Hello From Australia, I Can't Believe I'm Allowed Icecream


Oct 17, 2016
Very similar journey to a lot of people... minor and major health problems in early 20s leading me from gluten free to grain free to paleo to keto... all with initial improvements before crashing and burning.

Main struggles were depression/anxiety, insomnia, "IBS", Dental decay (which got WORSE when i stopped eating sugar, !!!!!), cartilage degradation... psoriasis etc etc. Been on SSRIs, some new thing called Valdoxan which wasn't too bad, been doped up for six months on Temazepam and Propranolol, done keto, failed, done paleo, failed, tried Jack Kruse stuff, made me depressed and decided I'd have to give up my life and live in a cave... gave up an ignored my health for a while...

And then I went to see an Osteopath (I'd been seeing his colleague for actual injuries) expecting to be prescribed a leptin reset, cold baths and raw beef... only to be told to drink orange juice with gelatin, and eat all da cheeze. Which lead me to question a few things... for which he prescribed the wonderful Danny Roddy podcasts, especially his chats with Georgie...

For a few days I felt guilt every time I drank juice (fructose the devil) and horror at the thought of icecream, with all that unnatural dairy and sugar.... But I'm here two weeks later and with my Stressnon, and a few other calming tools and plenty of raw carrot i am less bloated and more relaxed a long time.

I'm still worried about weight gain, and pimples., and cavities but i understand my poor thyroid has been very sad and my metabolism is that of a hibernating naked mole rat, and I'm hoping to find a more sustainable life and finally not horrify my fiance with my icicle hands and feet every night!

Love to have a chat with some Aussies (or anyone else) who is feeling better or has advice for good cheese or lamb shank recipes! Good health and metabolism to everyone!


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Welcome to the forum @walker_in_aus! It's awesome that your doctor recommended the generative energy podcasts. I know we have some Australian forum members so hopefully they will introduce themselves. :welcome


Jul 29, 2014
That is amazing your osteopath recommended the @haidut talks!

By the way, you are "allowed" to eat anything on the "Ray Peat" diet, whether or not that thing will be positive for you is a different matter.

I agree, you can eat anything. The Peat stuff is about learning and knowing and having the tools to improve your health. It's up to the "user" to determine how strict they want to be with the knowledge they are given.

Some of us are anal about things and some people are a little more easy going. For example, Peat says ideally you would choose fruit over starch, and half (or so) of your diet would be fruit... but I still eat starch sometimes. If fruit is available and I have the money for it, I buy it and I tend to eat no starch. If I cannot get much fruit, I throw starch in. But Peat has equipped me with the knowledge to choose some better starches (potatoes vs pasta), the knowledge to prevent adverse reactions (some sat. fat with starch, or cooking it, sourdough) and the knowledge to know if I am having a bad reaction.


Mar 29, 2014
:welcome walker

and my metabolism is that of a hibernating naked mole rat
If you are keeping your CO2 levels up as well as they do, you may have protected yourself a bit. :)


Nov 19, 2015
Cairns, Australia
Heheh, a client of Dr Lamaro I assume? ;)

Good to see initial positive results. Happy to chat if needed.



Jun 7, 2016
Hi from Australia.

- The best cheese I have found is sold at Coles and is parmigiano reggiano and
granda padano by Coles brand imported from Italy.

- Every ice-cream sold at Coles and Woolworths has gums in it and is deemed as not safe except Woolworths sell haagendaaz ice cream which has simple ingredients.

- Diary farmers 2% 'new' milk tastes good and hasn't got any other ingredients besides milk.

- Raw milk by Cow is sold at Harris Farms and health food stores.

- Ice Break Ice Coffee only has coffee, cane sugar and milk as ingredients, the rest have gums and stuff.

- The coca cola here is ok because it all contains cane sugar (only the red ones)

- I personally make my own oj but the brand Nudie pulp free has no added ingredients and sold at coles and woolworths.

- Saxa sea salt is pure Australian salt.

- IHerb.com is the place to buy Great Lakes Gelatin.

- Cyproheptadine is sold as Periactin and is over the counter in any pharmacy $10 for 100, 4mg tablets.

- Bayer Aspro is an ok aspirin.

- I have imported progesterone from electricalbody.com with no issues.

