Histamine Intolerance/Food Sensitivites. Long Post!


Mar 4, 2016
Hi All,

Long time reader, first time poster (and I apologize, it’s a long one!). I’ve been reading Dr. Peat’s work for a little over a year now and have incorporated some of his recommendations (namely limiting PUFA (I was already limiting grains and such from being on a Paleo style diet)), but have been unable to incorporate a lot of his other recommendations due to other health issues (namely strong histamine intolerance and digestive disturbances). My health has started spirally farther downward recently (developed Multiple Chemical Sensitivity a few months ago as well as many new food sensitivities) so am looking more into Ray Peat’s recommendations however am having trouble incorporating pretty much any of his recommended carbs into my diet (which is the main reason I hadn’t started it before). I’ve been on a paleo style diet for the past 3 years, but recently (December) noticed I had an intolerance to potatoes (major brain fog, sinus pressure and depression). I eliminated those and switched over to more fruit, noticing an initial significant improvement, however many fruits are limited due to histamine intolerance. I began eating lots of apples (close to 20 lbs a week) to make sure I was getting enough carbs and things (especially stomach concerns) got a lot worse. I now somewhat understand why (perhaps pectin? I was pealing them to limit that to some degree), but either way, I am having trouble incorporating pretty much any carbs into my diet other than plain table sugar. One thing to note is I began eating a lot of apples (10+ lbs a week, which increased to about 20 lbs a week) a couple months before the Multiple Chemical Sensitivity began, so I’m not sure if maybe we are looking at an endotoxin issue that is just going to take time to clear out, or if it’s just a coincidence (the histamine intolerance though has been going on for about 3 years which began after a bad case of primary Epstein Barr Virus). For the past 3 years I have been eating a lot of foods that could/would have been feeding gut bacteria. Here’s what I have recently tried out carb wise:

Masa Harina – Histamine reaction
White Rice – Histamine reaction and muscle/joint pain
Potatoes – Brain fog, sinus pressure, depression
Apple Juice (clear) – gas, anxiety, muscle weakness (I know Mittir mentioned he had to try out multiple brands to find a good one… I just tried out 1 today and although at first I didn’t notice a reaction, it’s definitely not treating me well now. I will be trying out different brands over the coming days)
Grapes/Grape Juice – histamine reaction
Oranges/Orange Juice – MAJOR histamine reaction
Milk – gas, fatigue, depression
Milk (lactose free) – fatigue, depression (no gas)
Cheese (although not really a carb) – gas, major depression (& histamine reaction if it is an aged cheese)

I also tried out the raw carrot salad and got stomach pain/cramps a couple hours after eating it and had heartburn later in the day and the following day (which is unusual for me). Been looking into bamboo shoots, but haven’t tried them yet. I have had 3 stool tests (which of course their validity can be questioned), but all have come up clean so I have been unable to get antibiotics prescribed (not to mention that since I already react to just about everything, I would be afraid to take them). I tried enteric coated peppermint oil before but had a MAJOR histamine reaction to the point of nearly going to the ER.

So, there’s where I stand. Basically I have an allergic type reaction to any semi high histamine foods, and have stomach issues with most every other “safe” carb source. I started a low-FODMAP diet a couple weeks ago hoping that would help, but a low-FODMAP, low-histamine diet, along with my other sensitivities, leaves very few carb sources which I think is making everything worse. I have basically been eating table sugar as my primary (almost only) carb source for the past couple weeks (currently at about 10 tbsp), but know that’s not ideal. I am very skinny (5’6, 100 lbs), definitely feel like I’m running on adrenaline (very cold hands, anxiety, insomnia, etc.), can fall asleep ok, but generally can’t sleep more than 5-6 hours (I used to be able to, but after cutting out carb sources (due to sensitivities), I always wake up super early and my mind begins racing).

