If PUFA's Are One Of The Main Causes Of Aging, Why Don't Fruitarians Look Younger Than Other People


May 3, 2015
My fear of fermented cabbage seems to have been misplaced.

Dr Axe and others say that kimchi is probiotic.

I guess bacteria-fermented foods like yoghurt and sauerkraut are probiotic and anti-candida, while yeast-and-mold-fermented foods like beer, wine, bread and some cheeses are antibiotic and pro-candida.

Proper sourdough bread uses both yeasts and bacteria, so maybe that is neutral.

Similarly garlic and coconut oil might be equally antibiotic and antifungal.

Nystatin discovered in 1950 is created by a bacterium, and is specifically anti-fungal.

Has anyone had any luck with kimchi or other bacteria-fermented foods in boosting their good bacteria and reducing their mycotoxin-producing Candida albicans and reducing their endotoxin-producing gram negative bacteria?

Maybe the soluble fibre in fruit does the same thing?


Jul 8, 2014
Hi @Richiebogie,

A bus would be fun, too! Heck, at this point, I'd crawl there if I had to.

The change in weather over the years is crazy! Did you see Kasey and Brett were wearing hoodies in one of their recent podcasts because it was cold in Chang Mai?! The volcanic Big Island is looking better to me everyday.

I'm sorry to hear the ulcers came back. :(

Haha! That last name is definitely a character builder. I would tell people it's French – pronounced Saymone. lol

Thanks for sharing the video. Due to the toxic mold, I found vinegar/fermented foods would make my rash and other fungal symptoms flare. My doctor also told me to avoid grapes, but they were actually one of the few foods that prevented the rash.

I was even eating dates and figs when I cleared the mold. I read accounts of people who had dealt with it for years and I cleared it in just 3 months. However, I was also taking Dr. Morse's Parasite M formula and it has some powerful antimicrobial herbs in it.

If you think you might be dealing with a fungal overgrowth and want to make your own herbal anti-fungal, Dr. Morse's Parasite M contains:

* Pau d’Arco Bark
* Black Walnut Hull
* Cat’s Claw Bark
* Goldenseal Root
* Usnea Lichen
* Olive Leave Extract
* Thyme Leaf
* Butternut Bark
* Barberry Root

He has another parasite formula, Parasite G, that contains wormwood which is a very strong herb, but that formula is more for larger parasites like flukes and worms whereas the Parasite M is more for fungi, mold, warts/viruses like herpes. Actually, it might help with your mouth ulcers, too, since they're a form of herpes.

It stinks that a lot of these condiments contain vinegar, but I was able to find things like pickles and olives in salt brines only, and made my own condiments using lemon juice in place of vinegar. I was never a fan of the vinegar burn so I was pleasantly surprised the first time I had a pickle without it.

That's so true! It's especially hard with Asian restaurants because they use a lot of fish sauce and vinegars/fermented ingredients in their recipes. It's nice that the Korean cafe has juice! I'd be happy to have that instead of the usual plain veggies/salads I'm left having when eating out.

A white Christmas in Prague? Sounds amazing! Let's see, 25 years ago I was in...Catholic school. :yawn2 We'll go with your memory. It's a lot better!

Oh, yay! I'm glad you got White Christmas and liked it! I watched it with my mum on Christmas Day.
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Jul 8, 2014
Now is this a missing link? an explanation as to why candida is seen only in some people some of the time?
From a Dr. Morse perspective, fungal overgrowths are mainly due to weak adrenals – the system responsible for sugar metabolism are predominantly the adrenal glands.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Haha, I have just stopped vinegar, the good apple cider organic raw one, in favor of lemon juice!


Apr 9, 2015
Hi @Richiebogie,

A bus would be fun, too! Heck, at this point, I'd crawl there if I had to.

The change in weather over the years is crazy! Did you see Kasey and Brett were wearing hoodies in one of their recent podcasts because it was cold in Chang Mai?! The volcanic Big Island is looking better to me everyday.

I'm sorry to hear the ulcers came back. :(

Haha! That last name is definitely a character builder. I would tell people it's French – pronounced Saymone. lol

Thanks for sharing the video. Due to the toxic mold, I found vinegar/fermented foods would make my rash and other fungal symptoms flare. My doctor also told me to avoid grapes, but they were actually one of the few foods that prevented the rash.

