
Apr 5, 2016
Hi all. A friend of mine has late stage brain cancer. He has been very reluctant up to this point to try any alternative therapies and is on a very large dose of morphine constantly for the pain. The last thing he has been on is some form of genome therapy but has been told that it won´t do anything been told he has a few weeks to a couple of months max to live.

If I were to recommend one thing to offer him for some alternative treatment what do you think would be a good choice?

I say one thing because he has been completely reluctant to use anything outside of mainstream treatments in the past and if I suddenly bombard him with a bunch of experimental treatments i feel like he will turn them down because he has been told it is close to the end and he simply does not want to bother. So im looking for one thing that might help.

In the past I had thought about the following options

Progesterone and DHEA
High dose Aspirin
Various B vitamins mainly high dose Niacinamide

Anyone thoughts or input appreciated.

Thank you.


Jun 24, 2023
Here is an idea.

High dose niacinamide alongside high dose liposomal vitamin C [video tutorial].

Both are therapeutic and also boost mood.
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Feb 3, 2020
Ray recommended taking thyroid to achieve a slightly hyperthyroid state for cancer if I remember correctly. (Can read more on that in the Email Wiki)


May 28, 2022
Hi all. A friend of mine has late stage brain cancer. He has been very reluctant up to this point to try any alternative therapies and is on a very large dose of morphine constantly for the pain. The last thing he has been on is some form of genome therapy but has been told that it won´t do anything been told he has a few weeks to a couple of months max to live.

If I were to recommend one thing to offer him for some alternative treatment what do you think would be a good choice?

I say one thing because he has been completely reluctant to use anything outside of mainstream treatments in the past and if I suddenly bombard him with a bunch of experimental treatments i feel like he will turn them down because he has been told it is close to the end and he simply does not want to bother. So im looking for one thing that might help.

In the past I had thought about the following options

Progesterone and DHEA
High dose Aspirin
Various B vitamins mainly high dose Niacinamide

Anyone thoughts or input appreciated.

Thank you.
I don't think there's much that can be done, outside of a full blown cancer protocol. Specially so late in the game. I'm sorry for your friend 😔

High dose Ip6/inositol, maitake D-fraction, maybe have him watch Dr. Richard Schulze lectures


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Hi all. A friend of mine has late stage brain cancer. He has been very reluctant up to this point to try any alternative therapies and is on a very large dose of morphine constantly for the pain. The last thing he has been on is some form of genome therapy but has been told that it won´t do anything been told he has a few weeks to a couple of months max to live.

If I were to recommend one thing to offer him for some alternative treatment what do you think would be a good choice?

I say one thing because he has been completely reluctant to use anything outside of mainstream treatments in the past and if I suddenly bombard him with a bunch of experimental treatments i feel like he will turn them down because he has been told it is close to the end and he simply does not want to bother. So im looking for one thing that might help.

In the past I had thought about the following options

Progesterone and DHEA
High dose Aspirin
Various B vitamins mainly high dose Niacinamide

Anyone thoughts or input appreciated.

Thank you.

Something to consider. As far as I know, the boy mentioned in that thread is still doing fine and the tumor has stopped growing.


Jul 2, 2022
I say one thing because he has been completely reluctant to use anything outside of mainstream treatments in the past and if I suddenly bombard him with a bunch of experimental treatments i feel like he will turn them down because he has been told it is close to the end and he simply does not want to bother
Sounds like he gave up and has lost his morale. Hard to do anything about it to be honest if he is not ready to try stuff and fight himself. Wish you the best of luck. You are a good friend trying to find a solution for him.

Jackson Chung

Jul 30, 2017
Here's an old post I made. Again just my opinion, always consult with a doctor...Key is combining multiple treatments that work at once. If you go to and search for "" and go to the version before 2013 I would read the entire website several times...based on several years of reesearch I believe the below is pretty powerful

Sorry to hear about your mother! I believe a lot of posts make sense here. I would check with a doctor first and always do deep research before doing anything. But if I weere in your shoes I would "throw everything at it". Multiple treatments at once.

