If PUFA's Are One Of The Main Causes Of Aging, Why Don't Fruitarians Look Younger Than Other People


Oct 15, 2016
Oh, bummer! Sounds similar to my experience with potatoes, and starch in general, except they didn't cause me bloating. They mostly caused sloshing in my gut. Of course, my adrenals were tanked then so my issues with starch make sense. Have you noticed an improvement with dairy since stopping the potatoes?
Not really I just don't do dairy most of the time except butter and sometimes cheese if I can't help it. Some cheese are like the hard crust of bread, they feel like they inflame the sinus in some ways and I get brain fog etc..


May 3, 2015
Hi @Wagner83,

Dairy gave me asthma at night! I have been breathing happily since dropping dairy!

Dr Robert Morse says that dairy is mucus forming and like all high protein foods has an acid ash. This means that after our cells metabolise the dairy proteins, acid waste flows into the lymph system. The acids clump together and stop flowing! They burn the surrounding tissue causing them to fill with water = inflame!

Dr Morse says raw fruit has an alkaline ash. Also being cold is alkalising! Salt is alkalising. Holding your breath [or bag breathing] is alkalising! All of these things should de-congest the acids and cause mucus to flow which can bring on cold and flu symptoms or acne and sometimes pain and extreme but short-lived health issues. This is known as a healing crisis or detox! We should feel better after each healing crisis.

In fact Dr Morse says that gray hair can regain its colour, bald men can regrow hair, tumors can pop out of the skin, nerves can come back to life etc.

He says pretty much all disease is caused by acidosis, and pharmaceuticals make things worse!

Eating mostly fruit can seem a bit whacky, but it is surprising how well we can feel eating mostly fruit which is very low in protein!


May 3, 2015
Hi @Jennifer,

That is a cute story about the wild turkeys in the garden for Thanksgiving! Perhaps they are angel turkeys thanking you for ordering less turkey this year!

I have been eating store bought ketchup, so my olive and ketchup recipe is just those 2 ingredients sorry, so not very complicated but also not raw!

However today I made a delicious salad. First I mixed the dressing of lemon juice, dried herbs and wholegrain mustard. Then I added fresh avocado, tomato, fresh mint, chives and rosemary from my parents' garden and washed butter lettuce. Finally I added black pitted olives from a jar! The salt on those added to the savory effect. That was truly delicious! The fresh herbs also make a big difference!

What do you put into your creamy tomato soup? I am still avoiding nuts but it is useful to know a tasty recipe if I am cooking for friends!

I have been making the odd unpeeled cucumber smoothie with orange juice and banana! I also make the same smoothie with other melons like cantaloupe and Santa Claus melon which is delicious, but the cucumber is good occasionally for a more savoury flavour!

Dr Morse's latest video with Marcie was exciting. I have already mentioned the grey hair and balding hair healings above, but they also discussed hernias so it was very relevant to me!

Also of interest is that they discussed that even the most gourmet juices will probably be pasteurized, so much better to buy fresh oranges when available!

We have been very blessed with mangos this year! They are huge and well priced! How did your order from Miami fruit go?

My parents aren't so keen on the vegan diet like your folks! I guess it is a bit "off the wall". I hope to impress them with good health but even if I grew thick curly hair they may not convert! However they may be eating a bit less meat these days which is good!


Oct 15, 2016
Hi @Wagner83,

Dairy gave me asthma at night! I have been breathing happily since dropping dairy!

Dr Robert Morse says that dairy is mucus forming and like all high protein foods has an acid ash. This means that after our cells metabolise the dairy proteins, acid waste flows into the lymph system. The acids clump together and stop flowing! They burn the surrounding tissue causing them to fill with water = inflame!

Dr Morse says raw fruit has an alkaline ash. Also being cold is alkalising! Salt is alkalising. Holding your breath [or bag breathing] is alkalising! All of these things should de-congest the acids and cause mucus to flow which can bring on cold and flu symptoms or acne and sometimes pain and extreme but short-lived health issues. This is known as a healing crisis or detox! We should feel better after each healing crisis.

In fact Dr Morse says that gray hair can regain its colour, bald men can regrow hair, tumors can pop out of the skin, nerves can come back to life etc.

