Intuitive-visceral Sense


Jan 25, 2014
If a physician can shut up for long enough, the patient will tell him what is wrong, so went an old medical gag. But, is it just a gag? The chronically ill have an intuitive-visceral sense of what is wrong with them. Those suffering from depression, obsessive-compulsive disorders, schizophrenia and other "psychiatric" disorders have long known that some nutrient deficiency or chemical imbalance was the cause of their torment. Many in psychiatry ridiculed them for it. Yet, the sufferers held on to their intuitive-visceral senses. Now for the author (and a growing number of like-minded physicians), there is no question that there is a physical basis for every "psychiatric" hurt, though we cannot recognize the biochemical lesion in many instances. The author has closely followed many such persons who did very well with integrated programs designed to restore their battered bowel-blood-liver ecosystems. The veracity of those patients (and their intuitive-visceral sense of their ailments) simply cannot be questioned.
How do the patients know the true nature of their suffering in many instances long before their physicians do? Because, in almost all cases the sufferers of "psychiatric disorders" have lucid periods during which they reflect on their suffering and suspect that there has to be a physical basis of their pain. We physicians must acknowledge that the patient lives with and suffers from his illness at all times, while we see that illness only for very short periods of time. So it is that the patient learns things about his suffering that escape his physician for years. At a deeper level, the sick do have a visceral-intuitive sense of their illness. 1 No 1 Seven Core Principles.htm


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
That is very interesting and it does seem to be a better more dignified way to treat other humans. I'm not really a fan of integrative or conventional medicine personally but a lot of people do need help and to be treated with compassion and respect is a good start. I agree with the intuitive insight of the patient since I've witnessed it numerous times and experienced it myself. Meaningful interaction between clinician/healer/healthcare provider and patient is only the first step but an important one nonetheless. Hopefully we will see more of that as time goes on.
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