1. Ray Peat Diet (very low fat, emphasize fruit juices like Gerson did)
2. Keep bowels clean (carrots, bamboo soots, cooked mushrooms)
3. Ensure you are getting adequate vitamins (Thiamin and niacinamide seem important). Check the threads here for doses. Again I'd check with a doctor or start small. But I believe Thaimin is effective in doses of 1 gram. Niacinamde I belive is about the same. Again start small and work with a doctor you trust. Don't neglect other vitamins either. Everything works as a system
4. Vitamin D/K are important (check blood levels). DO NOT TAKE WITH VITAMIN E. Get to 40-50 ng/ml (don't remember uniits, check the forum for correct units)
5. DHEA (5-10 mg per day) and Progesterone (don't know dose, check forum but I would wager 100-150 mg/day?) seem important
6. Oxidal and Pyrucet (Haidut's products) seem to be good at getting oxidative metabolism back on track
7. Grounding (just walk barefoot outside in the grass)
8. The quinones are important (COQ10, Cascara, vitamin K)
9. Aspirin seems effective, but i'd be careful due to bleeding risk and take 1 mg vitamin K with every 300 mg aspirin
10. Red light (just get one of those cheap brooder lamps and have your mother lie underneath)
11. Work on psychological issues (see German New Medicine on google or an alternative search engine). Work on her stress levels and resolve issues if possible
12. Keep body energized by eating the RIGHT FOODS
13. Avoid EMF, pesticides, chemicals, bad people, etc...this is common alternative medicine knowledge. Wear cotton clothing.
14. Visualize your body fighting off cancer and affirrm (law of attraction) that your mom is cancer free and she is cancer free. Let it sink into her/your subconscious
15. Have people who love her get together with her and send "healing thoughts" to your mom. Believe the cancer is cured (you have nothing to lose by doing this!)
16. CO2 breathing or high altitude
17. Thyroid Hormone (I don't have much experience with this)
18. Ensure good oral health (swish with 1.5% hydrogen peroxide 2x daily)
19. Baking soda (just swish around in your mouth, like a spoonful. Some should get into the blood without affecting digestion (acid) in a negative manner)
20. Coffee enemas (read about Gerson method)

The above is a good base to get her body strong. I would also look at compounds that directly kill cancer cells and build the immune system:

1. DCA (be careful)
2. Artemensin/Fenbenzole/Ivermectin I've heard good things about
3. Urea
4. Low dose naltrexin (see studies)
5. DMSO/Chlorine Dioxide (topical, again be careful with DMSO, its a very powerful solvent. If clothes touch it or the wrong type of rubber/plastiic it wiill dissolve it and carry it into the body). If you don't know what you are doing I'd skip this part as you could do more harm than good.

Again I wouldn't try to destroy a tumor too quickly or she will get detox symptoms.

Alternative Cancer Therapies

Alternative Cancer Therapies from the Wellness Directory of Minnesota

I would build on the Ray Peat Principles. Some compounds do kill cancer and or build the immune system but also do other damage. For example beta-glucans mimic endo toxin, but studies show they build the immune system. So be careful.

ALWAYS ALWAYS talk to a medical professional before doing anything. I'm just a dude on the internet expressing his opinion. Always do research, some compounds interfere with others. Go to "" and search for the website "". The new website was bought by some ***hole who removed the useful material. has copies from 2015 with some really important material. That plus the Ray Peat principles will get you far. They are very anti sugar, but the other information is useful.

PS I personally know 4 people who have cured their cancer with alternative trreatments. Its not a death sentence. The only issue is that they are "unproven" and theoretical (with limited human studies). That's what makes application so difficult. Yes she can dye if you don't know what you are doing. There is a huge risk. Always work with a doctor that is open to these ideas.


Apr 19, 2020
We have to accept when our good intentions are doing 'not good'. Then you are 'Trolling' him, and he will push you away. Just because we know something (possibly effective) does not make it relevant to the actual physical situation.

A friend recently had given some care and attention to his friend, Mel, who had various cancers, including tumours in the brain. As she was literally in the end stages, he spent more time with her, and gave her some Browns Gas= Molecular Hydrogen, as he owns a little machine. Because of that, PLUS the fact that he was with her physically, and she seemed to love him and respond to him MORE that her own family members, she did hang on for a few more weeks. But... I am not sure myself if that was a good move or not. There's this thing called "attachment", and it has been ascribed to cause suffering.

Sometimes doing your best to just BE with your friend, and let them know you love them, and they can relax into whatever stage of life that is happening. My 2 cents. Good luck.


Jul 25, 2013
Hi all. A friend of mine has late stage brain cancer. He has been very reluctant up to this point to try any alternative therapies and is on a very large dose of morphine constantly for the pain. The last thing he has been on is some form of genome therapy but has been told that it won´t do anything been told he has a few weeks to a couple of months max to live.

If I were to recommend one thing to offer him for some alternative treatment what do you think would be a good choice?

I say one thing because he has been completely reluctant to use anything outside of mainstream treatments in the past and if I suddenly bombard him with a bunch of experimental treatments i feel like he will turn them down because he has been told it is close to the end and he simply does not want to bother. So im looking for one thing that might help.

In the past I had thought about the following options

Progesterone and DHEA
High dose Aspirin
Various B vitamins mainly high dose Niacinamide

Anyone thoughts or input appreciated.

