I haven’t seen one healthy looking person since arriving back in london


Jan 10, 2023
I arrived back yesterday in London after being in Costa Rica for a month, I’ve been out a lot in the last day and have not seen even one healthy looking person. EVERY single person I have seen here (I’m not exaggerating this), looks pretty ill, stressed, depressed and running on stress hormones.

I noticed similar things here when I first started a Peat Diet.

PUFAs, cold winter/lack of sun, chemicals in foods and cosmetic products, Covid vaccines etc are really messing people up.

I think as one gets rid of their own toxicity eg: heavy metals, chemicals and PUFAs you begin to see how toxic and ill everyone else is. I’ve noticed similar things when I’ve been to a club and not drunk alcohol.

I plan to move back to the city of San Jose in Costa Rica which is high altitude after I’ve sorted some stuff out here in London , I actually felt a lot better there in the city of San Jose than the beach town I was in for a month. The high altitude helps my health and metabolism a lot I notice the difference instantly. Before I left Costa Rica I found a cheap apartment in a very nice area in SJ.
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Jun 28, 2019
You also have Cartago, which is close to San Jose and higher.
1400 meters


Jan 10, 2023
You also have Cartago, which is close to San Jose and higher.
1400 meters
The thing about I like about San Jose is it has a very good organic grocery store actually much better than the ones here in the UK, I don’t think Cartago would have that as organic isn’t really a thing in Costa Rica with the exception of San Jose and Santa Teresa.

When I first went to San Jose I didn’t like it but that was because I was staying in a bad polluted area kind of in the hood, when I returned I moved to the rich part of the city which has much more nature, cleaner air, happy and friendly people.


Jun 22, 2022
Most people in big cities are extremely unhealthy but I know a lot of healthy londoners. Maybe you’re just not looking in the right neighborhoods. I used to live near Hampstead Heath and was walking there daily and doing some cold exposure at the pond with other ladies and daily I was seeing pretty healthy people. But it’s true for most cities that most people are zombies. It’s the same in Paris or NYC but after living in lots of different cities in my opinion London has more healthy people. But also London has lots of vegans and I haven’t been there in 3 years so maybe things are different now.
Aug 21, 2022
London, United Kingdom
Most people in big cities are extremely unhealthy but I know a lot of healthy londoners. Maybe you’re just not looking in the right neighborhoods. I used to live near Hampstead Heath and was walking there daily and doing some cold exposure at the pond with other ladies and daily I was seeing pretty healthy people. But it’s true for most cities that most people are zombies. It’s the same in Paris or NYC but after living in lots of different cities in my opinion London has more healthy people. But also London has lots of vegans and I haven’t been there in 3 years so maybe things are different now.
In the last 3 years we all went through Covid, lockdowns and all that stress has been accumulating since you were last here.
I assure you Londoners are demonic.


Jun 22, 2022
In the last 3 years we all went through Covid, lockdowns and all that stress has been accumulating since you were last here.
I assure you Londoners are demonic.
You are one of them and you seem paranoid so… you might be onto something!


Jul 27, 2022
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Sep 9, 2019
I assure you Londoners are demonic.
Not all of us Pliskin. Not all of the time at the very least.

But yes, generally this place is evil af. Light it up to pass the time.


oops :eyes:


In the last 3 years we all went through Covid, lockdowns and all that stress has been accumulating since you were last here.
I assure you Londoners are demonic.
This is the second time I’ve read your derogatory comments about London and Londoners. It’s a shame you’ve had such a bad experience of the city. Are you able to expand on the experiences that's made you so damming of Londoners ?


Sep 21, 2014
I think it's a common problem in big cities. I had a problem with dark circles for years, and the last time I was in Amsterdam, I felt quite at home because so many people had the same problem. Even most tourists seem rushed and stressed in big cities. The whole city trip phenomenon seems to be more and more to just rush through the city, go to all the tourist hot spots in the least amount of time and make 23 selfies per minute to prove to yourself that you were actually there. In the mountains or on the beach, people are much more relaxed on vacation.

