Joint Injuries, Low Waking Temps, Hair Loss


Dec 16, 2016
Hi y'all! Long-time lurker here who just signed up to get some guidance.

As a 24 y/o male, I've been "peating" for a year now, after a few years of doing the following: paleo, IF, low-carb, & prolonged caloric deficits.

I stumbled upon Peat's work a few years ago via Danny Roddy when I began to experience a receding hairline. That's when I sort of phased out of paleo/IF/low-carb, upped the carbs a bit, and started following IIFYM/CICO as a way to lose weight.

For 2 years, I attempted to shed bodyfat by drastically slashing calories for months at a time, which took my metabolism from bad to worse, then tried to gain muscle through a caloric surplus, only to gain excess bodyfat, and then would repeat the whole thing over again.

Temps, pulse, hairline (and eyebrows) went to s***. Despite that, I was getting stronger and managed not to get hurt (especially when calories were low ...) up until last year, which is when I "committed" to Peat full-on.

Since last year, I have been consuming the following: tons of low-fat milk, sugar, salt, fruit (bananas, oranges, mangoes, melons), some starches (boiled potatoes, rice, bread, or white pasta), lots of glycine and gelatin, occasional ADEK, coffee, shrimp, yogurt, and the occasional cheese and serving of red meat. I've even adopted a very low-fat way of eating after reading this thread, bumped up the cals to a minimum of 3000 per day, switched to skim milk, lost a little bodyfat, all good stuff.

Here are some current problems that I could use some help with:

1. Despite my average pulse and temps going up (80BPM and 98.8* at the time of writing), my waking temps are usually 96.5-97.0. After breakfast, my temps rise, and 5-6 hours later I'll have a massive lunch. Pre-lunch, I'll be 98. My temps will plummet immediately post-lunch, then slowly rise to 98.6 over the next 30-60 minutes. Does this indicate low thyroid and higher cortisol and adrenaline? Should I eat more frequently to combat this?

2. Hairline and eyebrows aren't doing great still. At the very best, my recession has halted, which is actually an improvement, but there is zero reversal of the damage done. I've started a regimen of topical caffeine, niacinamide, and aspirin dissolved in ~20% ethanol solution. Are there any other recommendations for hair?

3. Joint pain/injuries are prevalent. I've always felt best when in a caloric deficit, for whatever reason. Seriously, in the summer of 2015, I was strength training 6x per week HEAVY with minimal joint pain, but I ate as low as 1500 calories at one point - I'm a 6'0" male BTW. Nowadays, any little thing can cause a tweak with a joint or ligament/tendon, and I'm in pain for a few days. Only rest helps. Would have the increased cortisol from a caloric deficit help suppress inflammation back then? I tried daily aspirin to "mimic" this state of suppressed inflammation, but to no avail. I'm upping vitamin k2 mk4 to 15-30mg a day consumed with a fat source to see if that helps with the joints. I'm afraid that my thyroid isn't up to par yet, which is why I don't feel amazing with much higher calories (when cortisol is lower-ish, but thyroid isn't high enough to compensate... compared to super high cortisol before).

Unfortunately, my doc messed up my last order of blood work, but I did get some labs that I asked for:

Prolactin: 11.4 ng/mL (definitely too high for a male ... )
CO2: 26 mmol/L
Calcium: 9 mg/dL
Phosphorus: 3.1 mg/dL
Cholesterol: 112 mg/dL
LDL/HDL ratio: 0.95

Thanks in advance, guys. I'm really thankful for such an educational online community!!!
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Dec 16, 2016
Just another interesting point ...

After having my lunch of 2 cups of skim milk, a small crepe with jam, two large bananas, 150 grams of shrimp with cocktail sauce, and two cups of coffee w/ 2 tablespoons of sugar, one tsp of glycine, and 14 tsp of salt - my temps dropped from 98.0 to 96.5, then slowly rose to 98.8.

Two hours later, I have a cup of skim milk with 1 tablespoon of sugar and a dash of salt, my temps drop from 98.6 to 97.2. Temps are rising back up again right now, but this is still pretty odd.


Nov 9, 2016
Your total cholesterol is only 112? Is that a mistake? Should be above 200.
According to Paul Jaminet at Perfect Health Diet, "TC under 160 indicates high infectious burden....."


Dec 16, 2016
Your total cholesterol is only 112? Is that a mistake? Should be above 200.
According to Paul Jaminet at Perfect Health Diet, "TC under 160 indicates high infectious burden....."

Yes, that is correct. What are some of your thoughts on getting serum total cholesterol back to an optimal range?


