In your country: how do you think this is going to end? I asked Ray as well...


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I see lots of doom and gloom here. Understandably, I guess. My take is a little different.

When friends ask me if I think things will get better or worse, my answer is "Yes." I think for one sector of the population, let's call them NPCs because that is a very accurate description for them, things will get worse. Much worse. If you aren't aware, the term NPC or 'Non-Playable Character' comes from video games where you have non-sentient characters that react to stimulus as they are programmed... they are essentially running on algorithms and cannot operate outside parameters set by the game's developers. This describes the person who believes the conventional narratives very well... when you try to dialogue with them it's as though you are talking to an algorithm, not a critically thinking person. They will respond as CNN programmed them to, for example.

But for those who refuse to go along with the globalist plan, things will get better. A lot better. Parallel economies and societies are forming and will continue to form as the technocracy grows more dystopian. For those people who disengage from the global system and integrate into localized, decentralized economies and supply chains, I believe there will be tremendous opportunity and perhaps even a renaissance. Hard times always create opportunity and resilience.

At the end of the day I have hope because of my faith in God. I also understand that truth always wins in the end. Their rotten system is built on untruth and as such cannot sustain itself, just like the Soviet empire and every corrupt tyranny in human history. We are living through the managed decline of the West and while that can be discouraging, it's also very hopeful because death is always seeded with life. The reality is that we always have a choice and no one can take our sovereignty away from us. For a concrete example of this, just look at how the Amish or Mennonites fared throughout this pandemic. Did it affect their lives much if at all?
Truth right there.


Oct 6, 2021
I see lots of doom and gloom here. Understandably, I guess. My take is a little different.

When friends ask me if I think things will get better or worse, my answer is "Yes." I think for one sector of the population, let's call them NPCs because that is a very accurate description for them, things will get worse. Much worse. If you aren't aware, the term NPC or 'Non-Playable Character' comes from video games where you have non-sentient characters that react to stimulus as they are programmed... they are essentially running on algorithms and cannot operate outside parameters set by the game's developers. This describes the person who believes the conventional narratives very well... when you try to dialogue with them it's as though you are talking to an algorithm, not a critically thinking person. They will respond as CNN programmed them to, for example.

But for those who refuse to go along with the globalist plan, things will get better. A lot better. Parallel economies and societies are forming and will continue to form as the technocracy grows more dystopian. For those people who disengage from the global system and integrate into localized, decentralized economies and supply chains, I believe there will be tremendous opportunity and perhaps even a renaissance. Hard times always create opportunity and resilience.

At the end of the day I have hope because of my faith in God. I also understand that truth always wins in the end. Their rotten system is built on untruth and as such cannot sustain itself, just like the Soviet empire and every corrupt tyranny in human history. We are living through the managed decline of the West and while that can be discouraging, it's also very hopeful because death is always seeded with life. The reality is that we always have a choice and no one can take our sovereignty away from us. For a concrete example of this, just look at how the Amish or Mennonites fared throughout this pandemic. Did it affect their lives much if at all?


May 30, 2018
I'm not sure it is possible to disintegrate worse than France did. Its one thing when its the government goons in uniform at your door, it's quite another when it's your neighbor you used to bbq with. This is a really dark view.
Indeed, French did not protest more than other people, most are passively listening what is said to them. But social protests (yellow vests) are gaining traction again I believe. It could help.
Nov 21, 2015
The USA already experienced an enlightenment via the liberal philosophy that was implemented in some fashion. That is built into the DNA. That's why we still have a huge gun ownership population and most people over 40 have a strong belief in the ideals of freedom that the USA was actually founded on.

So I think Dr. Peat sells all this short. I am short term pessimistic but longer term optimistic because I think we have a tradition here that is not so easily and quickly discarded.


Dec 8, 2016
What did Ray respond to this OP ... ?


Sep 23, 2021
Southeast US
I dont know what this is

Antibody Dependent Enhancement. Apparently animal trials in the past on coronavirus vaccines ended up killing all test animals upon subsequent exposure to other strains of coronavirus due to this phenomenon. This wave of lethality took place 6 months or a year after vaccination. I've heard this claim many times from many qualified doctors but I haven't looked at the studies myself.

Check out the interview with a former Pfizer VP and Pfizer chief scientist Michael Yeadon below, he covers it along with the other risks posed by this injection campaign.



Dec 8, 2016
Thx for sharing - i always wonder what that means for Ray? Will he stay in US or leave?
I should ask him. I have wondered myself.
I know he has a partner- and maybe her relatives are close to them, etc.
Something that tethers him to the US.
Not to mention his age.

He’s podcasting with danny on Friday iirc.
You could ask him yourself.


The USA already experienced an enlightenment via the liberal philosophy that was implemented in some fashion. That is built into the DNA. That's why we still have a huge gun ownership population and most people over 40 have a strong belief in the ideals of freedom that the USA was actually founded on.

So I think Dr. Peat sells all this short. I am short term pessimistic but longer term optimistic because I think we have a tradition here that is not so easily and quickly discarded.
What if the vaccines kill the majority of the senior population? I believe old people are important because they remember what normal was a long time ago, whereas for young people modern is the new normal.