I avoid big cities now. It's not a pleasant experience for many reasons.
Aug 21, 2022
London, United Kingdom
You are one of them and you seem paranoid so… you might be onto something!
I am not paranoid. I am in stellar physical and mental health. It is an observation that is not hard to make and that others have made. Please do not make this personal.
Not all of us Pliskin. Not all of the time at the very least.

But yes, generally this place is evil af. Light it up to pass the time.


oops :eyes:
View attachment 49459
I know it’s not everyone. However finding a kind soul here is like finding a needle in a haystack.
Light it up to pass the time? Uhhh…

This is the second time I’ve read your derogatory comments about London and Londoners. It’s a shame you’ve had such a bad experience of the city. Are you able to expand on the experiences that's made you so damming of Londoners ?
Essentially what OP said. Everyone is extremely stressed and can only cope by inflicting their misery on each other.

In short, with very few exceptions, people are willing to lie, dominate and conspire against each other to get their way; passtimes for young people include:
•Hooking up
•Getting blackout drunk (e.g going on pub crawls)
•Going to nightclubs and snogging random people
People on the street are openly hostile and I frequently experience young men (especially of African descent) giving me death stares as I pass them and just doing things like throwing garbage everywhere and screaming.
The girls my age are all extremely mentally ill (every girl that I spoke to at my old uni accommodation had depression or worse) and some of walk around with a look of pure hatred in their eyes like they’re about to murder someone. I am weary of (mostly young) white and asian women because these treat me the most aggressively and are the ones who actually barge into me in the street. Black women seem to be friendlier for some reason.
I have stopped attending my lectures in person because even some of the female staff there treats me aggressively.

This might all sound like I’m exaggerating but I’m not and I know that other people, especially other young men, are experiencing similar things.

About me: I am Christian so unsurprisingly I believe strongly in treating everyone with kindness. I do not behave like much of my fellow Londoners and I am appalled my many people’s way of life even if I am not qualified to judge others.
I do experience friendly conversations from randoms in cafés or when I’m out or about, and I often get asked for directions — or with help with something.
This is because I am actually a peaceful and friendly person and it shows on my face (not my words, strangers that I meet sometimes tell me this).

The best remedy for me has been idealabs supplements with emphasis on androgens.
Basically I have made myself into a big scary guy to ward off aggression from others and it works and continues to work. At the same time they have completely quelled my stress hormones and anxiety so I have a very relaxed demeanour.
This means that I am both energetically expensive to challenge and also neither a threat. That is how I carry myself and lately I barely experience aggression from Londoners- with a few exceptions.

I have decided to mostly withdraw myself from others (except a handful of friends) and I’m going to immigrate somewhere else the second I get my bachelor’s degree. (I have dual nationality)

I apologise if this was too long but I am trying to communicate my experience through words which isn’t easy for me to do succinctly.
Aug 21, 2022
London, United Kingdom
the fact of the matter is this, when your stress hormones ARE LOW ENOUGH, many aspects of society become unbearable and if a person is ABLE TO TOLERATE these aspects, then they are not peating/low-stress

Living a normal life in Society and "Peating" are already nearly impossible to do, if you live in society - you probably aren't really peating that well and operating on a slightly evelated serotogenic level just to keep up, and it only gets worse from here, in 10 years peating in society will be impossible
Just found these in another thread. Based.


Nov 1, 2019
Big cities should only be visited for vacation/trip purposes. I recently moved to the countryside from a metropol where I had lived for the last 6 years. I feel a lot better already!!
Less stress, less traffic, less pollution. I legit feel alive again.
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Aug 21, 2022
London, United Kingdom
By the way what I have described is just scratching the surface on what people and life are like here.
I could write about the food and what they add to it, what they price it as etc etc but nobody would care enough to read all of that and people will say I’m just paranoid.

What I will say however is that before Ray passed, he mentioned in one of his interviews that the fabric of society (in the west) was probably going to collapse in the near future. This sentiment has been repeated by Haidut and many others in the Peat sphere.
It’s pretty clear that Western society as we understand it has no future, mainly because it has decided to sacrifice its young. Sometimes it feels pointless to say this because many people on this forum are mature adults and disconnected from the culture and zeitgeist of generation Z.