My current diet is as follows (I know it’s definitely not ideal, but there are only so many things I can currently eat):

BR – 1/3 lb chicken breast + 3 tbsp sugar + 1 tbsp olive oil
LU – ¼ lb ground beef + 2 egg yolks + 1 tbsp beef tallow + ½ tbsp coconut oil + 2.5 tbsp sugar + a couple veggies (currently lettuce, zucchini & radish)
DI – Same as lunch but without the egg yolks
Before bed – 2 tbsp sugar

I am taking some supplements (namely calcium, magnesium, potassium, glycine (can’t tolerate gelatin) and some others) and will be getting some beef liver this weekend to try out (some histamine intolerance sites list this as high histamine, but I figure it’s worth a shot). I have a follow up appointment with an allergist later this month (after getting some lab tests done) in which I'm going to ask for cyproheptadine.

Weekends are fairly similar except I replace the ground beef from lunch and dinner with oxtail soup. I’ve tried adding chicken feet soup to my week day lunches/dinners, but always get stomach pain.

If anyone could happen to provide a little insight or suggestions it would be greatly appreciated. The anxiety/depression/insomnia has been getting much worse lately; I’m guessing due to lack of carbs/calories. On a lot of the reactions I get, I sometimes wonder what’s better… limiting those foods to not experience the reaction, or just dealing with the symptoms so I can get the nutrition my body so desperately needs (masa harina seems to cause the least symptoms of the items mentioned above).

Thank you so much to anyone that has any suggestions!!


Jan 24, 2014
Grapes/Grape Juice – histamine reaction
What symptoms do you get when you say you have a histamine reaction? Sweet red grapes blended with water and then filtering out the pulp helped me to digest the clear sweet liquid. This taken in the morning on an empty stomach worked well for me. For insomnia, have you tried benadryl ? It could help with the histamine as well in combination with some aspirin.


Jan 24, 2014
Milk (lactose free) – fatigue, depression (no gas)
How do you react to dates ? You could try blending about 8-10 medjools with a glass of milk in the morning. This should hopefully take care of the fatigue issue in the short term.


Mar 4, 2016
Thanks for the replies!
For me, a histamine reaction generally manifests as anxiety, irritability, chills and sometimes muscle weakness or an immediate need to go to the bathroom.
I'll look into giving benadryl another shot. I tried it a year or so ago, but didn't notice any benefit, but I wasn't having insomnia back then.
I haven't dried dates, but tend to do bad with dried fruits (and haven't seen fresh dates around... I haven't really looked though). When I tried milk before it was with other food... I also wondered if what I perceived as fatigue was actually just a reduction in stress hormones and if pushing on would be in my best interest.


Jun 20, 2015
JB: What can somebody do if they are suffering from multiple chemical sensitivity ?
RP: Supplementing thyroid is the usual thing, but sometimes they‘re very low in cholesterol. And since thyroid works practically through converting cholesterol to hormones like progesterone, DHEA and pregnenolone, if your cholesterol is too low, thyroid alone doesn‘t necessarily do it. So supplementing one or more of those will very quickly often relieve the exaggerated sensitivity.

Biochemical Health: Reduction and Oxidation - Politics and Science, 2015-03-11


May 5, 2015

I have a lot of problems with many foods too, many sensitivities, so I'm in a similar boat. If I eat even half of a banana I get sweating, hair shredding, restless energy, .. I do well with rice though, and potatoes if they are well cooked, but rice does seem a bit more digestible. Milk I can't handle, but small amounts of cheese are ok. Oranges and citrus fruit give me the worst histamine reaction too.

Anyway I haven't found a solution to all these things, I think it's just the general health of the body that's at play. Some times it seems I'm a bit more tolerant than others. When I was a kid and teenager I could eat bananas and oranges without all these issues,so it's definitely a change in metabolic health that's responsible. I'm experimenting with different things at the moment. Let me know if you find something that helps


Feb 24, 2016
Hi stldrmn,

I used to suffer from bad MCS, and like you, it coincided with an absolute intolerance to carbs, whether from fruits or starches, or even refined suagr. But low carb made me feel so bad that I had to figure a way to be able to tolerate carbs again. In my case it was small intestine infection and severe inflammation/malfunction. I dealt with the infection with garlic (very hard to stomach) which I think worked quickly, but for the intestinal malfunction it took a bunch of work, specially focusing on quenching inflammatory mediators and raising metabolism/protective hormones. Now that you mention cyproheptadine, I could not have made it without it (among many other things).