I was even eating dates and figs when I cleared the mold. I read accounts of people who had dealt with it for years and I cleared it in just 3 months. However, I was also taking Dr. Morse's Parasite M formula and it has some powerful antimicrobial herbs in it.

If you think you might be dealing with a fungal overgrowth and want to make your own herbal anti-fungal, Dr. Morse's Parasite M contains:

* Pau d’Arco Bark
* Black Walnut Hull
* Cat’s Claw Bark
* Goldenseal Root
* Usnea Lichen
* Olive Leave Extract
* Thyme Leaf
* Butternut Bark
* Barberry Root

He has another parasite formula, Parasite G, that contains wormwood which is a very strong herb, but that formula is more for larger parasites like flukes and worms whereas the Parasite M is more for fungi, mold, warts/viruses like herpes. Actually, it might help with your mouth ulcers, too, since they're a form of herpes.

It stinks that a lot of these condiments contain vinegar, but I was able to find things like pickles and olives in salt brines only, and made my own condiments using lemon juice in place of vinegar. I was never a fan of the vinegar burn so I was pleasantly surprised the first time I had a pickle without it.

That's so true! It's especially hard with Asian restaurants because they use a lot of fish sauce and vinegars/fermented ingredients in their recipes. It's nice that the Korean cafe has juice! I'd be happy to have that instead of the usual plain veggies/salads I'm left having when eating out.

A white Christmas in Prague? Sounds amazing! Let's see, 25 years ago I was in...Catholic school. :yawn2 We'll go with your memory. It's a lot better!

Oh, yay! I'm glad you got White Christmas and liked it! I watched it with my mum on Christmas Day.
Do you think that these supplements are safer than an antibiotic like amoxicilin? I know Peat recommends this antibiotic for bad gut health?


Jul 8, 2014
Do you think that these supplements are safer than an antibiotic like amoxicilin? I know Peat recommends this antibiotic for bad gut health?

Yep, I do, but I also only see them as a temporary fix since they, like any antimicrobial, don't treat the cause IMO. My main focus would be on diet since microbes thrive where they're needed – the gut is constantly reseeding itself based on the food we eat, and using natural remedies (herbs, charcoal etc.) that are tissue supportive (think adrenals/nervous system in the case of peristalsis and overgrowths), cleansing and soothing to the intestines.

Like the nerve regenerating and astringent properties of fruit, specific herbs will help support tissues, draw out waste including that which has accumulated/compacted within the bowel walls/interstitially, buffer tissues from acids, which in turn reduces mucus since mucus is the body's protective response to acids, and sooth inflammation – the bowel walls can swell from inflammation, which in turn affects digestion negatively.

Some acid buffering and anti-inflammatory herbs include marshmallow root, slippery elm, peppermint, ginger and turmeric. Herbs such as eleuthero root (Siberian ginseng), chaste tree berry (Vitex), rhodiola, licorice (only in cases of low blood pressure since it raises it) and chamomile, can help optimize peristalsis by supporting the adrenals/nervous system in regenerating. Some of those also target all other endocrine glands, which also play a role.

Bacteria live and thrive in a congested lymphatic system – think of the lymphatic system as a sewer system and the lymph nodes as the septic tanks and how bacteria is needed to break down waste so the system doesn't back up. Same with the walls of the intestines – bacteria help break down food. If we have accumulated cellular waste and byproducts due to weak eliminative tissues and/or poorly digested foods, to me killing off bacteria is the equivalent of killing off firemen at a fire.

Antibiotics kill off bacteria indiscriminately which I believe can suppress the immune system (the lymphatic system is part of the immune system) and symptoms, leaving us to believe they have cured the cause, meanwhile metabolic waste continues to accumulate because the cause was never actually addressed. This is why I believe many experience a blowback after discontinuing antibiotics, myself included.

