Gut Inflammation As The Driver Of Visceral Fat And Fatty Liver


Aug 6, 2017
You need to understand insulin resistance before using it as a measure for something. Pumping insulin and glucose into people and drawing conclusions from that is ridiculous.

When you fast your "insulin resistance" lasts for about one high-carb meal.

You keep claiming things when reality shows something else. Can you find a clinic that claims 95% rate in curing even severe diabetes that does not use fasting? Can you find case studies where 100% of patients were cured with high sugar low fat? Can you find studies that show regeneration of beta cells in type 1 and 2 with that diet?

A short fast or medically supervised longer one is okay; though I do not think a true fast is required for healing gut inflammation.

Me neither, it just is a very effective alternative with numerous other health benefits. For instance it prevents heart disease (and diabetes, again):
Occasional water-only fasts may lower your risk of heart disease and diabetes, according to new research presented at the annual scientific sessions of the American College of Cardiology in New Orleans.
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Feb 18, 2018
I think sluggish digestion and gut inflammation are tightly correlated, and I’ve noted that my digestion is slooooow. Food just sits in my stomach instead of rapidly moving through it, leaving to me experiencing a heavy feeling.

Eating only fruits all day alleviates that, but causes other health problems.

Interestingly, marijuana helps me become more in tune with my body’s signals, and I noted last night after smoking that my whole digestive system, from throat all the way down to colon, feels clogged up, and I think that contributes significantly to health problems.

I’m experimenting with more fiber in my diet to help unclog all this gunk that I feel. Animal products and fruits are the most easily digestible foods, but even confining myself within that spectrum still doesn’t speed up my digestion.

I am thus experimenting with increasing fiber in my diet through select foods. White rice and potatoes just clog the digestive piping right up. I will be experimenting with raw vegetables (can’t stand the carrot tho), corn, and beans. My aim is to provide bulk with the fiber, and then use sugar + protein + fat + caffeine as the handle to push it all through.

Every time I’ve consumed corn it’s always ended up in my stools, which leads me to believe it may be a good choice of food for this.

Any other experiences with speedin up digestion and de clogging the piping would be cool. I’m sick of feeling heavy all the time. The times when I’ve felt my digestion cleared through fasting has been a truly amazing feeling, and I felt so light and capable.

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
I think sluggish digestion and gut inflammation are tightly correlated, and I’ve noted that my digestion is slooooow. Food just sits in my stomach instead of rapidly moving through it, leaving to me experiencing a heavy feeling.

Eating only fruits all day alleviates that, but causes other health problems.

Interestingly, marijuana helps me become more in tune with my body’s signals, and I noted last night after smoking that my whole digestive system, from throat all the way down to colon, feels clogged up, and I think that contributes significantly to health problems.

I’m experimenting with more fiber in my diet to help unclog all this gunk that I feel. Animal products and fruits are the most easily digestible foods, but even confining myself within that spectrum still doesn’t speed up my digestion.

I am thus experimenting with increasing fiber in my diet through select foods. White rice and potatoes just clog the digestive piping right up. I will be experimenting with raw vegetables (can’t stand the carrot tho), corn, and beans. My aim is to provide bulk with the fiber, and then use sugar + protein + fat + caffeine as the handle to push it all through.

Every time I’ve consumed corn it’s always ended up in my stools, which leads me to believe it may be a good choice of food for this.

Any other experiences with speedin up digestion and de clogging the piping would be cool. I’m sick of feeling heavy all the time. The times when I’ve felt my digestion cleared through fasting has been a truly amazing feeling, and I felt so light and capable.
I feel it same but with nicotine, nicotine also speeds up bowels.


Feb 18, 2018
I feel it same but with nicotine, nicotine also speeds up bowels.

Ive begun smoking tobacco to positive effects.

My favorite herbal mixture is about a 80-20 tobacco- weed combo. Instantly makes me hyper aware of my body, without the negative cognitive decline and autistic effects of too much thc. It actually upps my motivation and drive, but the thc does increase add symptoms.

I want to begin messing with incense too. I think smell has a powerful effect of on our physiology. Every time I smell a certain perfume on a girl, it instantly increases my attraction and líbido by a lot. Food that smells good before I eat it increases mouth salivations, thus improving digestion. Finding a pleasant smelling incense I hope would be good for reading, writing, and playing music. Perhaps a combo of a focus incense plus my herbal mixture could make for some very productive creative states.
Jun 16, 2017
The best way to get rid of diabetes is high sugar low fat diet. This minimizes endotoxins and free fatty acids. There are many people who have cured their diabetes type 2 with this.

Prolonged Fasting Induces Peripheral Insulin Resistance, Which Is Not Ameliorated by High-Dose Salicylate
Fasting increases insulin resistance. It is not reversible with aspirin even.

There are tons of such studies. Free fatty acids probably cause type 2 in the first place due to pufas in the blood. High sugar low fat diets are the best thing.
I agree. Walter Kempner had a lot of success treating people with a very low fat diet, as and, as far as I know, he got good results even without using mineral supplements( I recall he used vitamin B1 and vitamin A and maybe a few others, but didn't always use these) or ditching starch. I can only imagine that he would have gotten even better results if he also used higher doses of vitamin B1, niacinamide, potassium bicarbonate, salt, magnesium, caffeine and vitamin K2 and favoured sugar a little more than starch. Vitamin E would be helpful too.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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