I also had chronic endotoxemia due to all that ordeal, and that took more than a year to correct. Endotoxin is in fact to blame from many of the perceived problems, especially the MCS, the hypersensitivity and the restlessness/brain issues. Endotoxin leads to activation of the shock reaction when it reaches the liver, and Ray Peat said MCS is a "variation of shock state". On top of that, endotoxin deactivates thyroid function, which is easy to see when one gets the cold extremities.

I even had to use activated charcoal when endotoxemia poisoning was too unbearable. Raw carrot was impossible in the beginning.

It was a slooooow process. I went from not even tolerating a sip of coconut water from fresh coconuts, to now having a high carb diet, tolerating and enjoying different fruits, including tons of citrus, and different types of starches. Even milk. I don't know if your problem is like mine, but I just wanted to mention that in the beginning I thought it was histamine, but it was not. Do you suspect you have bacterial/fungal infection in your small intestine (SIBO)?

Just wanted to share a few ideas that you may find helpful. They certainly were for me. Hope you find some relief :)


Mar 4, 2016
Thank you PakPik! It's always nice hearing a success story.
My naturopath doesn't believe it is SIBO as I have no bloating, but I have wondered that myself. It kind of seems more like a large intestine issue though as when I tried resistant starch, the symptoms would get much worse 8-9 hours after taking it, and when i get gas, it is also usually quite a few hours after having the offending substance. I definitely do feel like there's some type of infection/imbalance somewhere in my intestines though.
After your experience I am definitely going to contact him again and push for some more comprehensive testing.
Thanks again!


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
*has histamine intolerance to every food*

*blames food*

Take an antihistamine. Daily. Forever.


May 5, 2015
*has histamine intolerance to every food*

*blames food*

Take an antihistamine. Daily. Forever.

Food sensitivity is probably a better word than "histamine intolerance".

I used to describe some of my issues with foods as "allergies", but it's not the best term, since many things don't manifest as typical allergy symptoms


Apr 16, 2013
Hi All,

Long time reader, first time poster (and I apologize, it’s a long one!). I’ve been reading Dr. Peat’s work for a little over a year now and have incorporated some of his recommendations (namely limiting PUFA (I was already limiting grains and such from being on a Paleo style diet)), but have been unable to incorporate a lot of his other recommendations due to other health issues (namely strong histamine intolerance and digestive disturbances). My health has started spirally farther downward recently (developed Multiple Chemical Sensitivity a few months ago as well as many new food sensitivities) so am looking more into Ray Peat’s recommendations however am having trouble incorporating pretty much any of his recommended carbs into my diet (which is the main reason I hadn’t started it before). I’ve been on a paleo style diet for the past 3 years, but recently (December) noticed I had an intolerance to potatoes (major brain fog, sinus pressure and depression). I eliminated those and switched over to more fruit, noticing an initial significant improvement, however many fruits are limited due to histamine intolerance. I began eating lots of apples (close to 20 lbs a week) to make sure I was getting enough carbs and things (especially stomach concerns) got a lot worse. I now somewhat understand why (perhaps pectin? I was pealing them to limit that to some degree), but either way, I am having trouble incorporating pretty much any carbs into my diet other than plain table sugar. One thing to note is I began eating a lot of apples (10+ lbs a week, which increased to about 20 lbs a week) a couple months before the Multiple Chemical Sensitivity began, so I’m not sure if maybe we are looking at an endotoxin issue that is just going to take time to clear out, or if it’s just a coincidence (the histamine intolerance though has been going on for about 3 years which began after a bad case of primary Epstein Barr Virus). For the past 3 years I have been eating a lot of foods that could/would have been feeding gut bacteria. Here’s what I have recently tried out carb wise:

Masa Harina – Histamine reaction
White Rice – Histamine reaction and muscle/joint pain
Potatoes – Brain fog, sinus pressure, depression
Apple Juice (clear) – gas, anxiety, muscle weakness (I know Mittir mentioned he had to try out multiple brands to find a good one… I just tried out 1 today and although at first I didn’t notice a reaction, it’s definitely not treating me well now. I will be trying out different brands over the coming days)
Grapes/Grape Juice – histamine reaction
Oranges/Orange Juice – MAJOR histamine reaction
Milk – gas, fatigue, depression
Milk (lactose free) – fatigue, depression (no gas)
Cheese (although not really a carb) – gas, major depression (& histamine reaction if it is an aged cheese)

I also tried out the raw carrot salad and got stomach pain/cramps a couple hours after eating it and had heartburn later in the day and the following day (which is unusual for me). Been looking into bamboo shoots, but haven’t tried them yet. I have had 3 stool tests (which of course their validity can be questioned), but all have come up clean so I have been unable to get antibiotics prescribed (not to mention that since I already react to just about everything, I would be afraid to take them). I tried enteric coated peppermint oil before but had a MAJOR histamine reaction to the point of nearly going to the ER.

So, there’s where I stand. Basically I have an allergic type reaction to any semi high histamine foods, and have stomach issues with most every other “safe” carb source. I started a low-FODMAP diet a couple weeks ago hoping that would help, but a low-FODMAP, low-histamine diet, along with my other sensitivities, leaves very few carb sources which I think is making everything worse. I have basically been eating table sugar as my primary (almost only) carb source for the past couple weeks (currently at about 10 tbsp), but know that’s not ideal. I am very skinny (5’6, 100 lbs), definitely feel like I’m running on adrenaline (very cold hands, anxiety, insomnia, etc.), can fall asleep ok, but generally can’t sleep more than 5-6 hours (I used to be able to, but after cutting out carb sources (due to sensitivities), I always wake up super early and my mind begins racing).

My current diet is as follows (I know it’s definitely not ideal, but there are only so many things I can currently eat):

BR – 1/3 lb chicken breast + 3 tbsp sugar + 1 tbsp olive oil
LU – ¼ lb ground beef + 2 egg yolks + 1 tbsp beef tallow + ½ tbsp coconut oil + 2.5 tbsp sugar + a couple veggies (currently lettuce, zucchini & radish)
DI – Same as lunch but without the egg yolks
Before bed – 2 tbsp sugar

I am taking some supplements (namely calcium, magnesium, potassium, glycine (can’t tolerate gelatin) and some others) and will be getting some beef liver this weekend to try out (some histamine intolerance sites list this as high histamine, but I figure it’s worth a shot). I have a follow up appointment with an allergist later this month (after getting some lab tests done) in which I'm going to ask for cyproheptadine.

Weekends are fairly similar except I replace the ground beef from lunch and dinner with oxtail soup. I’ve tried adding chicken feet soup to my week day lunches/dinners, but always get stomach pain.

If anyone could happen to provide a little insight or suggestions it would be greatly appreciated. The anxiety/depression/insomnia has been getting much worse lately; I’m guessing due to lack of carbs/calories. On a lot of the reactions I get, I sometimes wonder what’s better… limiting those foods to not experience the reaction, or just dealing with the symptoms so I can get the nutrition my body so desperately needs (masa harina seems to cause the least symptoms of the items mentioned above).