The rash I used to get would disappear within a day after I stopped having dairy but after taking minocycline, not only did my rash not disappear, for the first time in my life I developed pustules that took me a year to get rid of even after I cut dairy out of my diet and went fruitarian. Normally, a day of only eating fruit and my skin was back to being spotless. The huge tonsil stones I began expelling 6 months into eating fruitarian is proof of how backed up with acidic waste my system had become from the Mino and dairy combo.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Fruitarians DO look younger than most people. That is their main selling point, just visit any of their websites.

They don't look as good as we do, though!


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Never saw anybody enough to tell....

Frutarian who should not eat fruit will look bad.
Fruitarian who should eat fruits will look good.


May 3, 2015
Hi @Jennifer,

Thanks for your replies. That is interesting that it took 6 months of fruitarianism before the tonsil stones came out, and a year before your skin healed!

It sounds like we need patience even when we find the perfect diet!

My lip ulcers healed but tongue ulcers took their place! I think my low arginine diet got rid of the lip problem, but I was confused about the cause of the tongue ulcers.

I first thought it was oral candida but salt and bicarbonate rinses made no difference.

I now think it may have been the reconstituted pineapple juice that caused the tongue issues! I found fresh pineapple ate away at my tongue last year, but I thought the long life bottled pineapple juice would be ok because all of the enzymes would have been destroyed by cooking!

Whether the pineapple enzymes are the issue or not, I have cut out the pineapple juice and there seems to have been some improvement. I have switched to reconstituted apple juice in my banana smoothies with mango, cantaloupe, papaya or strawberries!

As the apple juice is so cheap, I now buy some fresh oranges for some of the smoothies. I cut them down the centre, remove most of the seeds, remove the peel and drop the rest into the blender with a little water!

I am also having dried figs and dates to increase calories and the odd dried tomato for something savoury.

Thanks for the ingredients of the parasite formulas. I will keep them in mind.

The tongue ulcers have made eating quite a painful activity, so they have taken a lot of my attention lately!

Yes Chiang Mai can be cool this time of year! We had a week in Bangkok before Chiang Mai. I was surprised one evening in Bangkok in mid January 2016 when I suddenly felt cold! It was 18 degrees Celsius!

This only occurs around December when there is a north wind. It gets hot and humid again when the wind changes to another direction!

Chiang Mai is further north and surrounded by forest so should be cooler than Bangkok. It also went from very hot to cool and back, but I don't think it got below 16 degrees Celsius for us!

How are things in New Hampshire? Have you found ways to keep warm? I guess February will be the coldest month but the days should be a little longer!

Any updates on going interstate?


May 3, 2015
I have been inspired recently by a balding man on youtube called Sv3rige. He was a vegan for a while and then turned 100% raw meat eater!

I was feeling hungry for and eating some fries and chips which of course are full of seed oils, so I thought I might be better off with a little wild fish and free range chicken instead!

These meats are high in lysine compared to arginine. Apparently the US chemist Linus Pauling recommended vitamin C to help us build connective tissue out of lysine.

Modern Pauling therapy includes Vitamin C, lysine and proline.

Raw meat has all 3 but I am trialling 100g lightly cooked chicken or fish per day with lots of raw fruit for the vitamin C. I am also keeping some dried fruit, commercial fruit juice and leafy greens.

I will keep away from grapes, wine, coconut, chick peas, beans, chocolate, peanuts, tree nuts, rice, wheat and other grains, so as to minimise arginine and maximize lysine!

OJ will be my only high arginine food as it is a good source of calcium.

I am hoping that if I can keep the mouth ulcers away for a whole month then my hernia around my sigmoid colon may also heal! Elastin and collagen depletion may also be the issue with my greying and balding, but reversing them is the real test and probably too much to hope for!

It is straying slightly from the Dr Morse / fruitarian path but I can always come back if things get worse!

Interestingly I have not needed to bring back deodorant yet on 100g of meat! Perhaps it is my avoidance of onions, garlic and dairy which is keeping me from stinking!

Here are some interesting notes on lysine vs arginine... Exciting times...

High Lysine Diet
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May 3, 2015
It seems that the stench of vomit and body odour is due to butyric acid.

Butyric acid (C4H8O2) is in milk but not in chicken meat or eggs.

If you rub butter on your skin then within an hour you will experience the worst stench you can imagine. This is the butyric acid being liberated from its triglyceride as the butter goes rancid.