He says pretty much all disease is caused by acidosis, and pharmaceuticals make things worse!

Eating mostly fruit can seem a bit whacky, but it is surprising how well we can feel eating mostly fruit which is very low in protein!
I have noticed those things about dairy and this is why I stopped eating it (I should probably avoid butter too but this is too hard). Maybe without starch I'd do better with dairy. I'm not a huge fan of all the fibers from fruits so far .


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Dr Robert Morse says that dairy is mucus forming and like all high protein foods has an acid ash. This means that after our cells metabolise the dairy proteins, acid waste flows into the lymph system. The acids clump together and stop flowing! They burn the surrounding tissue causing them to fill with water = inflame!

Dr Morse says raw fruit has an alkaline ash. Also being cold is alkalising! Salt is alkalising. Holding your breath [or bag breathing] is alkalising!
I investigated this a bit more, and it seems true if WE have a problem with digestion and lack stomach acid.
The food is not the problem, WE are the problem. So I would accpet this, as I accept that I ME have a problem with gluten, and then correct the lack of stomach acid, so that all proteins get really "burned".

Holding your breath is acidifying at respiratory level, as it ups your CO2! But it might make your body retain more bicarb so that you stay at the right pH?

I am low in phosphate and potassium and copper, so that is what I aim at increasing.

Veggies are fine, fruits gave me hot flushes....

Wagner, fibers get ok for me only with raw meals!


Jul 8, 2014
Hi @Richiebogie,

Haha! Could be! We get a lot of turkey (and other animals), but never that many at one time. Today a bear crossed the driveway.

Ah, okay. No worries! I have recipes for both raw ketchup and mustard, but haven't tried them yet. I didn't know what to put them on, but I like your skewered olives idea so I'll try it with that.

You come up with the best sounding salads and smoothies!

I use both fresh and sundried tomatoes, celery and lemon juice, dates or maple syrup, coconut cream, peppercorn and fresh basil. If I wasn't avoiding onions and garlic or following Dr. Morse's recommendation of avoiding salt, I would add some onion and garlic powder and skip the celery juice and just use sea salt – I haven't had salt in almost two years so my taste has adapted to less.

lf I was cooking for others I would skip the sundried tomatoes and caramelize some onions with garlic first and then add the rest of the ingredients (minus the coconut cream, in your case :):) to the pot and let it simmer for half an hour or so and then transfer it to a blender (or use an immersion blender) and blend it until it's silky smooth.

I've noticed that a lot of vegan recipes that call for a creamy component use cashews, but I find avocado works well, too. Just be sure to add it after everything else has been blended because blending it too long will cause it to whip up into a mousse like consistency.

Aww..another good video I've missed! My iPad keeps acting up lately – the screen freezes so I've only been able to get through the first few minutes of a video before calling "uncle!"

Yeah, It can be tricky to find unpasteurized juice. I can get it at two large supermarket chains here, Whole Foods, and a juice bar in the city, but often the fruit used isn't ripe so I'd rather press my own at home.

I mostly drink coconut water, though. I order it from Exotic Superfoods online. They freeze it after harvesting so it's the closest to raw/unadulterated I can get without having access to fresh coconuts.

I ended up not ordering from Miami Fruit since everyone else wanted cheesecake for Thanksgiving. Any extra money I have is currently going toward Christmas gifts but once the holiday season is over, I'll be placing an order.

My mum and I are similar creatures so I'm not surprised she went vegan, but I honestly never expected my dad to go plant-based. We even had my grandmother on a plant-based diet and Dr. Morse's herbs when she was in our care. Her chronic digestive problems, high blood sugar and "kidney disease" resolved.

But anyhow, I think it's great that your parents have a garden. That's something, right? To me, it doesn't get any healthier than growing our own food.


Apr 9, 2015
Hi @Richiebogie,

Haha! Could be! We get a lot of turkey (and other animals), but never that many at one time. Today a bear crossed the driveway.

Ah, okay. No worries! I have recipes for both raw ketchup and mustard, but haven't tried them yet. I didn't know what to put them on, but I like your skewered olives idea so I'll try it with that.

You come up with the best sounding salads and smoothies!