Thank you so much to anyone that has any suggestions!!
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) | Fortitech Premixes I have been studying Thiamine since early Jan and after taking one 50 mg Allithiamine I saw how powerful it was for me. I think taurine is helpful also in this type situation. When you are not absosrbing nutrients, because of inflammation, the body is not happy. Pubmed has many articles on all kinds of issues regarding thiamine. Haidut says it works like acetezolamide which would reduce inflammation. I think it has a lot to do with nitric Oxide blocking CO2....have you tried MB?
Thiamine is a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor as effective as acetazolamide
Jan 17, 2016
Hi All,

Long time reader, first time poster (and I apologize, it’s a long one!). I’ve been reading Dr. Peat’s work for a little over a year now and have incorporated some of his recommendations (namely limiting PUFA (I was already limiting grains and such from being on a Paleo style diet)), but have been unable to incorporate a lot of his other recommendations due to other health issues (namely strong histamine intolerance and digestive disturbances). My health has started spirally farther downward recently (developed Multiple Chemical Sensitivity a few months ago as well as many new food sensitivities) so am looking more into Ray Peat’s recommendations however am having trouble incorporating pretty much any of his recommended carbs into my diet (which is the main reason I hadn’t started it before). I’ve been on a paleo style diet for the past 3 years, but recently (December) noticed I had an intolerance to potatoes (major brain fog, sinus pressure and depression). I eliminated those and switched over to more fruit, noticing an initial significant improvement, however many fruits are limited due to histamine intolerance. I began eating lots of apples (close to 20 lbs a week) to make sure I was getting enough carbs and things (especially stomach concerns) got a lot worse. I now somewhat understand why (perhaps pectin? I was pealing them to limit that to some degree), but either way, I am having trouble incorporating pretty much any carbs into my diet other than plain table sugar. One thing to note is I began eating a lot of apples (10+ lbs a week, which increased to about 20 lbs a week) a couple months before the Multiple Chemical Sensitivity began, so I’m not sure if maybe we are looking at an endotoxin issue that is just going to take time to clear out, or if it’s just a coincidence (the histamine intolerance though has been going on for about 3 years which began after a bad case of primary Epstein Barr Virus). For the past 3 years I have been eating a lot of foods that could/would have been feeding gut bacteria. Here’s what I have recently tried out carb wise:

Masa Harina – Histamine reaction
White Rice – Histamine reaction and muscle/joint pain
Potatoes – Brain fog, sinus pressure, depression
Apple Juice (clear) – gas, anxiety, muscle weakness (I know Mittir mentioned he had to try out multiple brands to find a good one… I just tried out 1 today and although at first I didn’t notice a reaction, it’s definitely not treating me well now. I will be trying out different brands over the coming days)
Grapes/Grape Juice – histamine reaction
Oranges/Orange Juice – MAJOR histamine reaction
Milk – gas, fatigue, depression
Milk (lactose free) – fatigue, depression (no gas)
Cheese (although not really a carb) – gas, major depression (& histamine reaction if it is an aged cheese)

I also tried out the raw carrot salad and got stomach pain/cramps a couple hours after eating it and had heartburn later in the day and the following day (which is unusual for me). Been looking into bamboo shoots, but haven’t tried them yet. I have had 3 stool tests (which of course their validity can be questioned), but all have come up clean so I have been unable to get antibiotics prescribed (not to mention that since I already react to just about everything, I would be afraid to take them). I tried enteric coated peppermint oil before but had a MAJOR histamine reaction to the point of nearly going to the ER.

So, there’s where I stand. Basically I have an allergic type reaction to any semi high histamine foods, and have stomach issues with most every other “safe” carb source. I started a low-FODMAP diet a couple weeks ago hoping that would help, but a low-FODMAP, low-histamine diet, along with my other sensitivities, leaves very few carb sources which I think is making everything worse. I have basically been eating table sugar as my primary (almost only) carb source for the past couple weeks (currently at about 10 tbsp), but know that’s not ideal. I am very skinny (5’6, 100 lbs), definitely feel like I’m running on adrenaline (very cold hands, anxiety, insomnia, etc.), can fall asleep ok, but generally can’t sleep more than 5-6 hours (I used to be able to, but after cutting out carb sources (due to sensitivities), I always wake up super early and my mind begins racing).

