crewe

I have repeatedly seen a marked reduction in the size of simple and toxic thyroid, with improvement in the symptoms of the toxic one.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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