I use both fresh and sundried tomatoes, celery and lemon juice, dates or maple syrup, coconut cream, peppercorn and fresh basil. If I wasn't avoiding onions and garlic or following Dr. Morse's recommendation of avoiding salt, I would add some onion and garlic powder and skip the celery juice and just use sea salt – I haven't had salt in almost two years so my taste has adapted to less.

lf I was cooking for others I would skip the sundried tomatoes and caramelize some onions with garlic first and then add the rest of the ingredients (minus the coconut cream, in your case :):) to the pot and let it simmer for half an hour or so and then transfer it to a blender (or use an immersion blender) and blend it until it's silky smooth.

I've noticed that a lot of vegan recipes that call for a creamy component use cashews, but I find avocado works well, too. Just be sure to add it after everything else has been blended because blending it too long will cause it to whip up into a mousse like consistency.

Aww..another good video I've missed! My iPad keeps acting up lately – the screen freezes so I've only been able to get through the first few minutes of a video before calling "uncle!"

Yeah, It can be tricky to find unpasteurized juice. I can get it at two large supermarket chains here, Whole Foods, and a juice bar in the city, but often the fruit used isn't ripe so I'd rather press my own at home.

I mostly drink coconut water, though. I order it from Exotic Superfoods online. They freeze it after harvesting so it's the closest to raw/unadulterated I can get without having access to fresh coconuts.

I ended up not ordering from Miami Fruit since everyone else wanted cheesecake for Thanksgiving. Any extra money I have is currently going toward Christmas gifts but once the holiday season is over, I'll be placing an order.

My mum and I are similar creatures so I'm not surprised she went vegan, but I honestly never expected my dad to go plant-based. We even had my grandmother on a plant-based diet and Dr. Morse's herbs when she was in our care. Her chronic digestive problems, high blood sugar and "kidney disease" resolved.

But anyhow, I think it's great that your parents have a garden. That's something, right? To me, it doesn't get any healthier than growing our own food.
Hi @Richiebogie,

Haha! Could be! We get a lot of turkey (and other animals), but never that many at one time. Today a bear crossed the driveway.

Ah, okay. No worries! I have recipes for both raw ketchup and mustard, but haven't tried them yet. I didn't know what to put them on, but I like your skewered olives idea so I'll try it with that.

You come up with the best sounding salads and smoothies!

I use both fresh and sundried tomatoes, celery and lemon juice, dates or maple syrup, coconut cream, peppercorn and fresh basil. If I wasn't avoiding onions and garlic or following Dr. Morse's recommendation of avoiding salt, I would add some onion and garlic powder and skip the celery juice and just use sea salt – I haven't had salt in almost two years so my taste has adapted to less.

lf I was cooking for others I would skip the sundried tomatoes and caramelize some onions with garlic first and then add the rest of the ingredients (minus the coconut cream, in your case :):) to the pot and let it simmer for half an hour or so and then transfer it to a blender (or use an immersion blender) and blend it until it's silky smooth.

I've noticed that a lot of vegan recipes that call for a creamy component use cashews, but I find avocado works well, too. Just be sure to add it after everything else has been blended because blending it too long will cause it to whip up into a mousse like consistency.

Aww..another good video I've missed! My iPad keeps acting up lately – the screen freezes so I've only been able to get through the first few minutes of a video before calling "uncle!"

Yeah, It can be tricky to find unpasteurized juice. I can get it at two large supermarket chains here, Whole Foods, and a juice bar in the city, but often the fruit used isn't ripe so I'd rather press my own at home.

I mostly drink coconut water, though. I order it from Exotic Superfoods online. They freeze it after harvesting so it's the closest to raw/unadulterated I can get without having access to fresh coconuts.

I ended up not ordering from Miami Fruit since everyone else wanted cheesecake for Thanksgiving. Any extra money I have is currently going toward Christmas gifts but once the holiday season is over, I'll be placing an order.

My mum and I are similar creatures so I'm not surprised she went vegan, but I honestly never expected my dad to go plant-based. We even had my grandmother on a plant-based diet and Dr. Morse's herbs when she was in our care. Her chronic digestive problems, high blood sugar and "kidney disease" resolved.