Other sources of butyric acid are the fermentation of resistant starch and fructans in the intestines.

These fibres are not usually found in fruit and meat.

I have long known that Fruitarians did not require deodorant.

It is great that they can add chicken and fish to their diet and still not smell bad!


Sep 23, 2017
I think fruitarians are pretty interesting to look at, because fruitarianism is a well-known diet (much more known than peat), but still quite close to a peatarian diet. Mainly because of the extremely low pufa intake. Yet when you look at faces of fruitarians there's nothing impressive about it. They're always lean, but when controlling for leanness they look just as old (if not older) than other people their age.

This is Ted Carr (random fruitarian I found on youtube) and kinobody (guy who eats anything as long as it fits his macros). I don't know their exact ages but from what I could find they're both in their mid/late 20's and to be honest I think kinobody actually looks better.
ted carr
Kino Body

This is of course just one random example but also durianrider, a well known fruitarian is in his 40's and looks like any other stressed out 40 year old to me.

It's actually a bit discouraging because you'd expect that with an extremely low pufa intake these people should look younger.

not all PUFA are bad. GLA has helped my skin and i have a lot of sun damage. obviously don't go over board with omega 6 but i think the fruit diet people lack amino acids you get from meat and their genetics play a part too.


Jul 8, 2014
Hi @Richiebogie,

Sorry for not responding sooner. I took time off from the forum to property hunt and work on my family tree after I received my Ancestry DNA results and didn't know you responded. I hope you've been able to find some relief from the ulcers?

Yep, patience and I'd add resolve. Given the many variables such as individual weaknesses, some heal right away while for others, it can take years. Unfortunately, we usually only get the CliffsNotes version of a person's history so we don't know what they had to work with compared to us and it's far too easy to think that their experience should be our own.

My mum dealt with lip ulcers her whole life and they were one of the first things to go with the diet switch. And while others see their kidneys fully filtering early on, it was only just this month that I saw my first cloud of sediment. It was a glorious sight! Haha! It took me over two years to achieve this. Up until then, I struggled to get even a dusting of sediment on a daily basis.

I expected it given how weak my adrenals and kidneys were (systolic BP in the 90s and diastolic in the low 50s) and my family's history – I can't think of a single family member without weak kidneys or adrenals, even going as far back as my great-great-grandfather who died at 39 from kidney failure. And as I type this, I'm sitting at the hospital waiting for my uncle to come out of recovery from surgery. He had a kidney removed.

Whenever I get discouraged because I'm not where I'd like to be yet, something will happen that strengthens my resolve like say spending days at a hospital watching a loved one, their roommate and other patients, suffering. Life is sobering. I can understand people feeling impatient and even discouraged, especially when they see others healing seemingly without much effort, but then I think of all the people who never even got a chance to try so the fact that we do is something, right?

I always thought that if I could choose a superpower, it would be to heal with just a touch. How cool would that be – to see someone in pain, struggling to move, to live, and with just a touch, watch them take off running and never look back? Like Forrest Gump – "Now you wouldn't believe me if I told you, but I could run like the wind blows. From that day on, if I was goin' somewhere, I was runnin'!" :):

Anyhow, by the end of last summer I had finally raised my BP to 120/70 with the help of Dr. Morse's herbal adrenal formula. I was on it a month and then got off it and by the end of January, my systolic was back down in the 90s. I was finding the foggy head, anxiety attacks and fatigue returning so I'm back on it. Within the first day of taking it, I felt calm, energized and clear headed again and by the second day, my systolic was back to 120.

My mum is taking the same formula. She had an average systolic of 200 and diastolic in the 150s and an overactive peristalsis (BMs exceeding 10x a day). Her systolic BP is now in the 140s and diastolic in the 90s, and her digestion has normalized. Her uterine polyps are finally going away, too. She has been dealing with them for over a decade now. Surprisingly, even high doses of progest-e never stopped them from forming. I love herbs! lol

I've done well staying warm this winter, even with dropping the avocados for the time being. My temps have stayed consistently at or above 37°C. Now the darkness on the other hand, that was rough. It's okay, though. It just motivates me that much more to get to the land of rainbows and sunshine.