- I have imported NDT from pimpomproducts.com ok.

The carrots, watermelon, lychees, oranges grown in Australia are great.
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Oct 17, 2016
By the way, you are "allowed" to eat anything on the "Ray Peat" diet, whether or not that thing will be positive for you is a different matter.

Hahaha thanks, you're right! I guess I've been berating myself for many years over my unstoppable cravings for sugar that being told it's not poison is still sinking in. It's funny, as soon as I was learning about metabolism NEEDING sugar, I can have it without bingeing... human psychology is fascinating. I thnk all the negative effects I experienced from eating too much came down to self hate and guilt! Ha! The trout is right, don't worry be happy!


Aug 12, 2015
Another Aussie checking in.

I also went through the keto and paleo route before finding Peat. My biggest issues were IBS-C, acne and anxiety/depression. Those issues all disappeared when I stick to easily digested foods (no fiber, phytates etc).

Jarlsberg cheese from woolies and coles works very well for me (I don't tolerate standard cheese). As for lamb shank recipes, I buy the packets from coles then toss them in a pot with salt, carrots, celery and cilantro. Bring the water to boil then simmer for ~40 minutes. After that I take the shanks out, cut them up into tiny pieces then fry with butter, garlic, mushrooms and onion. It's too high in fat to be an everyday thing for me, but it all depends on your goals and health.

Also now that it's starting to warm up down here, try get plenty of sunlight :)


Oct 17, 2016
Another Aussie checking in.

I also went through the keto and paleo route before finding Peat. My biggest issues were IBS-C, acne and anxiety/depression. Those issues all disappeared when I stick to easily digested foods (no fiber, phytates etc).

Jarlsberg cheese from woolies and coles works very well for me (I don't tolerate standard cheese). As for lamb shank recipes, I buy the packets from coles then toss them in a pot with salt, carrots, celery and cilantro. Bring the water to boil then simmer for ~40 minutes. After that I take the shanks out, cut them up into tiny pieces then fry with butter, garlic, mushrooms and onion. It's too high in fat to be an everyday thing for me, but it all depends on your goals and health.

Also now that it's starting to warm up down here, try get plenty of sunlight :)

Thanks! I also love Dank Memes!!!

I actually just bought some Jarlsburg. Cheese works for me, milk makes me VERY slow on the digestion front. I did have the flu ALL LAST WEEK so going in the sun hurt my eyes. I tried about 15 mins a day though. Thanks for the welcome message, if I find some sweet dank memes I'll send them your way!


Oct 17, 2016
Hi from Australia.

- The best cheese I have found is sold at Coles and is parmigiano reggiano and
granda padano by Coles brand imported from Italy.

- Every ice-cream sold at Coles and Woolworths has gums in it and is deemed as not safe except Woolworths sell haagendaaz ice cream which has simple ingredients.

- Diary farmers 2% 'new' milk tastes good and hasn't got any other ingredients besides milk.

- Raw milk by Cow is sold at Harris Farms and health food stores.

- Ice Break Ice Coffee only has coffee, cane sugar and milk as ingredients, the rest have gums and stuff.

- The coca cola here is ok because it all contains cane sugar (only the red ones)

- I personally make my own oj but the brand Nudie pulp free has no added ingredients and sold at coles and woolworths.

- Saxa sea salt is pure Australian salt.

- IHerb.com is the place to buy Great Lakes Gelatin.

- Cyproheptadine is sold as Periactin and is over the counter in any pharmacy $10 for 100, 4mg tablets.

- Bayer Aspro is an ok aspirin.

- I have imported progesterone from electricalbody.com with no issues.

- I have imported NDT from pimpomproducts.com ok.

The carrots, watermelon, lychees, oranges grown in Australia are great.

Hi Benjamin!

Thank you so much, that all likes like invaluable information. Yes I spent an inordinate amount of time in the freezer section last week looking for ice-cream without soy or gums... gah! I do have access to an icecream machine however, so this summer is going to be ACE.

Coffee and me are just not friends. :(

I have no idea what cyproheptadine is


Oct 17, 2016
Heheh, a client of Dr Lamaro I assume? ;)

Good to see initial positive results. Happy to chat if needed.


Yes indeed. His colleague Matt has been treating my falling apart body for a few years now.