But anyhow, I think it's great that your parents have a garden. That's something, right? To me, it doesn't get any healthier than growing our own food.

What kind of meals was your grandmother eating while she was vegan compared to when she was not?


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Her chronic digestive problems, high blood sugar and "kidney disease" resolved.
That happens when stomach acid is not high enough... Then proteins are not digested properly.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
good thyroid and metabolism = good stomach acid. Sort thyroid and metabolism, this goes away
I have discovered this is not true but can be the other way round.... tyroid is not always the 1st thing to deal with..... Search into minerals and you will see how wrong it can be to see it this way. good thyroid and metabolism is a consequence of good mineral balance and good nerves. Nerves and cells come first in the order of things. If you take thyroid but it does not enter cells, no way!
Stomach acid goes along with ratio of phosphore and calcium, and I hav to low phosphore.... Well many more things than one mineral, it can not be so reduced like this either...
But there is phosphore in meat, so it is a self feeding loop when you have low stomach acid.

So for real hypothyroidsm, you can sort it out with supps, but diet does a lot too, and thyroid can get better with no med, but most people cannot do the necessary especially at stress level, so they need meds to patch the trousers.... so do what you want, but do not say that half of the truth is the total truth.... this is a hen and egg story!


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
So you are saying that Phosphorus is what increases stomach acid?
That is more than phosphorus.... but my hair test shows low thyroid AND low adrenals, they can tell you with no blood test, just from the ratios between minerals. I lack P and K and Co, but especially the ratio Ca/P and Zn / Co too.


Jul 8, 2014
What kind of meals was your grandmother eating while she was vegan compared to when she was not?
On plant-based her staples included veggie fried rice, rangoons, spring rolls, pot stickers, mac and cheese, lasagna, spaghetti, lots of fruit, veggies (mostly mashed and roasted potatoes, corn, green beans), baked beans, split pea soup, shepherd's pie, veggie pot pie, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, Cheerios with almond milk, toast with peanut butter, ice cream and peanut butter crackers, and she drank water and ginger ale.

Before switching to plant-based her staples included eggs, turkey bacon, English muffins with butter, peanut butter or jelly, Cheerios with skim milk, beef hotdogs and cheese hamburgers made from pastured meat, sliced ham and cheese rolled up together, chicken pot pie, baked beans, split pea soup (made with lard), veggies (mostly potatoes, corn, green beans), fruit, crackers and ice cream, and she drank water.


Jul 8, 2014
That happens when stomach acid is not high enough... Then proteins are not digested properly.
Yep, that can contribute to digestive and sugar metabolism issues, but my grandmother didn't suffer from weak stomach acid. Her digestive issues stemmed from dairy. Dairy was the first thing we removed from her diet and when we did, her digestive issues resolved.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Yep, that can contribute to digestive and sugar metabolism issues, but my grandmother didn't suffer from weak stomach acid. Her digestive issues stemmed from dairy. Dairy was the first thing we removed from her diet and when we did, her digestive issues resolved.
So she had no problem with using animal products other than dairies?


Jul 8, 2014
So she had no problem with using animal products other than dairies?
She digested the other animal products fine, but they contributed to her kidney disease.


May 3, 2015
Hi @Xisca,

Regarding CO2 in the body, I found this at https://www.normalbreathing.com/CO2-blood-pH-respiratory-alkalosis.php

"Dr. KP Buteyko and over 180 of his medical colleagues also found that CO2 controls and regulates composition and properties of all other bodily fluids, including secretions of the stomach, composition and properties of saliva and mucus, pH of the urine. For example, for most people, in conditions of hyperventilation, stomach and urinary pH become too low (too acidic), promoting development of gastritis and ulcers, or urinary stones. pH of saliva can be also out of norms for people with low body oxygen levels..."

Apparently. Carbonic acid (H2CO3) is a weak acid which can give off an H+ and leave the weak alkaline Bicarbonate (HCO3-).

This reaction can go the other way also.

A solution of these 3 chemicals act as a buffering solution in our blood and tissues to counter the effect of strong acids or strong bases:

Buffer solution - Wikipedia

If we breathe too much we lose CO2 in both forms and flood the blood and tissues with Nitrogen and Oxygen instead. Hence we lose this protection.