I had my eye on a piece of land along the Hamakua Coast that sits just 75' from the ocean near a cove where whales and spinner dolphins gather, is bordered by acres of state land with a well maintained park nearby that has hiking trails along the coastline and a large outcropping of ancient lava that forms a natural tide pool, but it's now under contract so the search continues.

So Sv3rige, huh? I did the raw meat thing during my time following WAPF. Have you noticed improvements with the addition of meat? Your weight stabilizing?
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May 3, 2015
Hi @Jennifer,

I was thinking of sending you an update today and you beat me to it!

It is great you and your vegan family are well and surviving the winter! We have Autumn starting tomorrow (by Oz definition) but you probably don't change seasons until 21st March?

That block in Hawaii sounded lovely but was it a long drive to town? Maybe you only need a shipping container, a water tank and lots of fruit trees! Actually you may need a few shipping containers to collect the rain water for your tank!

Under Contract puts a lot of pressure on a potential buyer. Have you phoned to see how much the other buyer has offered? It will help you to know how the market is going if you phone the agent and ask the price!

I have been eating a little animal food each day and have had a bit more energy in the mornings! I now feel like getting up and eating after 8 hours asleep!

I wonder if it is the cholesterol that helps! Plants only have phytosterols and some ex-vegans say a lot of long-term vegans end up with brain diseases like Alzheimer's or Parkinson's due to insufficient cholesterol! Human breast milk contains cholesterol...

However breast milk is relatively low in protein; 5.9% of calories, so I am not overdoing the animal foods. I am trying to keep protein around 6% of Calories, so I haven't gone 100% Sv3rige or Western Price yet!

I found some articles saying B12 deficiency correlates with greying hair so I will see if a little bit of B12 from fish helps. Sardines are low in Mercury and high in Selenium, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D!

Of course the animal protein is higher in lysine than arginine which should help my collagen production... Linus Pauling recommended vitamin C and lysine for heart and artery health! My mouth ulcers have cleared up and my tongue is better too!

It is interesting that your family's mouth ulcers cleared up on fruit! Hopefully that means your arteries are strong too! Maybe your bodies convert the arginine to lysine! I think microbes do a little of this in fermented foods like chocolate and sourdough bread, so maybe you guys keep the arginine out of your bloodstream until your large intestine's flora convert it...?

You may also make enough cholesterol for your brains!

I get up and have 25g of 70% cocoa chocolate (I might cut this out slowly as the left eye twitch is back and chocolate is quite high in protein), followed by 1 raw free range egg, 35g of vintage cheddar with 25g of mixed green leaves and tomato sauce, and 35g of sardines in spring water (my friend eats the other half of the tin) with another 25g of mixed green leaves.

After some time I have my fruit smoothie with 1Kg bananas, 500ml apple juice and some fresh oranges or papaya or cantaloupe or mango...

I have about 200g of dates throughout the day and another banana smoothie at night!

It looks quite good on Nutrition Data Tracking! Maybe the acid is low enough that Dr Morse won't get too worried about me!

I might need to mix the order up a little. Maybe once I get rid of the chocolate I can move the animal food to last meal of the day. That way the fruit won't interfere with acidic digestion of the animal food!

Sv3rige posted this interesting web link on vegan babies (or those whose nursing mothers are vegans). It is a bit of a worry for that mother you showed me last year! The legal system seems quite hard on vegan parents of starved children but you wouldn't know it by watching some vegan youtubers! (Some can be quite lymphatic about their beliefs!) What a double shock for those parents trying to do the best thing for their children!

I'm only experimenting on myself at the moment! That's not through lack of trying though. Everyone I try to recruit thinks I'm crazy! Perhaps once those thick golden curly locks start sprouting from my head I won't be able to keep back the disciples!

Talking about disciples I think touching people to heal them was done with some success in the past! That method doesn't use faith in any particular diet though! Interesting how that healer was hated by some and loved by others!


How was your ancestry? Are you Native American? Any Hawaiian?

Did your dad check out the Southern states?
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Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I'm now glad I did because I've since come to a different understanding about red light.
Hi @Jennifer! It's so great to read that you are doing well these days. I realize this is going back to last September but I'm curious if you'd share your current understanding about red light?