My current diet is as follows (I know it’s definitely not ideal, but there are only so many things I can currently eat):

BR – 1/3 lb chicken breast + 3 tbsp sugar + 1 tbsp olive oil
LU – ¼ lb ground beef + 2 egg yolks + 1 tbsp beef tallow + ½ tbsp coconut oil + 2.5 tbsp sugar + a couple veggies (currently lettuce, zucchini & radish)
DI – Same as lunch but without the egg yolks
Before bed – 2 tbsp sugar

I am taking some supplements (namely calcium, magnesium, potassium, glycine (can’t tolerate gelatin) and some others) and will be getting some beef liver this weekend to try out (some histamine intolerance sites list this as high histamine, but I figure it’s worth a shot). I have a follow up appointment with an allergist later this month (after getting some lab tests done) in which I'm going to ask for cyproheptadine.

Weekends are fairly similar except I replace the ground beef from lunch and dinner with oxtail soup. I’ve tried adding chicken feet soup to my week day lunches/dinners, but always get stomach pain.

If anyone could happen to provide a little insight or suggestions it would be greatly appreciated. The anxiety/depression/insomnia has been getting much worse lately; I’m guessing due to lack of carbs/calories. On a lot of the reactions I get, I sometimes wonder what’s better… limiting those foods to not experience the reaction, or just dealing with the symptoms so I can get the nutrition my body so desperately needs (masa harina seems to cause the least symptoms of the items mentioned above).

Thank you so much to anyone that has any suggestions!!

Don't apologize stldrmn! Just glad you found the forum and reached out.

I'm pretty new here myself, and am have been dealing with similar symptoms for a long time. I have had some good relief since Peating for a month now, and I have some thoughts to share with you.

1. To me your main symptoms sound like adrenaline/cortisol, not histamine. This is just my personal experience talking.
2. Unfortunately your body is still under alot of stress and reacting to lots of foods. Giving your body a supply of glucose every few hours (when you're hungry) would help relieve that. I carry healthy candies with me (such as Werther's and marshmallows) to help keep blood sugar stable. Homemade marshmallows are best and easy to make. I always eat 2 before bed, sprinkled with salt, to ensure a good night's sleep.
3. Are you checking your diet with cronometer? Try for 50carb/25pro/25fat. Your diet seems to be a little low in carbs.
I understand the struggle to switch from Paleo...having to keep eating all that sugar! It's very mental.
4. Glad you're getting cypro! I take Benadryl cause it's OTC. Seems to help me so far. I also just started using Pepcid AC (famotidine). I'm expecting great things for my mental problems as my gut heals.

I wish you well! :happy:


Mar 4, 2016
Thank you all for the suggestions! I think my plan is going to be:

- Find a juice I tolerate and have a little of that every hour or so (with some salt or baking soda) to reduce stress (and increase carbs/calories).
- Try going ahead and eating some masa harina (as that seems to be what I react to the least) for some additional carbs/calories.
- Take some natural (read: easily accessible) antibiotics (perhaps berberine, caprylic acid, monolaurin, etc.) to lower gut bacteria and in turn lower endotoxin/serotonin.
- Try out some Benadryl until my next appointment with my allergist where i can hopefully get some Cypro.

@ Trix - Unfortunately I'm very sensitive to most B vitamins (including thiamine) as they cause overstimulation even at small doses. I did recently start taking it though, but just a tiny piece of one tablet (probably equivalent to about 100% RDA), which i seem to be OK with. Hopefully that will be enough to help at least a little and perhaps my body can adjust to that dose so I can increase it over time.

Thank you again to everyone for the ideas. I'll post an update as things progress (hopefully in the right direction! :))


Apr 17, 2013
Thank you all for the suggestions! I think my plan is going to be:

- Find a juice I tolerate and have a little of that every hour or so (with some salt or baking soda) to reduce stress (and increase carbs/calories).
- Try going ahead and eating some masa harina (as that seems to be what I react to the least) for some additional carbs/calories.
- Take some natural (read: easily accessible) antibiotics (perhaps berberine, caprylic acid, monolaurin, etc.) to lower gut bacteria and in turn lower endotoxin/serotonin.
- Try out some Benadryl until my next appointment with my allergist where i can hopefully get some Cypro.