Thank you.

With cancer, my first choice would be an anthelmintic drug. They have proven to be very effective against many types of cancers.
Some oncologists are aware of this, but these drugs have not been repurposed for cancer use, hence remain outside of standard care.


Feb 4, 2019
I believe ozone should always be looked into when considering cancer treatment.

"Unlike human cells that love oxygen, the disease causing viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites – including the HIV and cancer virus, cancer cells, arthritis microbes, colds and flu, and West Nile virus carried by mosquitoes –like most primitive lower life forms, are almost all anaerobic.

That means these microbes and cancer cells cannot live in high oxygen concentrations. Therefore, what would happen to these anaerobic viruses and bacteria if they were to be completely surrounded with a very energetic form of pure oxygen for a long time? What if enough of this special form of oxygen/ozone was to be slowly and harmlessly introduced into the body daily, over the course of a few months, to eventually saturate all the bodily fluids and every cell, including those of the brain, spine and bone marrow, with it? Wouldn't the disease-causing microbes and cells that can't live in oxygen cease to exist? Why is this so hard to understand?"


Apr 5, 2016
Thanks for all the responses everyone really appreciate it. Supposed to see him tonight so ill see if he´s open to trying anything.


Jan 13, 2017
Something to consider. As far as I know, the boy mentioned in that thread is still doing fine and the tumor has stopped growing.
Yes thankfully we are doing great still doing pretty much the same things as mentioned in that thread and enjoying life. He’s doing the best he’s ever been. Thank God we actually have a lot more accessible options in our reach than the medical establishment lets on. aspirin , niacinamide , thiamine , cyproheptadine, and vitamin D/K ,and just amazed by these simple, cheap, and available almost everywhere options.
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Apr 5, 2016
Yes thankfully we are doing great still doing pretty much the same things as mentioned in that thread and enjoying life. He’s doing the best he’s ever been. Thank God we actually have a lot more accessible options in our reach than the medical establishment lets on. aspirin , niacinamide , thiamine , cyproheptadine, and vitamin D/K ,and just amazed by these simple, cheap, and available almost everywhere options.
Very pleased to hear that. I've followed your postings about your son. I tried to present many of the treatment options you list here to my friend over the past 2 years. I even ordered the supplements direct to his house and told him what to take how much etc. Unfortunately it fell on deaf ears.

I saw him last night and he was in a bad way. Hes on A LOT of morphine. Still managed to make it to the pub incredibly.

One day I will help tear down this criminal medical industry.


Jun 20, 2019
Hi all. A friend of mine has late stage brain cancer. He has been very reluctant up to this point to try any alternative therapies and is on a very large dose of morphine constantly for the pain. The last thing he has been on is some form of genome therapy but has been told that it won´t do anything been told he has a few weeks to a couple of months max to live.

If I were to recommend one thing to offer him for some alternative treatment what do you think would be a good choice?

I say one thing because he has been completely reluctant to use anything outside of mainstream treatments in the past and if I suddenly bombard him with a bunch of experimental treatments i feel like he will turn them down because he has been told it is close to the end and he simply does not want to bother. So im looking for one thing that might help.

In the past I had thought about the following options

Progesterone and DHEA
High dose Aspirin
Various B vitamins mainly high dose Niacinamide

Anyone thoughts or input appreciated.

Thank you.
Substack-2nd smartest guy in the world-Fenbendazole and Ivermectin protocol


Jul 28, 2013
There was a study released in Germany around 2007. It made Time magazine. This was for Glioblastomas. Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews -
This used a ketogenic diet. I have not seen the keto diet being beneficial for any other type of cancer. And it is not a general cure, but the survival rate was higher. Some falsely believe reducing carbs can starve cancer, but there is another pathway, that green tea or prescription drugs block. So if it happens to me, I would go ketogenic and drink green tea. Researching these topics on your own could be beneficial, as my knowledge here is limited.


Jul 13, 2014
Hi all. A friend of mine has late stage brain cancer. He has been very reluctant up to this point to try any alternative therapies and is on a very large dose of morphine constantly for the pain. The last thing he has been on is some form of genome therapy but has been told that it won´t do anything been told he has a few weeks to a couple of months max to live.

If I were to recommend one thing to offer him for some alternative treatment what do you think would be a good choice?

I say one thing because he has been completely reluctant to use anything outside of mainstream treatments in the past and if I suddenly bombard him with a bunch of experimental treatments i feel like he will turn them down because he has been told it is close to the end and he simply does not want to bother. So im looking for one thing that might help.

In the past I had thought about the following options

Progesterone and DHEA
High dose Aspirin
Various B vitamins mainly high dose Niacinamide

Anyone thoughts or input appreciated.