Jan 29, 2015
Hi all,

Fellow Aussie here (26 yr old male), originally from Sydney but I've been living in Melbourne for several months now.

I've been learning from Ray, Haidut, Danny, Pollack and many others for the past couple of years. I had been in ketosis prior to coming across the bioenergetic perspective on biology. Keto ruined my sleep, my gut and of course, my thyroid (cold hands and feet). I'm in decent shape, so significant weight loss was not an issue for me. I originally tried Keto with my parents because we thought it might help with their diabetes, though ironically it probably gave me diabetes! I used to be able to eat potatoes, rice etc. with no trouble, but now it's much harder to eat very much starch on a regular basis, apart from some white toast (from Bakers Delight) and pasta from time to time. Nudie OJ is pretty good (I don't mind the pulp). Dairy seems to be pretty good in Australia. I've been using 'Gelpro' gelatin for a while now, both regular and hydrolysate.

After using supplements for the past couple of years, my rat and I would like to note that:

Very low dose Ritanserin (1-2 drops daily in the morning) does wonders for IBS (my rat is now trying 1 drop Metergoline in the morning instead of Ritanserin). So far, 1 drop of metergoline results in cold hands (I'm guessing it has something to do with serotonin keeping my rat warm)

Lisuride does increase Libido and sense of well-being, but my rat already feels good most of the time and doesn't like the possibility of down regulation with over use, so he stopped using it after a week or so.

Gelatin (hydrolysate for now) is also good for IBS (2-3 tablespoons a day)

Stressnon (Pregnenolone) seems to help with sleep. My rat has tried 10 drops (10mg) during the day, he might try 5 drops in the evening and see how it goes.

Androsterone (5 drops) does not make my rat sleepy, in fact the opposite. I suspect it will be more useful for my rat after using Pregnenolone for some time first.

Pansterone hasn't really done anything (even in combination with Androsterone). Again, I think Pregnenolone might be a good starting point for my rat.

Tyromix, panquinone, vit. A, D, E, K2 also haven't really.....

Thiamine, niacinamide and biotin are ok, but increase appetite too much and I feel pretty good without them.

Usual diet:

2-3 eggs a day, one sunny side up egg per meal on toast with a slice of Coon Colby cheese (and probably some more shredded cheese on top)

3-4 mugs of warm milk (full cream) with 1-2 tablespoons of sugar (sometimes I add a teaspoon instant coffee and/or dutch processed cocoa powder) and 1 tablespoon of gelatin.

3-4 glasses of OJ or other juice from the nudie brand (apple, tropical and apple and blackcurrant also taste pretty good).

Medjoul dates (as many as I want, usually 6-10 a day)


Sometimes I'll buy some premium beef mince, cook it and add it to my eggs, cheese and toast.

I don't smoke or drink alcohol (never liked the taste).

I bought two tubs of Haagen dazs when I first heard that it was available in Aus. (Salted Caramel and Macadamia). Very nice, but very expensive to consume on a regular basis! I generally use very little added fats like butter, coconut oil, cream etc. but I drink and eat full fat dairy.

I'm very fortunate (or blessed, depending on one's perspective) to be in a position where I'm quite free to explore and learn many things (no, I'm not rich). There is no strong authoritarian presence in my environment and that's probably the reason why I still feel so great, despite the cold hands, feet and bad sleep brought about by my ketogenic experiment (it was primarily dairy and coconut fat by the way, but I was stupid enough to take fish oil at the time). That being said, after learning about the bioenergetic view of things, I would say that I feel even better and am now patiently awaiting gradual improvements in sleep and metabolism.

It would be great to catch up with some Aussie Peatarians, let me know if any of you are interested.


Jan 25, 2014
I will admit, it does feel "weird" eating sugar in the name of health, and/or fitness. But also, kinda awesome.

By the way, nothing quite beats the first time you eat liver fried in coconut oil with a root beer float as the side.


Oct 26, 2016
Hi! @walker_in_aus I am in a similar position (years on a lower carb diet --> paleo/primal --> J.Kruse --> Keto etc) and though I have made some improvements to my health markers, I'm still FAR from where I want to me (and don't seem to be making much more progress).
I'm currently in Sydney, but moving home to New Zealand in 8 days time :D so not technically an aussie but I've been here for the past 6 years (i'm 29 male).