However many of our cells will soon produce more CO2 so the issue can be fixed quite fast if we are aware of it!


May 3, 2015
Hi @Jennifer,

Thanks for your reply. Sorry it has taken so long to get back to you. I am not sure where the week has gone! The sun doesn't set until 9pm this time of year so I am out most of the day!

I have also been learning about Gregorian chant. It uses an early version of music notation which allowed chants to be written down in beautiful illustrated manuscripts and sung in any church across Europe! There is debate on how to interpret some of the old markings, but by and large they can be translated into modern script!

I can empathize with your iPad issues. I still use an iphone 4 and it crashes trying to view many websites. I have to stop the download early so I can read the text without all the complicated in-frame videos or who-knows-what overloading the memory!

I now have 15GB of mobile download on my phone each month so I hook that up to my computer rather than using a landline for data! The pc can display all of the websites that crash the phone. I also need to use the pc to check my email because the operating system on the phone is too old for yahoo's security requirements!

Luckily safari on my phone displays Youtube ok, though sometimes they get stuck at the beginning showing fractions of a second at a time! If I press done and then reload, it usually works though then the pause button doesn't work!!

My sister bought a cheap Chinese brand android phone recently and she has been happy with it so I might get the details!

I haven't gotten into coconut water but I did try some carbonated red grape juice during the week! That was tasty, but probably not as good as fresh grapes!

Your soup recipe sounds delicious! I'm sure you will make a great Christmas spread this year!

That is great news that your grandma's health improved going vegan.

Is that the same grandmother who jokes about flying to Hawaii in shells and grass skirts?

It is good your dad could also see the benefits!

Good idea saving Miami fruit for special occasions. You seem to get some good bargains locally, and they have already paid the delivery costs for you! I wonder if you can find a good supplier of tropical fruit who buys in bulk in your city or a nearby city? Maybe they have a few boxes of Australian mangos going cheaply! I think the mango farms will start oversupplying the local market next year as the trees continue to grow!

Mum and dad downsized 2 years ago to get away from the maintenance issues of a pool and large garden. They still bought a 2 storey unit but their bedroom, kitchen and meals room are all downstairs.

Dad loves his lemon tree and lime tree and we just planted an apple, and apricot in June over our winter! Last year's passionfruit creeper had a bad root stock but this year's is doing well!

Our fences keep out most animals except for birds, mice and possums!

Do you have any favourite Christmas traditions? I like watching Meet Me in St Louis but I don't know how I found out about it. I don't think I have ever seen it on Australian TV! It was based on a true story, but the filmmakers changed the ending to a much happier one than the autobiography! The film has beautiful colours in it. I think it was filmed in technicolor using prisms and 3 Black and White film cameras!


Jul 8, 2014
Oh, no worries, @Richiebogie! I would be taking advantage of the sun, too. :)

Very cool! In high school, I was in a concert choir and a smaller, by audition only choir and the BAO choir sang a piece that reminds me of Gregorian chant. It's called Prayer of the Children. It's haunting and pleading, yet hopeful. We performed it in an auditorium with the lights out and formed a circle around the audience. It's by far my favorite piece we ever did. Gives me chills! This is the song, in case you're interested:

That's great that your sister found a phone that's cheap and works well. I'm trying to hold onto my iPad as long as I can because of a sentimental attachment I have to it. My parents gave it to me for Christmas as a way to distract me from the pain when I was relearning how to walk. I walked while researching on it and became so engrossed in what I was reading, I'd forget my pain. I was too weak to hold the weight of research/medical books so they got me the mini.

I like carbonated grape juice! I used to drink it on special occasions instead of alcohol.

Yep, that's the same grandmother. Sadly, she had to be placed in a nursing home because her apartment became unsafe for her and my parents' house has too many stairs. Since being there and eating their diet, all her issues came back and then some. It's so disheartening.

I'd love it if I could get Australian mangoes, but the only ones I come across are from South America. I did luck out, though. I've been finding sugary sweet Ataulfos lately so I've been taking advantage of it. I haven't found a bulk supplier of tropical fruit near me, but I'll be moving fairly soon so I can get by until then. I always have a steady supply of melons, coconut, dates and other dried fruit, frozen mangoes, frozen figs, and tomatoes.