Oct 15, 2016
Hey Jennifer, long time no see! If you ever give it a try I'd be curious to hear about your experience with cocoa butter as a source of fat for dinner.


May 3, 2015
@Jennifer, congrats on the kidney filtration by the way. Do you think you achieved this by avoiding drinking liquids between meals or by narrowing your eating window to a few hours a day or by keeping up with the kidney herbs for a sufficient time?

It certainly looks like weak kidneys / adrenals run in your family!

According to Dr Morse your lymph should start clearing out quickly now that the acids are leaving the body on a regular basis via your urine! Are you feeling improvements or are old symptoms revisiting?

It is great too that your and your mum's blood pressure are now much healthier!

Maybe adult dietary requirements are different to that of babies. Eggs seem to be richest in cholesterol. Do you have a few of these a month or only a few a year?


Jul 8, 2014
Hi @Richiebogie,

Wonderful! I'm glad your ulcers have cleared up and that you have more energy in the morning. Protein stimulates the adrenals so maybe that's what you needed (?) or it could be as you said, the cholesterol. Is yours low? We make our own, but if the liver isn't healthy (weak – liver and gallstones, fatty etc.), it can result in low levels.

I ate sardines while I was following WAPF. I grew up on canned tuna so I didn't mind their flavor, but I had a hard time getting over the scales and bones. They're high in calcium, though, largely due to the bones.

That's interesting what Linus Pauling recommended. Did he specify which source of vitamin C such as food versus supplement? It's an acid so I would think it's best had through whole foods since they contain alkaline minerals to buffer it? I've been having lemon mixed with coconut water lately. It's not exactly my favorite combonation, but my liver is thanking me.

Actually, the weather is warming up and I'm enjoying that it's now light out until around 6pm. I'm starting to find good fruit again, too – jackfruit and Ataulfo mangoes are back! I've already been to Whole Foods 3x this week. lol

Yep, the property is close to town. However, it has officially sold. There are other ones I have my eye on, but I liked this one best because of the cove and the color of the water – it sort of reminded me of the Amalfi Coast.

Smart thinking about the shipping container! My dream is to have a house set high among the trees and incased in lots of glass, both walls/sliding doors and roof, particularly above my bed, so it feels light and open and I can sleep under the stars. I love this company: https://www.mandalaecohomes.com

Golden curly locks sounds nice! I think being an example of what is possible is an excellent approach. Sometimes it's not about refusing to drink when led to water, it's that many don't know they're capable of drinking. :)

It does seem like you would get lots of nutrition with your current diet! Good for you!

Oh, yeah – the natural hygiene society website. I spent a lot of time on it while following WAPF, and also the beyondveg website.

The test estimated that almost half of my DNA comes from Wales, Scotland and Ireland and almost the other half from the Iberian Peninsula – Spain, Portugal and France, with Italy, Greece and European/Ashkenazi Jewish making up the remaining 10%. It was spot on about my ancestors migrating to Québec in the 1700s and later to New England (USA) in the 1800s. However, it didn't detect Native American ancestry which I know for a fact I have.

My cousin is a historian and shares bloodlines with both my paternal grandparents and traced back our roots. She has documentation showing we have a lot of Native American ancestry so I uploaded my raw DNA data onto a site (Gedmatch) to be analyzed and it showed I do have North Amerindian, but only .55% which likely isn't statistically significant enough to meet Ancestry's reporting threshold. I also discovered that I have traces of practically everything but the kitchen sink, including Pygmy. Explains my size. JK

My parents were supposed to travel in March but it's getting pushed off until April. Because my dad's retiring, there's a couple weeks where he'll be uninsured until his new insurance kicks in so he doesn't want to travel and take a chance given his recent bypass surgery.
@Jennifer, congrats on the kidney filtration by the way. Do you think you achieved this by avoiding drinking liquids between meals or by narrowing your eating window to a few hours a day or by keeping up with the kidney herbs for a sufficient time?

It certainly looks like weak kidneys / adrenals run in your family!