Jan 3, 2021
I see lots of doom and gloom here. Understandably, I guess. My take is a little different.

When friends ask me if I think things will get better or worse, my answer is "Yes." I think for one sector of the population, let's call them NPCs because that is a very accurate description for them, things will get worse. Much worse. If you aren't aware, the term NPC or 'Non-Playable Character' comes from video games where you have non-sentient characters that react to stimulus as they are programmed... they are essentially running on algorithms and cannot operate outside parameters set by the game's developers. This describes the person who believes the conventional narratives very well... when you try to dialogue with them it's as though you are talking to an algorithm, not a critically thinking person. They will respond as CNN programmed them to, for example.

But for those who refuse to go along with the globalist plan, things will get better. A lot better. Parallel economies and societies are forming and will continue to form as the technocracy grows more dystopian. For those people who disengage from the global system and integrate into localized, decentralized economies and supply chains, I believe there will be tremendous opportunity and perhaps even a renaissance. Hard times always create opportunity and resilience.

At the end of the day I have hope because of my faith in God. I also understand that truth always wins in the end. Their rotten system is built on untruth and as such cannot sustain itself, just like the Soviet empire and every corrupt tyranny in human history. We are living through the managed decline of the West and while that can be discouraging, it's also very hopeful because death is always seeded with life. The reality is that we always have a choice and no one can take our sovereignty away from us. For a concrete example of this, just look at how the Amish or Mennonites fared throughout this pandemic. Did it affect their lives much if at all?
Agreed. This is very good take
Nov 21, 2015
What if the vaccines kill the majority of the senior population? I believe old people are important because they remember what normal was a long time ago, whereas for young people modern is the new normal.

I don't believe that vaccines will kill most old people.
Nov 26, 2017
Peat’s response to how people will allow this to end:

In 1789, many people in France finally understood that their rulers weren’t agents of god. If their basic ideology is confused, they can become followers of someone like Pol Pot. France was lucky to have alternative ideologies based on reason and a logical universe. In the US, I think the ideological problem makes a good solution very unlikely.



Feb 18, 2016
Trying to squeeze out some more bucks out of the public before the darkness of total vaccine mandates descends:
Business groups ask White House to delay Biden Covid vaccine mandate until after the holidays
This is hilarious, typical detached marketing and big business departments, January is quite so we can fire people then, we will keep the animals until then.


Feb 18, 2016
Oh, right, I forgot about that. And on page 39 is also this gem "Ultimate Objectives":
"...There is no ambiguity or delay in the United Nations systemwide response to a global health emergency. There are clear rules, roles and responsibilities, along with a designated leader, empowered with the authority to coordinate across the system and experienced in leading a global response through regular simulations or actual events. WHO can rapidly mobilize countries and partners early in an outbreak or health emergency."

I don't think this leader exists (or can exist) under the current UN structure. To me, that suggests establishing some sort of quasi-world govt that would allow this single UN-based leader to have enough cross-country authority in order to be able to "coordinate" the response. It is also scary they talk about this leader acquiring experience through " actual event". Maybe what we are seeing right now is just the training phase for that leader. Which begs the question - who is that person somewhere in the world, in a position of power, that is getting trained to lead a global pandemic response?
I lost the link but I seen an article that covered legislation enacted by trump in September 2019, its an amendment that allows for emergency responses that are real or simulated, the author believes this allows them to simulate a fake global pandemic, it was a decent article.

Its interesting to think about with what you quoted in mind, "regular simulations or actual events".


Feb 18, 2016
What’s most likely is the status quo will prevail, general wars, corruption, ruling class etc just closer to home this time, it’s this or we take them down.

It looks the break up of the US is desired, Texas and Florida for example seem to be leaning conservative anti vax etc , non woke, what’s interesting here is they are moving toward being smart cities which is a UN agenda, the ruling class don’t care how we live or where as long as they rule and can track us like cattle 24/7, the wokists will get their own smart cities, they will probably even allow ethno cities.
We all are feeling it already, we can’t live nor do we want to live with wokists, just get you digital ID and go to non woke city, people will be desperate to leave areas where paedo sympathizers are teaching their kids.

China via its belt raid project is sweeping up other parts of the world into the same kind of system.

The ruling class have broke up nations all over the world for decades, look at the former Yugoslavia for example.


Jul 25, 2013
The first beast rises up, which is happening now. Receives a deadly wound, and ends. Satan is kicked out of Heaven, comes to earth, tells everyone He is the Messiah, everyone falls at his feet thinking he is Christ. Most Christians will think the rapture is here. That is the second beast that rises and allowed to heal the deadly wound. The rapture doctrine was setup by satan so that Christians would run right into his waiting arms, and they will. Sad. And of course that enemy will have no one to fight, because everyone will be at his knees worshipping him thanking he is Christ waiting to fly them out of here. The whole world will whore after him.

War with Iran is coming.

Nice interpretation of Revelation. When things fall apart down here, the accuser will take things into his own hands, and act the role he desired for a long time, that of the most high.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
When things fall apart down here, the accuser will take things into his own hands, and act the role he desired for a long time, that of the most high.
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