That seems like a wise move for your mum and dad, and their garden sounds lovely with all that fruit! My parents' house is far too big for them now and if my mum had her way, they'd be living in Hawaii in a tiny house. My dad isn't too keen on that, though.

Oh, yeah! I remember Meet Me in St. Louis. I love Judy Garland! The Wizard of Oz is my favorite childhood movie – another Technicolor beauty. My mum and I watch White Christmas with the first snowfall of the season and the family has Chinese food on Christmas Eve. As you can probably tell by my grandmother's staples while on a vegan diet, my family loves Chinese food. :)


May 3, 2015
Hi @Jennifer,

Thank you for that interesting song. I have not heard it before. It does sound like a chant, especially as it is unaccompanied.

Here is a blog I found by the composer explaining how it was written during the civil war in Yugoslavia! That would have been a chilling time for children and adults alike:

Story Behind Prayer of the Children

I imagine turning out the lights, surrounding the audience and singing that song would have been quite a tingly experience for everyone involved!

It is common for atheists to say that if God exists why does he allow horror in the world? Surely he is not worthy of our respect! They tend to forget that much of the horror comes about because we are not robots confined to perfect lives. We are free to consider God's will or ignore it!

That is sad about your grandmother. Biscuits or cookies were laid on pretty generously at my grandmother's care home. She actually ate a lot of whole foods through her life and avoided doctors and dentists but once she could no longer care for herself all that was forgotten! She lived to 100 though which was pretty good, and died the eldest of my 4 grandparents.

I had another flare up of mouth ulcers! 4 on my lips and 2 on the back right of my tongue! I think it was due to the grape juice, hommus (chickpea and sesame seeds) and date bread with wheat I had at a recent Christmas function! Dates are slightly higher in arginine than lysine but the other ingredients are much higher in arginine than lysine.

I can cope with OJ when I balance it with mangos or papaya but this was a lot more arginine than usual!

I think Dr Morse would say it is a good sign of detox! Certainly I have issues in my head like myopia, balding and greying, so I can put up with a bit of pain if it is doing me good! Anyway I know I can escape the pain if I aim for a ratio of arginine to lysine of 1 to 1. (Human milk is 1 to 1.6 like cows milk, but infancy is a high growth time so we may not need this ratio after weaning!)

You would be getting a lot more arginine than lysine with your love of coconut milk! (Shredded coconut has a ratio of 3.7 to 1)

I can see why you are attached to your old iPad. It helped you get back on your feet - literally! It sounds like your pain was healing! (It seems counter-intuitive as we usually run from pain)!

I think I am attached to my iphone 4 because I prefer carrying a smaller phone. I think this was the last model before Steve Jobs died! It is a nice shape and size! The newer iphone SE is only slightly longer so that could be an option!

Are you moving to Hawaii or somewhere more local? The tropical life is agreeing with Kasey! I think he is now eating 1 big meal a day at various Chiangmai restaurants for under $2.00!

Hawaii may be a bit more expensive than Thailand but just as great for growing things! It wouldn't be as windy as Florida!

A tiny house the size of a caravan may be a bit too small for me but I can see the benefits of low heating and cooling costs and having your books, music and movies in the cloud!

I looked up ataulfos! They are smaller than our smallest variety I can currently buy which is called Calypso, which is smaller than Kensington Pride which is smaller again than our R2E2 variety!

That sounds a bit like a Star Wars character but it actually stands for Row 2 Experiment 2 in a field of experimental mango cuttings in the Queensland coastal town of Bowen!

Apparently they are well suited for export so maybe they will show up sometime in the future! (I don't think Kasey would like the audio in this video, but the images are well put together).

I might buy White Christmas on blu-ray! I have many musicals but not that one!

It will probably be a very bright blue-sky Christmas here in Melbourne! I tend to stay indoors until 3pm to avoid the worst of the sun! There are always a few sunburnt locals and tourists walking about this time of year!

Are you cooking Chinese for Xmas or getting some veggie options from a local restaurant?

Have a merry day and week ahead!
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EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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