Anyway apologies for the rant


Thanks for sharing @IroquoisPliskin

I am not in the kind of environment you describe so I can’t really work out what might be going on. Young people getting drunk is very British but it’s not a new thing. I generally find most people (not all) to be pleasant and respectful in London (London is a big place and I am no longer 21). Aggression from your teachers is worrying. Have you tried speaking to someone about this? What do you think is behind this aggression? University life is very different to everyday life so perhaps once you are in a work environment you might meet like minded people.

BTW you are not the first person I've heard describe London the you do.
Aug 21, 2022
London, United Kingdom
I hate to say it, but the young people today are often the sickest, it seems to me. Of course, that is must my impression, and this forum is not representative of any larger population. But so many posts of troubled young people with problems of depression, anhedonia, malaise, general dissatisfaction, etc. etc.
Here’s another anecdote that I found
Aug 21, 2022
London, United Kingdom
I generally find most people (not all) to be pleasant and respectful in London (London is a big place and I am no longer 21)
Yes. In my case I’m barely 20 (a baby according to people who see my age on my ID 🙄), male, 6 feet tall and muscular so I’d imagine people will react differently to me than to you. Older adults seem to have complete contempt for young adults/teenagers. For example the idea of mental health is completely foreign to my father who thinks gen Z is just lazy and entitled.
Aggression from your teachers is worrying. Have you tried speaking to someone about this? What do you think is behind this aggression?
Just a few and on the younger side. An example was a lab technician at one of my lab sessions who was a woman slightly older than me in a hijab.
At the beginning of the session she would only look at me with looks of hatred but after a few minutes of conversation she seemed to realise I wasn’t a fuckboy or an ***hole or whatever and treated me more kindly and smiled at me more.
When I was still interacting with people my age at uni, girls would tell me that they though I was a fuckboy when they first saw me and some of them refused to speak to me until they realised I wasn’t an ***hole after which some of them became friends for the rest of the year.
I think trauma from men is behind this aggression. And to be honest it is completely understandable because a lot of men my age treat women like fucktoys and are extremely aggressive and just generally horrible. I always have to bear the burden of proving myself to be an exception to everyone I meet — I manage this by just being my authentic self.
There’s no way I’m going to speak to someone at uni about this because it is absolutely pointless and we are well past that point as a generation. Talking isn’t going to fix anything.
BTW you are not the first person I've heard describe London the you do.
Thank you for this. It’s good to know I’m not delusional and that there are at least some people out there who understand and experience the same thing.


Yes. In my case I’m barely 20 (a baby according to people who see my age on my ID 🙄), male, 6 feet tall and muscular so I’d imagine people will react differently to me than to you. Older adults seem to have complete contempt for young adults/teenagers. For example the idea of mental health is completely foreign to my father who thinks gen Z is just lazy and entitled.

Just a few and on the younger side. An example was a lab technician at one of my lab sessions who was a woman slightly older than me in a hijab.
At the beginning of the session she would only look at me with looks of hatred but after a few minutes of conversation she seemed to realise I wasn’t a fuckboy or an ***hole or whatever and treated me more kindly and smiled at me more.
When I was still interacting with people my age at uni, girls would tell me that they though I was a fuckboy when they first saw me and some of them refused to speak to me until they realised I wasn’t an ***hole after which some of them became friends for the rest of the year.
I think trauma from men is behind this aggression. And to be honest it is completely understandable because a lot of men my age treat women like fucktoys and are extremely aggressive and just generally horrible. I always have to bear the burden of proving myself to be an exception to everyone I meet — I manage this by just being my authentic self.
There’s no way I’m going to speak to someone at uni about this because it is absolutely pointless and we are well past that point as a generation. Talking isn’t going to fix anything.

Thank you for this. It’s good to know I’m not delusional and that there are at least some people out there who understand and experience the same thing.
If you are basing a lot of your reaction by the "looks" someone is giving you this means you are mind reading. I would try to attend your lectures and just be yourself and learn.


Feb 12, 2020
"•Hooking up
•Getting blackout drunk (e.g going on pub crawls)
•Going to nightclubs and snogging random people"

this is how the UK is
Scotland is the same
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