5-6 years ago I discovered the 'low carb' world. Prior to that I had been on a ultra low fat, 6 meals a day, bodybuilding diet (and thought that was the ultimate diet etc). So stumbling upon the lower carb/higher fat world was huge - and it took me a while to truly get my head around things. Then it happened again with the primal/paleo movement... and then the 3rd time when I discovered JK. Now, reading Peats work I feel more confused than ever! But I do know that whatever I've been doing hasn't been working (I have really low T levels - over the years they have gone from ultra low to low - an improvement but not great!) so I'm open to change.
Anyway, I just wanted to say hi, and know that there is someone else going down this rabbit hole with you!

Oh - and even though I'm still trying to get my head around sugar not being the worst thing you can put in your mouth, I have started enjoying some ice cream of late :D As for a great brand - check out KOHU ice cream, it's sold at Harris Farm. Only the key essential ingredients (cream, milk, sugar, egg yolks and the natural flavour) and it's made in New Zealand from NZ dairy (the best in the world... but I am a tad bias!). $13 for 500ml, $20 for a litre. Pricey but damn tasty!


Oct 17, 2016
Hi! @walker_in_aus I am in a similar position (years on a lower carb diet --> paleo/primal --> J.Kruse --> Keto etc) and though I have made some improvements to my health markers, I'm still FAR from where I want to me (and don't seem to be making much more progress).
I'm currently in Sydney, but moving home to New Zealand in 8 days time :D so not technically an aussie but I've been here for the past 6 years (i'm 29 male).

5-6 years ago I discovered the 'low carb' world. Prior to that I had been on a ultra low fat, 6 meals a day, bodybuilding diet (and thought that was the ultimate diet etc). So stumbling upon the lower carb/higher fat world was huge - and it took me a while to truly get my head around things. Then it happened again with the primal/paleo movement... and then the 3rd time when I discovered JK. Now, reading Peats work I feel more confused than ever! But I do know that whatever I've been doing hasn't been working (I have really low T levels - over the years they have gone from ultra low to low - an improvement but not great!) so I'm open to change.
Anyway, I just wanted to say hi, and know that there is someone else going down this rabbit hole with you!

Oh - and even though I'm still trying to get my head around sugar not being the worst thing you can put in your mouth, I have started enjoying some ice cream of late :D As for a great brand - check out KOHU ice cream, it's sold at Harris Farm. Only the key essential ingredients (cream, milk, sugar, egg yolks and the natural flavour) and it's made in New Zealand from NZ dairy (the best in the world... but I am a tad bias!). $13 for 500ml, $20 for a litre. Pricey but damn tasty!

Hi Alex! Thanks for your message. Yes I won't lie NZ Dairy is the greatest! I love Mainland Organic Butter, I have so much of it!I will look for Kohu.

I feel exactly the same. I kinda feel stupid actually after feeling like I understood how to eat healthily for so long, which makes no sense when I look at the increasingly worse health conditions I've been having over the last 5 years!!! I'm trying to figure out where to start and to be more critical in my thinking... it's a bit exhausting!

Good luck with your move, NZ is so beautiful! :)


Jun 1, 2016
Hi guys. Another Aussie to add to the ranks. I'm currently in Melbourne. I've a similar story to most on here. I trashed my body with "healthy" foods and tried all the "diets" under the sun but was just constantly stressed out. I've been looking into to Peat's work for almost a year now. I've gotten to the point where I'm slowly implementing Peat's ideas in with some of my clients. I work as a fitness professional in a staff gym at a hospital working with surgeons, doctors and nurses. As you can imagine Ray's ideas tend to go about as well as lead balloon in that crowd but I'm slowly winning some of them over... very slowly.

Just weighing in on the topic of NZ dairy. I've read in a few places that because of their weather conditions its actually more economical for NZ framers to keep all their livestock grass-fed so I do my best to get all my cheese and butter from there. Also Woolworths brand butter is actually imported from NZ so it's a cheap way to get grass-fed butter dirt cheap.