Thank you.
Absolutely aspirin.

The cyproheptadine will just make him want to sleep and for a person with weeks/months to live he will never use it again after trying it once


May 28, 2022
Here's an old post I made. Again just my opinion, always consult with a doctor...Key is combining multiple treatments that work at once. If you go to and search for "" and go to the version before 2013 I would read the entire website several times...based on several years of reesearch I believe the below is pretty powerful

Sorry to hear about your mother! I believe a lot of posts make sense here. I would check with a doctor first and always do deep research before doing anything. But if I weere in your shoes I would "throw everything at it". Multiple treatments at once.

1. Ray Peat Diet (very low fat, emphasize fruit juices like Gerson did)
2. Keep bowels clean (carrots, bamboo soots, cooked mushrooms)
3. Ensure you are getting adequate vitamins (Thiamin and niacinamide seem important). Check the threads here for doses. Again I'd check with a doctor or start small. But I believe Thaimin is effective in doses of 1 gram. Niacinamde I belive is about the same. Again start small and work with a doctor you trust. Don't neglect other vitamins either. Everything works as a system
4. Vitamin D/K are important (check blood levels). DO NOT TAKE WITH VITAMIN E. Get to 40-50 ng/ml (don't remember uniits, check the forum for correct units)
5. DHEA (5-10 mg per day) and Progesterone (don't know dose, check forum but I would wager 100-150 mg/day?) seem important
6. Oxidal and Pyrucet (Haidut's products) seem to be good at getting oxidative metabolism back on track
7. Grounding (just walk barefoot outside in the grass)
8. The quinones are important (COQ10, Cascara, vitamin K)
9. Aspirin seems effective, but i'd be careful due to bleeding risk and take 1 mg vitamin K with every 300 mg aspirin
10. Red light (just get one of those cheap brooder lamps and have your mother lie underneath)
11. Work on psychological issues (see German New Medicine on google or an alternative search engine). Work on her stress levels and resolve issues if possible
12. Keep body energized by eating the RIGHT FOODS
13. Avoid EMF, pesticides, chemicals, bad people, etc...this is common alternative medicine knowledge. Wear cotton clothing.
14. Visualize your body fighting off cancer and affirrm (law of attraction) that your mom is cancer free and she is cancer free. Let it sink into her/your subconscious
15. Have people who love her get together with her and send "healing thoughts" to your mom. Believe the cancer is cured (you have nothing to lose by doing this!)
16. CO2 breathing or high altitude
17. Thyroid Hormone (I don't have much experience with this)
18. Ensure good oral health (swish with 1.5% hydrogen peroxide 2x daily)
19. Baking soda (just swish around in your mouth, like a spoonful. Some should get into the blood without affecting digestion (acid) in a negative manner)
20. Coffee enemas (read about Gerson method)

The above is a good base to get her body strong. I would also look at compounds that directly kill cancer cells and build the immune system:

1. DCA (be careful)
2. Artemensin/Fenbenzole/Ivermectin I've heard good things about
3. Urea
4. Low dose naltrexin (see studies)
5. DMSO/Chlorine Dioxide (topical, again be careful with DMSO, its a very powerful solvent. If clothes touch it or the wrong type of rubber/plastiic it wiill dissolve it and carry it into the body). If you don't know what you are doing I'd skip this part as you could do more harm than good.

Again I wouldn't try to destroy a tumor too quickly or she will get detox symptoms.

Alternative Cancer Therapies

Alternative Cancer Therapies from the Wellness Directory of Minnesota

I would build on the Ray Peat Principles. Some compounds do kill cancer and or build the immune system but also do other damage. For example beta-glucans mimic endo toxin, but studies show they build the immune system. So be careful.

ALWAYS ALWAYS talk to a medical professional before doing anything. I'm just a dude on the internet expressing his opinion. Always do research, some compounds interfere with others. Go to "" and search for the website "". The new website was bought by some ***hole who removed the useful material. has copies from 2015 with some really important material. That plus the Ray Peat principles will get you far. They are very anti sugar, but the other information is useful.

PS I personally know 4 people who have cured their cancer with alternative trreatments. Its not a death sentence. The only issue is that they are "unproven" and theoretical (with limited human studies). That's what makes application so difficult. Yes she can dye if you don't know what you are doing. There is a huge risk. Always work with a doctor that is open to these ideas.
Whats the reason for not missing Vit D and E?

Jackson Chung

Jul 30, 2017
Whats the reason for not missing Vit D and E?
I remember a post on here. The vitamin K will react with the vitamin e because it’s a quinone structure. Best to take separately. The quinones look very reactive looking at their structure.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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