According to Dr Morse your lymph should start clearing out quickly now that the acids are leaving the body on a regular basis via your urine! Are you feeling improvements or are old symptoms revisiting?

It is great too that your and your mum's blood pressure are now much healthier!

Maybe adult dietary requirements are different to that of babies. Eggs seem to be richest in cholesterol. Do you have a few of these a month or only a few a year?

Thanks, Richie! Honestly, I think it was just time and being diligent with my diet. In the last 26 months I've been following Dr. Morse, I can count on one hand the amount of times I had anything other than fruit and non-starchy veggies and they were always clean, 100% plant-based meals.

I've been strict about it because I was trying to get my kidneys filtering without the use of glandulars due to ethical reasons. When the organs and glands are that weak/degenerated, Dr. Morse will often suggest raw glandulars temporarily until symptoms improve and then move on to herbs.

Now that I'm filtering better, I'm able to tolerate the kidney formula without feeling incredibly nauseous, and my skin is staying more consistently clear no matter what fruits I eat. Fruits like citrus, dates, coconut and avocado used to make the rash flare and cause the pustules.

Oh, no. I don't eat eggs, not because I think they're bad (they're one of my favorite foods), but because I'm vegan for ethical reasons. However, if I did have to eat animal protein, eggs from rescued hens would be my first choice, especially with some ketchup or maple syrup. Yum!
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Jul 8, 2014
Hi @Jennifer! It's so great to read that you are doing well these days. I realize this is going back to last September but I'm curious if you'd share your current understanding about red light?
Hi Blossom! :wave: I'm happy to see you're back! :grin Thanks for the kind words!

Just keep in mind that I could be completely off my rocker with this, but it lines up with my experience so I just go with it for now. lol

It's not red light in particular, but too much heat that I'm careful to avoid. Dr. Morse considers heat acidic and cold alkaline (I believe fruits' alkalinity is one reason many struggle with eating it in cooler climates during the winter). Not that I think all acids should be avoided, or even can be, but I've been overly acidic for years due to my lack of filtering and need to balance out.

I currently believe that where there's a weakness in the body, there's a buildup of acids destroying/weakening the tissue, among other things, so putting any heat source on and/or directed at my problem areas only makes it worse. I was directing it at my head, targeting my parathyroid glands, and also pointing it at my kidneys and adrenals and both areas would get really hot and red and headaches, heart palpitations and extreme nausea would ensue after just 10 to 15 minutes of use.

I thought the symptoms might be due to die-off of the toxic mold I had at the time, but I continued to have the same negative reactions when my levels were in the normal range. I later saw where Dr. Morse says heat is an acid. After testing out cool showers and cold compresses on painful spots on my body, like my spine, and noticing relief, I started to think he may be right.

I even tried a couple times to get my dog, Bee to stay under the light in hopes of shrinking his tumor. He hated it! I had the lamp clamped to my bedroom lamp and had his back end (where the tumor was) facing it and he would stare at me waiting for me to tell him he could go. I could barely get the words out before he was gone. I was trying to keep records of his progress and snapped a picture of this...


However, I think Regina's dog likes red light. I'm almost sure she posted a picture of him sleeping in it like it was a sunspot on the floor. If I were to use it again, I would make sure to follow it up with cold compresses. Dr. Morse talks about taking showers where you alternate between hot and cold (always ending it with cold) to get lymph moving and so I would be attempting to mobilize acids for elimination with the two.


Jul 8, 2014
Hey Jennifer, long time no see! If you ever give it a try I'd be curious to hear about your experience with cocoa butter as a source of fat for dinner.
Hey Wagner! Sure thing! I use cocoa butter as a moisturizer, but haven't consumed any since I last ate chocolate over three years(?) ago. I try to eat only whole fat sources now so no coconut oil/MCT oil, olive oil etc. so I'm not sure I'll be trying cocoa butter any time soon, but I'll be sure to let you know if I do.

Given my gallbladder freaks out the most with animal fats, particularly dairy fat, I suspect I may tolerate cocoa butter like I do avocados and olives. For whatever reason, it always took far more plant fat than animal fat to induce an attack and subsequent nausea and vomiting. But then again, aside from coconut, I haven't had seed oils in years so maybe those would be worse.
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