Oct 17, 2016
Hi guys. Another Aussie to add to the ranks. I'm currently in Melbourne. I've a similar story to most on here. I trashed my body with "healthy" foods and tried all the "diets" under the sun but was just constantly stressed out. I've been looking into to Peat's work for almost a year now. I've gotten to the point where I'm slowly implementing Peat's ideas in with some of my clients. I work as a fitness professional in a staff gym at a hospital working with surgeons, doctors and nurses. As you can imagine Ray's ideas tend to go about as well as lead balloon in that crowd but I'm slowly winning some of them over... very slowly.

Just weighing in on the topic of NZ dairy. I've read in a few places that because of their weather conditions its actually more economical for NZ framers to keep all their livestock grass-fed so I do my best to get all my cheese and butter from there. Also Woolworths brand butter is actually imported from NZ so it's a cheap way to get grass-fed butter dirt cheap.

"Mainland, your frind in the frudge"... am I right!?

Good on you for fighting the good fight. I've been looking at returning to study and was considering a masters of dietetics, however after talking to some dietitians.... they most certainly keep the blinkers on and follow the "Australian food pyramid". They also ban anyone who recommends anything else from their Australian Dietitians Association... a bit scary.

And how is implementing Peat's ideas going for yourself?


Jun 1, 2016
"Mainland, your frind in the frudge"... am I right!?

Good on you for fighting the good fight. I've been looking at returning to study and was considering a masters of dietetics, however after talking to some dietitians.... they most certainly keep the blinkers on and follow the "Australian food pyramid". They also ban anyone who recommends anything else from their Australian Dietitians Association... a bit scary.

And how is implementing Peat's ideas going for yourself?

The current state of professional nutritionist & dietitians in Australia is scary. On the one hand you've got dietitians who are hamstrung by the restrictions of the Australian Dietitians Association on the other you've got nutritionist that could have anything from a 2-day course to an advanced diploma of paleo nutrition as their qualification. It'd be nice to see more of Peat's ideas circulating around the professional community but with the public so terrified of sugar it's hard to get traction.

I basically try to keep things simple:
2L no-fat milk
1L juice (.5 OJ & .5 apple/tropical/etc.) I get the Nudie juice just for convenience.
2 eggs for breakfast
Coffee with gelatin twice a day with meals.
Mainland cheese as a snack.
1 serve of grass-fed meat or fish a day.
liver 1-2 times per week.
carrot salad 4-6 times a week
the occasional can of Coke
ice cream occasionally
I add bicarb to my OJ and salt everything.

I play around with different supplements:
I've used Glycine and Taurine from Bulk Nutrients
Vitamins A,D,E and K2 from Health Natura but I've ordered some Kuinone and Estroban from Idealabs to compare.
I take B vitamins when I need them.


Oct 17, 2016
The current state of professional nutritionist & dietitians in Australia is scary. On the one hand you've got dietitians who are hamstrung by the restrictions of the Australian Dietitians Association on the other you've got nutritionist that could have anything from a 2-day course to an advanced diploma of paleo nutrition as their qualification. It'd be nice to see more of Peat's ideas circulating around the professional community but with the public so terrified of sugar it's hard to get traction.

I basically try to keep things simple:
2L no-fat milk
1L juice (.5 OJ & .5 apple/tropical/etc.) I get the Nudie juice just for convenience.
2 eggs for breakfast
Coffee with gelatin twice a day with meals.
Mainland cheese as a snack.
1 serve of grass-fed meat or fish a day.
liver 1-2 times per week.
carrot salad 4-6 times a week
the occasional can of Coke
ice cream occasionally
I add bicarb to my OJ and salt everything.

I play around with different supplements:
I've used Glycine and Taurine from Bulk Nutrients
Vitamins A,D,E and K2 from Health Natura but I've ordered some Kuinone and Estroban from Idealabs to compare.
I take B vitamins when I need them.

That looks nice and simple. I am hoping to develop a little bit of a base plan for myself too. Milk - just not working. I want to try some dietary changes before I start buying supplements. I have a whole CUPBOARD of supplements I've been collecting for years. I just bought a Swiss Calcium Magnesium and D3 before reading how calcium citrate isn't so good. :( I have Thorne Research SF722 to kill "candida", I have stomach acid, I have bovine colostrum, I have something that was meant to help with my MHTFR mutation, I have Kava to calm, I have L-Theanine and GABA750.... and I'm wary of buying more supplements.

Thanks for your advice, I will see how I go for the next few weeks!!
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