@ Trix - Unfortunately I'm very sensitive to most B vitamins (including thiamine) as they cause overstimulation even at small doses. I did recently start taking it though, but just a tiny piece of one tablet (probably equivalent to about 100% RDA), which i seem to be OK with. Hopefully that will be enough to help at least a little and perhaps my body can adjust to that dose so I can increase it over time.

Thank you again to everyone for the ideas. I'll post an update as things progress (hopefully in the right direction! :))

How's it going? Did you ever try the cypro?


Mar 4, 2016
No, I never did end up trying the cypro. I think the histamine issues may have stemmed from slowed metabolism due to not getting enough calories (and possibly carbs). And i'm certain stress played a big role too. While on the paleo diet my diet slowly became more and more restrictive as i became sensitive to more and more foods (and as my overall sensitivities grew (not just to food), i kept looking for answers which resulted in more foods being cut from my diet).

Shortly after this post i started seeing a therapist and accepted that i had an eating disorder (orthorexia) and have been working on that since, and eating a lot more calories (i was previously eating 1500 - 2000 calories at 5'6", and fasting regularly, and now get around 3000 calories per day. I went from about 100 lbs to around 130). I do still react to some foods and fragrances but the food list is getting shorter and the fragrances don't seem to have as pronounced of an effect on me. I feel like i still have a ways to go though... i had the eating disorder for about 4 years, so I imagine it's going to take some time to repair that damage.

I still roughly follow a peat inspired diet. Keeping PUFAs very low, eating regularly and trying to stick with easy to digest foods. My calcium and glycine probably aren't as high as they should be, but I'm working on that.

I was hoping to come back to this post at some point to say how i cured my histamine intolerance and multiple chemical sensitivity, but I'm not there yet. I have however seen some improvements and do feel as if I'm on the right track.


Jan 8, 2016
Thank you all for the suggestions! I think my plan is going to be:

- Find a juice I tolerate and have a little of that every hour or so (with some salt or baking soda) to reduce stress (and increase carbs/calories).
- Try going ahead and eating some masa harina (as that seems to be what I react to the least) for some additional carbs/calories.
- Take some natural (read: easily accessible) antibiotics (perhaps berberine, caprylic acid, monolaurin, etc.) to lower gut bacteria and in turn lower endotoxin/serotonin.
- Try out some Benadryl until my next appointment with my allergist where i can hopefully get some Cypro.

@ Trix - Unfortunately I'm very sensitive to most B vitamins (including thiamine) as they cause overstimulation even at small doses. I did recently start taking it though, but just a tiny piece of one tablet (probably equivalent to about 100% RDA), which i seem to be OK with. Hopefully that will be enough to help at least a little and perhaps my body can adjust to that dose so I can increase it over time.

Thank you again to everyone for the ideas. I'll post an update as things progress (hopefully in the right direction! :))

You could try 125ml/ 4 ounces of grape juice every few hours, and you could have a white rice/eggs and fat combo 2 or 3 times a day.
I would try to drink OJ instead of grape juice though. You might get bad reactions in the short-run but it will boost your metabolism. Try different brands.
You could also try dextrose powder.

I think it's important that you try to drink some lactose free milk. I would ditch all the supplements.


Dec 28, 2019
White Rice – Histamine reaction and muscle/joint pain
i know this is a topic from 2016 but i am doing some research about histamine intolerance and what i have learnt so far is that rice and potatoes are low histamine foods and
is very popular by people with histamine intolerance's.
So Stldrmn is saying he have histamine reaction, how is this possible? i missing something here?


Jun 24, 2015
i know this is a topic from 2016 but i am doing some research about histamine intolerance and what i have learnt so far is that rice and potatoes are low histamine foods and
is very popular by people with histamine intolerance's.
So Stldrmn is saying he have histamine reaction, how is this possible? i missing something here?
Same ?
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