Nov 9, 2016
I'm not super knowledgeable about this stuff, so I can't say. I know that there are some cholesterol articles on the PHD site & I believe he has some ideas on how to raise. I guess you would need to figure out if you have some kind of infection since he mentioned that. Is your white blood cell count somewhat high for example? Not sure what else to check. Just type "low cholesterol perfect health diet" into google & some things will pop up.


Dec 16, 2016
I'm not super knowledgeable about this stuff, so I can't say. I know that there are some cholesterol articles on the PHD site & I believe he has some ideas on how to raise. I guess you would need to figure out if you have some kind of infection since he mentioned that. Is your white blood cell count somewhat high for example? Not sure what else to check. Just type "low cholesterol perfect health diet" into google & some things will pop up.

My WBC is 8.2 (10^3)/uL. The reference range is 3.6-9.9, so I guess it'd be the high end of "normal". I'll do some Google searches and see what's up. Thanks!


Nov 9, 2016
Not that I'm healthy at the moment, but my WBC is near the low end. Not sure if the low end is best or the high end or right in the middle:

4.6 K/MM3 (4.5-10.0 K/MM3)


Oct 23, 2015
Just another interesting point ...

After having my lunch of 2 cups of skim milk, a small crepe with jam, two large bananas, 150 grams of shrimp with cocktail sauce, and two cups of coffee w/ 2 tablespoons of sugar, one tsp of glycine, and 14 tsp of salt - my temps dropped from 98.0 to 96.5, then slowly rose to 98.8.

Two hours later, I have a cup of skim milk with 1 tablespoon of sugar and a dash of salt, my temps drop from 98.6 to 97.2. Temps are rising back up again right now, but this is still pretty odd.

Temps dropping after eating, is usually the food bringing you off stress hormones, adrenaline will keep temps high.

What is your sleep like? 7-8hrs deep sleep?


Dec 16, 2016
Temps dropping after eating, is usually the food bringing you off stress hormones, adrenaline will keep temps high.

What is your sleep like? 7-8hrs deep sleep?

7-8 hours sounds about right. I'll get up once at least half of the nights to urinate, but will fall right back asleep. It does take me longer than the average person to fall asleep - 30-60 minutes from when the lights are off until I'm out. This is all while following good sleep habits and eating a salty/sugary meal before bed. I've been like this all my life, though, so I'd guess it's insignificant.


Dec 16, 2016
Not that I'm healthy at the moment, but my WBC is near the low end. Not sure if the low end is best or the high end or right in the middle:

4.6 K/MM3 (4.5-10.0 K/MM3)

Interesting. I'll try to find out if this is relevant. Thanks.


Apr 11, 2015
I'm taking Glucosamine Sulphate for joint and spine flexibility in my weight and yoga training. It seems to be working o.k so far, there are studies that show to be more effective or similar to NSAIDs in treating Osteoarthritis with less side effects. One side effect having a slight increase in height depending on the person. I've read some have increased a 1-2 inches in height. Ray Peat doesn't have anything too positive or negative to say about it though hearing from the talk show.


Dec 16, 2016
Temps seem okay. Rising to 98+ in the afternoon is good. Pretty decent

But what about the low waking temps?

I'm taking Glucosamine Sulphate for joint and spine flexibility in my weight and yoga training. It seems to be working o.k so far, there are studies that show to be more effective or similar to NSAIDs in treating Osteoarthritis with less side effects. One side effect having a slight increase in height depending on the person. I've read some have increased a 1-2 inches in height. Ray Peat doesn't have anything too positive or negative to say about it though hearing from the talk show.

I've taken glucosamine sulphate (as well as chondroiton sulfate and MSM) on and off for the past five years. I'm not entirely sure if it's helped, and if it did, it had to have been subtle and slow to set in. I recently ran out and I guess it won't hurt to get more, except for it hurting my wallet, lol.
Nov 21, 2015
But what about the low waking temps?

waking temps are supposed to be lower. 97.8 to 98.2 is what Broda Barnes suggested. I think the ballpark is good and if you are getting up to 98 then you are doing okay. It is ideal to get up to 98.6, so waking temps may end up needing to get a bit higher but they don't seem so bad right now.


Dec 16, 2016
waking temps are supposed to be lower. 97.8 to 98.2 is what Broda Barnes suggested. I think the ballpark is good and if you are getting up to 98 then you are doing okay. It is ideal to get up to 98.6, so waking temps may end up needing to get a bit higher but they don't seem so bad right now.

Yes, my temps definitely improved, but my waking temps still seem a bit low: 97.0 degrees F or less, usually.


Aug 31, 2016
Vancouver, BC
waking temps will always be lower, but how much sleep are you getting exactly and the quality? The quickest and easiest way to lower your waking and daily temperature is through piss poor sleep.
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